Tuesday, July 13, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 11)

Dr. Savage,

I'm listening and don't know how to say this in polite way. Stop boohooing, will you?
It's not like you to worry about the letter from Cameron. What did you expect? You had some hope that things might change in UK so fast? OK, fine, you did, now you don't. So what? What changed in your life? In Teddy's life? Anyone's that you find important? It's just another day.
Let me tell you why you're still wasting energy on this. I understand how you feel, and it's terrible, but because you haven't been in UK for a long time, you don't know the reality. They are FINISHED. Sorry to break this news for you, but western civilization is terminally ill. What's the remedy? I know the remedy, but they don't ask my opinion and their weak souls wouldn't dare to do and use what's necessary anyways. They got caught with their own liberal lies.
You haven't been in UK for over 26 years, right? You still have old impressions and imagination following all these years. It's a different world and it's different Europe.
Now, if you even go, nothing you'll find worth wasting time and money on. You'll regret you did it.
Years to come, you're going to be proud that they had your name on ban. Not on the same list with those others, which is insane by itself, but just for the ban.
You're a lucky man and you should be very proud that you have listener like myself. None of those bozos who don't want you around can compare to me, to your other listeners like me and worth to be around us. And we'll remember this. "What goes around, comes around" remember? This comes from Sanskrit and it's a Karma thing.
It has been proven for ages.
You have millions of listeners, educated and smart. One day one of them will be in charge of such decision making and will put those bozos' names on our list. How about that?
I wish that you'll put this to rest with this thought in mind as much as you can and talk more about how we save this country. Fortunately we still have a chance in here. Let's work on it, invest time in it, shall we?
First thing I'd ask from you is to stop badmouthing other conservative talk show hosts.
Is this possible? Why they don't invite you to FoxNews? Because you call them names. Is this simple enough, or not? Would you invite anybody to your show who calls you names?
They don't badmouth you, did you notice? They do their work, everybody contributes their own way to the cause. Although I don't agree with everything everyone of them says, including yourself, and I don't need to, I believe in their sincere patriotism as yours.
My dream is to bring all of you around a table one bright sunshiny day and make you get along and have fun. Wow! What a dream for me. Is this too much to ask?
It sure will require some new sort of unusual earthly forces supported with heavenly power.
You should congratulate Rush Limbaugh on his marriage. Nothing to be arrogant, condescending or jealous about it. He can afford what he does and he pays the price every time. He knows. He takes his chances anyway.
Be a mensch.
You don't like the pianist he invited and paid a million dollars? So what, who cares? I play piano better than him. You get married, I'll play at your party. Fair? Life is short, take it easy, doc.
So long.
P.S. On his program Rush (yes, I listen to him too) said that the number (the amount of $M) wasn't correct. He didn't say if it was more or less.
