Monday, June 27, 2016

To Michael Savage June 27th, Monday


You started your show talking about Brexit and your commentary of it on Friday.
Yes, I know it's going to be lots of work to undo what was set up politically and economically between UK and EU, but should I be a Brit, I'd want that too.
Brussels is messy, dangerous, over-bureaucratic, etc. See, that's the problem with everything big in politics. Most of the time things can become a problem even with a middle man, let alone many other governments in between. If de-unification of Europe happens without civil war that would be good.
It couldn't work and will not work.
You're right, we know that UK has a little more strict security laws than EU, so why London has to ask Brussels or Berlin what to do with themselves? On top of it while on the phone asking for agreement or permission Brussels can be bombed again. What's then?
While most of the money for their security is paid by the US, they hang around and milk it under the name NATO. What if Trump becomes a President and cuts that sh.t short? Then what?
I can go on and on with this, but don't want to.

Also you talked about clashes in Sacramento yesterday. When I tried to read the story, sentences didn't make sense to me. They were so fuzzy, right then and there I knew that tricks of the trade in the MSM make people to believe that the opposite happened.  I didn't even try to figure it out.

Then you talked about yesterday's pride parade. Hill-billy with Billy-de-Blasio was running on the first line of it in NYC.
The good news of the day so far is the apology of Erdogan to Putin for killing the Russian pilot on the air of Syria. Initially they said that the plane encroached the Turkish Air for 17 seconds. BS!


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