Sunday, December 13, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec.13th, Sunday


Today was an unusually mild weather in NYC for this time of the year. The end of next week will feel like a usual mid-December. Climate summit deal is so out of range of my interests, I can't even start telling you. It was "warming," then was proven that it was "cooling," now it's "changing. Changing in which way? Nobody knows. The whole thing for the big shots is to arrange another big
bottomless batch of piggy bank and shove it around the way they want. That's all.
Am I against clean environment? Yes, of course. I personally can't tolerate smoke and detest smokers no matter who and where they are. That's just a beginning. All the toxic chemical productions should be regulated and strictly controlled and shut down fast if need to be. I'd put much stronger punishment for those whose action cause forest fires, would shot down production of products made by chemicals which are overwhelming the volume of trash and don't deteriorate quickly and safely.
I have many of those things in my mind.   **************  
I can go on and on on this, but those who tell the world "climate is changing," let's get together to pull a shenanigan, is too much for me to follow.
Look at those faces who are ecstatically clapping themselves. Any of them is a scientist?

Now the evening news from Russia.
At, report says that Turkish boat was coming close to Russian military weasel, which was anchored (very important factor) by a Greek Island, and didn't answer to multiple calls of communication. When it got within 600 meters, Russians opened a warning shot.
Only after that turks turned around and left.
Why was this provocation done?
By the predictions of one big shot Russian politician (who has been very good in his prognoses of outcomes of events for decades), big war is looming at the horizon, because Int'l community is not helping Russians to get rid of .S.L. All the big players, near and far, from Turkey to the US are wheeling and dealing on it.
[Very true, I agree. There are concrete examples.]

At Putin gave a strict order to destroy anything which comes close to Russian forces in and around Syria, on Black and Mediterranean Seas.
Results of military operation in Syria Putin discussed with the board of Ministry of Defense.

In France only Marine Le Pen seems to have pair of cojones; at 

After the attack in Homs, Syria (at and the letter Assad sent to UN expressing his "surprise" by silence of international Community, at Security Council of UN the US
stopped the mentioning of those facts and after 24 hours didn't even go back to it;

I checked your book at Barnes and Noble in UWS. It's in there, on the first table on the left.

So long.

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