To find out an objective view why a gov. 'opposition' man was eliminated in Moscow last Friday,
entire weekend I checked every site possible. Watched every Russian talk-show; - from left, middle and right, EU news, UA papers, twitter and blog entries of all known politicians and politologues.
I was curious to get a sense of reality for myself and to be able afterword compare it to the the results of investigation.
Sometimes things are simpler than media and entertainment make us to believe. They want to drag our attention as long as possible.
Especially our media, which has such a passionate hatred and resentment toward everything Russian.
Imagine how they feel right now when a war, instigated by their bosses' bosses, is actually winding down in Eastern Ukraine. They couldn't blow it into full WWIII.
Absence of bad news is a bad news for corporate news industry.
I didn't know anything about the killed man. Couple of other names were more known. Not him.
He wasn't really a big deal as our media wants you to believe. He had been a little something in mid. 90's, which is crewed everything then.
After that, besides talking at some demonstrations here and there and going around dealing with all sorts of shady characters, he was basically out of any real role in politics for at least last 15 years.
The man had no job, no career, no family, living large at the same time, was on and off with some oligarchs who have been convicted, killed themselves or fled the country.
After his death the western media wants to portray him as an icon of some sort, a big personality or some such. No true.
It's just willing to scare some 'westerners' by repeating P's name, putting Kremlin's picture all over the papers, etc. It's for ignorant people, who have no clue what's going on in Russia. Only clueless would be impressed by those exaggerated and twisted headlines.
Now this;
There was no sphere in that man's life that wasn't a disaster.
He was an obnoxious, pushy, aggressive, face-to-face insolent, shameless, self-absorbed, arrogant, overconfident, controlling, provocative, always-doing-psychotic-things-to-get attention type.
He was a nice looking, educated in science of physics and the type that don't take 'no' for an answer. His short political career was based on controversy and negativity. Being an overwhelmingly negative risk taker, he even did insulting and got in psychical fights on live TV.
He personally knew M. McFaul and our "favorite" McShame for a long time. How and why?
Actually McFaul said on radio that he knew this guy for 30 years. For what reason? He worked for UA gov. and was frequent in Kiev, running around with crowds.
West likes this types. That's what they recruit. They need the ones who are genetically super aggressive and have no values to honor in life, so they go for anything without blinking an eye.
Life is a big 'game' for those types, they can't work and pay honestly, they can't obey structure, they love to cross lines for their high adrenaline rush and they don't and can't stop on anything. It's their nature. They don't need training. They are natural players who love the game of "charming, influencing, affecting, controlling and damaging" to get what you want, no matter what it will bring back to them. They're big risk takers and live in the moment.
They enjoy the bad outcome as much as the good one. Both give them the same high.
Some of those types can also have education and be very smart, good looking and charismatic.
Foreign powers recruit these type of adventurous "warriors," to steer emotions and instigate conflicts. Of course, those 'puppet masters' who pay for this are not going to keep them unconditionally.
Like in the game of chess, when sacrifice is needed, a soldier should go. Soldier is a tactical figure and can't be on the way of strategic move.
Money, power, drugs, money, crime, sex, money, warfare, traitorship, money, fake-broken-countless relationships, money and more money without working for it; - that guy did it all.
From his personal life to his recent public activities (again, he wasn't a 'politician,' he was an occasional street talker), his rich and shady lifestyle, his traitorship, his involvement with foreign countries' bloody affairs (more than one), and messing with Ukrainian SS and their 23 years old, finally caught up with him.
He was divorced couple of times, had 4 kids with 3 women, was living in between 2 of those for sometime. While married he got another one on the side, making kids at the same time with latter.
Have been a "don juan" type, at 55 years of age going out with a scary character 32 year of his junior. Came out of the restaurant after the last supper with the witch separately. Why? Then got together outside and started "walking" towards his multi-million apt. in central Moscow in a winter night.
What happen? He openly had $1.5 M in the bank in Moscow, he didn't have money for taxi?
Metro was right there and would shortly drop them next to his place. Why walking under a cold rain? The rain would damage a "natural" fur coat the decoy was wearing. What was they talking about? Who was he talking to constantly on his cell phone before meeting her at the restaurant? She was waiting an hour for him to get there. I'd not wait for anyone for an hour who is not an emergency doctor who couldn't get out of work because the surgery was complicated. The man is not working, he has no job, was running-his-sick-mouth-and-having fun while giving "interview" on some radio station on his "friend's" program. You should see the person who is running that station, you'll know what type of psychics he was dealing with. Tell me who your friends are and I tell you who you are.
You don't need to be Freud to know that. Kids can guess.
You think a known witch-h.e, less than half of his age, was going to lay with him in his apartment?
For what? What was she needing? Sex? Money? She couldn't find any better in Ukraine? Or in Moscow while waiting to that old dude?
Think again. No wonder; after 3 days, she left Moscow for Kiev and didn't say anything beside that she didn't see anything and has lost her memory altogether since that moment. Didn't agree to any polygraph test, anything.
Also after Paris shooting, he loudly sided with Charlie and insulted and threatened muftis of Russia openly on Internet, on his Twitter.
Was hanging around with other low-lives who are liberal perverts and have no moral values.
The circus he was living in could give him bullets at any time, for sure.
I don't know if you watch channel Escape, I do. That's why it's funny for me to hear that all the crimes "suppose" to have a reason/motive. Most of them do and it's the first thing to look into, I agree. But also innocent people can be killed from other psychotic humans who simply kill for thrill.
Every and each aspect of this man's life - personal, financial, political, social and behavioral was a trouble from top to bottom. It was a basket case.
Kremlin couldn't and it's not "benefiting" from this common crook's death. West is making this common criminal a folk hero to keep intimidating RF's gov. officials, especially P.
1. They are not happy that war in Eastern UA is calming down. They wanted full-blown showdown with RF, so they could cash on it faster and as much as they could.
2. Sanctions to 'punish' RF is not working either. Russians are resilient, they'll survive.
3. They have been recruiting from Russia's "5th column" vermin for about 25 years now.
4. After spending $ Billions in order to hassle RF gov., after instigating a hot, bloody war on its border and killing 1000s of ethnic Russians, after all attempts to ruin the economy, flame of opposition to Kremlin wasn't picking up.
Au contraire, monsieur,
P's ratings went up and opposition was weakening by the day.
They had very few people to go to any meetings anyway. To brew a 'Russian Spring' and/or 'maidan revolution' in Moscow didn't yield results.
Those who even went to "protest" before were getting paid by professional "rent a mob" organizers. Oh yes.
You should see how good those community organizers were working; 'demonstrators' were being given tickets at the entrance to show it when coming out from the end and redeeming for cash right in the street. Occasionally some soda, cookies, crackers were for free, all posters, balloons too.
Yesterday, at memorial march someone was giving out fliers with a picture of couple of snipers on top of the Kremlin's wall. It supposed to show that gov. wants to "scare" people?
Maybe for some who naively think that there are no snipers on top of WH when lots of crowd is on the front of it.
But, wait to hear this; the picture on flyer was copied from 100 years old photo!!!
After it got into hands of members of media they recognize it was from archives.
There are 2 hotline numbers published by authorities of Moscow to report any info. about this murder case and 3 Million Roubles reward for a good lead.
I can go on and on, but it's not worth it.
After I found so much on that guy I'd not even bother writing about him.
I wrote this to show the level of disinformation in our media covering this story.
They make it big deal, but it's nothing.
Exactly 20 years ago, a journalist, a talk show host, a well regarded and loved man, working for major TV network (now Channel One) in Moscow by name of Vladislav Listyev was shot and killed close to his workplace around Ostankino TV tower. Still no killer is found.
20 years later the case is still cold. I wonder why "westerners" don't worry about this one?
I rest my case. Western perverts are losing their minds by the day.
Like a bunch of sharks who sniffed blood can't stop attacking, or better yet like hungry hyenas attacking a bear to get a bite from his behind. Sharks look better than that ugly crowd consist of EU rep.s.
Do you know that all over sudden, all 28 of those EU-council-cuckoos based in Moscow came out marching in streets yesterday?
Oh, yessir! What else is there for them to do for fun and excitement? Work? What work? Let sucker taxpayers work, those who pay for stupid local news too.
"Work won't kill you, but why take chances," should be their only banner, as far as I'm concerned.
In the meantime why not getting selfies taken at "15 min. of fame in central Moscow" march, ha?
"It's bad out there and it's getting worse," - Bob Grant would say to this.
Have you seen how obese our-guy-J.-Tefft is? Mon Dieu !
Somebody tell him stop stuffing his face! His chin is resting on his belly. He sounded like a dizzy slab talking to a TV camera.
What an embarrassment. It that as good as we can do?
A few days ago a lawmaker M. Chechetov, former speaker of Party of Regions of UA, after being openly threatened in Rada, committed "suicide." Who is investigating that?
Those who wanted him dead, or "western" powers who are exporting their "democracy" to UA now? Why there is no word about this real politician's suspicious demise?
You want another neo-fascistic thing implemented in Rada?
Here; there is a real jail time for those who will talk against Ukraine and its "rulers." Got that?
Is this what EU is planting there?
In the meantime, get another one; UA parliament also implemented a law demanding that people who want to travel to UA from RF have passport.
It will damage the relationship further because it divides families.
Especially in Eastern Ukraine, where bomb blasts are finally stopped, where people are half dead from hunger and have ruined homes, they need their friends and families to get them some help.
Those who could go now and help are stopped at the border.
Here; at Sergei Panamaryov is reporting from the customs border with UA, saying that an 71 years old man, who was with his wife visiting his son, died in the result confrontation with UA patrol officers, because they didn't want to let him in.
Heroic Ivan Prozorov at from Donetsk is showing how Kiev has blockaded Donbass; no deliveries of produce, no medications, etc. Elderly are worse off, because they didn't get pensions paid to them from last summer and can't go anywhere. A poor old woman is crying, saying how embarrassed she is for begging.
Most likely this woman worked for 40-50 years in her life in beck-breaking jobs to be able to retire and now this. Western "good news" came to her shores.
Another clip shows how difficult it is to return to any normalcy in life in Donbass; lots of places have no electricity, some areas should be dis-mined and people are still in dark and cold basements.
It's at
Today UN confirmed that there is a humanitarian crisis in the region.
So long.
P.S. I have a headline for a book about the murdered guy. *******************************
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