Feb. 28th, Saturday. Wee hours of the morning. Still very cold outside, so I cuddle with my warm computer in my warm bed.
I follow lots of other news, besides UA conflict, read books, meet people, experience life in NYC, but do not comment on them in here most of the time. But always have things to contemplate and write about such as the following.
America considers the rest of the world as its own backyard. Why? Does America do good to the rest of the world every day? Yes! Did it do good for last 200 years? Yes, of course. Do other countries reach out to America to be a rescuer, sponsor, the moderator, the judge and the peace broker when they're in trouble? Yes. Actually most of them did and do now. Is there any other country to give as much money out to help others like America did in his history? I don't think so. I don't know so.
I can go on and on, write books about these things and be able to get couple of PHDs out of it too.
Do I love America? Yes, I do, very much. Should it start a draft for general public, would I join?
Yes, I'm registered at selective service. I did it almost 20 years ago, when I've got my permanent residency. The man who did the paperwork said I was the only woman who asked for it during his 25 years of working there.
After so many years, would I be as good as before in military? Not really, not in combat, but I can help with other things, such as sorting out and getting the right information. I'm a conceptual. I've an analytical mind. I see through and analyse things in perspective of "cause, effect and side effect." And all that comes to me naturally. I'm hardwired like that. No training can do.
Would I help in a fight against anybody that my government will choose? NO way, Jose!
I'm not a teenager who don't know nothing about anything. I won't help in adventures which can bring more problems than solve them for us all in here. Not at all. I have a list of countries that I will not fight against and the first one on the list is Russian Federation. Am I Russian? No. Do I have anyone there? No. When last time I passed by? 1991 - just for transit. When have I been in Moscow and walk around a little? In 1989. That's it. But living in the US since then and following the news, information and politics daily basis, I saw clearly how "smarty paints" in Congress bankrupt this country from both sides of the isle. I saw how this country can go to war with blinders on. Some of them who make decisions of war and peace, life and death, should be in rehab, nursing home, nut house or in jail.
All of them are ignorant in foreign affairs. Yes, I'm not exaggerating. I'd love to interview all of them. Ask them Qs with yes and no answers for a fast understanding where are they coming from. What's their agenda and what can come out of it.
This counties "dream" was that next generation will be more successful than the prior one. That's how the enormous progress was made in 200 years of time. For history it's a short time. The belief that it is possible made people come here with nothing and work their lives off. They built a country, state, federation, society, legal system basically from scratch. Cultures came and evolved together in mosaic. One religion was the predominant one, because of the origin of the most of arrivals at the time. Europeans who were most tech. advanced could arrive to this shores, one language became official, the rest were free to practice whatever they wanted. People who came wanted to be part of it, speak the language to succeed.
I'm afraid that it's not the case anymore. Is American dream dead? To be optimistic, I'd say it's critically ill and sinking into coma. I'll bring a few points that I find very problematic in the whole picture.
Bribery in the name of "lobbyism" is a legal tool which helps keep the structure of corruption in DC standing strong.
First of all, members of Congress, as the President, should have 2 terms; - and get the hell out of there. Drug test, drug test and more drug tests; - mandatory, mandatory, mandatory!
As Russian Federation, we too should implement a law that anyone who has and wants to keep his/hers money, property or investments in overseas, will be prohibited from running for ANY political office.
These 3 conditions; - drug test, term limit and no hidden money will clean up the air in Capitol Hill like powerful anti-poison aerosol spray. It'll work magic.
Should be very simple and easy process for taking those bombs back to their districts. It should be called not impeachment (it's too sophisticated for them) but recall. Like a defective vacuum cleaner.
Talking of cleaning;
part of their job must be the cleaning after themselves. Yes, I'm serious.
My friend is a teacher, she had to clean, with her mother, the classroom she had to work in.
I always cleaned all the workplaces I worked before. I always left it cleaner than I've got.
They're not any better creature and should not be allowed to be disrespectful. It's good for them psychically also. It's a good hygiene with exercise; - win-win.
What can I do, as an perfect citizen of USA, to help them?
I'll teach them how to clean cleaner that they already know how, how to throw away the garbage the right way (yes, it's an art) and will advised them on nutrition and diet.
Looks to me that most of them have shortage of nutrients that help keep brain running.
Break down of brain alertness is common for people working in the environment saturated with fear and greed, where the survival is based on ability of non-stop lying and faking.
I don't blame them, that will do to anyone.
Why am I saying these politically incorrect things?
Because, beside not being an aspiring politician, I'm a Certified Medical Nurse, Certified Nutritionist, have experience in working with overweight and obese people. It was in private, very high-end, "boutique" clinic in UES, where everyone of my clients got my undivided attention and wonderful care as they deserved. So... I'm people's person, what else, I should say? You want a proof?
I've everything in writing.
Oh, also I'm a good psychotherapist. Very patient and extremely private. I don't even ask your real name. No insurance taken, though. Also have great sense of humor, can tell jokes unendingly.
I can create jokes on almost everyone in Congress. Oh, wait. there is always an exception. That's mccain. Not on him. That one is already 3/4 of brain dead and originally was born a tragic character for his own family's last name. I don't laugh on mentally ill or genetically damaged. Not me.
Do I think that the ones who are born with any mental problem, but can still can be functioning in society, can be "naive"? Not at all. There are no naive people in this world. Don't exist.
From day cares to nursing homes, let go with camera and check. Let's talk to homeless in the streets, people in prisons, let go to the most backwards country's rural village and talk to people there. Nobody is "naive."
So, john-the-toilet-mouth-blood-thirsty-crazy-McShame is not a naive, mislead, uninformed or mentally ill to the level that he can't comprehend words and pictures, but he's a pure, unadulterated evil, the s.t,n himself in human form.
See, if you reject the idea that s.t.n exists, that will mean that the virus of political correctness already eat most of your brain cells too. But, that's only one thing, not the whole story.
Saying "there is no s.t.n" shows that you reject every religion's core beliefs and teachings, the sanity of their followers, the culture it created for 1000s of years. I mean, rejecting the entire human experience in the civilization known to us will make you special kind of a retard or just a common liar. So, you pick and choose.
I'm not talking to Dr. Savage only, I'm saying this to anyone who reads this blog right now.
To me senator mcshame looks like a s.ta.n, talks like it, walks like it and asks to do the bloody work of it. The man is unleashed from burning hell of his own mind and asking for a bloody war with another superpower every minute of his pathetic existence. There is not any type of psychotherapy can help this vermin to calm down. May those who voted for him for decades perish in bloody hell, may their homes come down on their heads, as those who came down on innocent people's heads and kill all their kids while living their lives in their homes in eastern ukraine.
Hope it's a true saying that "God sees, but waits." Those who made the mistake of giving this war-monger maniac a business, should be out there breaking every door down and recalling this mad man.
See how having a law and applying a simple drug test would save the entire nation?
Desert weather dried voters' brains in AZ, as far as I'm concerned. What else than drought can make a low-average-low-minds stop working completely? What else can it be? Is there a bomb factory waiting to restart, a chemical production that can get going for 3 shift? What is it in there? How many war profiteer-contractors are lobbying him, thus asking for more blood?
Let's go back to DC. Do you know that uncle Joe (whose son got a job in Kiev shortly after the coup), before presidential elections, picked up a phone, called P in Kremlin and said "do not run"?
Can you understand what P is dealing with? If I put myself in his place, I'd say to myself; "These are complete nutts, but unfortunately can get very dangerous."
Genetic, chronic, environmental, - you name more and put it all together, it will fit the profile of behaviour of lots of thugs in Congress. Also, there are women among them. Look like halloween witches without black hats walking around talking and asking for bloodshed.
Talking of hats, let me stop here with a funny note.
I laugh by myself out loud when I remember the scene I saw on TV, thinking what the other side would be saying behind their becks. It's about our official "representatives." Remember O took a whole bunch of people to Saudi to say "sorry" to the new King after the previous one died?
Remember the group of our uncovered headed women with him? Did you see how everyone was happily smiling and enjoying themselves and the attention with handshakes like it wasn't a sad occasion at all? Were they all invited, or this was "I come the way I want and bring as many as I want to, because you're a King of one country, but I'm the King of the World" moment by O?
Should I put myself on the other side, that's how I'd see the whole thing.
But, in your opinion, what would hosts say in their minds when all these women got into palace
with their heads and mouths widely open?
Let's say, I'm a comedian and have my own show on TV. What would I do without calling names directly. I'd do it indirectly; I'll show that pic. and ask audience to define it. Should I be in the audience, I'd say "a h.rde of To the video I'd say "the house broke loose."
To put both together and quote it as if an excerpt from the history book of king's palace would be;
"H.rde of weastern invading the king's palace, ...2015 AD."
That's funny.
But what makes it hilarious that it happened in super conservative place and they had no control over it. Even mcshame was there. What a crowd it was!
They flooded the place like a bad news of plague forcefully blown inside by desert tsunami.
I don't think they let them all deep inside, in the real place. The ones who sat down looked like were in a waiting room or a lobby and they were very few of them. The rest came in, just got handshakes and were sent right out, I'm guessing. Otherwise why wasn't "warm hospitality" on the tape?
I laugh and laugh and will be laughing untill the next psychotic antics by grown, rich and powerful people of the world come out. At least they're our' antics, they belong to all of us, as long as we keep them there and let them do whatever they want.
So long.
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