Tuesday, January 13, 2015

To Michael Savage Jan. 13th, 2015, Tuesday


I listened to first part of your show today. You still were talking about Paris and lib. US media and O's not going there, etc.
In the meantime, the worse type of t.r.r in eastern Ukraine sponsored  by western world and USA in is intensifying. Republics of DNR and LNR are blaming Kiev government for sabotaging temp. peace and ceasefire agreement brokered by OSCE. The latter is reporting dozens of violations of terms in those regions. It's at 1tv.ru/news/polit/275588, Berlin meeting didn't yield any results, besides deciding to "consult further." For now another meeting scheduled at 15th of Jan. in Astana already looks like a lost cause. By the opinion of Russian side (at www.mid.ru) it's because authorities in Kiev refuse to talk to people in Southeastern parts of their own country. Lavrov said that any progress can be made only when Kiev starts talking to their own people directly. When people of east can feel as full citizens and become part and partners of the political process.
Who benefits from this conflict? This is the Q. Political commentators expalining that the problem is that Kiev is not running itself, it's a puppet of the west and USA. After the visit of the head ofCIA Kiev sent troops to East. After those troops were de facto defeated, west decided to announce a "ceasefire." Then Biden went there; sat at the top of the table, looked and acted as a boss talking to subordinates (3:14min). Then things got worse; according to UN numbers there are already about 5000 civilian deaths. As of today pro-war parties and forces are only getting stronger in Kiev.
Andrei Purgin says that just the presence of privately funded military groups who do not obey any central commend is making impossible to stop or control the situation on the side of Kiev. "Those unruly battalions are defining today's politics in the region," - he says.

At 1tv.ru/news/world/275589 you'll see that there was a shelling of a bus going from Donetsk to Mariupol. 10 people died right there, one more in hospital. So called "Nat'l Guard" is there doing those things, say locals. Only last 2 weeks in Donbass more than 40 civilians are dead.

I'm going to listen to Dr. Cohen tonight. Hope you do too.

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