Friday, September 9, 2016

To Michael Savage Sep. 9th, Friday


You just opened the show with rock-n-roll Friday theme song.
Soros is pushing for online voting and you call him a white trash. There is an epidemic of harassment against white students and you say that we have to fight to stop it, no matter who wins the election.
You're drinking espresso with lemon and enjoying it on the air, sip, sip, lol.
Larry King is a fraud who set up Trump, you say. The interview was over the phone and Trump thought it was for LK's podcast, but it ended up on Did he ask all Qs, if yes, were they answered properly? I assume he didn't ask everything, didn't sign a contract, he's busy, he's not an expert in handling snakes in the media no matter which one and where. He wasn't in the studio, he was on the phone maybe in his bathroom. ??? Now the snakes are all over him. He needs a handler like me.
Look at crazy looking Paul Ryan. He couldn't stay away and not to badmouth. I think that bozo has too much time in his hand and has nothing better to do than show off his oversized ears and weird looking eyes. Look how his eyes are widening on and off when he's talking. I used to know someone who was bulging his eyes while talking and he committed suicide. I know for a fact that that's a symptom of a serious neurological and mental problem.
The entire congress should be dissolved, the new ones should have entire health check up done by randomly chosen doctors on live TV! Psyche too! What about that?
Oh, by the way, recent survey showed that 71% of doctors who were asked about H's coughing and other symptoms, said that she's too sick to be fit.
Hillary is bulging her eyes too, more and more increasingly. Look at this idiotic apperence, at 
Pay attention to her crooked fingers. Her bones are no good either. She's crumbling physically, caught-choking on her own lies.
Check this clip called "H.Clinton, a career criminal;" at
Is she high in here or what? at
Is she also wearing an earpiece? at 
To combat the lucifer who is giving her the answers, in future debates Trump needs to use a jammer.
Bz,bzz, bzzzz....

"Scorched Earth" is #1 on Amazon before it's published. :)

Kerry and Lavrov are in  now Geneva and already spoke for 9 hour. Not finished yet.
North Korea let loose a scary bomb again and UN has to get together to decide what to do about it. Hydergine bomb test was done on this January. This is how they advertised, reported and how they see their actions, at They say that it's for their protection from US's hostile attitude and policies against their country.
Korean gov. said that the recent one was a test with nuclear warhead, at, also
at Some shaking of earth, 5.3 magnitude to be precise, was detected close to the site of the test.

Trump was in Pensacola, FL today, huge crowds, full event and speech at It's 2 hours long, he starts at 48th minute into the tape.

I found a clip complying funny moments from president's lives from around the world. Hilarious, must watch for an uncontrollable belly laugh, at
Compare Putin's and O's arrival in China for G20 summit.

So long.

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