Sunday, February 15, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 13, 14 & 15, weekend edition


Today you started with .S.L again, saying that they're beheading "people." You lost me in couple of minutes, again. But let me ask you; who are those "people" on the both sides? Which ones you're familiar with? Have you met any of them from any sides of any middle eastern conflicts, besides Israelis? Which groups of those "other people" would you like to live next door to you? What are the people from here and the rest of the "western" world doing any of those countries?
Oh, let me think....  maybe helping? Those who went there, took arms and are putting their lives on frontlines for them and their cause today are THE ones who're really helping them. "Helping" to kill each other and then us. Those are our enemies within. By the way, our 'democratic" gov. can't even stop them from coming back into the country.
Those youngsters from here, who're hated by their parents and teachers, and who want to take their anger on anyone, are going there and fighting against all of us. It's a help alright for them.
I understand that. It's psychosis, it's genetic.
I do NOT understand, however, what so called "humanitarian" aid workers are doing there.
Or, so called, "journalists." I don't believe none of that BS. It makes bloody money for certain people. That's all.
Let me stop here before I say more.......
So for everybody out there who wants to "help" really, seriously "a good cause," instead of stupid and self-destructive one, I'll tell where the right "help" for people who are really suffering should go first in the world today, right at this moment; - Southeastern Ukraine.
Why nobody from here is "helping" people in that area, from where none of those will never ever "behead" you? If you don't want to be beheaded you should not go into enemy territory and pretend that you're "helping." There are many other ways to fight with those who hate us. They don't need you, me or anyone else, whatsoever.
Nobody not only in there, but in the rest of entire world likes Americans, unless you didn't know that until today.

Now, brace yoursef and look at this; at you'll see a distroyed house where 3 kids are dead. In one minute, bomb blast directly on their house, from UA military thugs that your government supports, left Lyudmila and Dennis homeless and without their 3 kids in town of Gorlovka. This town has been devastated non stop and continues to be.
Where is your outrage? Oh, sorry, you don't even mention it, what kind of "outrage" am I talking about? Silly me.
At 1:00min. into the tape you'll see a distraught father, shaking uncontrollably, describing how he saw his 3 kids dying in bathtub. last night bomb came down directly on his bathroom where kids were taking an evening bath before going to bed. Older one - Nastinka was 13, Dasha was 7 and and their little brother Kirill was only 2.5 years old.
At 1:35min. you'll see their bedroom with fairy tale books in it.
Father says all the kids were so close, was unbelievable. The older sisters loved to read fairy tales to their baby brother.
Lyudmila was hospitalized overnight from emotional trauma, but she found a strength to go back home; she had to look for clean clothes for the burial of all of her 3 children. What other tragedy can be compared to this one in human race, I do NOT know.
Heroic Ivan Prozorov is reporting. Talking of PTSD for these reporters from war zone!?!
What about helping them? What about sending people with simple cameras just to show us directly what's going on? Wouldn't it be better "help" for them and everybody else in the world to stop these atrocities? I'm sure this is not the only tragedy in Donbass today. It's a huge region and there are only handful of reporters stranded in some areas. Working in war zone, they're risking their lives and facing their mortality every second of the day.
Why don't we have one of those in America? Who is it? Who had those been, ever! H. Rivera, who pretended he was in Afghanistan, when he was in his backyard in NJ?  When he got caught, he said "sorry, I've got confused." He is still working, for your network. The other, - B. Williams got caught recently, remember? H.Clinton didn't know what country she was talking about when she said she came under the fire? Then she didn't even remember there was a fire at all anywhere she even has been.   ???
And how many things we don't know about this war and how many tragedies we have not seen in pictures? Countless. The worse thing for us, is not the fact itself, no Sir. The worst thing for US is paying for it. We're the main sponsor of this crime against humanity in this part of the world at this point in time. That's what I'm saying.
American media showed its real colors - alright!

But, let me go back to the same tape. At 2:35min. you'll see a woman, Vera Ivanovna, falling on a chair in her home; she just heard that her husband of 40 years lying on the street - dead!
She asked her not to go outside because of bombardments, but he went, because his mother came over and he needed to buy some things. Now the elderly mother will bury her son, thx USA.
At 3:34min. you'll see distraught Dennis in ruines of his house retrieving his son Kirill's favorite teddy bear. It's broke also. It doesn't squeak "i love you" anymore. You'll see 7 y.o. Dasha's favorite blue dress, in which she'll be buried. Forever gone.
May these type of nightmares come to those who pay for these tragedies.

See what happened in Lugansk today at; electric grid is broken, no phone lines are working. Civilians are dying on the streets and inside their homes. Entire residential building are burned down. At :20min. you'll see a bloody corpse of a woman on the floor of her apartment and her distraught husband and son are weeping over her dead body.
A wounded woman is asking uncle PP what is going on with so called "seasfire?"
"If ceasefire starts at 15th, you decided to level the entire region to the ground until then? - she asks mr. PP.
Yes, of course, mr. PP has an urgent homework to do; he has to take the western exam called
"successful bloody murder of your brethren and devastation of your own country" in just 3 days.
In American media's "marketing to fools" agenda it can go under "up to 72 hours window of opportunity," "limited time offer,- fire," or "hit hard and do not miss for 3 days."
I'm sure there are many more that I don't know.

In the meantime DNR said that it will abide by ceasefire agreement, at
But... the leader of neo-nazy-party-Svoboda-party-of-ua/madman-Yarosh on social media said that he disagrees with ceasefire and his people are not going to abide by it.

Feb. 14, perfect day for Valentine's; it's Saturday and very cold.
Why I am pessimistic about this new seasfire? It's not even signed. The representatives of Donbass were not included into conversation directly, don't know if they'll approve what others decided for their future, which is existence of their families. Those know better what's going on on the ground and know what's possible and acceptable for them. Even Putin hasn't been in war zone. He knows what he knows. Uncle PP was categorically against talking to rep.s of LNR and DNR who were in Minsk or even counting them as a side of conflict. To him these are like roaches who have to be exterminated and in his sick imagination they came from Russia.
They were living there from beginning of times, before Ukraine was a country as part of USSR.
Now in many eyes it looks like a separate, whole country, but it always have been divided in small pieces. because it was made by small pieces during the history.
The clause in that agreement saying that heavy artillery should be pulled away from each others in order to create buffer zone, is not going to help. Why? It says that OSCE will oversee it. Oh, boo-hoo. OSCE a weak, next to nothing organization. Unless Int'l peace keeping forces get involved, no body is going to check and thus blams and fires would be exchanged again. Provocation will come from Kiev's side, because they don't want this war to wind down. They want to control the soil with humans on it. Besides that Donbass the most industrial region of UA, but I believe that there are more important resources have been found under the ground in there, which western powers can't wait to get their hands on.
Right now in Moscow time is 9am and only 15 hours to go to the deadline for ceasefire.
Every minute now is being used to wreak as much havoc as possible to free surrounded UA soldiers.
Although self-defense offered their safe release, that's not how they want them out of there.
Who needs tens of thousands of physically and psychologically sick men to return home?
Not the government in Kiev, no Sir, why would they need them?
1. There is no money to take care of them.
2. More sufferings is going to rise the same men and their families against who sent them there.
3. They want to show their sponsors from west that they can do the job in order to get the money.
4. Never going to stop the killings, because ones money started coming, it's going to become the only source of income for many.
"Life for money, until all are dead." That's my definition of this war.
More money will bring more deaths from both side; - for all the west darn damn cares. They want both dead; Ukrainian and Russian alike.
That's why, as soon as this conflict started, smart people in Russia said "America will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian." They were right. PP don't want those guys come of out boiler. Kiev isn't going to abide by agreement and going to have all its soldiers killed.
Also, don't forget, that would be real disturbing thing to show to the world to blame self-defense for
who knows what. Imagine tens of thousands of caskets all over in kiev's streets?
You get the picture.
One heavyweight politician in Russia said that Minsk meeting was a theater for kids.
West and uncle PP knew exactly what they wanted, they meet multiple times back and forth, all papers were already ready, and they were just praying. I agree. Better bitter truth than sweet lie.
Let me explain why uncle PP is against peacekeepers;
1. Peacekeepers protect both sides.
    He don't want any sides of conflict to survive.
2. By being there they'll see themselves who is who and who is doing what and can testify in courts.
3. By being there they'll draw more attention from the world and its media and more sh.t will come         out in the open, which, in its turn
4. Most likely will bring serious Int'l crime charges against the gang and Rada and its leader - PP.
5. Peacekeepers can't be deployed to the zone where one side of conflict is qualified as ""
   They are not supposed to protect "t.r.r.sts." Entire population of Donbass called "" by Kiev.
You see the psychosis? Innocent people in residential areas are dying in their homes and Int'l law says that they can't be protected?

The following is my gut feeling and intellectual opinion put together at wee hours of Valentine's Day in NYC (for me there won't be Valantine until this war is over. I'll give a rain check).
fox-Alicia and cat-Basillio ran around and arranged the kids' show in Minsk (kids are the reporters)
to gain time to save lives of UA soldiers trapped in Debaltsevo (by various reports there are 6000-8000 of them).
This is a fact, has been out in the open and makes absolute sense. Also representativs of self-defense
officially announced (multiple times) that they don't want to kill them. "We don't need senseless casualties,"- they said. So, this part is easy and logical.
But, my gut tells me that that's not what Kiev gov. interested in. They don't want and don't need those guys alive.
They will breach the agreement, break the ceasefire and go for more bloody mess.
Everything is so nicely set up at advance by the WEST, calculated step by step, that I don't want to go for the entire length of my imagination to lay it out. Uncle PP has his own plans. He don't need WEST's plans, he needs their money. But he's not going to get it without bending over.
If even he will bend over, he still won't get what he wants, unless they rule his every minute. He's a muppet that WEST has its hands into his behind. They will ask his opinion at showtime and answer themselves in the meantime, while everything is scripted on the paper at advance.
That's how muppetry suppose to works, right? Looks like Whatnot Workshop has more spontaneity than this world class human clownada we're witnessing. The WEST was dreaming about these days for 70 years and actively planning and taking practical steps for about 25 years.
American media is clueless, confused and in coma at the same time.

Look at this report at; while the time of ceasefire approaching, town of Uglegorsk is being shelled with Internatinally prohibited phosphor bombs.
"If phosphor gets on the skin it burns it to the bones," said one of self-defense soldiers who is trying to clean the area from them. You'll see the self - defense guys are riding on their tank going to battle.
"Debaltsevo is 4 km away from here," - says heroic reporter Alex Tokarev.

Some details of plan worked out "by Normandy Four" is at 
There are 13 clauses in all and the 11th one looks important to me (should we all live to see it).
It says that until the end of 2015 UA should draft a new constitution with decentralisation of its regions. There is no word of federalization. Why? The main players of this game such as USA and Germany are Federal governments, why not their adopted little UA?
Oh, by the way; to live on their own or decide with who for the people of Donbass there was no word in that paper. After all those deaths they'll be obeying Kiev? Go figure. Insanity has no limit in here.

One of famous radical-nationalist-neo-nazi-ua-parliament-member-oleg-lyashko said that his sister is fighting on the side of self-defense in Lugansk, at 

It's couple of minutes before 5pm in NYC. Last hour was the longest one for me for a long time.
I was looking to the clock, trying to distract myself with some things and drinking coffee and tea one after another. Pray, pray, pray and lit a candle for peace to resume for poor Ukrainians and Russians who already suffered so much.
NOW!>>> Feb. 14th, 5pm in NYC and 00:00 (12am) Feb. 15th by Kiev time.
Fire should stop from both sides at this minute. Oh, God, have mercy, let it happen, please.....
Now I'm so cautious to check the news.
I'm hoping against hope to see any live news. There are 3 reasons that that won't be possible.
Let's see the news from Moscow first; it's still nightly news at 9pm on the screen and this channel don't have live transmission to NYC. At heroic Ivan Prozorov is reporting from Donetsk during the day and himself almost coming under fire.
Despite the fact that the leaders of DNR and LNR signed the ceasefire agreement, one of them,
Alex Zakharchenko also almost came under fire.
Then Ivan is reporting live saying that all day shelling of Donetsk continued as if following a schedule, - every 2 hours, starting from 8am, then 10am, at noon, etc. with 6-7 huge explosions and shellings.
"I can say that today was one of the worse days in entire conflict, the very center of city was bombarded causing huge distraction and bombs come down literally 2 blocks away where we're standing now," - he says. At 2:02min. into the tape you'll see bombarded crowded bus stop where
a man and a woman are laying dead on the street and 12 people got injured.
At 2:18min. a man says that he was lucky to survive. Look at his cloths. He says that especially last
2 weeks they were bombing the center of the city with more intensity, like almost every our.
Look at that scared kid who stutters from fear of running into basement from bomb blast.
Look at the saleswoman who says that her son is in self-defense and that it's a malarky that him and his comrades are bombing their own city with their parents in it, as Kiev tells the world.

In the meantime uncle PP is threatening to impose a Martial Law over entire territory of UA, should fire will not cease at scheduled time.
So, if Martial Law will give him more hand to operate his bloody mission further, why would his thugs stop firing. He'll tell them to continue, then use it the other way to do more damage. There are private groups who are not even under his control. How those going to stop? Where are they now who can stop them?  OSCE? It's way over my doubts. UA "volunteer battalions" continue their satanic mission, beat up people in their home, take everything they want and laughing in the camera on "seasfire." A man you see with bloody head in his own home crying for mercy is an ethnic ukrainian, he speaks ukrainian.  He says he's with nobody, he don't want to fight against no one, but thugs treat him like a piece of dirt and proudly showing off.  It's at
For radicals and neo-nazis in Kiev talks about ceasefire is irritating. Blood drinking head of the party called rightsector already announced to the world on Internet, that to him and his thugs seafire agreement is illegal. So......    how uncle PP is going to talk or restrain this one and alike?
We'll, unfortunately, he can't. I don't see how.
Oh, my God!...

Here; at Eduard Basurin, deputy of defense forces of DNR, says that after the dealine, UA military continued the bombardments.
At you'll see that my doubts weren't not silly, unfortunetly.
At 0:45 you'll see published text on Internet from ex-deputy of commander of privately owned and operated battalionAzov - igorMasiychuk saying that seafire agreement is a work of an enemy of nation/treator. This person is a colleague of crazyYarosh who is also member of Rada.
How PP can control them, it's beyond my imagination. He'll be killed before he goes against his inside opponents.

[This looks worse than I thought. I think PP's demise came the day he was inaugurated. His verdict will be implemented when he'll publically talk and go against his own "junior colleagues" in Rada.]

2 battalions under the command of crazyYarosh refuse to abide by Minsk Agreement, calling it illegal.  It's at 

Feb.15th, Sunday morning in NYC. 
News at noon is in from moscow. At Ivan Prozerov is reporting that there is a relavive quiet in Donetsk. There were some sporadic fires in early morning hours, but at the time of his report at 2pm Donetsk time, it was quiet. Thank God!

Another humanitarian aid convoy from Russia, consist of 170 trucks, went to Donbass today.
Uliya Chumakova reporting from customs point of border patrol at

NTV reporter Mikhail Chebonenko says that after 1am fire subsided in Donetsk. But DNR defense center offcially reported that in early hours of Sunday morning in neighboring towns Debaltsevo and Uglegorsk fire continued; at 

You won't believe how fast Deutsche-tran wants to get credit for this. Un-be-freakshow-lievable!

Feb. 16th., Sunday, overall relative quiet so far. It lease were only handful of reporters are located. We'll never know exactly what's going on on the ground. The entire region of Donbass is pretty big.
At heroic Anton Stepanenko reporting from the battlefield where self-defense is holding lots of military men in "katyol" and offering them to give up arms and garanteeing their safe releace.  Everyone says that they don't want useless casualties. Those who died, SD guys buried. A soldier in the clip says they contacted the commanders of deceased servicemen to release bodies, but those didn't want even talk to them. "Then we decided to put them to rest in here together, their own abandoned them," he says. Today battle is waging for the village Kamenka, not far from Debaltsevo. All surrounding areas of Debaltsevo being bombarded by UA military. One of the villages is so destroyed that only the name is left.  At 6:00min. you'll see the man is showing the jacket of one of the thugs, which had been from Czech republic. At 6:44min. you'll see a panorama
to the frontline. Alkhavadka and Kamenka are currently under shelling, you can even hear.
This report should be called "Frontline Debaltsevo."
Another one is at 
Overview of last week is at by heroic Alexander Yevstigneeyev.

Orphans of Donbass at by heroic Irada Zheynalova. This is emotionally very hard to watch.

In the meantime in Lvov, western UA, gov. is organizing a training camp where instructors will be from none-other than old good USA! There go your taxes; - making more kids orphants.
600 American marines are planning to go there in march, about which one American commentator says should be against the agreement in Minsk. It's at
I'm speechless and one with this.

So long.


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