Yesterday and today and didn't not listen. Hope you got over with 1 dead Jordanian and might start looking into incomparably bigger tragedy going on in Europe, - in Southeastern Ukraine.
There is a humanitarian crises of massive scale, burnings and distraction of innocent civilians and their towns continues to this moment.
It's beyond me why is this staying out of your radar. There are a few Qs come to my mind;
1. Maybe you don't know?
2. Maybe you're not able to find out?
3. Maybe you know, but don't give a damn?
4. Maybe you know and care, but think your listeners don't want to hear or know about it?
5. Maybe you have been ordered by higher powers not to mention about this hot and bloody war.
5. Maybe you're not ordered, but scared of talking about this because some inner personal fear?
None of the above seem to make sense to me, no matter how much I wander about your silence.
But, what is it, for God's sake?!
I'm writing this blog for about 5 years now. Do you know about it? Do you care what a loyal listener like me is saying? Giving you feedback and suggestions matter to you?
Presenting you with some information out there that you might not be able to fully absorb yourself
(because of the language barrier) means anything to you?
I don't know what is it?
You're on the radio because of your listeners. I'm one of the most educated one among them;
Philologist, Nurse, Real Estate Agent with full of drawer of Certificates in different subjects from NYU. I speak different languages, lived in different continents in different political systems.
Have lived in NYC for 23 years, came with only $30 and no English, worked from odd jobs to Ivy college, have been places you have not been and don't know about. No, I have not been in jail, not yet. I can tell you things about NYC that you never heard of.
You want to talk only with accomplished expert? Fine. You have professor S.F.Cohen, which I heard only ones on your show. What's happening? Why can't you invite him again? Don't have his email?
War in Donbass is not over, it's continuing and only getting worse by the day. Number of dead and distraction of the region is only rising. Cities like Donetsk and Lugansk, each with almost one million residents, are in ruins. Some small town are totally wiped out. Last number of dead was more than
5 200 - five thousand two hundred! this can not be the exact number. There are places no one left to count anything or bury the left behind helpless who died and are dying today!
I listened to your show more than dozen years. Last 2 days were the only ones I did not want to.
What I have done to promote your show in NYC, in another story. You're not aware of it and would be very happy to hear about it.
I really want you to pay attention to this.
At heroic Ivan Prozorov is reporting from Donetsk.
On this channel you can find translation of the report in English. Would you have any Qs, I can help you - for free.
In this clip you'll see a mother and 4 years old son in hospital after they miraculously survived a bombing. A bomb came down right next the wall of their house. Little boy was inside by the window. You'll see his wounds and hear him screaming from pain in hospital in Donetsk, but he's becoming silent and supportive to his mother when her wounds are being dressed.
At 1:30min. into the tape, mother said that at first she was in panic screaming her son Daniel's name. When she heard Daniel's cry, she was happy that at least he was alive. He almost lost his eye, has multiple cuts all over his body. And all their injuries are from broken glass flown on them.
"Look, what kind of '' he is?" - Tatyana asks. At 2:00min. her husband Andrei is showing the damage that missile caused to their property. He built that house for 15 years, all by his own hands.
He says he was dreaming to grow garden and raise kids, that's all. But now, he can't even fix it, because there are no materials, no money and no job either. On top of it his family is in hospital.
At 2:37min. you'll see his mother, who came to her son's home to escape of bombing in her town. She's crying, saying that in 1941 her parents survived the nazi bombings easier.
This missile is from Uragan, which is long range destroyer. Ukrainian military proudly showing the pictures on Internet. At 3:25min. one of its soldiers with German chevron, before firing, writes "die scam" on them (with crooked Ukrainian/Russian). If this is not a neo-nazi in broad daylight, who is that? He came to finish what his father and grandfathers couldn't.
At 3:45min. you'll see pictures of sky taken at the dawn by residents. It looks like a phosphor bombs, which are Int'ly prohibited to use in any residential area.
According to report of OSCE there are multiple kinds of Int'ly prohibited arms used in these areas by UA military.
At 4:14min. a distraught woman is telling how scary it is to live a daily life, how she hears bombs all the time and how she saw human dead bodies scattered all over the bus stop.
Now UA military is getting on with the use of Smerch, which is the worst destroyer. One bomb of it can devastate everything and everybody in a territory of 6 hectares, which is equivalent of 8 football fields.
Is that what our country wants to help Ukraine with and pay for those too, Mr. Savage?
Does this concern you at all? Does this topic deserve time on your show?
At you'll see President of RF consulting with members of security council about how to stop the bloodshed in Donbass and discussing tomorrow's meeting with visiting Chancellor of Germany and Pres. of France. They're going there with a new plan how to resolve the conflict in Southeastern Ukraine. They're now in Kiev.
To me, visiting Kiev first means consulting with their cronies about what to do and how to do it.
They're all in cahoots and our El-Jefe is running this horror show.
At you'll see them arriving there, hanging, chit-chatting, acting groovy like long lost cousins who just found each other.
Well, P.P. is asking for powerful weapons, which should be new, contemporary, NATO and American. The best of the best only. The reason that he needs those, because, according to his words, "peaceful civilians are dying."
I can't believe what I'm seeing and hearing. UA's military under his command is committing crimes against humanity. It's already devastated entire regions of their own country and killed thousands of their own brethren, and he is the one asking for more weapons?
In Kiev F. Hollande had a press-conference, but didn't answer to many Qs from journalists about the details of the peace plan he brought with him. All he said is that it based on "territorial integrity" of UA. He said "We should solve the problem by political and diplomatic means and we don't want UA to become a member of NATO, I hope you understand that."
At 1:40min. Alexander Lukashevich, representative of Ministry of Foreign affairs (check, said that arming UA is a serious security threat to RF.
Of course, party would not be fun without our own John the catchup-Kerry who hung with psychotic creature Yatsenyuk-bozo-the-clown who told Germans that in WWII Russia attacked Ukraine and Germany.
In the meantime session in Rada was going on while thousands standing by its wall screaming their demand to stop the war. On the contrary they made dodging the draft a capital offence by execution by shooting. It also give a right to soldiers to do it to each other when any one of them is refusing to fight or crossing the line. Rada reasoned this with the situation on the front because, as they said "discipline in armed forces is deteriorating." By the way, UA soldiers were doing that before this law was adopted, especially private battalions, which massively did it just last month.
In the meantime, as you can see at, "foaming mouth warmonger McShame," as you rightfully call him, was blabbering about the war and demanding to send lethal arms to Kiev.
He was followed by 12 other hot-headed drug-addict "lawmakers." Among 12 I saw at least 2 women, don't know their names. One of the 12, R. Blu-menthal (Dem) ("blue-n-mentally-ill-demn" my words) who was asking $350 million for it. At 1:30min. into the tape you'll see that warminger is admitting that UA military used Int'ly prohibited cassette bombs, but, wait to hear this, he says that's is our - meaning USA fault, because should we gave them what they were asking, they wouldn't use them. What??? What is this man smoking? This is another one who's agenda is personal.
My Q is: which ones are worse; the ones Kiev's thugs are using or the new, more powerful and sophisticated ones they're asking for? Military experts in Donbass already found bombes which belong to NATO arsenal and showed it on TV. You can find those reports in my recent posts.
So long.
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