Didn't listen to your show today. Cold evening, about 8pm in NYC now. Just started to check the news.
Local; Donald Trump might be running for WH. He made his mind up for 85% only, but already has a team working on it, he told Sean.
Maybe for the first time I'll go vote. I'm very interested in finding out more of his positions not only on local political and economic policies, but also on foreign. It's becoming critical, because America thinks it's a superpower, but many other nations do not. And number of those is rising.
None of American Presidents ever knew history of the world. None-whatsoever. I can't even imagine those who are already long gone had knowledge of it or acted according with it.
The arrogance of the political elite for not listening to and learning from right kind of experts (they all get their own friends around them, who would just tell them 'yes' and bent over to them), will eventually take us into something unpredictable.
I saw this especially on exemple of the last year's events in Eastern Europe; how it was handled and was covered as an information and news. Priority of "doing the right thing" for "the right reasons" and "for the right people" is totally messed up.
While I believe there are people who can professionally and objectively sort this out and with their opinions be very helpful in making of a right policy choices, I haven't seen one media outlet who would not act as a vicious, retarded and down right psychopathic, let alone just show the facts.
It's way beyond being problematic, this is a tragic state of affairs in news media.
Exception can be only "The Nation" magazine, only the place where objective opinions were published, thanks to historian Dr. Cohen.
His recent article "A 'high noon' moment for Ukraine" is out today.
I'm upset with you that you invited him only ones to your show. How could you miss an all out hot, bloody, civil/Int'l war in 'civilized' part of the world for almost a year, is beyond me.
It wasn't only local, to have an excuse. It involved EU, US and could grow into global conflict and wipe out all of us here at any time.
Very upset with you.
Now, there is finally a good news. At heroic Ivan Prozorov reporting
from finally, Thank GOD, dying down war zone in Eastern Ukraine.
From last spring since now, after people there didn't agree with arm coup in Kiev and stood up,
about 5300 dead, millions homeless and displaced, countless injured physically and psychologically, entire regions are in ruins.
Ecological and humanitarian disaster all over in regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, which is not being reported. WHY? We, Americans, don't have anybody there to report. WHY? Good Q! YOU! should answer to that! You're a talk show host, and a popular one at that, not me.
Those Russian reporters who lived in war zone and showed us the pictures putting their lives on the line of fire, should be all granted with medals of heroism. I'm certainly going out this weekend and getting good 'Thank You' cards for them. It's time they go back home and get something for their professionalism and bravery together.
But work in Donbass is not over. It's just starting another phase of painful work. But, again, Thank GOD, this one is better than a hot war.
The only humanitarian help that I can see arriving in burned down hell zone is from Russia (maybe others are sending too, but I don't see it). Another convoy of humanitarian aid arrived today in Donbass. People there are calling those trucks "resmobiles" as from 'rescue' mobiles.
Thursday some scum opened fire on one of those trucks, if you can believe it. One of those who our government sponsors. At 4:02min. into the tape, you'll see a driver who is describing how 3 grandmothers, when they saw the trucks, came out and dropped on their knees praising and thanking Lord for their survival.
People from all surrounding towns come to help to unload the freight, which is, at this time, not only food, but also books and textbooks collected and sent by Russian students.
today, in his Security Council meeting, Putin talked about the process of withdrawal of heavy artillery in Donbass, but also, wait to hear this!, to cut members' of his administration's salaries for 10%. This is a goodwill example coming from the top.
[Bravo, Mr. Putin, wish we could do it here. I actually would suggest all positions in congress to be declared as volunteer positions with mandatory constant, periodic and sporadic drug-tests.
How would they survive? They should be given a room, food, clothes (from goodwill) and transportation for free. If they have family to care for? Then they should stay home or work on another job. No lobbyism whatsoever, it should be eradicated, prohibited and prosecuted. No vocations, also. Everyone should have a live camera 24/7 which can be seem by public. No privacy whatsoever, not a minute, besides their bathrooms and bedrooms. Total celibacy for the period of work. Can leave the job at any time and walk away quietly by leaving a simple note. that's why we should have people on reserve also, qualified and ready to start and pick up the task at any day. ???
No hard feelings from public should be shown to those who tried, but couldn't handle.
Ex-presidents shouldn't be given any pension or protection whatsoever. If they're poor and needy they should be given food stamps and public housing in NYC. Praise for doing a good job and a medal of heroism for nation should do it. I'll make up my own medal for it.
My words, my wish, just saying.]
At report says that in the ruins of Donetsk airport, where Red Cross and
OSCE are working to recover bodies of UA thugs, foreign made heavy weapons are found, which are being checked for authenticity.
At the time of their work those int'l observers come under fire, which came from the UA military.
It simply could NOT come from self-defense, no matter who says what. Self-defense fighters are happy to go home. They have destroyed homes to put back together. Defeated thugs from Kiev don't want to go as losers, they're the ones who want to do last damage with provocations. They don't know what awaits them back. Kiev rulers prefer them dead rather alive. Kiev don't want anybody go back and tell the story, or worse yet, take the same guns and point on those who sent them to their useless deaths. Kiev will do everything and anything to renew this war. They ran out of Soviet weapons, as soon as they get the foreign ones, they'll send stupid men under their control to their deaths again.
I strongly believe that by now self-defense should be in control of Mariupol and Odessa at least and should not go back even one step from the territories they've freed from neo-nazis so far. They have their blood, on top of their fathers' and grandfathers' blood soaked in it. They haven't done both, that's why Kiev is not going to calm down. It's not going to get rid of their psychotic ideas and sick the right help for healing. Just couple of days ago uncle PP signed about 20 contracts with UAE to by weapons. Whose money he's going to spend? IMF's? EU"? USA's? He has no money for gas to keep warm his people's behind, where is he getting money for more new and sophisticated weapons?
Selling them weapons is not going to be the only the goal for their "sponsors." After getting them those deadly toys they're going to teach how to use them. Who is going to teach and where. Those who sell it to them, those who are sponsoring them and they're going to do it in Ukraine. Doing it in Ukraine, means GOING THERE, going there, means staying overnight, staying over night, means have barracks, having barracks means having bases. there go NATO bases there, when shots are not being fired "officially" between different sides, but being fired "technically" for "training" purposes.
One way or the other the plan of bringing nato under the Russia's nose is not off the table. Oh, no.
It's continuing as I write about this. Under different name, under different circumstances and Putin is not "suppose" to notice this, right? Putin is the "bad" guy, because he knows who and why his country's security is being encroached and he wants to stop it. Well, that's his job; to protect his nation. We can't be dealing with another superpower, thinking its ruler is stupid and their security don't matter to them. America spent $5Billion (this is a year old number) at least to put its nose into ukraine's affairs. germans wanted and doing this for 70 years; little by little, piece by piece. Never stopped. And now, when they got together as EU and germans are kind of running it, it became an
open act and hit the target in front and center. All they have to use are the word which hypnotize lots of stupid people of their own. I'm sick of those. Don't want even to repeat. I don't know the number that Germany alone or EU combined, or both, so far spent to brew the bloody conflict in Donbass.
Do you know what's tragic about this for us, here, in USA? Without Russia's cooperation in the fight against, we can't win that s..t. One point in time, Russia is going to say "enough and enough,
I take care of my s..t, you take care of your s..t, mr. america-the-smarty-paints."
EU will calm down faster. They have lots of high ranking politicians and I guess even the most member countries in general against "sanction" and other stupid things against Russia, because their constituencies are simply suffering and that can affect their own careers.
But for USA, it don't mean anything. We have very little trade with Russia, we think we're too far away to worry about any conflict, but, I do not think it's a smart policy or politics.
To win over big snake rising in middle east, we need Russia. That's how I see it.
Another thing happened in Moscow, that shortly threw a bone to so called "int'l reporters" (who thrive on the idea of scratching Putin's paints down like little cats), one liberal thug, who was in "opposition" got shot. Politically he was a man of no consequence for almost 2 decades anyway,
but we'll see how they're going to portray him anyway. Word "opposition" is used as "holy grail"
by western media (ours included) in order to bark against Putin and get attention from all sides.
I'm ready to read "brilliant" coverage about this. I expect master use of the skills obtained in workshop called "fiction and creative writing skills" taught in J "screwls" (as Rush calls them).
I've got one from BBC already. Didn't surprise me. The same cuckoos are still working there.
I don't know what to call those who read that garbage thinking they got a news and/or information.
More cuckoo or cuckooer? Why don't I make my own word for them? Because they're more than each of those words and are not normal or natural in anyway possible, this will be the adjective created by me; - more cuckooer or better yet "the cuckooest." You like it?
Abnormal things should be called by abnormal names, for a wonderful reason called "harmony."
Cockoo, cockooer, morecockooer and thecockoest. 4 pillars of the home of mentally ill, who cover the world affairs in western media. I'm going to use this ladder as shelf, to put every and each of them on it, according to their "achievements."
Today's article in BBC about this event is on the 3rd one; - morecoockoer. For the simple fact that that not only the headline was "intellectually dishonest," but the explanation of RF's role in conflict in UA was a total lie! I didn't go to 4th, because, it thankfully was short.
The readers and believers what they dread in western media should have their own names.
How many people are getting shot in USA daily?
How about everyone around Clintons were dropping dead like flies in freezing winter? Anyone investigated those? What about O sending FBI to a church, to scare the preacher who was asking for his BC?
Last sunday world famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova's car was shot at. Anybody investigated?
Why, because she's not a politician?
The people who have means to go to EU or come to USA from Russia, who're NOT doing it, but staying there to fight without any constructive ideas and actions, are those who are there for only making money and destroying Russia. They do no like Russia, they do not love Russia. most of them covertly or even openly do not identify themselves as Russians ethnically. So they couldn't care less. They're there as long as they can pull through their scams. They couldn't do those things here, because don't have that much connections and experience on the ground. That's all.
They all have 2-3 passports and citizenships, have accounts all over the globe and of course "mother of democracy - USA" wouldn't put their "account" under their cold hands and "freeze."
He was a friend of another crook, who ran away, then killed himself in London. I can tell his story in detail, should you be interested.
The thug who got shot was friends with convicted oligarch fugitives, was divorced, had bad blood relationships all around him and was running around and screaming on political stages talking s..t.
As fat as I'm concerned, less of these type of idiots, more Russians would survive.
In the meantime, Russian news is reporting that Putin ordered a thorough investigation under his personal supervision. He was with a woman who got away unharmed. She saw everything, apparently, but who is she, where is she, what does she say? Now police is searching his apartment for clues. "Bon courage," as French say.
Tarosekasparovin! - that's what I say!
So long.
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