Monday, May 12, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 130)


You just started your show talking about the Pope calling for redistribution of wealth and helping pour.
Catholics own the most real estate in Manhattan. They certainly won't help me, should I need them.
So not interested and I will switch to news reports from the other side of the world.
In Southeastern Ukraine things are happening, both good and bad depend on your take.
Good news was dominant yesterday in Eastern Europe and Russia, commemorating 69th anniversary of the Victory over Nazis. May 9th is still the biggest secular holiday in that area.
There were glorious parades in 400 cities of Russia. In Moscow 69 military air crafts took the skies and show a masterful performances, which would make every nation proud, should they have the same. They were flying in perfect order like a handmade jewelry pieces moving in the air.
Biggest and happiest for last 2 decades were in Crimea. It revived the happiness of being remembered and appreciated again and also was in atmosphere of togetherness and belonging where it used to be and should be. There were 3 types of parades in Hero City of Sevastopol; ground, air and sea. It was beautiful.
The city of Sevastopol has a special history. Its every square meter is saturated with blood shed for its Russian, Slavic and Christian heritage. In WWII it was so horribly bombarded by Fascists, you wouldn't believe your eyes. So called "civilized European nation" allies were devastating another Christian nation's holy places with fire and hell coming down from sky. Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians are THE SAME people - genetically, anthropologically, racially, religiously, culturally, historically. I wouldn't even know the difference unless Ukrainian speaks Ukrainian and says that he/she considers being "Ukrainian." That's the same language, just another dialect. It's much closer to Russian, than English to French or Hebrew to Yiddish. These nations are more mixed as families than Indians between their casts, religious and none-religious Jews, Blacks and Whites and Blacks and Hispanics in America, even Germans with Austrians.
You should hear how the latter curse each other out in their own places.
Some western parts of today's Ukraine at some times during history were belong to Poland, some to Romania or whatever. When USSR freed whose places from Nazis, they drew the line and a border and those who were Nazi sympathizers who lived there went underground with their ideology and hid their
sour puss souls in dark basements.
The truth is, after 1991 collapse of USSR, small group of nationalist who were Nazi sympathizers (or even collaborators) gradually started sticking their heads out of caves and spreading around rejection and hostility against Russians (or Soviets all together) in the name of "nationalism."
Don't ever believe, no matter what they write in their school textbooks, that real Nazis went away and forgot about their defeat. They were actively preparing for this day for long 69 years. They were influencing and financing the elements who would get against their own people, their own fellow citizens and brethren. Yes! Remember when Germany lost in WWI? What happened? They signed the paper and went their marry ways? Hell not! They were preparing for WWII. And they did it, didn't they?

I personally don't think that so called "nationalism" its a bad thing or a bad idea. Q is "in which ways?"
If is boosts your feelings of patriotism, aspiring to achieve more things than others, showing the world your accomplishments, being happy that your nation is more prosperous under your ideology, more successful, show example of fairness kindness to others - I'm all for it! If I say "American is the best place," believe me lots of minorities in NYC who were born here or came here will disagree and call me bad names. All I'm saying it's depend how to use it and for what reason.
After collapse of USSR, Russians militarily came out from many countries, such as Germany, Afghanistan,
Cuba, some Arab and African countries, etc. Instead America is still all over, seems never can run out of wars (Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt by proxy, Syria by proxy, Yemen by proxy, you name it, they got it) and is still in those areas where they were sharing influence with USSR, such as Germany, in other NATO ally countries.
While new republics emerged from former Soviet Union and lived and worked through tremendous hardship to put pieces together, create new type of political and economic systems, West wasn't just watching or "helping." Oh no! It was robbing those areas out of their resources like no tomorrow. Through 2 Sheremetyevo Airports blood of Russian existence as a country was being socked out. Not only material resources, but intellectual resources. Many who couldn't survive came out of their to America and the EU.
I'm one of those.
But... Things were happening back there and countries were pulling themselves together; people were learning capitalism, global marketing and economy, psychology, etc. With advancement of technology and English they're becoming part of the fast moving successful part of the world. There is a new generation who doesn't know who Lenin was. I don't think that's a good idea all together, I'm just saying the facts.
Yes, oil and gas has been a breadwinner for Russian Federation for last couple of decades and just buying it can't possibly satisfy grandchildren of Nazis. Warsaw pact members went their separate ways, but NATO? Oh, no, it's just growing and advancing to East again. EU, which I'd qualify as "Germany, Inc." don't bail out its own member countries who are the verge of economic collapse, but all over sudden is in "LOVE" with thugs in the street who fire, destroy, kill and overthrow buildings, people and  their "legitimately" elected (by Western standards and their "observers") government causing chaos.
What you think Deutsche-tran is looking at after whose pictures full of Slavic bodies, no matter which family they belonged to? She is looking to the sky to her Nazi grandfather's soul and drinks beer rejoicing, saying "see big daddy, I've done it for you, you couldn't do with bombs, I'm doing it with money." Even America plays this dangerous game with those "great unwashed." It gives money first to influence others, and if money doesn't work, it sends tanks and plans.
Unfortunately in this particular case the US seem not to remember or care or value that they were allies with Soviets during that despicable atrocity against humanity.
What can I say more? Just one woman's opinion.
The Eastern and Southern Ukraine which historically has been and still is ethnically Russian, decided not to go with the same story again. They're politically ignored, economically oppressed, socially dismissed, even their language prohibited, Victory day of their ancestors (some still alive) has been eliminated, etc.
How much one can bare? It would be me, I'd run away. That's what "refuge status" is for in American Immigration. That could be a solution for a person, but not the whole people. There are millions of them, where are they going to go, fly on the moon? They have been there, they're still there and working and feeding the rest of Ukraine and they WILL be there. They just trying to put pieces together for their future existence. They already had a certain autonomy as regions, but now they want to decide their future and future of their kids by governing themselves. Two of those regions - Donetsk and Lugansk decided to do it before more problems in Kiev's witch brew can ruin their lives more. Guess what they decided to do to express themselves? Yes, the same thing "THE WEST" told them is the only way to go - the referendum!
What else is more precious than voice your opinion, right. Oh, yeah, of course, unless some of their "friends" don't do that and wouldn't even discuss it with them. You know what I'm talking about.
Democracy, yeah baby, yeah, what else can be more precious to human kind? Nothing, nothing, nothing, never, never, never, like my parrot says.
Let me tell you something; this so called "democracy" practiced in the US and particularly in "safe heaven" city of New York, made me NOT EVER VOTE FOR ANYBODY!!!
And I really, seriously, wholeheartedly consider myself one of the most valuable citizens of this country, after those who gave their lives to keep us safe.
So, last months, seeing what I see on the Int'l news and intellectualizing through more filters of knowledge, education, experience that I happen to have over average American, I saw Crimea (I never have been there) went to its legal owner and caretaker and is in good hands now and yesterday, Sunday, May 11th, Donetsk and Lugansk were able to pull through their referendums. last a few day I don't do much of anything but follow the world media. The way I saw it happening in entire day, I haven't seen in here. It was really "legal."
People had to have their passports to sign next to their preregistered and printed out names to be able to vote. Passport is the main document in there which has a stamp of address of residency.
In one of the poling places there where almost the whole world media; Japan, Nederlands, Germany, Australia, you name it. There are also "independent" reporters or so called bloggers, who go around and talk to people. One of them that I saw made me suspicious of his intentions. He speaks Russian and I assume he is of of those Sheepshead bay types who goes for only money. He was speaking Russian to people on the streets then translating in English the way he wanted. I wouldn't suggest that scumbag go to Saudi, Yemen or other such places to do the same BSing.
Yesterday was a tumultuous day for the people of those regions. In one of the towns called Krasnoarmeysk, Kiev's military thugs blocked the doors for poling place and opened fire on unarmed people killing 2 and injuring many.
I pray everyday for the end of this conflict. I don't have a  drop of Slavic blood in my veins, never have been in Ukraine. I also pray for Putin's patience. He contently offered peace to west of his borders. They're so pissed off by that, they don't know what to do and pushing their luck.
Just one Q; what if his cousin died today, unarmed, shot on the street or his friends' families are victim of this organized violence and asking him to do something about it?

I tweeted lots of clips @Starlet737.
To be sure that it's true that America already sent 400 troops INTO that area of Ukraine (besides many 100's in Eastern Europe) to help the thugs, watch this: Also

So long.

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