Friday, June 20, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 152)


Please check clips on Twitter @Starlet737. These clips are from official sources of war-zone in Balkans. Real documentaries. American media doesn't show any of it.
@Starlet737 is absolutely none-commercial, it's anonymous, even comments from readers are not allowed. It's not a discussion forum. I do this as a citizen and long time listener of your show. One person's opinion, that all.

Today you're talking about immigration. Now at 5:20 pm, you said it's "rock and roll" Friday.
You talked about erased emails and destroyed computer hard-drives by government's smarty paints employees. The art of using meaningless words by bureaucrats in DC has reached its pick. Freud would be learning from speech writers in DC.

Now you're talking about NY Post's front page looking like soft p.rn and Murdoch saying immigrants are OK. You're right, we're not talking about "immigrants" we're talking about invaders.
You should find out what news agencies are reporting as if Americans need more people and need them right now. That's why they're sending their kids over here, so they can follow them later.

You have a good lawyer, do your investigative homework, find out those agencies and sue them for all they're worth for "misinformation causing unrest and harming the American society."
Take it to Hague or bring it here - to NYC.

Now, terrible news from Balkans. Check the clip at 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10.
On twitter @ Starlet737 the 261404 is #469th tweet. I'm pointing out by number knowing that you can't read Russian. Get someone who can translate, please. We're talking about innocent victims, including children. This info. amazingly can not be found in US media.
At is about 80 Ukrainian solders who were fighting for central government switched their alliances by crossing the Russian border and asked for refuge. Tweet #470.

Oligarchs in UA are paying, recruiting and forming their own militia groups, which have nothing to do with government forces. is one of the most known ones. Soon there will be chaos in the battlefield where solders will not only kill their half brothers, but their own forces in combat. Hear this: to give out bodies of Russian solders (which very well could be ethically Ukrainian fighting for their towns in east), Kiev's forces were asking $5000 (five thousand dollars) for a body.
Can you get a grasp of this? In the place where people got less than $100 a month, yes - a month, working in mines and paying most taxes from entire country to Kiev, now have to buy their sons' bodies with money they haven't seen in their lives. Bounty of $50000 (yes, fifty thousand) is placed for each dead person in combat.

If Russia doesn't get involved very soon and put no fly zone over the Eastern Ukraine, which would be the first absolutely necessary step to prevent from further escalation, this can become something uncontrollable and unpredictable.
Why am I saying this? To me this is an artfully crafted and directed by the West wreaking havoc on Slavic nations show. Most Ukrainians don't want it, all Russians don't want it, how and why did this happened?
B.d.n's son needed a job?
War monger contractors' relatives ran out of money?
Look at this clip to see in west Ukrainian mothers of soldiers are standing as human shield in front of traffic to prevent the convoys with soldiers from leaving for war zone in East.
It's at

So long.

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