Thursday, July 15, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 12)

Dr. Savage,

Let me remind you one thing again. If you want to talk about UK, invite people from British National Party for interviews to comment on today's internal issues. Let them talk about their own country. I'm sure we'll hear things we don't know and it will bring some cooling to your feelings. Youtube Carlos Cartiglia.
Russians have 40 or more world criminals hiding in UK and the same so called "worried with ethics of words" government hiding them under their funny skirts and refusing to extradite them. Invite Mr. Putin to your program. I heard him saying this on Internet.
See another phony country called Switzerland who refuses to extradite Hollyweido's old pervert. I wonder why...??? Banking is still its first business, isn't it?
Did you hear what the sand-head with flower basket on it (Jay Leno's words) from UK said in UN? She said "among the poorest countries in the world were and are belong to commonwealth." So? Why she just shot up and stay home then? Who gives a foot about it anywhere anyway? Her grandchild, the one that her daughter-in-law said is from horseman, came to NY, threw a ball in a ball game to "fund-raise" money for Africa. Africa? Why he doesn't ask for some money from his own "royal" family who killed his mother? She was chosen for breeding purposes only, remember? His own elephant ear father said this publicly, not me. I wouldn't give your rat's ass to try to make up a thing like this.
Why any asinine creature in this country is falling for this psychosis? Give money for these criminals' phony causes because they come around to show their faces?
It's beyond me.
Let me talk about Mel Gibson.
When men or women are raising their hands, that abuse has started way, way before, unless it's a first time meeting and they're drugged up strangers.
Now, Mel is talented, he is not "loved" by most executives in Hollyweird, simply because they didn't finance his project, Passion of the Christ, he did it himself, hit the jackpot and they were jealous. Jealous men can get very vindictive. They can use every chance to destroy you.
The case against Mel is this: he left his wife and mother of his 7 children.
Went out not to just have fun and enjoy rest of the time, but decided to go for a bimbo. He chose not casual and honest for temporary fun, not serious and decent for LTR, but a bimbo, who already had a b..d from another one who didn't care to keep both of them around. Don't you see she has fake boobs, botoxed face (which effects brain) and no education? And, he breeded her anyway, remember?
Let me clarify by saying this, so I won't sound harsh, because I have a very loving heart for children who are always the innocent victims: if they pay for raising of their own children, they can call it a "love child" or anything cute they want. If taxpayers pays, then taxpayers can call anything they want, if the word is in dictionary. Fair? Good!
Case for Mel: compare with other Hollyweirdos, he is still better. He got caught and he'll pay, over and over and over and over again years to come for bimbo's meals and the other men' drinks, meals, drugs, sucks and underwear who later will lay with her in his own bed and in his own house. So he got himself royally screwed alright.
Bimbo was faking while wiretapping and running him crazy. Didn't you hear it from her "kitty" voice how she says "nothing, nothing" like in a comedy show. Go back, hear the tone. She used the same one on the first date and was ready to get laid even for McDonald's $1 burger just to sign him up for credit. She had 2 teeth knocked out by him while holding a baby in her hands? Isn't it called "endangering welfare of a child" if you put yourself into that type of situation while around children? This is not a little new teenage naive girl. This is a second time mother and a grown seasoned bimbo.
Either she purposely provoked the attack to have him locked up (or get paid to settle), or she is really mentally unfit to care for children. She can't logically assess the severity of dangerous situations around and display a protective instinct to prevent it from happening as a mother.
Do you know how a person should be mentally compromised to go to a doctor to have her skin cut with a knife, put balloons under her chest, have poison injected on her face and go out smiling? Let alone unthinkably despicable material she has filed her lips with. Do you know where it comes from? I'll explain this later. What's in her mind?
Ask Dr. Phil "what and who do you thing she's looking for and what should you watch out for as a normal man (if that might be the case)? There... you have it!
These both are not innocent, kids are the victims, but Mel was set up in this particular case. Let him pay, close the case.
Next I'll talk about religious conflicts and immigration issue.
So long.
