Sunday, June 12, 2016

To Michael Savage June 12th, Sunday


Look at, see how goofy-pocahonta threw crooked-H under the bus in 2004 on TV.
This too at about crooked aired on Foxnews. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch says that she might be indicted.
To me this email business is so cuckooey that every time I hear about it I get more Qs than answers.

Trump's birthday is after tomorrow. He was born June 14th, 1946. We're Geminis.
You should have him on on your Tuesday show and congratulate him.
70 year is a milestone, he needs to celebrate with his family.

At 3:50 min. of interview with Judge Jeanine, at, Trump calls media "disgusting." I love it.

I found these at, 
interesting and truthful, but still they're not calling things by their real names. Too polite.

Horrible news from Orlando, FL; 49 people are dead and more than 30 wounded in a gay nightclub by a home grown vermin who called 911 and pledged legions to .S.L. There is conflicting information about him also being gay, because he was frequent guest in that club for many years.
I'm sure MSM will do everything to mud the waters on this story as it already did with crazy-muslim psychiatrist N. Hasan story who massacred 13 and injured more than 30 in Fort Hood Army base in 2009.

In his birthday Trump is going to be in Greensboro, NC, holding a rally. The man is a workaholic for real. This shows how much he's into this campaign. I give it to him.
I'd stay home with my family and sleep in my bed. It's 70th - a milestone. I winder if his wife and kids are going to be with him that day.

I'm sure the left will yell and scream about taking guns out of everyone's hands and O will bent over to his constituency as always.

In the meantime, in France, at UEFA Euro 2016, passions and riots of football fans are raging.
Especially British soccer thugs are on the top of exhibiting the 'beauty' of their historic-national sports culture by causing havoc all over the port city of Marceille. They instigated brawls with Russians. French organizers and authorities blamed both, but they're wrong. It's not in Russian culture to cause disturbance in sporting events. You should see the reports from the streets to believe it.

So long.

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