Curits who comes before you on wabc can be funny. I like the guy, wish he was my brother. Do you know what politician are using to pull lies on us? He said they're using a science called "political trickonomics." Also he calles Al-Sharptongue's program "Shackdown America." I think these are hilarious. I laugh at those all the time. Tonight Dr. Cohen would be on radio. I'll be listening.
You should too and invite him to your show, please.
Wee hours of the morning in NYC and I can't help it. I have to check the news.
Apparently there is no shortage of bad news.
Morning news from Moscow reports that last night cities in Donbass were under continuous heavy bombardment by UA military and still are. Many casualties, no gas, no water, nothing is working.
It's at by heroic Klim Sanatkin.
By 6am 70 injured were taken to local hospital. Who knows how many they couldn't get to?
How many are dying hungry, wounded and in despair right now? And the world is doing what?
How a doctor can treat a UA military soldier who came to kill them, threw a bomb at them, killed their families, destroyed their lives and now needs a bandage and medication?
I swear to God on Holy Bible, are you kidding me? They treat them and send them back just to see some of them go back again? In the meantime they have no food and their kids are 6 feet deep?
Get the .... hell out of here, - as we say in NYC!!! That's what I'd say, should I get face to face with any of them. Those doctors should send them to hell with express ticket.
They should have a sign on the main door;
"Today is a 'Go to Hell in Handbasket day' for Kiev's soldiers who came to kill us."
Zakharchenko asked them to give up and guaranteed their safe return to their homes. Why are they still there? If their mothers and their coup-promoted new government don't care, why should anyone else? Especially the ones who are being killed by them.
Oh, wait, this is not even over; the 'world' is really upside down and supporting them? What happened, second Sodom and Gomorrah is here already? It's just about the time, I guess.
At 3:50 min. into the tape you'll see excerpt from Spiegel de saying that US decision to arm Kiev
is not in line with west's position. Germany thinks that this conflict can not be solved by military means. Another publication, says that O's decision can drag EU into war.
Without west's openly announced "help" there is a huge amount of arms arriving in Kiev everyday.
About that announced the biggest cop of that town Alex. Terezchuk (5:31min).
There were demonstrations in Germany and Austria yesterday.
About those report at
How "good old France" is doing on his business contracts with Russia?
Watch the answer at report.
Hollande is an another scoundrel on the long line of Int'l crooks, as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, look at this; 4:32am in NYC. I just checked yahoo and no wonder another world caliber poison came out of it.
PM of DNR Alexsander Zakharchenko in an interview said "miserable representatives of great Jewish people" are running Ukraine. Who asked what Q, it doesn't say.
Every nation has its own miserable people. It's a fact. Everyone knows that and no one in his/her
right mind would disagree with that.
Happen to be one of them in Ukraine, who is big, fat, super-rich, governor by appointment, owner
of privet military battalions (which are not even accountable to central commend) happen to be a synagogue attending Kalamoysky. He is the one who puts bounty on elected members of Ukrainian parliament such as Igor Tsaryov and his family.
This monster is so miserable that all the Billions of dollars he has he still is not capable of deciding
to live a normal life. Such as, for example, take his money and go to any other country in the world, including USA, Israel, Switzerland, you name it, nobody can stop him and I'm sure he has a memorabilia of passports in his possession. Instead he's there, in war torn country, paying for more killings. Why wouldn't Zhakharchenko call him miserable? I'd call him an SOB too!
But, look at this; look how they turned his words around to get attention, scare the Jews with word "antisemitism" in here and around the world to hate this man and rally against him and his cause.
Zakharchenko's father and grandfather fought against nazis in WWII and saved thousands of Jews.
The death toll, which I believe is lower than they can find out and report, already reached 5100. These are civilians in Donbass, - in their country, on their historic land, in their homes.
Yes he wants more people to fight by his side for their freedom, he needs them. Kiev is doing 4th mobilization right now and its president was screaming in public saying "we're going to clean them out of there" about the people of Donbass.
What do you think should happen? Midday news is in from Moscow.
Look at You'll see pieces of a blown off racket from Gorlovka being shown to Journalists. Expert explains that it belongs to NATO forces and made in USA. More civilians are dead, second time bomb hit the coal mine Zasyadko with 140 miners still working inside. By the time of broadcast they're trying to get them out.
Also check to hear how Kiev's western allies are very worried and want to "help." They're helping alright already.
3:15pm now, you started with the killing of Jordanian pilot by .S.L. Yes, war is an ugly thing, you didn't know that? Why are you so worked up? Comparing it with saying that even his hid his atrocities. First of all in his time there were no cameras in every phone in everyone's pocket and no Internet either.
I know it's horrible to burn someone alive in this day and age, but there is nothing new about the most of the world living in way back mentality.
They asked to exchange him with a woman held in prison in Jordan. Jordan refused or delayed, Jordan got the massage. What can I do about it? Nothing. Let Jordan worry about it. I'm not Patron Saint of Jordan, neither I'm aspired to be, nor they would let me to be, should the whole world go down. So.... Why would I care? That's why I turned the radio off, so I can do this.
I have other people to care about today in the first place. Those are Slavic Christians with great civilization who don't do this thing to others, didn't even have death penalty on their book.
"What a nice, civilized, compassionate, evolved Europeans they are," you would say. And what's happening to them today. They're being killed; burned alive in their homes. Can't ran out because there is no place to run to and there is no one left to save them.
These are not people who lay with their first cousin before puberty and start multiplying rapidly with no education, no job and hate others thinking they should get enough what they want while doing what they like to do. Such as eat, multiply and bent over asking fir more a few times a day.
These are people who have 1 kid average per family, are 100% literate, worked and worked and worked and worked, dug the soil deep to get something out to make a living and fought for their survival for thousands of years. These are the ones would be glad to see you go there and stay there.
These are the ones who saves your grandparents from Nazis. No Jordanian wants you around, unless you didn't notice.
Let me ask you a Q, so in case you're reading this, can calm down from screaming for future reference.
A member of Parliament of Novorossia, on very known, maybe the biggest political program on TV in Moscow said that they found an old woman in her apartment eaten live by rats.
She was so worn out and incapable of even fighting rates, her body was torn a part by vermin.
Now, which type of death is worse? Should we even compare? It's hard to compare, but should we need to do one thing at the time, I'd first run to help that woman, if I could.
Pilot is a young man, who took a stirring wheel of a dangerous machine and went for a dangerous mission. Not everyone wants to makes or can make those type of decision. He was ready to die.
He must be trained to be ready to die. It's not a sissy's job to fly in the sky. On top, going for killing mission. He comes from culture that death can or will be reworded after all. He knew the possibilities. That's what I'm saying.
He could be burned alive should his plane burn down accidentally. He went for it.
People who are dying today in Eastern Europe, mainly ethnic Russians and among them Ukrainians,
Tatars, Greeks, Armenians and others didn't do anything bad to anybody to deserve what they're getting now; - a miserable existence and horrible death. You'd like to have these people as a next door neighbor in your beautiful marine country, not anyone of them from bloody middle east where every side, no matter the name and affiliation, wants you dead, Yes, I said it, and don't tell me you didn't know. I'm too old to know that you know this well and still wasting your air time talking about it.
Now 4:10pm, I pushed to button on radio, you are still talking .S.L, saying they're at war with us, we're not with them. Radicals Islamist concurred wast territories very fast, defeated Byzantine army in 17th century, etc. You're right, but I know that and I'm not wasting time listening about it.
What do you want for O to do, nuke them? There is Israel in Middle East. How would you do that?
You're not talking about things that you still can help.
1. Stop the flood of uncontrollable invasion of your country. You have the big microphone, not me.
2. Help those who can be thankful and helpful to you and also capable of helping themselves and
the rest of the world. When you'll be gone from this world your granddaughter will still be.
Who do you think she'd like to share this planet with? Answer to yourself and talk about it. But...
Apparently, you're not doing it. Somebody has to, though. Let it be me.
Don't get upset with me, I have your book "Stop the coming civil war" and I'll be reading it.
But can't stand you screaming about less important things around the world today.
At 4:45pm I turned the radio on again and you were talking about vaccinations of kids telling that it's not a good idea. I guess you didn't learn the lesson talking about autism couple of years ago.
I turned it off and turn on again about finishing time. A few minutes left for the whole show you went right back were you started from talking about the Jordanian pilot and saying that Holocaust deniers are .S.L deniers. What one got to do with another, I don't have desire to think about and I'd suggest you not to throw Holocaust around all the time when you want to condemn something. It might diminish its meaning rather than help the other cause. But, it's your show. You say what you want and I decide to listen or not.
Now, look at this. How this can slip from your radar of information flow? You have an iPhone right?
That should be more than enough. Even Obama phone, which is for free, goes on Internet.
At you'll see poor, suffered people, - about 600 Ukrainians from town of Uglegorsk (U is like in the word ruin, ugol means coal, = coal-town), after spending a week in basements without electricity, heat and water are leaving the town. First children, women and elderly are being evacuated.
If this is not an Exodus of our time, what is this?
How these people whose families defeated nazis can be degraded to this level of humiliation and inhumanity? I can't believe my eyes.
At :40 sec. into the tape a woman is saying that she survived 1941, 1946 and now has no place to go.
She says "I lived a long life, I saw it all, help the kids, please, for me it's ok, I have no place to live and no life left either. I'm no big deal, it's ok for us, I haven't had water in my mouth for 6 days,
oh, well."
This woman's face with her exact words should be on your website, Doctor Savage!
And, these are the people who got help as a miracle to get out, because self-defense forces could get to their town. What about others who are trapped, surrounded by enemy and have no way to get out?
Heroic Anton Stepanenko is reporting from the Place of Exodus called Uglegorsk of Donetsk Region in Eastern Ukraine.
At 1:08min. a young mother is holding her little kid, squeezing her face to his and literally begging;
"Save us, please, people, I'm begging you, save us," - she says. Look at the scare on that kid's face.
It makes me sick to comment, I'm just going to pull my nerves together and just explain what's going on. This people still are saying that they at least could get out. At 1:30min. woman is weeping, saying there is nothing left from the city, nothing.
There was a week of battle for this town and these people feel like they were lucky to survive it. They're not all saved, though. Those buses and tracks are taking them only to the next town - Gorlovka, which is another disaster zone. At 2:40min. another woman is crying saying "look what kind of t.r.r.sts we are, we are all miners in here, we have people in need from 2-90 years olds,"
At 3:15min. a handicapped woman is pulling the leash of a little white poodle (looks exactly like the one I had), walking with sticks in the muddy ground telling reporter that her and her daughter's houses are burned down and they hardly got out the last minute. Showing the dog, she's saying
"this is all I have."
Imagine, just imagine, in your own made up horror story that your Teddy would be in that situation?
Thank God, he's not. But his cousin is. Right now, today, in east Ukrainian town of Gorlovka.
Gorlovka is not safe either. That has been a town shelled constantly and continuously by Kiev thugs. The town is known as a ghost town, where people couldn't pick up bodies from streets to bury. There were bodies all over lying around for extended periods of time.
At 3:55min. another woman is telling what she witnessed; that there was an injured man on the street lying and no one was there to pick him up, until he died. Right after her, another one saying that the street called Druzhba (means Friendship) was covered with corpses.
There are elderly left behind who have no one to care for them.
This safety corridor self-defense was able to keep open only for a few hours.
Shellings from the other side soon resumed.
I just heard Dr. Cohen on JBS. He said he doesn't know what Washington would gain from this conflict in the climate that Eu is divided on the issue and Merkel is not on the side of military solution.
1. Personal.
Well, to me, which I mentioned before several times, the very first thing is a personal vendetta.
O vs. P. This is the name of the bloody game between DC and Moscow. - PERSONAL!
If there was no love lost before the two, at the time of Olympics it peaked.
2. Economic.
Check which member of congress has family members and friends in military contract business.
Follow the money and you'll see which monkey is sitting on who's beck.
Let me throw some names; Viagra-overdosed foaming mouth warmonger and military lobbyists' pimp mccain/mcshame, Mrs. Feinstein and company, Hillary - the hilarious, who previously exchanged ugly name callings with P (she started it), etc.
3. Russia is not a part of anything. It acts on its own interests without being accountable to any other power. Does it check its pros and cons, options, possibilities, tactics, counts whose of its allies and foe? Yes it does. But Kremlin doesn't call anyone to ask permission. That bothers potus.
He can't take it.
Just hear how speaker of DOS Jen. Psaki talks about things in general and about Russia in particular.
The choice of words masterfully put together to mislead average listener, such as "separatist," (which is a myth), "separatist violence" (which is a lie), "attempts of enhancing territory under they control"
(which is an oxymoron), because that is their territory invaded by real domestic t.r.r.sts in Kiev backed by the West. As soon as they put "Russia" before any word, it becomes a scary thing in many people's minds; Russian-backed, Russian-armed, Russian-provided, etc. like those people in Donbass are subhumans and don't have minds of their own. Well, their crazy stooge Yatsenyuk called them subhuman. He also said to germans that in WWII Russians attacked Ukraine and Germany.
I guess west is being generous in supplying him with steady stream of stashes of heavy street drugs.
Yesterday Psaki also literally said "we want to change Russia's 'behavior.'"
It sounds like "here in DC, we're the bigger and better ones, we are the ruler, we tame, discipline, force or whatever necessary, by any means, to get what we want, which always is "the right thing to do" for the world."
That's all, I'm done for today.
So long.
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