Monday, March 16, 2015

To Michael Savage March 16th, Monday all day


In Pakistan 2 Catholic Churches were bombed during the Sunday services. So far 14 killed and 70 injured.
Yes, I watch the rest of the world besides Ukraine and Russia Just don't have time to elaborate about everything going on which bothers me.

This news I really liked; look at Cat Morris at, he is back!
Isn't it nice?

Before going into heavy news, I'd like to mention that I was aware of the fake "panic" by the masters of Yellow Journalism who were writing different "hypotheses" about Putin's whereabouts for last week. They even wrote that he was in Switzerland tending to the birth of his "Love Child."
Mistery to be told by idiots (who could go to his official site on Internet and see all his schedule), but I'll tell you the truth; I'd like the idea of him having a baby. Yes! Why not?
He's officially divorced, his children are grown and on their own, so what seems to be the problem?

I read so many false, vile, lowlife things written about this man, that my opinion of American journalism is already gone from point of zero to minus infinity.
I see much more professional and highly intellectual political debates on Russian media than I see anywhere in here.
Russia definitely has its 5th column, which is supported from here. Somehow those who badmouth him come to America as they pleased, travel around, run their mouths more and still survive.
Well, well, our Nato ally Turkey has a LAW saying that anyone who insult and/or degrades "turkishness" will be prosecuted and jailed. Under Turkishness you can assume million things. Anything against anybody could be taken as an insult and if that person is in any official administrative position (or a private individual) can sue and have that person punished.

Why Russia don't take the same law and adopt it? Putin means Russia, Russia = Putin, right? Right! The law should say this "any insult, vicious rumor, callings of vile actions against the President of RF can and will be taken as an insult to the state and its security and will be punishable by jail time."
I guess the number of the law the Turks have on the book is 321, if I'm not mistaken.
Look who is Putin's opposition, look at their bios, their connections, mindset, attitude, morality, the behavior, etc. Most of them don't work, they're paid by unknown and act like members of "rent-a-mob" club. How all over sudden American media pays attention to them. It amazes me. Unless they're all recruited by us, I don't see how they can contact American verminic media and the presstitutes so easily, like they're on their speed dials. I can go to midtown today and ask to personally see someone in charge at AP about the news from Eastern Europe. You think I can come across someone? I don't think so.
Why don't I write a letter to the CEO and tell you the result. 99.99% it's going to be no answer at all.
If I'd get to Times Square and hold a placard or scream sometimes, do you think anybody will pay attention? I don't believe so. I can do it in front of NYTimes. All the ugly people come out of there wouldn't not be interested about anything whatsoever. None!
If I'd say similar things (that so called "opposition" says against Putin), against our el-jefe, I'll be arrested right then and there. No Q in my mind.
Do you see the picture?
In the meantime anyone who is interested can check all info. at and

Boy, I missed Moscow so much... Today should be a wonderful day for spring weather wise. I'd not like the cold winter in there, but summers are nice. Especially out of Moscow city limits called Podmoskovye in Russian. There are so many old, big, gorgeous dachas (summer houses) in there surrounded by forest and huge, majestic, old trees. There is so much history and culture in there.
You have to be there to experience the feel. Hard to describe.

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