Feb. 7th, Saturday, wee hours in NYC.
The meeting in Kremlin lasted more than 5 hours and guests left without giving any info. to the media. They're going to talk over the phone again tomorrow. All Putin's press-secretary said was
"it was "constructive and meaningful," which doesn't mean anything to anybody, in my humble opinion.
Did you hear what crazy Brzezinski said last week? Apparently he said that we should put our troops in Baltic Republics to face off Russia. And, apparently, the other maniac with diseased mind - McShame said "that's a brilliant idea." Look how "good" their daughters are. So much so for their good parenthood. Now they're going to advise other what to do? Both should be institutionalized in special nursing home far from residential areas and without possibility of talking to other humans.
I'll see if even their children would want to visit them.
How this type of deranged minds can get that far? It's beyond my imagination. I should do a stand up comedy routine talking about those 2 "amazing" minds and their hallucinations. For normal people that should sound more like a tragicomedy. That's the hardest thing to come up with, but with those people as main heroes of the show, it won't be difficult. Their brains are gifts from satan, which keep on giving. No shortage of craze there.
Most important thing going on in the world these days is in Southeastern Ukraine, Eastern Europe.
At you'll see that's the war is continuing and those "high level talks" mean nothing to those people who are perishing today.
For the lack of better words I'll call them phony. They went to waste Putin's time, interrupt him from work and confuse him, see what they get. At least some more time for neo-nazis to gather to get more steam.
I'll try to write a scenario the way I see them operate, when I'll get a chance. ***************
In my own political dictionary the meeting in Kremlin yesterday was a BS and meeting in Munich
is a Balagan. In Russian it means messy, chaotic, disorderly. I'll throw "stupid" on it like spackle,
just to make it better looking.
Well, I've got sidetracked. Let's get back to above mentioned report from Lugansk region.
In the village of Chernukhina still about 300 civilians are in condition of hostages under the control of Kiev's thugs. One of the reports yesterday showed the situation there and misery of those fleeing people. Self-defense is trying to get those poor people out of that dead trap. They had agreement of ceasefire for a few hours just for that, but Kiev thugs didn't even keep that.
You want to see and hear another "high ranking" psychopath? Sure I have more than couple.
There is no shortage of those in human race. This one is no less than a Minister of Foreign Affairs
in one of "European" countries. This one is a "bosha" polish. He said that Auschwitz wasn't freed by Russians and 70th anniversary of victory in WWII should be celebrated in warsaw or berlin.
Berlin in all places on the planet, you hear?
Imagine what Putin is going through dealing with these insane people acting satanic?
There is a heavyweight firebrand politician in Russia, who screams "learn lessons of history, Russian nation, do not ever save anybody anywhere at anytime." Can I blame him?
Look what are they getting back for the blood they shed, sons they lost, misery they endured by freeing all those countries on their way to berlin. Could they wipe them all out, just clean all living things on their way, so they could have the land for themselves? Yes, they absolutely could. By the end of the war they already had a nuclear weapon. Should they conduct "thorough cleaning" and finish with german nation all together, today, in 2015, they would NOT be losing more blood, more innocent lives, sons and daughters, grandmothers and grandfathers, their homes and their own historic lands. And look at those con artists coming from wussy france (which wasn't fighting, but getting laid with nazis) and still nazi germany, who wants Russian dead.
You were right to say that Truman was right to decide to nuke Japan. He said "or us or them, better them than us." I agree. It worked and worked well.
Being humane hurt Russia and it's interests and it's getting worse by the day.
After 70 years of killing not only outsiders, but millions of their own citizens, when defeated, Germans pretended that they're "changing" as a nation. In reality they're doing everything to finish what they lost in last century during their own brewed two world wars.
Russia should put it's mind together, do not waste time talking to those deranged west Europeans and their cronies and finish the job they let go for last 70 years. More they talk and wait, worse it will get for their future. I'm sure of it. See what happened to Georgia? Do you know when Russians were saving Georgians, their king king said "forever with Russia." This was a long time ago, but those nations love their history, love their ancestors, thus should respect those. It was US and EU working hard to intimidate Russia, to cause turmoil between old friends and neighbors, for their own fun.
I don't see any reason why American booths should be in Georgia teaching them who to fight "better." Who are they going to fight? They took the bait tough, after a few years chewing on it they tried to cause a problem. They threw their grandfathers massage, desecrated their memory and
act psychotically and put their lives and their country in jeopardy. In 2008 they killed dozens and dozens of peacekeepers, 70 among them were ethnic Russians.
I'm sure that you don't blame that Israel can start a bloody battle for 2 kidnapped soldiers. I don't.
I also think for 70 dead Russian young men Kremlin should take Tbilisi and convert it into one of its operational points in south. Oh, is it cruel? Why? They don't want Russian rule, they should come to their mentors in America. If they think Americans are crazy for them, can't wait to throw money on them, train, teach, you name it, why not come here and get it all? Just leave the Russians alone, you bastards, you! You've got Independence, then mind your own business. That's all I'm saying.
Evening in NYC and evening news from Russia is in.
After leaving Moscow with no announcement, frau-Merkel managed to get back and participate in Security Conference in Munich. Of course her "kumir" - P.P. of UA followed her there.
She met with him before going to Moscow, then he followed her to Munich to find out what happened. Talking of being in cahoots? It's at 1tv .ru/news/polit/277302.
I'll get back to analysing what Russian, Ukrainian, German news agencies said about that conference and will add NYT's coverage for the first time. What for? For discrediting it. As an abnormal source.
No wonder I don't read that paper for more than dozen years. I did it for the coverage of MSC only. Out of curiosity. Gave another chance to it. It gave me heartburn.
Though something pleasant came out for me in this self-forced emotional ordeal. I thought that its language would be still better than mine, for the simple fact is that I NEVER studied English language. NEVER had even one class of English language or literature in my life. I came without it and I learned as much as I could all by myself. All those years of Ivy college educated reporters on its staff, could NYT give me an article without mistakes?
I'm not talking about journalistic malpractice, which they should be charge with, should we have gutsy Intelligentsia. I'll get back to that later too. *****************************
I'm talking about professional English language in official newspaper in this country. That's all.
Should it be Anarchist's flyer printed in someone's basement (while smoking something illegal)
and brought out to distribute in Zuccotti Park, I couldn't care less. This is professional atrocity and
sucks both ways; 1. spreads disinformation, 2. shows inefficiency in mother tongue.
I thought my English sucked until yesterday. From today, - I'm proud of myself ! ! !
The biggest difference between me and that thing is that I'm improvisational. What are all those spoofy heads are looking at? Another difference? They get paid and I do this for free. Another difference? I'm free and independent and they're ran by "higher power" and thugs from streets.
Yes Sir! I said that. They kiss 2 tushes; sponsors' and shareholders' and in between BSing the readers.
Let's get back to politics, shall we?
Our own ketchup-man met with Lavrov and talked about the war in UA (supposedly), Iran and Syria. It's at I remind me "The odd couple." They see each other so often and still can't agree on most of the things. Nothing they agreed about the war in Ukraine, that's for sure.
I have a feeling that mr. ketchup going to play other countries' cards with RF as a bargaining chip.
In the meantime genoside is continuing in Southeastern Ukraine and innocent people of all ages
are being displaced, injured and killed.
Sunday, the 8th morning news at shows how those poor people are suffering, trying to save their devastated lives.
Heroic Alex Yevstigneyev is reporting from Lugansk Region. At 2:00 he says that homeless people waiting for soup kitchen to open for 2 hours at the time. For many that's the only food they get in whole day. People didn't get pensions from last summer. Have no money, no home. Then you see an orphanage where kids (1-18 years old) without parents or any other caretaker are being sheltered. "Kids are crying in sleep. They witnessed horror. Some have been injured themselves," - the caregiver whispers to Alex.
Anybody can take these kids' panties and throw on the faces of those "big shots" of the world getting together not knowing or not willing to know what's going on? What kind of global circus is going in Munich? It should be called MGC - Munich Global Circus. Maybe even MSC as Munich Serious Circus? Whichever you like better. This is a serious game alright. Look at those "serious faces of big shots" whose decisions can kill so many humans, who happen be much better creatures than them.
Another convoy with 170 tracks of humanitarian aid went to Donbass from RF. It's at
In the meantime Ukrainian militia is coming up with new, provocative ways of killing people.
The way, they hope, the residents of those areas might get confused about who's killing them.
It's at
Feb. 8th, Sunday evening in NYC. Evening news from Moscow is in.
Putin, Merkel, Hollande and PP today spoke over the phone. Nothing is known to media about their conversation; only that they will meet in Minsk on coming Wednesday.
Report at says that Americans in Munich were surprised that European
powers were offering diplomatic and political solution to the crisis in Ukraine instead of military and were against giving UA more lethal arms. In UK, Cameron's opposition spoke out, asking him why he wasn't there, is he not interested in peace process?
Positions of EU and the US were opposite for the first time when Merkel adamantly said that Germany is not going to provide more arms, because the region is already flooded with it and
more will only make matters worse. She is right. Do you know what warmonger mcShame called her? He called her "foolish." Yes, he did! The foaming mouth psychopath showed himself in full.
The other psychotic - Lindsey Graham was hissing like a rattlesnake too. Both looked like in hot heat on overdosed Viagra. And nobody wants them around because of it anyway.
Doesn't that god-damned Cadillac health care of theirs is enough? I'm sure it provides for any psychiatrist in that town too.
How much food, clothing those vermin need in their stinking lives? How much Viagra is enough to make them delusional? Are they also mixing it with anything else? Who knows?
Remember I said it about McShame on your show few months ago and you laughed uncontrollably?
We both laughed so much we couldn't finish the conversation and you had to go to break.
Anton Vernitsky is summing up the news of last week. Let's see what he says.
At 3:20min. into the tape you'll see the meeting of Putin with Pres.of Belarus A. Lukashenko today. He said that after his meeting with M. and H. in Kremlin they'll be meeting in Minsk on Wednesday in so called "Normandy format," which will includes 4 sides (including PP). Lukashenko said that he'll be glad to welcome them all in Belarus and do everything in his power to make the meeting comfortable and productive.
This will be the second time for VP to meet PP after the August of last year, which happened also in Minsk.
At 5:20min. Lavrov says that this cinflict can NOT be stopped by military means. Arming the UA government and its entire population and bringing more people into to the war will only claim more lives. "We saw what happen last year after signing of Minsk agreement," he says.
Politologue Mikhail Pogrebinsky (6:25min.) says that the fact that Europeans came to talk to Kremlin says about the fact that the US already decided to provide UA with lethal arms and was just only working on "public opinion." "There are words that those contracts are already signed. That intimidated EU," he says.
At 7:37min. look at uncle PP's miserable face when Merkel saying that arming UA is not the way to peace.
At 7:48min. Politologue Denis Denisov says that Merkel's speech laid out every reason that this war in not good for EU, UA and Russia together.
At 9:37min. you'll see a big brotherly huge between PP and Biden.
My naive grandmother even knew; "Tell me who your friend are and I'll tell you who you are."
At 9:50min. you'll see Biden hallucinating openly, which I qualify as "world class."
He says that Russia was "trying" to "deprive" Ukraine from having "democratic" elections, but didn't "succeed."
So armed coup d'etat in Kiev supported by "good old, 'most democratic' US of A", in last February was democratic? Look at those pictures, bozo! That's what I say! What is this smoking? I know his son got a "job" in Kiev. He couldn't find any in here, right? This lowlife is feeling at home in Kiev, sitting on the top of presidential table and the rest of lowlives, acting like hens around the rooster, surrounding him. Uncle pp don't even sit next to him, he sits far away, like the janitor would in my company. I'd even put my janitor in better location.
At 10:00min. he calls self-defence forces "bandits" and "green little persons" who Russia was so called "arming."
This man's psychiatrist should be disbarred, and he should be kept in nut house. I'm sure when he'd
be placed in that environment, where no one would pay attentions to his hallucinations, besides the strongest medication available in this country, he'll need a straight jacket too.
You think I'm being harsh and using not highly polit literally language? You're mistaken.
Hear how he uses street slang in such a big forum in front of EU crowd (who already believe that Americans are rude, aggressive and obnoxious compared to them) toward another superpower's very popular president. At 10:10min. after lying that Russia is fighting in UA (while he don't show any proof and never did), he "instructs" Russia with opening his mouth in ugly and aggressive manner (like a predator in wild) and saying to Putin out right - "GET OUT." Yes, he says that, at 10:28min. Watch it, hear it, look at the "straight" face of psychotic. Put it in slow motion and see the face and hear the intonation of the voice of a madman.
He was called "kham," which means "insolent" in Russian.
The gang is running DC. But I'm NOT ashamed that I'm an American, because of those mentally ill, who can have us all killed are in power. You know why? Because I never voted. My conscious is clear. I didn't give these bozos business, neither I take a blame for them representing me. I don't think that elections in this country are "fair" and/or "democratic." I really don't. I don't feel that they're even sane. I'll talk to you about this later. **************************
Imagine Putin would say this in the same big forum or even less, for example, alone from his office?
We'd be drafted by DC by now. You should also check also what psychotic yahoo news reported yesterday.
Back to the clip; at 10:48min. foreign minister of Germany frank-Walter Steinmeier said that Russia in good and bad times alike have been a neighbor, always have been part of Europe and influenced its development. "This reality should be considered," he added.
Nikola Sarkozy of France (I followed his election fully and thoroughly while living in France at that time and I like him very much), is still in his right mind. At 11:00min. he says; "Separation between Russia and EU is a drama set up by America. They have right to wish so, which is also their problem, but America's relationship with Russia is not the same as between EU and Russia. We don't want cold war between us and RF again. Crimea had a right to choose to be reunited with Russia. I can bring you the example of Kosovo separating from Serbia. How did that happen?
Well, I personally would say much more about Kosovo event later. *************************
In the meantime of that conference apparently, last Friday American delegation got together with anti-EU sentiment and rhetoric behind closed doors in none-other than foul mouth Nuland's room, talking s..t against EU!
Yes, this woman got caught saying "f..k the EU" on the official phone conversation with American "official" last year (I forgot who it was). It was all over the media, but she still has not been fired.
Not only not fired (thanks to her connections), but recently went to brookings-stupid institute, barked war in there and now running the show in Munich.
At 11:55min; German weekly called Bild, at on Friday reported that after 7pm, on the 6th floor of Hotel Luxus, where she was staying, politicians, generals and other members of US delegation gather to discuss their position and talked about what to say, how to say it, what words to use, how to behave, etc. For example; Nuland said that if they talk military armament they should always use the word "defensive" when in reality talking about anti-tank systems. Also multiple times expressed insulting and degrading rhetoric against german politicians. One of the targets of foul mouths was Minister of Defense of Germany - Ursula von der Leyen. They called her "German porazhenka" or "porashenka" which is low class, degrading sarcasm with imitation of PP's last name. Well, it don't take a logic to see these people make fun of everybody in the world, while using American taxpayer money on their luxurious life of privilege to "represent" our interests.
So much so for "friends" Mr. PP and Ms. Leyer! That's what I'm saying, me, moi, Anna from NYC!
The fact that some leaders of EU were not willing to walk with American leash around their necks and saying that sanction are very costly for their economy, Biden characterized as "irritating" in his interview to
In the meantime in another conference, in Russia, Putin simply said that American approach of maintaining its hegemony of the world can not "tolerate" post soviet changes in the world politics.
"There is a one "absolute leader" in the world, who thinks that he can do whatever he pleases, and others should do only what he'll permit and only in his interest. That type of arrangement will never be suitable for interests of Russian Federation. If some countries willing to live in semi-occupation dependant on foreign influence, they can choose to do so, but Russia never will go for it. Also we don't want to fight with anybody either and are not preparing for it. Just the opposite, we're ready to collaborate with everybody. In terms of sanctions against a country like ours, I would say, never will be productive. Does it hurt us economically? Yes it does. But also it makes us to look inside more, strengthen our independance more and be more reliant on our own economy," - he said at 12:50min.
Kiev's position of asking for more lethal arms in the time of "peace talks" is talking for itself.
Check the report at Germany and France are against, Latvia and Poland say "yes, we want to give them." In the result EU wants more talks and sanctions, but Washington wants to show iron. From over the Ocean, of course it's safer for them.
Heroic Kirill Brynin is reporting. Those lethal arms are already there blasting off, you'll see a NATO bomb (at 1:20min.) presented by Deputy Defence Minister of DNR Eduard Basurin.
He says that it's a special 155 caliber bomb used by automatic weapon called M109, of American manufacturer. Another piece is from another bomb. He explains it with military tech. terms that I have difficulty to figure out. Both are not in arcenal of UA military.
In here, in our backyard, at 2:40min no other than Ashton Carter agrees with mcshame. You have to see it to believe it. I'm exhausted and emotionally drained by doing this.
Tomorrow Merkel is going to meet with potus, we'll see what comes out of it.
The next and last one for today is at telling that one of the most important positions in UA, such as "anti-corrputin" department is saught none-other than scazy-fugitive from Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvily himself. All the murderers of their own people are getting together in UA and ganging up on Russia. What a heck is this going to bring to all of us?
God save us and protect us!
So long.
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