Tuesday, July 9, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 64)


Did you hear yesterday Rudolph Giuliani substituting for Sean Hannity? I was listening enthusiastically when he was talking about "democracy" and elections, then he put the Ice Cream Man with his psychotic pep-talk and both telling that we can't do anything about "illegality." And this is a former prosecutor? It's crazy to see how grown men who are in positions of ruling countries and sometimes even the world can be psychotic. After ICM I turned it off, couldn't stand it no more.
That ICM has gibberish memorized or he is reading it every time on the air. He starts in one place and ends in the other thinking people are stupid. I agree, people who elected him or even associate with him personally must be stupid.
Rush read something from a military person that said:
"when I've got into military 30 years ago, being g.y was not good, now it's OK and I want to get out of there before it's mandatory." I won't  be surprised if O will announce it as mandatory behavior, otherwise one should be qualified as a "phobe" and not allowed to join.
Your replacement was good yesterday. Government hired GED holding teenager -  E. Sn..d.n into sensitive agency. How did it happen? Who were his recommendations?
They should hire me to tell them how to close the border and get rid of illegality, how about that?
Where do I apply? Should I put in an application in a wish note in Western Wall?
You should see what foreign agencies are doing in Russia. I was watching the news and Attorney general of RF, who is called "general prosecutor"- Uriy Chayka, was telling Pres. Putin that there are 2226 NGOs of foreign countries operating in Russia today. These are the registered ones. Imagine how many are not registered? In the period of last Nov. to this April they've got 30.8 billion rubles from abroad. 215 of them proved to be conducting political work, 17 of them were being funded throught their countries' embasses by using similar names of regular companies to transfer money to them to avoid being caught. I'm  so not good at grasping fraudulent garbage, I couldn't get clearly what was he explaining.
Do you think all of a sudden almost entire world went there to help Russians? That's good that Putin was a KGB guy, he can figure it out better. Could he control or stop it? I doubt it. He does liberal sh.t too, though. He signed amnesty for 10.000 business frauds and tax evaders with a condition that they return the amount of money they stalled.
These are not indicted ones, these are already convicted ones. Months ago under pressure he sign a law and do you know how much of stallen 90 billion was recovered? Only about 90 million so far - only 10% of total.
Well, too much to say. I see fraud every day in my life. All I can do is show. I can tell and tell and only others will make the money.

So long.

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