Friday, December 30, 2016

To Michael Savage Dec. 30th, Friday


Wee hours.
Yesterday was a big day in 5 years of Syrian terrible conflict. Turning point finally arrived - ceasefire brokered by Russia.
Fighting sides decided to stop, thank God. Three important documents were signed;
1st about stopping the fire, 2nd about control over the situation, 3rd about negotiations for maintaining the peace process.
Putin said that they were waiting for this for several years and he was happy for Syrian people, at The deal became possible after Lavrov worked with Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers.

Another big news is that O is tripping. Big time. After imposing more economic sanctions against Russia a few days ago, yesterday he gave order 35 Russian diplomats to get out of US and
blaming them for spying. Maybe they were maybe they weren't, who knows?
I'm sure that both sides are spying on each other all the time.
Remember when Medvedev was the President of Russia and O took him to fast food restaurant and they had burgers? Media called it "burger summit." Couple of days after that "groovy" meeting, O "found out" that there were some spies and rounded them up, gave them 72 hours to leave, then Medvedev rounded up US spies in Moscow and ship them right back to us. hahahaha !!!

O is vacationing in Hawaii now and spoke from there threatening Russia with more sanctions and retaliatory measure against "hacking" the election.
Against hacking accusations, which RF strongly denied, Putin asked a simple Q; "do we also hacked elections of US House of Representatives and Senate?"

I personally think that these days of communications and technology having a clandestine "intelligence workers" is waste of taxpayers' money on both sides. Especially for Russians, whose economy is effected by western sanctions. Those are people who have strong connections in high places and get those jobs to hang around and get handsomely paid.
Why Russia even needs 35 or more diplomats in the US? What are they doing? One Churkin can't push back psychical attack of ugly-n-obnoxious Samantha-powers right there around that stupid looking round table.
I can't represent Russia, I'm an American, but I'd like to face up with her when all the world cameras are broadcasting live. She should try to come close and run elbows with me. See what happens.
Penal law says that if someone charges at you in hostile manner and encroaches your personal space, which is a foot around your body, you have right to retaliate and push that person back.

In the meantime search for wreckage and the bodies of Tu-154 crushed plane in Black sea is continuing non-stop. 19 bodies are recovered. So far examination of 2 black boxes showed that
the take off was really short lived, it took only a minute or so for the plane to go down. It was flying approximately 250 meters high. Recovery effort will continue even on New Year's Eve and Day.
3:04am GN

1:00pm, Actions of O expelling Russian diplomats and shutting down 2 houses that were and still are belonged to the government of RF Putin called counter-productive and didn't find constructive to retaliate in the same manner. Lavrov, in the other hand was recommending "mirroring" action and expelling 35 of US diplomatic personnel to get even.
At the contrary, in the spirit of holiday season and hope for better days for relations between our countries ahead, Putin invited children of American diplomats to New Year celebration party in Kremlin, at 
At 1:41min. Lavrov says that they can't leave this latest trick by American government without adequate answers and that the buildings are the diplomatic properties of RF and were designated for diplomats children to camp at their vacation times. They were used as "dachas" (meaning summer houses).
Putin said that returning home Russian diplomats will spend their Holidays with their family and loved ones and that's no reason to be upset.
O's declaration is on site, and Putin's on
Of course, low-life CNnN (as Diomond and Silk called it, hahaha), spewed stupidity as always, saying that Anglo-American school in Moscow, which diplomats kids attend, is shut down by Russian government. "Nothing is further from the truth," Putin said, "it's closed, because they're on vocation."

[That's the MAN I'm talking about! Putin came out as a bigger person. He took the high road. Those kids will not ever forget that celebration. I know what they called and how they ran. It's so much fun, such great live music, Santa will come with his assistant, a young lady called "snegurochka" (showgirl), who helps him to distribute the gifts, kids will sing and dance around the Christmas tree, singing to it and some other nice things in life.
I missed it so much; the colors, sounds and smell of the evergreen at New Year is unbelievable.
Russian Orthodox Christmas is in Jan. 6th, by Julian calendar.
On his part, PM Medvedev condemned O's last minute actions and wished his work to RIP.

Not Mrs. O. but Putin can rightfully say "when they go down, we go high." O's desperate attempt to reminds himself as President at the last days of his reign is so obvious, I almost feel sorry for him. It's called "insecurity." He hates Putin with all the bones in his body and tries to make as much damage as he can in order to make upcoming President's work as hard as possible. How can you shut down or close somebody else's house? Shouldn't the matter go to court first? Did it go? What was the statute under which it was possible, What's the proof? Some drwoings on the paper O showed to media? Wow! That's some deep sh.t!]

More at O's "lame duck" behavior toward RF, at 
Dr. S.F.Cohen was on Fox news with TuckerKarlson and express worries about O's expression that "secretive dangerous measures will follow."  At 3:12min. "What does he mean by that? Irritate Russia is dangerous, you know?" Dr. Cohen said.  Good for him, he should work for Trump. He twice voted for O though, that's where he wasn't right.

Trump took on Twitter and laughed at MSM for not reporting the real news regarding new sanctions against Russia.
Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools - funny to watch, they don't have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it!

"I knew he was smart," Trump said about Putin.

So long.

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