Wednesday, September 16, 2015

To Michael Savage Sep. 16th, Wednesday


In yesterday's interview at given to Russian media outlets Assad says that the US in one hand is supporting ter.r.sts and fighting them at the same time. To the Q if he thinks that his departure from power might stop the conflict, as US suggests, at 38:00min, he says that the US do not like independent states who act for their own interests, they like to put in place those who will act on their interests.
mw [Come to think of it; if that would be true, as an American I'd not complain. Honestly. Maybe sometimes they do that I don't notice, but in last 20 years that I observe politics from within, I have seen major destructive, unwise and downright stupid mistakes made in global arena.
From wasteful actions like supporting the war in Kosovo by bombing Belgrade, then invading Iraq, putting its nose into former soviet republic of Georgia encouraging to attack people in South Ossetia, now Ukraine, causing thousands of dead and couple of millions of refugees all in effort to engage Russia into a global war, still in Iraq and now in Syria causing mass migrations which looks like the modern muslim-arab conquest of western world. By now EU is conquered and US is invaded.

Report at shows US's approach to Syria. At 3:00min. hear what Kerry is saying about Assad before. What changed now? Why he and his boss changed their minds?
Ranging from dishonesty to utter stupidity their mentality will boggle any normal mind and burn lots of $s into ashes. Then, the evil, called "blow-back" will follow. Hope they get those "decision makers" first.
Among bombs in congress and WH I don't see any normal politician, let alone statesman.
We need Trump in there. To me he looks like that emergency room doctor who is the last one who might be saving this country. he also will need new and more informed and loyal people around him. One man can't know everything.

Above list does not include all the international conflicts and incidents US was involved for last 20 years. I don't go into politics toward Latin America and Africa. Not interested for 90%.
Just hearing name Bengazi annoys me. I don't care who died there and why. Asking or blaming Hillary for it, makes me sick. Not because I like her, because no one could pin anything on clintons throughout their careers even when people around them were dropping dead, now they want to pin
B-zi and stupid email stuff on her.
One Q no one asked that I know of; can't Sec. of State of US afford to have separate phone for work?

Yesterday Putin said that if Russia wouldn't help the government of Syria, there would be more mess and more refugees right now.
Very true. US foreign policy advisers gone so cuckoo that in Syria they are against both sides; against ter.r.sts and the government who fights them. This is a new level of "genius."
I don't know what to call it yet. I have to search or make up my own word.  ********************

Yesterday you opened the show with Trump's words that our country became a dumping ground for the world. It's true. Hope he can do something about it. Taking 10000 refugees legally is going to bring very many illegal. Directly and indirectly this number will mushroom so fast that your grandchild will be living like new type of Middle East and/or Africa. She will be a hated and humiliated minority trying not to live a normal life but survive a physical existence.
You being conservative (although last Friday you said you were not, which was surprising, because you didn't clarify) isn't helping.
I'm conservative, but disagree with 2 things with conservative mainstream, which are not minor issues.
Couldn't listen to your show today. Didn't watch GOP debate on CNN, will do tomorrow.

So long.


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