Wednesday, February 11, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 11th, Wednesday


Wee hours of the morning in NYC.
I was listening to one of the Russian political talk shows. With high level politicians, scholars and guests from Germany and Austria discussion was "what's the role of RF in today's global world."
Silver lining of the conversation (that all agreed upon) was that Russia's position today is to stay as independent decision maker for its own interests and to be a part of multipolar world where every country has its own interests respected.
It's good and well. But, having said that, with all the historic perspective and value shearing, today, because of the US paying more than its share to NATO, it feels should have more say. I remember a saying like; "whoever pays, he's ordering the music." I look at this issue from all sides.
What if I, God forbid, would be born German? What if I would be an American? Oh, I'm an American and proud of it, - thank you very much. What if I'd be Russian and be in power or consultant to power? I'd say "Mr. VP, take Kiev in 3 days. Stop the the horror of the war, possible global environmental catastrophe, save Americans money and lives, please."

Now see if my gut feeling (what would be good for Russians and RF, for most Ukrainians also) going to be correct. No one can predict future with certainty and guarantees, but that's my subjective opinion. Why a proud American like me would say that?
WHY every American is not saying that today? - out loud, in the streets, in DC, calling back their stupid representatives, those bums, and throwing them out of barnyard,?  - is what I am asking!
I believe that my country should not get involved in this conflict whatsoever, - THE LEAST to say!
And, if it would decide that whatever mystical, mythical, mysterious cosmic force pushing them into another war, it should be on the Russian side helping them regain control over absolute chaos in UA and establish the law and order in Kiev.
There is NO reason for us, Americans, to be interested in another country's civil war, let alone go into new war against another superpower for small minority of neo-nazis from western UA.
It boggles my mind. O's grandfather fought in WWII. He was a veteran. Did he forget we were allies? No, I don't think so. It's personal against Putin. Plus the pressure from warmongers (who are bought by military contractors and their lobbyists), who can't stop the urge for more bloodshed for more money.That's all.
That's one person's opinion. Most Americans have no clue and couldn't care less where Ukraine is on the map, let alone paying for anything for any of them.

Let's see how world is faring without my hand on its wheel. :)

Morning news from Moscow is in. It says that in Minsk, the contact group finished first part of the talks. It's behind closed doors and there is not much info. out at this time. They'll meet i n the afternoon again. It's at
Putin spoke with Potusover the phone; it's usual blah, blah, blah, from both sides, at

In the meantime, at report says that on the steps of "negotiations" in Minsk, situation in Donbass worsened. There is a news that UA military is gathering steam and getting ready to attack Donetsk. In the result of bombing of chemical factory couple of days ago,
3 of its workers are dead. Firemen were trying to stop the fire for several hours.

At heroic Anton Stepanenko is reporting from Debaltsevo front of war zone, along the side of self-defense volunteer soldiers. You'll see the area which Kiev's thugs left behind. In Kiev they call them "national guard" or "national battalions." Those are the worst, because they're hired privately, paid by individual multi-billionaires, who are Kiev's friends, and do not obey to any law, rule or anything.
They rob, murder, kidnap, rape, do everything they wish. No one is their boss but s.t.n itself, as far as I'm concerned. At 2:50min. you'll see the ammunition left behind by thugs belonged to NATO.
Left not only their garbage with their flag, but also dead comrades.
At 3:00min. a soldier says that they tried to contact bosses of 25th battalion, where those belonged, but they refused to come and to pick up the corpses. So, in that place they buried about 15 dead.
He uses a respectful phrase in Russian for burial, saying that if their relatives want to come and take them for reburial, they're welcome to do so. Those are decent humans (I'd like to cook for them),
unlike the s.t.n - worshipping murderers on Kiev's side, who piled up bodies of self-defense soldiers in a big track and fired at it from tanks and blew the whole thing in piece. Because, they were "lazy" to bury them. Local people witnessed that and collected those pieces to bury. Imagine these days unmarked mass graves in Europe piling up?
I reported about that a few months ago and then it was a better weather to dig the soil. But those thugs prefered to have fun. But these good people, who are in their own towns, destroyed by those satans, are burying them, putting their enemies to rest. Look at the weather in there now, imagine how frozen the ground is.
Which side a non-psychotic person would prefer to be? One don't need to be bright, a normal mind would do.
I've got sidetracked and I want to come back to this thought later. *************************
God bless those protecting their land, homes and families and also TV crew with Artyom Gregorian, Vitali Minechenko. 2 of 3 in that crew are ethnic Ukrainians. Look what happen to their country and their brethren.
I heard Dr. Cohen today on JBS. He said his friend Mikhail Gorbachev, who is now 84y.old and sick, told him that his heart is broken from all these. His mother and wife both were Ukrainian and he can't divide his ancestry.

So long.


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