Feb. 23rd, freezing Monday in NYC.
Today is the day of Protector of Homeland in Russia. It's like the father's day in here, but here not every father served in military. But in Former Soviet draft was mandatory for men, so it was all men' day.
It's widely celebrated in RF, but not in UA anymore. neo-nazis there canceled even Victory Day, May9th, from official calendar.
You should see this at by heroic Yygeniy Golovanov.
At by Kirill Brynin you'll see the situation in Donbass.
It's better than before, but hostilities are not over with.
There are some UA soldiers left behind by their commanders who don't want to give up their arms and come out. So they shoot, and those who have them surrounded shoot at them back.
Another problem is the experience of war for people, especially for kids. Living in dark, cold, musty, humid basements for months and almost starving to death is going to have its lasting effect on their physical and emotional health for decades to come.
At 10:14 Alexsei Pilco, who is the director of Eurasian Communication Center, says that PP never can be sure between war and peace. I agree.
The site at www. MAY9.RU started working today, getting ready for celebrations of 70th anniversary of victory over nazism.
At you'll see the info. about it.
Minister of Communications and Mass Media of RF Nikolay Nikiforov introduced a new app; you can dial 1945 and go from there.
Also #pobeda70 when you can go back to 1945, Feb.23rd, for example, and hear and see what was going on then. Also you can download all the songs of the time and after.
On the site you can find documentaries and other WWII related stuff.
Feb. 24th, evening news from Moscow at showing that self-defence is keeping up with compliance and pulling back heavy arms, but according to footages taken by the crews of heroic reporters Alexander Yevstigneeve and Ivan Prozorov showing that Kiev's side is not in a harry. They change their words and demand more things.
OSCE is not present in this process in this stage. Presumably, according to the report, they have to go and check the result.
Self-defense was advancing recently, but agreed to give up some of its taken territories and count the withdrawal from the previous points. I don't know why? Why would they be nice? They have people who perished and they should not give up an inch. To me, they should not even stop. They should go all the way; such as taking Odessa, Mariupol, all the real native, historic, Russian areas still populated by Russians and more. That's what I'm saying.
That would keep Fox and Cat in Minsk as long as needed.
Should Russia stopped nazis by bombing them in Poland and Czech Republic (before they conquered them and advanced toward USSR), many more millions would be saved in Russia and in Germany later.
You said you're so tired of that middle eastern group .s.l, that you don't care about collateral damage at this point, because something has to give; or us or them.
See should Russia do it right now, most of the world will jump up and down condemning it.
In this particular war, that you somehow missed, self-defense forces of Donbass were fighting neo-nazi aggressors. They've got devastated towns and cities, several 1000s dead, many more maimed, displaced, you name it. Why wouldn't they go all the way to Kiev and finish the snake in its den?
You think scaring it off will change its mind?
I'm extremely sure - NOT AT ALL.
Minsk agreement was another "hold back, get stronger and get back at it" for Kiev. It's still asking for lethal arms from USA, at least 600 military experienced officers from here are there now "training" the thugs, etc. They couldn't get $$$ from IMF or other snake pit box before a phony "peace."
They have done this throughout this conflict. What changed in their minds now? Who gave them "educational training?"
I hope I'm wrong on this, but this agreement at this time wasn't beneficial enough for self-defense.
It's going to go back and hunt them again. You can't negotiate with ideology or nazism. Prime-minister-main-bozo of the country (looks like a caricature of a sick and old rabbit) publically calls
people of Donbass "subhumans." Another high ranking politician, a woman, calling them "biological waste." There are PM members in Rada who openly curse and call for murder of entire ethnic group living in the east of the same country. Among them women.
Would I be dealing with them? Not me, not at all.
Putin is the only one who really deserves Nobel Peace prize. The rest of politicians involved in this war should be prosecuted by Int'l tribunal for committing genocide and crimes against humanity.
Oh, no, look at this, unfortunately, I might be right in my presimistic prediction;
at you'll see and hear that UK gov., which is "scared" of your precence in its streets, decided that Kiev thugs are the good guys and need help. They decided to help, oh, yessir!
Not only with tools for warfare and trainings how to kill better, but also "intelligence."
Another gift which apparently "keeps on giving" is no other than our own Gen. Hodges, who will be going there shortly to "train."
How you can close someone's eyes by saying "I want peace," when in the meantime asking foreigners to come train more brother's killers with more stuff and with better skills.
So, Putin should be stupid not to see this? Or, pretend he's stupid and let this happen?
I wonder who is he consulting with. Not with me, that's for sure!
Oh, another one, look at this and then tell I'm wrong, please.
LOOK AT THIS! At Andrey Grigoryev reporting from Kiev.
Apparently, today official HQ of Military of UA announced that they're NOT going to withdrawn today or tomorrow, at least. In the meantime self-defense is moving and can become potential target on the roads.
Another one, look! Today Uncle PP arrived in Adu-Dhabi to an Int'l Exhibition of Arms and already signed about 20 contracts and military co-operation agreement with none-other than prince of that country.
Oh, well, chocolate which made and mostly purchased in Russia is taking him places, for sure.
How blind Russian government can be? This is on one of the biggest news channels. Are they missing this? Are they overdosing on "Naivete" juice? That stuff is not natural.
In UA, not only 23rd of Feb as a soldiers' day is canceled, but in the place of it installed oct.14th, which is nazi-bandera's-day. This one is prohibited in RF and you can see why, by checking who bandera was. In Kharkov, a policewoman who congratulated her male colleagues with holiday of Feb.23rd has been fired.
At heroic Dmitry Zaitev reporting from Donetsk area.
Murderers left behind radioactive tanks, little brother and sister, who lived in basement for 3 weeks, made a song about war.
2 bomb blasts happened today in Donetsk, when Dima still was in Debaltsevo, and he explaines what witnesses say about those. There are apparently some sporadic gunfires also.
[Some left over groups of thugs do not obey Kiev. They're privately hired and paid by their employer. Why would they leave? They're getting paid for being there.]
In the meantime KK (ketchup/kerry) said that usa wants to put more sanctions against RF.
Isn't it fun to deal with scary people? I'm not sure how is that for P, but for me it might become boring at one point of time.
So long.
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