Monday, April 21, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 116)


Just keeping you posted.
Ukraine is still boiling, right and left, West and East.
After Geneva truce agreement, Kiev thugs attacked volunteer check point in cities of Slavyank, Lugansk, etc. Especially after Holy Saturday night attack people in the East can't trust the West.
2 of their young men between 20 - 30 were killed close to the forest, 2 others in their 50's were brutally beaten and their friend was kidnapped. No medication deliveries are getting to pharmacies
from Ukraine and insulin shortage can be fetal for some, including children.
Also OSCE reps are there and see what's going on. But why is it not reported in Western media in general like here, I'll leave for you interpretation.
So called representatives of local gov. offices can't be found, most of them were appointed by Kiev or connected to it. So people are promoting and authorizing people from within. For example unlike Russian and America in Ukraine they appoint governors. Most, if not all of them were oligarchs who were sent by Kiev. In Donetsk people appointed their own man named Pavel Gubarev, who is arrested and detained with no news about him. Another city's mayor, a woman deciphered, etc.
Geneva said to disarm to everybody and leave the occupied administrative buildings. Now they're only looking at East and East says let do it in the order; the ones who did first will start first in Kiev and we'll follow. That's right. East didn't go and doesn't go to West, West comes to suppress the East. People are standing their grounds to protect their kids. Where are the families of those people who are in Kiev in parliament and in other administrative buildings they took with fire and distraction? I don't see.
Can you find for me and for your other listeners before you ask "should we send arms to Ukraine."
You asked that last week. It's far fetched Q. You should start "should we ever be interested in something we have no clue about" or "should we look at a simple fact such as who started the conflict at the first place and why" or "how much we can afford to spend money to irritate Russia, which is only another super power in the world and for who." After this you can ask should we send anything, especially arms.
We still have thousands of young men and women in uniform boiling their bodies and brains, getting permanently damaged  in ragged terrains of foreign dusty, dirty lands, many thousands are back in
wooden boxes, thousands injured emotionally and physically, some still in prison for doing their job, etc.
When I've got familiar with war affairs of this country from this side of the big pond I agree with
people who say "old men are sending young men to their deaths." That's right, as long as their son's aren't there, why not?
So.... What else? Chcek my twitter @starlet737 (because I tweeted some stuff that I can't all translate because of the time constrains) or check to see how US Marines are using dolphins to spy in Black Sea on Russia. That's why they don't like Putin, he's too smart for them, he knows that garbage very well.
Also you can find an article about suicide rate of soldiers in US military from Department of Defense
Suicide Event Report - DoDSER statistic.
Russia has a red line which he put out a long time ago and it's still there and CAN NOT be changed.
A superpower CAN NOT takes his junk and move it because great unwashed Europeans and unaware Americans what to get closer and closer and closer to his backyard. NATO was created for cold war. Cold war is gone, but they're not only not dismantling, but advancing to East more and more.
Where are they going? They put Baltic Republics under their influence completely, then put the US boots in Georgia and made a mess of Russian-Georgian good and old relationship, now Ukraine.

Your today's program wasn't interesting to me, I think there are more important and interesting things to talk about other than someone's reconstructed penis's news from low-life media outlets.
I waited to hear if you were changing the topic, then got busy and didn't listen further. But I left the radio on anyway. If you would say up front what are you going to discus throughout 3 hours and  
time slots you're going to use, that will work better, at least for me. You're program is in the middly of the day and people still are doing their thing
So long.

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