I turned on your show the last 5 minutes.
You were ranting about the enemy within, saying that you're praying for a patriot come to the power in this country.
You can do more than ranting, but I'm not going to give you ideas. You should know better.
I'm just going to cover what you don't. To me this is the most important and dangerous thing that's going on in the world right now.
At you'll see Putin, Merkel and Hollande in Kremlin discussing how to to stop the war in Donbass. Recently the situation there has rapidly escalated .
By the time of this report from Moscow at 9pm. they were talking about 1.5 hour already and media was not allowed in. There is no time limit to their meeting, so the result of their conversation will be covered whenever it becomes available.
I'll get to it as soon as it comes out.
I personally do not believe that these 2 are acting in "good faith," to say the least. As soon as self-defence forces advancing and about having the job done by getting rid of Kiev thugs on their soil, WEST panics and talks "peace" to gain time. They did this many times already during this war.
That Minsk peace agreement was a trap. It only benefited Kiev, because they were able to regroup, rearm, refresh and thus kill and destroy more. Hope Putin and Donbass won't go for the ruse again.
When I was growing up one of my favorite stories was the story of Buratino by Alexei Tolstoy.
Buratino is the Russian Pinocchio. In the story there is Karabas - Barabas, a puppet master ("kouklavod" in Russian) who has 2 fraudster cronies - fox Alicia and cat Basilio. Those try to fool
Buratino out of his money and stuff.
You should watch it. I'm sure you'll like it. And see if those characters remind you people who are running world politics today. To me, I can not even be "too polite" not to mention those.
I can not help it. It just comes to me automatically: Alicia and Basilio are in Kremlin now, trying
to claim more Russian money and Russian lives. Kouklavod is in here pulling the strings from far away. Putin is the Buratino in this play, who is innocent, but also very smart.
What they're going to offer is the same trick presented with different words, see if that will "confuse" Putin. Will see. I hope I'm wrong on this.
My gut tells me that this war will never end unless Putin takes Kiev and stays there.
For those in Ukraine who want to be "west european" so badly, he should organize high speed massive exile to those "great" countries of Germany and France. Let them take care of those.
How about that?
Fox Alicia looks tired in that picture. Look at bags under her eyes. Cat Basilio, - the fornicator,
whom Saudis prohibited to visit their country with his partner in fornication (it's against their
moral code), looks a little better.
Good for Saudis! I'm with them on this.
Putin should invite me to talk to these bozos about their mutual "culture" of perversion in the lowest level that any human can even imagine. I'll bet my bottom dollar that we'll go out to streets and ask millions of people to give scenario how human can behave lowest of the low possible. No one will get close to the thing that I saw on French basic TV, in the evening dinner time, which they share with Germany. No one! It was unimaginable. No horror of profound sickness of human mind of any kind could prepare you to see that. No animal in this world ever did such thing or thought of doing it. None whatsoever. There is no word for it, none. "Perversion" is a soft, polite, groovy and commonly accepted word to describe it. Humans should come up with new word for it. I'm trying for many years
I still get sick in my stomach, when I remember that.
You know what my dream is? To be able to see that bozo cat and fox, on live international TV, and asked them if they liked the movie I saw when I lived in Europe. I'll tell them the name, the studio that made it, the day and the time I saw it. Will show only last couple of minutes of the movie and ask if that's their culture. You won't believe that how any even "high cultured" people will not withstand spiting on their faces and kick their damn behinds out of their territories.
I want Putin to know about this and throw on their faces any time he gets a chance. You can deal with snakes, but never should put your stick down. That's what I'm saying.
You want a proof why I'm saying what I'm saying about Kiev thugs and their sponsors?
Watch the report at by heroic Ivan Prozorov from Debaltsevo of Donetsk region.
Today was another day of "peace" agreed yesterday by 2 sides of conflict and OSCE to evacuate civilians from the area of danger. From 9am today, according to signed document, gunfire should stop. It didn't happen. Why? Read the English translation of report. See how Kiev and their thugs operate "keeping their words" while their sponsors from "civilized western europe" are sitting in Kremlin and trying to pull a next short one on Putin.
Why don't they go to war zone to see themselves and stop this shenanigan? Where are their employee-cronies on the ground of war zone? Nowhere couldn't be found, right? Right! They can't see these pictures also? Why? Are they blind and deaf at the same time? And how did they get
where they are now?
I remember another story from my childhood about how the worse coward in town became the King. No wonder it's on the shelf of classics. Always will be.
When buses went to get people, Kiev thugs opened fire on then. It was impossible to do what was planned to save lives. For those who got out, the dangerous ride took 4 hours on buses. Usual time
is only 15 minutes for 14 km (8 mi.) ride, which is the distance between those towns.
Look at the misery on people's faces at 3:20min. and these are those who are "lucky" to be still alive.
Hear what that man is crying about while telling how many of his friends got killed and how they got killed. "Many, many, many, many peaceful civilians died, that I knew," - he says crying. Others are looking for their family members. Some even lost each other because they had to leave in panic.
Put the face of fox Alicia Merkel in front of these people. I'd love to see that!
Another evacuation from neighboring town of Chernukhino was under gunfire also.
It's at repoted by heroic Alexander Yevstigneev. Under the fire were refugees and also news crew from Russian TV.
At :35min. into the tape you'll see a woman crying, saying that they were stranded for 11 days with no bread and water, describing what's going on the streets. At 2:04min. you'll hear the artillery fires in Chernukhino and how Kiev thugs started to fire more after the people, who are mostly elderly, woman and children, came out to from basements to get on buses to evacuate. A bus driver said that they'd drive to pick up people on foot from the streets. at 2:40min a driver says "we gave them ceasefire, what kind of ..... ceasefire is this?"
You have to see it to believe it.
You want of see another shenanigan of world caliber? It never ends; Lavrov is in Germany now where 60 big shots representing their countries meeting and talking about "security" of all things considered. It's at, reported today from Munich.
Can you believe that? Wow! I'm shell shocked.
Report says that the first time during the "conflict" in UA European and American positions are not the same. To me it's more likely not more than "good cop, bad cop routine."
I hope I'm wrong on this too.
Oh, look at "important faces there. Wow. Our own M. Halfbright/Nonebright is there too. What's her function there? Did she pay from her own pocket to go for junket called "hang out with big shots"?
Look, I didn't know; Germany's Defense minister is a woman too? Wow! It's a beautiful thing;
2 most important positions in the most influential country in EU occupied by women who never
hold a gun in a fight? Who never have been in a fight?
Oh, don't miss your fellow citizen "foaming mouth warmonger" no less than "senator" McShame. He's there to advocate against the main theme and ask for more lethal weapons against people of Donbass. So damn europe says "no" for lethal arms to UA and USA is for it? I think that's what it is.
At 2:12min. you'll see that viagra-overdosed and still "unlucky" devil's miserable look on his deformed face spewing out ideas of shedding more blood around the world from his helling soul.
Looking at him I feel that in his half dead soul and mind together he's running a real, none-stop halloween party. There are no candies and masks, it's the real, serious deal, real hot, firey, bloody
hell burning his face down when his words are coming out. I'd love to spit on his face for the entire world to see. That would be the only thing I can come out with that would justify for me to go to jail for one night for the first time in my life. I wouldn't mind to pay the price. Oh, wait, I'm having a second though; my spit might be a blessing for him, like a reward of some kind. It's too much of a good stuff for him. Maybe I should get a batch a urine collected from the displaced and wounded children and elderly of Donabss and pour on him from head to toe. That would be much better.
His own wife would be glad to see. She don't want that psychotic psychopath around the house anyway. Who would? Nobody. Good people wouldn't want him and bad ones don't need him.
As far as I'm concerned, he should be in burning hell long time ago.
Merkel's party called him "cowboy" (it's a negative adjective in their vocabulary), social democrats called his rhetoric "insulting." Gen. Sec. of NATO said that he's isolated from current world events and lives in cold war era, which is over for a long time.
I'm fed up with these reports. Nothing good is going on anywhere. I'm done for the day.
So long.
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