Tuesday, August 11, 2015

To Michael Savage Aug. 11th, Tuesday


Wee hours of the rainy morning in NYC.
Yesterday you had a substitute and I didn't listen.
From last Thursday, the 6th, media is buzzing about GOP debate on Fox, Trump's triumph (as I call it) and megyn (mayhem, as you call her) kelly. You were right on your show the next day saying that her nostrils were bigger and wider than before. She looked like a violent creep, like a made-up wild trans-gender boar (kaban in russian, which is used as derogatory) in high heat and in sheep's clothing.
A journalist? Journalist what? My foot? What she journaled in her life that had any meaning to anyone in this world? That's what I want to know! Do you know about any merits in her "brilliant" career, besides that she works for that channel and reads rubbish? Oh, don't let me forget why would she have some ratings. Look at her pictures she posted with her t.ts half exposed and sticking-out-behind on Instagram.
I wonder how she passed the job interview with R.Ailes? Can you guess? You don't need to work too hard on this, I'll give you a clue; ask 99% of men watching her "program," see if they remember anything she says. You want me to go deeper?
She sent those pictures as a cover letter with her resume written by professional "agents" in the field.
I'd want to interview people on "recommendations" and "referrals" list on her job application.
Her lipstick and upper thighs on screen are doing most of her job, as far as I'm concern. Her nose is fixed and yes, her nostrils are stretched. Her face what's called a "horse-face," she is just photogenic, and, yes, her nostrils were stretched outbound. If she'd take her nail-files and do her nails on TV instead of reading, her rating would be go higher. Would I watch? H.ll no! Would you watch, Nosir!
Who is watching that bimbo anyway? Only those who want to save on bimbo-magazines.
I'm believe she don't have much of "audience" at all; most of those idol people are "viewing" her with their TVs' mute buttons on.
I'd love to conduct a servery about this; take a mic, go out and ask people in NYC streets from morning till night, 24/7, as long as needed and do it on live-stream, see what the real numbers are.
Trump said he don't know how pollsters work. Me neither. He also added another bright-n-shiny thing about pollsters that if should they know everything they'd be running themselves.  Hahaha!
You called him Churchill of our time while interviewing him, which made MarkLevin get on your case, again.
Another thing you were absolutely right about; the set-up of the stage was really a "set-up" to make those on it look fat and unattractive. Why put the NJ-slab the first one in the raw of 10 when camera starts from that side? I wonder if one would count the time slat that the camera was on-purposely pointed in his big-fat-.ss to give the overall impression that it's was a big-fat-white-man-.ss gathering. Tell your assistance to do the job and tell us.
I watched only a few episodes of Trump's show on TV, although knew it was successful. I watched it out of interest how business can be done especially when they were doing Real Estate sales. I used to be in Real Estate and I still love it. Then one was with comedienne JoanRivers and she was "tripping" (as they say in NYC) as usual. The entertainment value of it wasn't really there for me. I never would participate in that type of dramatic, cut-throat competition topped with emotional aggression and intellectual intimidation. But, different strokes for different folks.
He was successful doing it, he did it with his kids and enjoyed it. The biggest advantage he gained from doing that show, I deeply believe, is his today's confidence in front of cameras. He fries the fries and makes them hot and crispy. God bless him. As he rightfully said, he has life, he has a good life and he don't need to do it, he wants to do it.
In many way, for a person like him with all his possibilities in life to be a President, even The President of USA is A sacrifice. Imagine being in lock-down, under security, surveillance, control and scrutiny every minute for 4 years? That will take a lot from his growing son's freedom to grow up a little more freely, the least to say.
But, I think he can handle it. He is up to par. One man can change the course of history. We have seen it before.
Should I be his consultant I'd tell him to do this; when seeing a provocative/crooked Q, ask a Q back; "...... " is this what you mean? I make sure I get your exact meaning." That's all. You'll be surprised.
You were right that that so called "panel was promoting clinton. No doubt in my mind. I don't trust fox from the time of their coverage of Russian events and OWS. They use a trick of sound-enhancement on certain words and alter voices of people. They showed riots in Athens streets with all the signs and names of streets, buildings and places and said that was in Moscow.
I heard Trump fired one of his aids, last name Stone? Good job, at least he knows how to fire a no-good one. He's not "bonded" with them in 'community' organizing events and feels connected by mutual-skin-color-tribal instincts.
Only one thing can bring him down; - a Trojan-horse. That's what he should pay attention none-stop. Mayhem-Kelly and others will attack him out of jealousy no mater what, like dirty pigs-n-boars vs. Leopard.

Mayhem-kelly faces me intellectually and professionally looks exactly like this cobra vs. squirrel clip at youtube.com/watch?v=G9Q68iZrP54. I suggest she do not underestimate a little cute squirrel.
Let's do this;
Let's take a picture of her with all disguise-job performed on her trying to hide her real appeal under sleazy cloths and sneaky makeup, then take mine without any makeup, just simple shorts and t-short and show every by-passer in NYC streets to say which one looks like which. And, I'm older than her. You'll hear the answers without hesitation, I promise. Wouldn't it be fun?

Now about events in Eastern Ukraine; last night Kiev thugs shelled a few residential areas such as Telmanovskaya, where a woman was killed, Shirokono, which doesn't have self-defense forces in it and around city of Mariupol where OSCE observers were visiting and reported about it.
I found only a very short report at 1tv.ru/news/social/28978. It seems no reporters from Moscow are there anymore. Only maybe couple of locals are trying to send some pictures.
So far so good for "American media is always on front-lines of world events" propaganda. Boo-hoo!

Oh, by the way, your friend LauraIngraham was on one of the morning shows last Sunday.
Besides that she didn't back-up Trump, her face was sooo stretched from face-lift she could not speak properly. Looked like in painful speech-struggle.
She gave me a double-dose of surprise; 1) shape of her mouth and 2)what came out of it.
Oh, well.

At 8:30am, just listened to Trump's short phone interview with Fox's SteveD,ocy. Talked only about issues, no mention of prior stuff.
Also gone on CNN, I haven't seen it yet. Didn't sleep all night, ready to snooze.

3:30pm in NYC, you started your show with clip from Ferguson where crowd were chanting "we're ready to war." Look at that crowd, see how many of those ever worked a day. Look at their ancestors who were having unprotected sex and reproducing without thinking before how to take care of themselves and their kids. Welfare system feed them and it became a lifestyle. But, when everything is paid for for many generations it becomes the reality of life. After some time, it can become boring so some excitement can be needed. Plus, if that excitement will bring more dough, attention and fun why not do it? Don't get me wrong, not everyone is still on welfare generation after generation. Some came out, like Dr. Ben Carson's family. I want to know the recent numbers of unemployment without taking out those who stopped looking for jobs. I have an old book called "The tragedy of American compassion." I want to know what is going to happen to all those people on growing lines of social services today, plus those who rely on their monthly checks. What happens if rich pack-up and leave? What happens if and when those checks do not arrive?
Now you're talking about GeorgeSoros and his historic funding of mobs. You're surprised how holocaust survival can do distractive things to country's fabric which took him in and let him have it all. You're right, he is a money changer and he'll sell his soul for it. His mental illness of greed can't be cured; 1) he won't seek a cure for it. 2) almost impossible to find it.
Now you're talking about St. Louis riots and put a clip of O talking about those new "civil rights movements" from Martha's Vineyard, while hanging with hedge fund owners having ice scream cone.

"What should we call them now," you ask; "Big civil rights," "Civil unrest, inc. " etc.
"Steal the idea - "Soros inc.," you suggest, but it's already in your upcoming book "Government Zero." Hahaha!
You say "revolution's started with smart people and finished with smarter people. Maybe that "smarter one" is Trump, who has guts to speak his mind and he's a successful capitalist."
Now at 4pm, I'm getting really tired with this.
To me, talking about my daily life n this town and country we urgently need "civil rights movement for white people." Unless we do that too parallel to those which are fake and getting out of control, we will drown this country into abyss. There is a limit to ask money from other countries and their is limit for printing money out of thin air. One day that phony green paper will stop paying for the ink   that prints it.

Now you're talking about how Africans and other foreigners are invading Europe by threatening truck drivers and jumping on trains.
Look at the boats full of people ducking the shores of Europe every hour and getting in those countries aggressively as if that should be happening anyways.
Now, at 4:15pm you're saying that Trump opened a new chapter of your emotional state, when you feel like being proud for what you have done. You say you used to be hiding your successes in life and the fact that you achieved all of them by hard work and we can do so too. Every one of us can stand for this country's borders, language and culture and be proud of it. True.
I did. I did for about quarter of century now. I'm doing it right now with this blog. Shall anybody give me more means of operation and platform, I'll do much more.

In the meantime, Russia is making its own credit card, so it will not depend on VISA,Master and other Western ones.
War in Eastern Ukraine is continuing and O is sending and will continue to send more American manpower and means to keep it going. He can't lecture P on homosexuality as he did at the time of his last visit to Africa. In mostly MuslimKenya and mostly Christian Ethiopia that what he was preaching and promoting. You'll not believe what a man sitting on the street in my neighborhood, who is from Africa, said about him for doing that. You should hear what those Arabs who ran to vote for him and did so without requirement of ID or registration now are saying about him also.
Even repeating those words will label me with all sorts of words ending with "-phobe." It's a supplement for "shut-up otherwise we'll hurt you one way or the other" open threat.
Now you're talking about BarnieSanders, who deserves the kind of treatment he got from crowds to which he pondered in his career so far. Oh good!
Let's get back to Eastern Europe now, shall we?
Again OSCE observers got under the shelling in the result of Kiev's thugs attacks, at 1tv.ru/news/world/289833.  Heroic Anton Stepanenko reporting from Mariupol area. 
Village of Sakhanka is the last post of self-defense forces on the road to Mariupol. You can see badly battered village of Shirokino with naked eye. Self-defense forces left that town in order to save its population from being bombarded under the excuse of their presence there. But kiev's thugs stayed. And now they're shelling a close village Sakhanka which is in territory of DNR. Look at 1:18min., a soldier telling what is going on. Look at destroyed school, daycare, houses some of which can't be fixed. Town has no doctor and no open stores. Shelling are in about every 5 min. At 2:25min. you'll see a house which was bombed 5 times. residents say that sometimes they risk to go back to their gardens to try to salvage some .................... they sawed in spring. Look how thick those walls are built by double row of big stones and they're still have been destroyed. Look at the type of the bomb came down on it. Look at that cute stray pooch at the end of the clip.
Maybe O wants to name those bombs "American democracy promotion tools?" Nice....
Top it off with soros on southernpowertylawcenter, - you'll get the picture. 5 30pm now. i'm done with your program today.

Over night town of Gorlovka in Eastern Ukraine came under continuous shelling by Kiev's armed thugs, it's at 1tv.ru/news/social/289857.  

So long.


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