Saturday, May 3, 2014

To Michael Savage (post 125)


You want a news, I've got the news for you.
Friday in Odessa, Ukraine, which have been home of many Jews, in a result of storming the Home of Union building in the center by the mob from Kiev, more than 40 people are dead, about 200 wounded and the city is in 3 day mourning. You can see details of this atrocity which locals are calling of genocide. This what fascists did, and those who are doing it today are the carriers of their ideology.
Check = 596014. Also @starlet737
To me this is even worse than fascistic, at least Nazis were doing against "others" in their sick mind, but these ultra nationalist scumbags are doing against their OWN. How you can name this? I'm speechless. It makes me sick to look at the news and I'm doing this day and night. I can't stop, I feel bad to turn this thing off.
Now it's after 2am on Saturday the 2nd.
May the 1st holiday, the Labor Day was big in there and it was 2 days off. The 1st people went to parades, the 2nd people rejoiced, walked outside, visited each other, organized picnics and parties, etc.
It called "mayovka." That's how it was in Soviet time. Look what's going on now?
As Dr. Phil may ask; "how is capitalism working for you"?
There were good things at the time i was growing up in socialism, believe it or not. Was no war, almost no crime, doors were open, social life was beautiful, people were happy to see each other and
to be together. Most adults were married, 100% literacy, free education, etc.

Just watched the address of Churkin at UN Security Council on Friday condemning the slaughter in Odessa. Find at  --- = 595956.
Heard the answer of US's witch also. She looks like a witch, talks like a witch, priorly physically almost attacked Churkin (you can see the photos) while the latter was siting on his chair. She used to be a "journalist" or as they say about those a "blood sniffer."  News is a bad news, bloody it is, more "work" they get, more money they make, that's her 2nd nature. That's what she was trained for in institutions of lower learning and the pipe of corporate America. Now she is working for government.
WOW, that's some character right there.
To see what kind of people are running the show from Kiev, who are they associated and related to, check the clip at = 595939. Vladimir Rogov, who was the council for the minister of education of Ukraine tells about those characters in charge now.

The only thing I see unacceptable on the side of Russia is that they can't make their info. hit the fan. They don't have massive world class info. tool. There is who is full of young women, who don't have the heavy weight status. American drum is one sided and monotonic. They say whatever they want or their bosses expect of them. The 3rd WW can break out any time now. I won't be surprised. One more incident can cause a chain reaction.
For example; after the massacre of Odessa, if Putin's cousin is among dead, wouldn't he send solders to protect their own families there? The news of that will let loose American soldiers in Eastern Europe and in Baltic republics. A few Americans dead, more Americans sent, then more Russian Army men
move in and, there goes the neighborhood! never in my life I could imagine to see Russians and Ukrainians fight against each others. Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians are the same people. Their ancestors are buried together for the same causes over and over against other enemies. Those enemies today used the almighty money to make this trouble. Those scumbags in Kiev are the rats who gone berserk while running after piece of cheese, ready to step and chow their young. That's how I see it.

Now the time is 3:20am already, I'm still reading, on mayor of Slavyansk said that 10 peaceful local residents have been killed in Slavyansk in the result of night shootings.
Attack on Slavyansk A Russian woman is crying to the skies asking God to help to stop the madness, while Ukrainian soldier dragging the wounded man telling that he'll put him into meat grinder.
In Slavyansk neo-nazis after dusk started coming out of woods from all sides of the town, taking over the streets, got really close to the building where the local self-defense group men are located and the head of the group Panamaryov told the reporter on the phone that they're already getting gunshots at the windows.
You have to speak the language to understand who is who and what's going on. Locals were saying that hey were hearing foreign languages among the solders coming into town.
I don't see anyone asking for help from Russia. They should start screaming and bagging for it. Their pride shouldn't stand on their way of survival. Only Russia can save these people. I don't see any other way of reconciliation from this point.   ==== /946520/  ====/946518/  ====/946519/.
Check @NTVRU
I can link the sites, that would be much easier for me and my readers, but I made a decision not to do it when I started, because if I decide to change anything in design of the site it will get lost. Also posted videos and photos and other all sorts of bells and whistles.
That's why I keep it simple and i like it this way.
The time is already 4:15 am and I'm not sleepy yet, which is very bad.
9 min. ago posted on =====/946677.
No doubt this is the hand of the West, wow, perverts managed to push Ukraine into civil war for their own financial gain. Look at their cronies and lackeys, look at their faces. Your grandchild will see them in history books much later marked as a scum of the earth who ignited WWIII.

Things are getting worse by the hour. Gene is out of the bottle and rapidly spreading death and destruction. My eyes are burning. It should be midday over there. Hope peaceful people can survive.
In 2014 such a disconnection in communication in the world and demagogy of western politics called "the last best hope" of humanity. Yeah, right! Only prayer can help, if that. It's 4:45am.

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