Saturday, February 28, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 28th Saturday


Feb. 28th, Saturday. Wee hours of the morning. Still very cold outside, so I cuddle with my warm computer in my warm bed.

I follow lots of other news, besides UA conflict, read books, meet people, experience life in NYC, but do not comment on them in here most of the time. But always have things to contemplate and write about such as the following.
America considers the rest of the world as its own backyard. Why? Does America do good to the rest of the world every day? Yes! Did it do good for last 200 years? Yes, of course. Do other countries reach out to America to be a rescuer, sponsor, the moderator, the judge and the peace broker when they're in trouble? Yes. Actually most of them did and do now. Is there any other country to give as much money out to help others like America did in his history? I don't think so. I don't know so.
I can go on and on, write books about these things and be able to get couple of PHDs out of it too.
Do I love America? Yes, I do, very much. Should it start a draft for general public, would I join?
Yes, I'm registered at selective service. I did it almost 20 years ago, when I've got my permanent residency. The man who did the paperwork said I was the only woman who asked for it during his 25 years of working there.
After so many years, would I be as good as before in military? Not really, not in combat, but I can help with other things, such as sorting out and getting the right information. I'm a conceptual. I've an analytical mind. I see through and analyse things in perspective of "cause, effect and side effect." And all that comes to me naturally. I'm hardwired like that. No training can do.
Would I help in a fight against anybody that my government will choose? NO way, Jose!
I'm not a teenager who don't know nothing about anything. I won't help in adventures which can bring more problems than solve them for us all in here. Not at all. I have a list of countries that I will not fight against and the first one on the list is Russian Federation. Am I Russian? No. Do I have anyone there? No. When last time I passed by? 1991 - just for transit. When have I been in Moscow and walk around a little? In 1989. That's it. But living in the US since then and following the news, information and politics daily basis, I saw clearly how "smarty paints" in Congress bankrupt this country from both sides of the isle. I saw how this country can go to war with blinders on. Some of them who make decisions of war and peace, life and death, should be in rehab, nursing home, nut house or in jail.
All of them are ignorant in foreign affairs. Yes, I'm not exaggerating. I'd love to interview all of them. Ask them Qs with yes and no answers for a fast understanding where are they coming from. What's their agenda and what can come out of it.
This counties "dream" was that next generation will be more successful than the prior one. That's how the enormous progress was made in 200 years of time. For history it's a short time. The belief that it is possible made people come here with nothing and work their lives off. They built a country, state, federation, society, legal system basically from scratch. Cultures came and evolved together in mosaic. One religion was the predominant one, because of the origin of the most of arrivals at the time. Europeans who were most tech. advanced could arrive to this shores, one language became official, the rest were free to practice whatever they wanted. People who came wanted to be part of it, speak the language to succeed.
I'm afraid that it's not the case anymore. Is American dream dead? To be optimistic, I'd say it's critically ill and sinking into coma. I'll bring a few points that I find very problematic in the whole picture.
Bribery in the name of "lobbyism" is a legal tool which helps keep the structure of corruption in DC standing strong.
First of all, members of Congress, as the President, should have 2 terms; - and get the hell out of there. Drug test, drug test and more drug tests; - mandatory, mandatory, mandatory!
As Russian Federation, we too should implement a law that anyone who has and wants to keep his/hers money, property or investments in overseas, will be prohibited from running for ANY political office.
These 3 conditions; - drug test, term limit and no hidden money will clean up the air in Capitol Hill like powerful anti-poison aerosol spray. It'll work magic.
Should be very simple and easy process for taking those bombs back to their districts. It should be called not impeachment (it's too sophisticated for them) but recall. Like a defective vacuum cleaner.
Talking of cleaning;
part of their job must be the cleaning after themselves. Yes, I'm serious.
My friend is a teacher, she had to clean, with her mother, the classroom she had to work in.
I always cleaned all the workplaces I worked before. I always left it cleaner than I've got.
They're not any better creature and should not be allowed to be disrespectful. It's good for them psychically also. It's a good hygiene with exercise; - win-win.
What can I do, as an perfect citizen of USA, to help them?
I'll teach them how to clean cleaner that they already know how, how to throw away the garbage the right way (yes, it's an art) and will advised them on nutrition and diet.
Looks to me that most of them have shortage of nutrients that help keep brain running.
Break down of brain alertness is common for people working in the environment saturated with fear and greed, where the survival is based on ability of non-stop lying and faking.
I don't blame them, that will do to anyone.
Why am I saying these politically incorrect things?
Because, beside not being an aspiring politician, I'm a Certified Medical Nurse, Certified Nutritionist, have experience in working with overweight and obese people. It was in private, very high-end, "boutique" clinic in UES, where everyone of my clients got my undivided attention and wonderful care as they deserved. So... I'm people's person, what else, I should say? You want a proof?
I've everything in writing.
Oh, also I'm a good psychotherapist. Very patient and extremely private. I don't even ask your real name. No insurance taken, though. Also have great sense of humor, can tell jokes unendingly.
I can create jokes on almost everyone in Congress. Oh, wait. there is always an exception. That's mccain. Not on him. That one is already 3/4 of brain dead and originally was born a tragic character for his own family's last name. I don't laugh on mentally ill or genetically damaged. Not me.
Do I think that the ones who are born with any mental problem, but can still can be functioning in society, can be "naive"? Not at all. There are no naive people in this world. Don't exist.
From day cares to nursing homes, let go with camera and check. Let's talk to homeless in the streets, people in prisons, let go to the most backwards country's rural village and talk to people there. Nobody is "naive."
So, john-the-toilet-mouth-blood-thirsty-crazy-McShame is not a naive, mislead, uninformed or mentally ill to the level that he can't comprehend words and pictures, but he's a pure, unadulterated evil, the s.t,n himself in human form.
See, if you reject the idea that s.t.n exists, that will mean that the virus of political correctness already eat most of your brain cells too. But, that's only one thing, not the whole story.

Saying "there is no s.t.n" shows that you reject every religion's core beliefs and teachings, the sanity of their followers, the culture it created for 1000s of years. I mean, rejecting the entire human experience in the civilization known to us will make you special kind of a retard or just a common liar. So, you pick and choose.
I'm not talking to Dr. Savage only, I'm saying this to anyone who reads this blog right now.
To me senator mcshame looks like a s.ta.n, talks like it, walks like it and asks to do the bloody work of it. The man is unleashed from burning hell of his own mind and asking for a bloody war with another superpower every minute of his pathetic existence. There is not any type of psychotherapy can help this vermin to calm down. May those who voted for him for decades perish in bloody hell, may their homes come down on their heads, as those who came down on innocent people's heads and kill all their kids while living their lives in their homes in eastern ukraine.
Hope it's a true saying that "God sees, but waits." Those who made the mistake of giving this war-monger maniac a business, should be out there breaking every door down and recalling this mad man.
See how having a law and applying a simple drug test would save the entire nation?
Desert weather dried voters' brains in AZ, as far as I'm concerned. What else than drought can make a low-average-low-minds stop working completely? What else can it be? Is there a bomb factory waiting to restart, a chemical production that can get going for 3 shift? What is it in there? How many war profiteer-contractors are lobbying him, thus asking for more blood?

Let's go back to DC. Do you know that uncle Joe (whose son got a job in Kiev shortly after the coup), before presidential elections, picked up a phone, called P in Kremlin and said "do not run"?
Can you understand what P is dealing with? If I put myself in his place, I'd say to myself; "These are complete nutts, but unfortunately can get very dangerous."
Genetic, chronic, environmental, - you name more and put it all together, it will fit the profile of behaviour of lots of thugs in Congress. Also, there are women among them. Look like halloween witches without black hats walking around talking and asking for bloodshed.
Talking of hats, let me stop here with a funny note.
I laugh by myself out loud when I remember the scene I saw on TV, thinking what the other side would be saying behind their becks. It's about our official "representatives." Remember O took a whole bunch of people to Saudi to say "sorry" to the new King after the previous one died?
Remember the group of our uncovered headed women with him? Did you see how everyone was happily smiling and enjoying themselves and the attention with handshakes like it wasn't a sad occasion at all?  Were they all invited, or this was "I come the way I want and bring as many as I want to, because you're a King of one country, but I'm the King of the World" moment by O?
Should I put myself on the other side, that's how I'd see  the whole thing.
But, in your opinion, what would hosts say in their minds when all these women got into palace
with their heads and mouths widely open?
Let's say, I'm a comedian and have my own show on TV. What would I do without calling names directly. I'd do it indirectly; I'll  show that pic. and ask audience to define it. Should I be in the audience, I'd say "a h.rde of To the video I'd say "the house broke loose."
To put both together and quote it as if an excerpt from the history book of king's palace would be;
"H.rde of weastern invading the king's palace, ...2015 AD."
That's funny.
But what makes it hilarious that it happened in super conservative place and they had no control over it. Even mcshame was there. What a crowd it was!
They flooded the place like a bad news of plague forcefully blown inside by desert tsunami.
I don't think they let them all deep inside, in the real place. The ones who sat down looked like were in a waiting room or a lobby and they were very few of them. The rest came in, just got handshakes and were sent right out, I'm guessing. Otherwise why wasn't "warm hospitality" on the tape?
I laugh and laugh and will be laughing untill the next psychotic antics by grown, rich and powerful people of the world come out. At least they're our' antics, they belong to all of us, as long as we keep them there and let them do whatever they want.

So long.

Friday, February 27, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 27th, Friday


Didn't listen to your show today. Cold evening, about 8pm in NYC now. Just started to check the news.
Local; Donald Trump might be running for WH. He made his mind up for 85% only, but already has a team working on it, he told Sean.
Maybe  for the first time I'll go vote. I'm very interested in finding out more of his positions not only on local political and economic policies, but also on foreign. It's becoming critical, because America thinks it's a superpower, but many other nations do not. And number of those is rising.
None of American Presidents ever knew history of the world. None-whatsoever. I can't even imagine those who are already long gone had knowledge of it or acted according with it.
The arrogance of the political elite for not listening to and learning from right kind of experts (they all get their own friends around them, who would just tell them 'yes' and bent over to them), will eventually take us into something unpredictable.
I saw this especially on exemple of the last year's events in Eastern Europe; how it was handled and was covered as an information and news. Priority of "doing the right thing" for "the right reasons" and "for the right people" is totally messed up.
While I believe there are people who can professionally and objectively sort this out and with their opinions be very helpful in making of a right policy choices, I haven't seen one media outlet who would not act as a vicious, retarded and down right psychopathic, let alone just show the facts.
It's way beyond being problematic, this is a tragic state of affairs in news media.
Exception can be only "The Nation" magazine, only the place where objective opinions were published, thanks to historian Dr. Cohen.
His recent article "A 'high noon' moment for Ukraine" is out today.
I'm upset with you that you invited him only ones to your show. How could you miss an all out hot, bloody, civil/Int'l war in 'civilized' part of the world for almost a year, is beyond me.
It wasn't only local, to have an excuse. It involved EU, US and could grow into global conflict and wipe out all of us here at any time.
Very upset with you.

Now, there is finally a good news.  At heroic Ivan Prozorov reporting 
from finally, Thank GOD, dying down war zone in Eastern Ukraine.

From last spring since now, after people there didn't agree with arm coup in Kiev and stood up,
about 5300 dead, millions homeless and displaced, countless injured physically and psychologically, entire regions are in ruins.
Ecological and humanitarian disaster all over in regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, which is not being reported. WHY? We, Americans, don't have anybody there to report. WHY? Good Q! YOU! should answer to that! You're a talk show host, and a popular one at that, not me.

Those Russian reporters who lived in war zone and showed us the pictures putting their lives on the line of fire, should be all granted with medals of heroism. I'm certainly going out this weekend and getting good 'Thank You' cards for them. It's time they go back home and get something for their professionalism and bravery together.
But work in Donbass is not over. It's just starting another phase of painful work. But, again, Thank GOD, this one is better than a hot war.
The only humanitarian help that I can see arriving in burned down hell zone is from Russia (maybe others are sending too, but I don't see it). Another convoy of humanitarian aid arrived today in Donbass. People there are calling those trucks "resmobiles" as from 'rescue' mobiles.
Thursday some scum opened fire on one of those trucks, if you can believe it. One of those who our government sponsors. At 4:02min. into the tape, you'll see a driver who is describing how 3 grandmothers, when they saw the trucks, came out and dropped on their knees praising and thanking Lord for their survival.
People from all surrounding towns come to help to unload the freight, which is, at this time, not only food, but also books and textbooks collected and sent by Russian students.

today, in his Security Council meeting, Putin talked about the process of withdrawal of heavy artillery in Donbass, but also, wait to hear this!, to cut members' of his administration's salaries for 10%. This is a goodwill example coming from the top.
[Bravo, Mr. Putin, wish we could do it here. I actually would suggest all positions in congress to be declared as volunteer positions with mandatory constant, periodic and sporadic drug-tests.
How would they survive? They should be given a room, food, clothes (from goodwill) and transportation for free. If they have family to care for? Then they should stay home or work on another job. No lobbyism whatsoever, it should be eradicated, prohibited and prosecuted. No vocations, also. Everyone should have a live camera 24/7 which can be seem by public. No privacy whatsoever, not a minute, besides their bathrooms and bedrooms. Total celibacy for the period of work. Can leave the job at any time and walk away quietly by leaving a simple note. that's why we should have people on reserve also, qualified and ready to start and pick up the task at any day. ???
No hard feelings from public should be shown to those who tried, but couldn't handle.
Ex-presidents shouldn't be given any pension or protection whatsoever. If they're poor and needy they should be given food stamps and public housing in NYC. Praise for doing a good job and a medal of heroism for nation should do it. I'll make up my own medal for it.
My words, my wish, just saying.]

At report says that in the ruins of Donetsk airport, where Red Cross and
OSCE are working to recover bodies of UA thugs, foreign made heavy weapons are found, which are being checked for authenticity.
At the time of their work those int'l observers come under fire, which came from the UA military.

It simply could NOT come from self-defense, no matter who says what. Self-defense fighters are happy to go home. They have destroyed homes to put back together. Defeated thugs from Kiev don't want to go as losers, they're the ones who want to do last damage with provocations. They don't know what awaits them back. Kiev rulers prefer them dead rather alive. Kiev don't want anybody go back and tell the story, or worse yet, take the same guns and point on those who sent them to their useless deaths. Kiev will do everything and anything to renew this war. They ran out of Soviet weapons, as soon as they get the foreign ones, they'll send stupid men under their control to their deaths again.

I strongly believe that by now self-defense should be in control of Mariupol and Odessa at least and should not go back even one step from the territories they've freed from neo-nazis so far. They have their blood, on top of their fathers' and grandfathers' blood soaked in it. They haven't done both, that's why Kiev is not going to calm down. It's not going to get rid of their psychotic ideas and sick the right help for healing. Just couple of days ago uncle PP signed about 20 contracts with UAE to by weapons. Whose money he's going to spend? IMF's? EU"? USA's? He has no money for gas to keep warm his people's behind, where is he getting money for more new and sophisticated weapons?
Selling them weapons is not going to be the only the goal for their "sponsors." After getting them those deadly toys they're going to teach how to use them. Who is going to teach and where. Those who sell it to them, those who are sponsoring them and they're going to do it in Ukraine. Doing it in Ukraine, means GOING THERE, going there, means staying overnight, staying over night, means have barracks, having barracks means having bases. there go NATO bases there, when shots are not being fired "officially" between different sides, but being fired "technically" for "training" purposes.
One way or the other the plan of bringing nato under the Russia's nose is not off the table. Oh, no.
It's continuing as I write about this. Under different name, under different circumstances and Putin is not "suppose" to notice this, right? Putin is the "bad" guy, because he knows who and why his country's security is being encroached and he wants to stop it. Well, that's his job; to protect his nation. We can't be dealing with another superpower, thinking its ruler is stupid and their security don't matter to them. America spent $5Billion (this is a year old number) at least to put its nose into ukraine's affairs. germans wanted and doing this for 70 years; little by little, piece by piece. Never stopped. And now, when they got together as EU and germans are kind of running it, it became an
open act and hit the target in front and center.  All they have to use are the word which hypnotize lots of stupid people of their own. I'm sick of those. Don't want even to repeat. I don't know the number that Germany alone or EU combined, or both, so far spent to brew the bloody conflict in Donbass.

Do you know what's tragic about this for us, here, in USA?  Without Russia's cooperation in the fight against, we can't win that s..t. One point in time, Russia is going to say "enough and enough,
I take care of my s..t, you take care of your s..t, mr. america-the-smarty-paints."
EU will calm down faster. They have lots of high ranking politicians and I guess even the most member countries in general against "sanction" and other stupid things against Russia, because their constituencies are simply suffering and that can affect their own careers.
But for USA, it don't mean anything. We have very little trade with Russia, we think we're too far away to worry about any conflict, but, I do not think it's a smart policy or politics.
To win over big snake rising in middle east, we need Russia. That's how I see it.

Another thing happened in Moscow, that shortly threw a bone to so called "int'l reporters" (who thrive on the idea of scratching Putin's paints down like little cats), one liberal thug, who was in "opposition" got shot. Politically he was a man of no consequence for almost 2 decades anyway,
but we'll see how they're going to portray him anyway.  Word "opposition" is used as "holy grail"
by western media (ours included) in order to bark against Putin and get attention from all sides.
I'm ready to read "brilliant" coverage about this. I expect master use of the skills obtained in workshop called "fiction and creative writing skills" taught in J "screwls" (as Rush calls them).
I've got one from BBC already. Didn't surprise me. The same cuckoos are still working there.
I don't know what to call those who read that garbage thinking they got a news and/or information.
More cuckoo or cuckooer?  Why don't I make my own word for them? Because they're more than each of those words and are not normal or natural in anyway possible, this will be the adjective created by me; - more cuckooer or better yet "the cuckooest." You like it?
Abnormal things should be called by abnormal names, for a wonderful reason called "harmony."
Cockoo, cockooer, morecockooer and thecockoest. 4 pillars of the home of mentally ill, who cover the world affairs in western media. I'm going to use this ladder as shelf, to put every and each of them on it, according to their "achievements."
Today's article in BBC about this event is on the 3rd one; - morecoockoer. For the simple fact that that not only the headline was "intellectually dishonest," but the explanation of RF's role in conflict in UA was a total lie! I didn't go to 4th, because, it thankfully was short.
The readers and believers what they dread in western media should have their own names.
How many people are getting shot in USA daily?
How about everyone around Clintons were dropping dead like flies in freezing winter? Anyone investigated those? What about O sending FBI to a church, to scare the preacher who was asking for his BC?
Last sunday world famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova's car was shot at. Anybody investigated?
Why, because she's not a politician?

The people who have means to go to EU or come to USA from Russia, who're NOT doing it, but staying there to fight without any constructive ideas and actions, are those who are there for only making money and destroying Russia. They do no like Russia, they do not love Russia. most of them covertly or even openly do not identify themselves as Russians ethnically. So they couldn't care less. They're there as long as they can pull through their scams. They couldn't do those things here, because don't have that much connections and experience on the ground. That's all.
They all have 2-3 passports and citizenships, have accounts all over the globe and of course "mother of democracy - USA" wouldn't put their "account" under their cold hands and "freeze."
He was a friend of another crook, who ran away, then killed himself in London. I can tell his story in detail, should you be interested.  
The thug who got shot was friends with convicted oligarch fugitives, was divorced, had bad blood relationships all around him and was running around and screaming on political stages talking s..t.
As fat as I'm concerned, less of these type of idiots, more Russians would survive.
In the meantime, Russian news is reporting that Putin ordered a thorough investigation under his personal supervision. He was with a woman who got away unharmed. She saw everything, apparently, but who is she, where is she, what does she say? Now police is searching his apartment for clues. "Bon courage," as French say.

Tarosekasparovin! - that's what I say!

So long.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 26th, Thursday


Today you started with badmouthing of hillary-the-hilarious-rotten-ham-clinton asking what's her advantage over men. Uterus, that's all. Why don't you say it? You want me to say it? I don't have no nerve to call you and wait forever to say something. You make callers wait forever.
I turned it off and turned on again at the bottom of the second hour. You put a clip where O says that  if congress wants a vote on whether his recent decisions are legal or illegal, it can have it, but he'll veto it anyway. Yes, he thinks he's The King, so what's new about it? Who is going to fight against him?
In terms of universities around the country teaching garbage and implanting hatred against whites, you're right too. It's going on for a long time and it's getting worse.
I have some notes they I took some time ago what CU is teaching against whites. I'll try to look for it and get back to this topic. *********************************************************
I'm surprised that a black professor was fired for saying "whites should kill themselves." Unless she is sued, the establishment where she worked is sued too, and it made public, and it becomes a law and pout in every book of legal and ethical conduct for all educators, it will continue.
How are you going to help to come up with a law like that, is another topic. You have a big mic. you say you have millions of listeners, so you should do something about it.
I know where the roots of this problem are hidden. They're not doing it because they just all bad. Overwhelming majority of blacks still hate whites to the core and have no problem of saying or acting on it in every second of the day, in every way possible and everywhere they can come across to any lighter color person, because the media will be on their side. Media thrives on controversy, social unrests and crime shows. This entire month is devoted to boil that hatred and keep it on high heat. In between pharmaceuticals will advertise and cash in. Lawyers will be busy too. One idiot, who makes big $ on reverse hatred business is right on WABC, - a self-hating, genetic liar and a crook.
To me, no white person should go anywhere and do anything (starting from walking in the streets to work or school) without a live camera. Streams directly to normal lawyers and new type of media, which wouldn't be depend on other people's permission. It should be internet, should be newly created channels owned by people who are independent, will pay from their own pockets, have only one thing in their mind "to end this reverse racism ones and for all."
Do I know anyone who can do this. Not personally. Are there people who have enough $ to be able to sponsor this? Yes. they don't need a power, connecting and influence. All they need is $. And actually it won't take much. Can you help me find those? Yes. Should you start taking my calls, put me on with my ideas, I believe there would be one person out of millions to come forward.
Would it be a miracle. Maybe. Would you get a miracle if you ask for it? Bible says yes. I haven't tried it. maybe I should. Starting today. For the future of coming generation to live in harmony free of hate. Hate/racism business against whites is blooming and doesn't show signs of subsiding in this country. They got mob members called "community leaders" and got "mock daddies" out of them cashing huge. All you have to check who is giving them mic. and who is representing them.
Don't be surprised that you'll come up with the members of the same extended family running;
DOE, hollyweird, media, lawfirms, pharmaceuticals, doctors, and they rest of their sponsored none-for-profits.
The irony of the reality in USA is the part of the society who will scream about and sue for discrimination are the ones who do and will discriminate in worse possible manner (out right in the open with pride, than ever done to them), every chance they get, every second of the day.
All you have to start with is with me - live streaming directly to your program (website or the show) and maybe some other volunteers. Just follow me going about my way in NYC. See what happens.
Have normal lawyers watching. ready to open the case. Let's start suing, shall we? Let's use the same tool, but do it out in the open, broad daylight and on livestream.
To me this would be an equivalent of new type of radiation going around in order to detect and kill cancer in our society's social and political life.
I'm so sure that this will work perfect. I'm confident that this is and will be THE ONLY way anyone can do this. Show the facts! How difficult is that? Show the facts on the streets, in stores, in residential buildings, schools, workplaces, everywhere.
I believe drones are going to help reduce crimes. Would we became more of a surveillance society? Yes, I believe so. But human usually does things that he/she thinks can get away with. People act totally differently before the cameras. That's why TV is fake. You don't know how they really look like, what they say is for what reason or another, and the way they say it is so meticulously manipulated, that an average mind can not pick up.

Now it's about 6pm already and I'm turning to hear last minutes of your show. You put again the same clip of O, and say that Feb.26th should be marked as "official start of dictatorship," because
today he openly exposed himself .  OK, whatever you want. I'm not a lawyer and don't know if he has right to do it or not. It might have been done before, I'm not sure. Not that it means that it was legal before too. But I'll let constitutional lawyers talk about it and make money. Little can be changed by only talking about it.

Did you hear that some psychotic looking person from BBG said that is like .S.L?
Yes, he put it on one line with t.r.r.sts. I remember you and the list you're still on.

Look at this video at You'll see how American influence is stirring hatred against majority in RF (who are christian whites). Causing unrest in society under the name of "democracy" - is the game, as always.
See  a short chronicle of anti-gov. "protests" organized and paid by outside sources in UA and in RF.
Foreign students from Africa, who study there for free, are protesting. What type of claims they have against the gov. of RF which let them in? Why they don't go back and try to do whatever they want to do in RF? Who and what gave them guts to act this way?
P is way dangerously liberal in my view. He understands, but not really, fully realizes the exact side effect of delicious looking cake called "freedom." As always even picture is better than the cake itself, then you think you'll be taking some part which is better than the rest, but it's all poisonous
for country like Russia. It has its own immune system. I'll talk about this later in detail.
Freedom from what and for doing what with it,?" should be the Q asked every time.
At this time, my definition of what US means under "freedom" in Russia is literally means;
"Freedom to come into your backyard to light a fire on WWIII war and use every tool possible to destroy your country from within." This is on the back page of O's paper, while he is reading different words from the front page. O said before many times and I'll repeat again and again;
The resentment and hatred of O towards P is absolutely personal. It's the icing of the poisonous cake.
After anti-maidan demonstration, P's "opposition" is planning to do its at March 1st.
In my estimation US's laundry list for "destroying Russia and its popular leader" looks like this;
a) drag him into military conflict by encroaching his backyard,
b) block the big money out of RF and suppress those who have it thus preventing from making more,
c) use the 5th column by sponsoring so called "opposition" agenda in order to do it within.
Under the name of "democracy and freedom" idiots can eat any poisonous cake anywhere in the world, before they come here and "enjoy" it in here.
This is the blueprint. I can wrote a book about this.

So long.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 23-24, Monday & Tuseday


Feb. 23rd, freezing Monday in NYC.
Today is the day of Protector of Homeland in Russia. It's like the father's day in here, but here not every father served in military. But in Former Soviet draft was mandatory for men, so it was all men' day.
It's widely celebrated in RF, but not in UA anymore. neo-nazis there canceled even Victory Day, May9th, from official calendar.

You should see this at by heroic Yygeniy Golovanov.

At by Kirill Brynin you'll see the situation in Donbass. 
It's better than before, but hostilities are not over with.
There are some UA soldiers left behind by their commanders who don't want to give up their arms and come out. So they shoot, and those who have them surrounded shoot at them back

Another problem is the experience of war for people, especially for kids. Living in dark, cold, musty, humid basements for months and almost starving to death is going to have its lasting effect on their physical and emotional health for decades to come.
At 10:14 Alexsei Pilco, who is the director of Eurasian Communication Center, says that PP never can be sure between war and peace. I agree.

The site at www. MAY9.RU started working today, getting ready for celebrations of 70th anniversary of victory over nazism.
At you'll see the info. about it.
Minister of Communications and Mass Media of RF Nikolay Nikiforov introduced a new app; you can dial 1945 and go from there.
Also #pobeda70 when you can go back to 1945, Feb.23rd, for example, and hear and see what was going on then. Also you can download all the songs of the time and after.
On the site you can find documentaries and other WWII related stuff.

Feb. 24th, evening news from Moscow at showing that self-defence is keeping up with compliance and pulling back heavy arms, but according to footages taken by the crews of heroic reporters Alexander Yevstigneeve and Ivan Prozorov showing that Kiev's side is not in a harry. They change their words and demand more things.
OSCE is not present in this process in this stage. Presumably, according to the report, they have to go and check the result.
Self-defense was advancing recently, but agreed to give up some of its taken territories and count the withdrawal from the previous points. I don't know why?  Why would they be nice? They have people who perished and they should not give up an inch. To me, they should not even stop. They should go all the way; such as taking Odessa, Mariupol, all the real native, historic, Russian areas still populated by Russians and more. That's what I'm saying.
That would  keep Fox and Cat in Minsk as long as needed.
Should Russia stopped nazis by bombing them in Poland and Czech Republic (before they conquered them and advanced toward USSR), many more millions would be saved in Russia and in Germany later.

You said you're so tired of that middle eastern group .s.l, that you don't care about collateral damage at this point, because something has to give; or us or them.
See should Russia do it right now, most of the world will jump up and down condemning it.
In this particular war, that you somehow missed, self-defense forces of Donbass were fighting neo-nazi aggressors. They've got devastated towns and cities, several 1000s dead, many more maimed, displaced, you name it. Why wouldn't they go all the way to Kiev and finish the snake in its den?
You think scaring it off will change its mind?
I'm extremely sure - NOT AT ALL.
Minsk agreement was another "hold back, get stronger and get back at it" for Kiev. It's still asking for lethal arms from USA, at least 600 military experienced officers from here are there now "training" the thugs, etc. They couldn't get $$$ from IMF or other snake pit box before a phony "peace."
They have done this throughout this conflict. What changed in their minds now? Who gave them "educational training?"
I hope I'm wrong on this, but this agreement at this time wasn't beneficial enough for self-defense.
It's going to go back and hunt them again. You can't negotiate with ideology or nazism. Prime-minister-main-bozo of the country (looks like a caricature of a sick and old rabbit) publically calls
people of Donbass "subhumans." Another high ranking politician, a woman, calling them "biological waste." There are PM members in Rada who openly curse and call for murder of entire ethnic group living in the east of the same country. Among them women.
Would I be dealing with them? Not me, not at all.
Putin is the only one who really deserves Nobel Peace prize. The rest of politicians involved in this war should be prosecuted by Int'l tribunal for committing genocide and crimes against humanity.

Oh, no, look at this, unfortunately, I might be right in my presimistic prediction;
at you'll see and hear that UK gov., which is "scared" of your precence in its streets, decided that Kiev thugs are the good guys and need help. They decided to help, oh, yessir!
Not only with tools for warfare and trainings how to kill better, but also "intelligence."
Another gift which apparently "keeps on giving" is no other than our own Gen. Hodges, who will be going there shortly to "train."
How you can close someone's eyes by saying "I want peace," when in the meantime asking foreigners to come train more brother's killers with more stuff and with better skills.
So, Putin should be stupid not to see this? Or, pretend he's stupid and let this happen?
I wonder who is he consulting with. Not with me, that's for sure!

Oh, another one, look at this and then tell I'm wrong, please.
LOOK AT THIS! At Andrey Grigoryev reporting from Kiev.
Apparently, today official HQ of Military of UA announced that they're NOT going to withdrawn today or tomorrow, at least. In the meantime self-defense is moving and can become potential target on the roads.
Another one, look! Today Uncle PP arrived in Adu-Dhabi to an Int'l Exhibition of Arms and already signed about 20 contracts and military co-operation agreement with none-other than prince of that country.  
Oh, well, chocolate which made and mostly purchased in Russia is taking him places, for sure.
How blind Russian government can be? This is on one of the biggest news channels. Are they missing this? Are they overdosing on "Naivete" juice? That stuff is not natural.
In UA, not only 23rd of Feb as a soldiers' day is canceled, but in the place of it installed oct.14th, which is nazi-bandera's-day. This one is prohibited in RF and you can see why, by checking who bandera was. In Kharkov, a policewoman who congratulated her male colleagues with holiday of Feb.23rd has been fired.

At heroic Dmitry Zaitev reporting from Donetsk area. 
Murderers left behind radioactive tanks, little brother and sister, who lived in basement for 3 weeks, made a song about war.
2 bomb blasts happened today in Donetsk, when Dima still was in Debaltsevo, and he explaines what witnesses say about those. There are apparently some sporadic gunfires also.
[Some left over groups of thugs do not obey Kiev. They're privately hired and paid by their employer. Why would they leave? They're getting paid for being there.]

In the meantime KK (ketchup/kerry) said that usa wants to put more sanctions against RF.
Isn't it fun to deal with scary people? I'm not sure how is that for P, but for me it might become boring at one point of time.

So long.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 21 - 22, Weekend Edition


Wee hours of Saturday morning in NYC, it's 14*F outside, feels like 11 degrees. These couple of days are 65 year low. Hopefully not for too many days. But it's going to be cold until at least the middle of March. That's what they say.
Meteorologist in America is the safest job. No matter how many times they're wrong, the same people still have the same job. That's why I go day by day, unless I have to travel.
These couple of days I don't even go out.

Now, after badmouthing meteorologists, let's go back to business, shall I? Yes, of course! Who else is doing this? Not you, for sure.
At heroic Peter Deryagin reporting and showing gruesome pictures of today's reality from Debaltsevo area. It's at 10am news from Moscow.
After the shelling quiet down, this city is still a dangerous place, because of landmines all over. But people starting to come out of basements. Though many don't have a place to go. Their homes are destroyed. At 0:48min. ladies who got out of shelter/basements saying that they're cold, not washed, hungry, don't have bread, don't have anything and sending "hello" to uncle PP.
At 0:56min. the red hair lady says; "hopefully they (RF) will send grains to Donbass and we'll survive. We'll continue to live peacefully and rebuild everything. Nation survived the great patriotic war (WWII) and we'll survive this. People are not worse now than then."
I'd love to meet that woman and personally help to fix her home. Even just a little, as much as I can. I'm going to pray for the possibility of this wish, so help me GOD!
Look at the thugs in the middle of town, sitting around still keeping UA flag wrap around their arms on uniform sleeves. For what I say is; - what the heck! Why locals are not punishing them, ripping that sh.t off of their cloths? Those thugs to whom I'd NOT have sympathy at all, saved their low lives by giving up. Now sitting in town, having sandwiches, getting vodka shots, chit-chatting being treated like "normal" humans by those who lost so much irreplaceable in their lives in the hands of these murderers. I'd not let them sit there, nosir!
One of them, at 1:50min. talking to Peter, saying that he was in maidan, then he went to enlist as volunteer soldier. The other one says "maidan wasn't worth it, all of these things started because of it."
I'd ask "if you're remorseful what and how you're going to redeem yourself?" Would it be fair? Hell-yeah!!! If i'd like their offers I'd let them live. If one don't have an offer, I'd assign to stay to work and rebuild the town. Before town is totally redone, none of them under my watch would go home to eat their mama's borscht. Should their mamas want to see them, they too should go and work side by side to help those who she - the damn-dummy has victimized.
That's what I'm saying, a-ha! And, you'll see 'why' very shortly. Why I'd have more petty on grown up, consciously killer men, than their own mothers did?
Look at 2:55min.; UA gov. don't do anything to pick up their soldiers' corpses, at 3:02min, you'll see
self-defense men are loading bodies in black bags in a truck with red cross and number 200 on it.
200 is the amount of bodies it can carry. According to self-defense, in and around Debaltsevo, about 3000 UA soldiers lost their lives. There are some still left in katyol, says a UA man covering his face
at 2:20min, because what he's saying is just the opposite what Kiev tells people.

[Self-defense offered, very openly, on the media, asked their mothers and relatives to come and claim their dead sons. Zakharchenko himself guaranteed their safety, - on every channel possible. They're many still many corpses are left behind.
All official Kiev saying is that nobody is in there anymore and they haven't even been surrounded or trapped before at all. Everything is wonderful for uncle PP and he was giving out "hero" medals to some thugs who made it back.]

I should be ordained with sainthood before in order to come up with words of petty to murderers.
There were many ways those "mothers" could keep their thug-sons away from deployment to hell.
To me all of them together are not worth even one innocent child, out of many hundreds, that perished in Donbass and rotting now in the cold ground, a few feet deep. Many couldn't even have a decent burial. How many are maimed for life, traumatized, orphan, you do the count.
Those thugs' mothers should be condemned to forced labor of taking care of these kids, to the rest of their lives. Just work for food and shelter, do your daily mandatory prayers, show the world an example, so the rest will get the message. And, in my book, when they get sick, they just should be left "alone."
That's all I'm saying, that's one woman's opinion. I work for myself, and do not consult anyone,
but I have a feeling that the world under my watch would be fairer.
Well, too bad, "ruling" others is not my thing. I like to coop instead of compete. I'm type Green.

At you'll see that 2 more very sick kids from Donbass were taken to Saint-Petersburg, RF for treatment. Those emergency rescue aircrafts' have medics on board and are equipped to do invasive procedures in the air. Kids tolerated the flight good and were admitted into specialized medical facility.

Saturday evening going to be interesting in Moscow. At you'll see that
people from all over RF are arriving to participate tonight's massive action, called "anti-maidan."
Placards say "we won't forgive and we won't forget" about all the troubles that "maidan uprising" brought to southeastern UA and also to 2 brotherly nations.
Feb. 21st, 2014, exactly a year ago, was the day that Yanukovych signed everything that bandits were demanding in streets of Kiev with Molotov cocktails, hand grenades, guns, bricks, stones, etc.
After 3 foreign high ranking reps signed also, those heavily drugged crowd still wasn't satisfied.
Like a wild, vicious creature it was smelling blood and wanted a fresh flesh.
The results so far have been the following; Overthrow of legitimate president, thus creating a civil war, huge human loss, environmental catastrophe, financial crisis, humanitarian crisis, - you name it.
Graves, mass graves and more graves, - all over the country. There will be many years of digging.

 Most graves are in Donbass, where at the contrary of time of maidan's

-shake-maniac-warmonger-mccain's-hand,-don't-go-home,-it's-fun-in here" - euphoria,

people were going to work, minding their own businesses, raising families, growing gardens.

Organizers of "Anti-Maidan movement" are going to talk against revolutions, confirm their preference and voice their approval for stability policy in Russian society.
There are more than 100 community groups are participating in order to get people into this massive action from all over the country.
Now is 6am in NYC, it should be 2pm in Moscow. When I'll wake up would be time to watch.
I wish I could be there in person. I like those type of things. Things about common sense.

Watch this at Ex-PM of UA Azarov telling his side of the story.
Also the exclusive interview of Yanukovich after a year, at

Evening news from Moscow is in at "Anti-maidan" movement organized an action at first anniversary of maidan havoc.
They don't want anything like that to happen in Russia.
Banners read; 'we won't forgive and we won't forget,'
'WEST, the war in UA is on your conscious,' etc.
Report about the same march is also at
"We're Donbass" is the main theme.

UA gov. just came up with updated list of Russian press and media outlets prohibited to operate in their country. It's basically covers all of them.
Russian authorities said that they're not going to retaliate with a similar action.

Feb.22nd, Sunday. At you'll the exchange between POW of both sides.
At this time their were 52 from self-defense side for 139 thugs.  On the side of SD people there are 4 women, who were kidnapped. One was taken from her house, other 3 were taken when they went to get their pensions. One of them said they were tortured, threatened to kill her son, etc.
You'll see the character of the both sides of coin. Thugs can do anything anywhere. In the west of the country if anyone is suspicious of anyone else, can kidnap, detain, taken hostage, torture and look like they're the best patriots. On the side of self-defense, the deal is, that they only have those who already came to their towns to kill and destroy their homes. How many of them killed how many and how much distraction each of them caused - nobody can really say. Only the pictures of 1000s of death and devastation of entire residential and industrial regions can show the facts and tell the tale of horror of our day.

In Milan, Italy there was a little rally against gov. coup in Kiev also.

I don't know which country who's warming up Kiev's behind now with their words and money wants to see armed coup in their own countries? Washington wants it? Would it be OK that in DC bunch of hobos hang around for months, fire, ambush, bring the whole thing down and tell the rest of us "you should be rules by me now?" Which one of us would tolerate that? People in NYState would not show the finger and say "get the hell out of there?" You bet you rats behind!  I'd be the first to do it.
So, why our gov. and el-jefe are not on the side of legality, legitimacy and for peaceful transfer of power?
The answer is only one; warmongers and their lobbyists are making and want to make more big $$$$ on this war and on this tragedy. That's all. Show them a Russian and a Ukrainian, see if they can differentiate who is who. I even can't. How would they?  Why are they on the side of one, than on the other?

I want you to do some homework and give us the name of gov. contractors who are using taxpayer money to support this war. Those contractors already sending food packages; breakfast, lunch and dinner, also cookies (i assume baked in fatso-crazy-nuland's basement), then all sorts of arms which they call "non-lethal." Who is checking what's in those freights? Not Russian observers (there are none allowed anywhere in UA), not your talk show fact-check team (oh, sorry, you don't even have that), not Dr. Cohen and not me.
There goes your smarty-pants-21st-century-disinformation machine making money on people's blood and asking for more.
I can't forget about all those dead kids of Southeastern UA who died in their homes, in front of their parents. That number goes in 100s. I'll check when I'll get a chance. **************************

You can check this on your own, at
Look at the tearful, exhausted eyes of people who came out of basements/bunkers (after many months) to get humanitarian aid packages. 2/3rd of Debaltsevo is in ruins and have been without water and electricity. Little by little people are starting to feel that they'll survive this and starting to fix things.
I was also checking other Int'l big news agencies' coverage. You know what ..c-idot says? Says that the help was given by Red Cross, which makes you automatically think about WEST.  Yes, by Red Cross, but through the division of the Russian Red Cross.
You won't believe how one idiotic reporter for the same shameful agency was covering yesterday's Moscow rally for peace. What type of suckers their listeners should be to listen and then believe in that too?
 My Lord!

Look at this; after turkish-left-over-and-neo-nazi-occupied-murderer-breeding-maidan-revolution,
Kiev thugs decided to make a date for those who died there. Called "the of 100 whatever."
That "revolution" killed 1000s of its own citizens and devastated the most productive and industrial part of that country.
It's like a cannibal monster eating her own childrens' flash and in her own madness also destroying
 her own den. That's how it looks to me and hundreds of millions of other people around the world who know the history of the region.
They put photos of people who died in maidan and playing with others feeling to raise more hatred. That's how the big shots are going to get paid.
Try to go in front of WH or capitol hill and throw something on it. Hang around for months in the middle of a central square, bring your bomb friends, put tires on, use whatever to scare them, see what'd happen to you.
How USA thinks that this is something good and pays for it too, it's beyond any logic of anyone who was born with shred of brain, beside sheer old and new hatred against Russia and pure profit making endeavor by military industrial complex. I'd add a personal grudge  from O to P.
Look at reporting from Kiev. Kiev made a medal and coin on the memory of those who died there. Nice, mrPP, give them a blueandyello fabric to wrap themselves in, some shining things in their hands to be busy playing with it, and go around repeat what your overseas masters tell you. I want to know what changed in Kiev and in UA?  N-O-T-H-I-N-G !!!
Nothing for the good. Everything was done for the bad. UA is in much worse shape than a year ago.
Much, much worse.
But wait, there is something for you to see; at 0:44min. you'll see "another maidan" in Kiev.
Those people are pointing out the constitution of UA with huge excerpt from it on the banner and, because after a year country is worse than before, soldiers who believed and volunteered for the cause, are demanding to sh..t uncle pp and his minions. Now there are tires burning in front of defense Ministry at 1:00min.
At 2:15min. Politologue Sergei says that "they came up with the model which is eating them now."
True. History also showed it so many time. Bloody revolutions bring more blood later on, simply because it has been its engine. There is no other rule, but oppression.

I personally feel a big breakdown of entire UA in small pieces. Once they start attacking those in power today, the whole thing is going to blow up to high heavens. Some lost so much, git so sick, they have nothing to look forward to. I don't blame them.
I think, after that, neo-nazis are going to be satisfied with some western parts of it. Then will comfort themselves with a thought that they did what they could and that's the only prize at this time.
Look at the chronicle of year long violence in western UA and full blown war in its eastern parts.
Talking of installing western freedom and democracy in UA, this place is now a place where people can't talk or be against war. A sign "peace" can get you somewhere you haven't been before and it ain't going to be pretty. Good job U$A! Thanks to taxpayer-suckers of this country.
You promoted a rise of neo-naziesm in eastern europe where someone who talked against civil war, against mobilization to kill their own families, will be prosecuted or simply shut dead (7:00min.).
Dudging the draft or calls for it considers "traitorship."
Now in Ukraine ward "mobilization" is changed to "mogilization." Mogila means grave.
Those who were the most active "revolutionaries" are sent first to their graves, because these are the ones they're scared of most. So the ticket from hot maidan to hot war called mogilization.
Mogilization ticket...  that's what thugs got after fatso-nuland's coolies.

I tend to believe that in every movement and/or revolution some people have good intentions to change things to better. But they always become a minority and leave (or become victims) when more and more street-fame-seekers-and-violent-bombs start flooding the place.

[This was the same with OWS in Zuccotti Park in NYC. I heard very smart ideas from people at first meetings. I ran there to see what's going on in my city. There were good samaritans, educated people, some bombs, of course. Then, little by little, it went left and left, more bombs landed there, took the speakers and talk stupid. That's what happened; real, good, educated, intellectual people left. They couldn't be around those bombs anymore.
Everyone feels instinctively that someone looks and talks educated and mannered is most likely not posing a threat. So any aggressive drug addict can interrupt that person and take the spotlight and start screaming whatever is in their minds. What an intelligent person is left to do? To wrestle with a thug or a bomb? Of course not, he/she has place to go and things to do and don't want to end up in jail. When, at the contrary, the thug's entertainment is to go to jail. Most have such a long rap-shit, it can't get any worse. To take a good one down with him/her, it's like a adventure to celebrate.
He/she will thug you when you're in jail together. What's more fun then that? You think NYPD cares who is who and why? Nosir!
Some might say to compare these 2 "movements" is far fetched. I understand, I see why. But,
1st, OWS didn't have foreign sponsors who were promising Billions and running the organizers with their "intelligence" instructions, as EU and US did in Kiev.  OWS were naive honest citizens.
Second, should maidan have been disbursed when it exceeded couple of hundreds of people without permit for couple of day, that would be much better for all of them. ]
Yanukovich wrote off every power he had, compromised with every thing rioters demanded, even sent the armed police out of town. That's what happen. thugs were left on their own and hey did their thuggish things continuously.
There should be a full interview with Yanikovich on Russian TV, I watched part of it yesterday.
The main thing about his inaction to stop the rioters is that he didn't want to shed blood.
I believe that.
The big idiot whose nickname is krolik (rabbit), now the PM of UA, was in and out of US embassy every single day during those fiery riots months. Who was asking anything? Nobody.
That would be a good investigation story to put out to the world. ****************************
Another one would be that those in Kiev don't want those from combat come back alive. They even gave order to shoot those who want to give up to save their lives. Shoot from the back, using them as shields. Its' at 12:45min. into the tape reported by UA soldier. ***************************
At 13:10min. genius-knucklehead-mayor-of-kiev telling UA soldiers it's OK not to have protective vests. The "idea" of having family should protect them alright!
I'd ask this knucklehead/stad; "what about they're going to kill other people's families, among them their own extended ones, you --%$^#- you !?!
Do you know that Deutsche-tran lives him? Ohyeah! Wonder why? Me too. She even gave him a medal for doing something "good" for german culture. A man is good in punching. He has no other education, but Psychical Culture (that's how it called in there). Here it's not even called "culture" and don't have a degree for it. It called "sport" in here, that's all.
How much german culture could benefit from paunching good and hard? She likes it with a glave or...? Should he go first for the head or the big-butt?
Let me get back: this is interesting;
A hot and fiery revolutionary Vladimir Porosyuk was the one in maidan who didn't take the agreement signed at Feb. 2st easy and didn't want nothing for later. Not a day. Jumped to the stage and gave Yanukovich an ultimatum to get out! Which he did,he left the next day. Then he became a parliament member and a year later, right now, guess what?; he wasn't even "allowed" in maidan for one year anniversary commemoration. He wrote about it on Internet. It's at the end of this tape.

There will be many documentaries to see how people of Donbass were starved to death. What we saw until now is not the whole picture by far. There were very few reporters, who simply couldn't be in many places. There would be dead bodies found all over.
Stories of horror of this war will be many.

So long.

Friday, February 20, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 20th, Friday


I was searching RT's site and found nice pictures; P playing with his dogs in the snow. I know Koni, a black Labrador, who lives with him, I saw Buffy when he was a puppy being giving to him as gift in Bulgaria (but I hadn't seen him grown), and the other one name Yume, who is Japanese. I know, don't correct me, I'm writing the way I want. They're not it, they're he/she.
To me they're persons, like us. It's at
Also watched some clips taped in the streets of NYC about poverty and homelessness. What are the underlying reasons behind those, of course, carefully left out. You can't even say anything that happened to you, from the fear of being called names such as racist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc.
Everything is about creating more and more hostile environment to christian majority in this country. It's started way before and goes on relentlessly until today. RT is not an exception to try to show the bad parts of American society. I haven't seen anything that praises USA on their site. Though, I thought they covered OWS movement pretty fairly. Maybe because it was against 1% and those "suppose" to be the bad ones? I don't know, but they were enthusiastic.

I found out at least one reason why uncle PP started asking for int'l peacekeepers. He want them to be on the border between Russia and Ukraine. There are a few check points, but the rest is open.
His belly-ache is to put a gap on that border. He's against RF's offer to supply free gas to Donbass to help people survive their misery. To him they're better dead, we know that. Several thousand dead in this conflict and he thinks he won. He want to resist any communication between mother Russia and Donbass. He wants Donbass empty, that's all. I wish self-defense would have Mariupol under their control. It's a Russian city and an important port.
Russian commentators were pointing out what some "decision makers" in Kiev saying about the peace agreement. "We'll promise them today and hang them tomorrow." That's how honest they have been. Also heard a joke: one asks UA soldiers who are going to Donbass to fight; "who are you going to fight against?" Those say, - "Russian military." He asks "are you going to fight against them in Crimea also? Thugs say "no, they're really there."  This says it all.
Now, RF offering help to rebuild Donbass. Kiev plays deaf and instead of saying "thank you, come help us," so called "demanding" reparations.
Instead of concentrating on economy and asking all the help he can in that sphere, every time he opens his mouth, he talks about more weapons, more foreign trainers, more militarization.
What are those poor people going to eat tomorrow? His tragic adventure bankrupt that country further and beyond repair. He can use his fortune to buy weapons on his own personal expense. Why he don't do it? OPM is better right? Of course. His grown son went to fight for "freedoms of his country?" No. He was having unprotected sex and multiplying. He was in his warm and cosy bed, eating father's chocolates, huffing and puffing, when others were in cold facing fire, - because of his father's murderous deeds.
His mother has 4 children and now a grandchild, when other mothers are crying on their sons' graves. Some don't even have graves to cry on. PP won't want to end this war. People are going to turn against him. He'll keep the fire going, so distraught people would not have time and energy to think what's next.
Do you know that all Ukrainian oligarchs made their fortunes in Russia and then left? All of them.
That's what one renowned commentator said on What if RF go after their money, freeze their accounts, confiscate their properties?
To me this conflict is just in freeze mode. With Kiev's attitude and mentality I don't see things turn around. I have my own vision how to do it in a right and lasting way. ***********************

Many time, Russia's critics mention some agreements signed between the two in last 23 years.
There is no clause in any agreement signed by Russia where it reads "we're obligated to do so and so, no matter how Ukraine will behave." There is no agreement or contract gives a blank check to the other side, stipulating "no matter any action or its consequence."
Crimea was, is and will be Russian. Not only it has been historically, but its people had a referendum after the "revolution and armed overthrow" of legitimate government in Kiev. They always felt like hostage taken by the accidental events of history and didn't want to become rightless slaves of neo-nazis. Another thing; Sevastopol is a border town and the safety gate to the sea and could not be allowed to be compromised by invaders of nato (who were already all around there sniffing around).
If any country commits "revolution" all its prior contracts are automatically annulled. It's very simple and even primitive; people who sign the contract and took responsibility are not there anymore. ???
Let me remember how we call it in here, when we go into another country; hmmmm, hmmmm, hmmmm.....   oh, I remember, - having interests? Oh, how difficult is that for Russia to learn to say?
Remember papa-Bush went for "desert storm" because "we had interests in Kuwait?"  I see....
What about Russian interests? If I'm not mistaken $14 Billion was lost after saddam was bye-byed.
Who asked Russians how to reimburse their lost investments? Not us, for sure. We didn't even know and couldn't care less. Boohoo! Now with Syria, - the same thing. When are the Americans going to learn history and geography? I'll answer to myself; not any time soon!

Oh before I forget; in last months O tried to befriend Cuba hoping it won't bring Russian ships back into the neighborhood. Did you hear what short-brother/el-jafe said to him? Oh yes, it's going to cost us dearly. He said with only one condition; USA should pay reparation of all the financial damage cause to Cuba in the result of so called "isolation" for all these years. Yes sir, even O don't get everything for free when he's acting like a candidate for second "Nobel Peace Prize."
The first one was thrown on him for sport, so he can do what he'll be told to, the second one he has to pay for. Unless he uses his genius and passes the bill to taxpayer, he won't pull this one through,
I only guess.
Cuba wasn't isolated, it was open to the rest of the world. Castro sent criminals out in droves, dumping them on Florida, remember? I wasn't here at that time, but you were.
Come to think of it now, I'm wondering how did it work for you? Did any of those guys got into your neighborhood? Nice... Go around, mr.american, teach "democracy" to the world.
Russia is more democratic now that it needs to be. For the sake of its future survival as a culture it should stop some of the garbage of humanity entering its society.

I know, I still can be romantic, dream about things of low probability. So what?; I think, I feel, I try.

Now, let me talk about Int'l laws of "self-determination" of nations vs. "territorial 'integrity' of a country." Which one comes first and which one is more important?
To me Int'l law is matter of power. There are no mechanisms of implementing them beside psychical power of the winning side. I know, it also should count historic, ethnic, cultural references, but...
So, why don't you talk about it, learn yourself and teach us?
I'll learn more about it, compare the examples, but not going to write about it in here.
You're a handsomely paid talk-show host, you should do it for us. I'd be listening then.

Today you started with O patriotism. I don't know about it. Politics mostly is about lying by leaving facts out and bending them, when needed, and he reads what his consultants are writing for him.
So, how do I know? How do you know what's exactly in his heart? I can't talk about any one's "feeling" unless they talk to me and I believe them. He might like it not the way you and I think he should, but his own way. Which way it is and how much of it, only history can show.
What I heard him say was; "I might be Christian, but I understand Muslim culture, mentality..." or whatever the rest he was saying. What caught my attention is that he didn't say "I am Christian, but I understand,..... " He said "I might be Christian, but I understand......" Again he gave conflicting or hidden signals, as he at his election time to rally all Muslims to the polls. He did alright then. Every Muslim I ever met and known last 23 years in NYC believe he's Muslim. That's all. Don't they call him nasty names now, after he started advocating for some "causes" that he was pretending to be against before? Yes, oh, yes! But, he got his 8 years out of them, so they can call him whatever they want, for all he cares. If even the .h.t hits the fan, he can read another couple of sentences written for his prompter. No biggy.

Me, myself and I say "PEACE!" to every religion and think we have nothing to do in middle east now and any more. We don't have brains to figure out any successful ending of any war, as far as I'm concerned. With the exception of bombing of Japan and thumbing a nose in Europe in WWII, after Russians already started pushing nazis back. Should they finish it all by themselves, they wouldn't have neo-nazi problem today in heir backyard.

Let go see how hungry, homeless, jobless and distraught people, victims of neo-nazi criminals of today, which are apparently friends of ours now, are doing right now in Southeastern Ukraine.
On the graves of those who lay their lives fighting nazis, their sons are fighting neo-nazis of today.
That soil is saturated with blood of generations, who stood up for their identity and right to choose what to do with their lives and cultures.
At you'll see that in Debaltsevo 200 tonn of humanitarian aid from Russia is being distributed. People who were in basements for months are coming out to get some food. Some look like shadows of themselves. Just seeing the light of the day and being able to breath fresh air is a sign of luck. Most desirable thing is a loaf of bread. Everybody missed it. They didn't have it for weeks. An old lady asks another loaf for her daughter and says "I'm grateful."

Heroic Alex Yevstigneyev showing how ghost town trying to come out if its clinical death.
Every person coming out from dark looks to me like one little twitch of the part of the body of human coming out of coma. My nursing training is giving me this type of comparison pictures to my mind.
At 0:34min. you'll see a resident lady, name Svetlana, is going home. She was in shelter/basement for last month in a neighborhood building. She is showing her windows. After she ran for cover, she was told that her building was bombed, that it's completely in ruins, but she hasn't seen the damage inside the building yet.
She goes in and Alex follows. They go to the 4th floor to check her apt. out. At 0:45min. you'll see her reaction. "It's scary, I also have children and grandchildren and couldn't contact them, don't even know if they're alive, tomorrow I'll go by foot to search for them," she says while wiping her tears.
her place has no doors, no windows, no nothing.
Do you know what UA government did from couple of days ago? Cut entire flow of gas to Donbass region.
Most of this town is living in ruins. People carry dry wood to light a fire.
Rescuers brought with them 2 emergency tents. Those can't accommodate all 5000 people in town left homeless, but at least can warm them up, before more help arrives.
A men, one of volunteers says "they can sit here, warm up, better than in their broken apartments."
In the air, at this time, instead of smell of house fire there is an aroma of a fireplace from a "field kitchen" (as they call it in military terms in Russian). Guys brought water to boil, getting ready to feed the residents with free super.
The new Mayor of city - Alex Afendikov is there, talking to people for the first time, saying "this is our example, we don't leave our people behind. At first we need to build dormitory type buildings,
so people can stay together in warm and have accommodations for families, then we will build and restore the entire city."

Wow. This warms up my heart. I wish I could go and help.
It will be much better if those people stay together in one place. They will be a moral support for each other to live through their ordeals.

Look at this; for the first time of this war, thank God, heroic Alex is cheerful while reporting.
"Most important thing is that people are talking about the war in past tense already.
Things will start improving, doctors and psychologists will come to work here, people will get warm place and food and, little do they know, a column of tracks with humanitarian aid just arrived to the center of the city. That's it! Tomorrow the whole city will be here," he says with happy face, at least.
A first tiny store with small window opened up today in town. People are asking for salt and milk with smile on their faces.

I see the exhaustion from horror in their eyes, though. ***********************************

In the meantime, in Kremlin P was discussing how to provide Donbass with gas, because Kiev's murderers put a stop on it. It's at

In the meantime, in Kiev, some came out to remember the ones who were killed in and around maidan a year ago. "Heavenly 100" they call the victims (still UA gov. didn't figure out who were shooting at them). Some were walking with placards with ? mark on them, meaning to ask "what has changed in the country for one year. PP was booed while making a speech on stage in maidan;

While in Kiev they're marching in the streets and making speeches, in the area of  ex "katyol" in Debaltsevo, local soldiers found many bodies of UA soldiers. Also, in and around cities they're catching some left over thugs who are still up to committing provocative acts of violence against civilians.
Heroic Dmitry Zaitsev is reporting at NTV. ru/video/1064301 from town of Uglegorsk (meaning "coal town" in Russian), looking like a ground zero, a war zone, a ghost town.
"People are calling this place "new Chernobyl" now, in this city there is no water, no electricity and no phone connection," Dima says while showing around.
Before thugs fled, they left hidden explosives and landmines all over the area. Specialists are walking with detonators to liquidate them. Everybody is instructed not to touch unknown metallic objects.
Everywhere you can see skeletons of burned military machinery used in fierce battles until yesterday.

Look at this old man, a former miner all his life. He was found half-frozen and starving for 4 days already, at 1:57min.
"They gave me loaf a bread and a cigarette, what else an old man needs?' he says. I'm speechless seeing these people's moral sturdiness. Their spirits are stoic to me. I doubt I could take that much.
Look at those nice looking dogs roaming the streets. Strays use to be outside living around the people in those areas, doing their normal hunting, sometimes eating human food. They're not neutered or spayed and there are not enough animal shelters, so they go around and act like dogs should.
Do you and your listeners know what these people already lived through during the last century?
How hard it is to work in those mines (which ran by 19th century technology) for  many decades to just retire? Mostly not even with savings. Work and work and send most of the .h.t to Kiev and be left alone to starve and freeze to death? Rescuers counted how many building in this town survived to be livable. Ready to hear?..  Only 2; one is a tiny one room church (you'll see at 2:12min.), another is a cabin in old cemetery for the guard.
Later in the tape he's in Donetsk and sharing his feeling how people looked like while coming out of basements. Showing just half an hours ago broken windows and saying that he still hears shelling and in Donetsk there is NO ceasefire yet. You can hear the gunfire also. Besides neighborhoods of Donetsk, also town of Avdeyevka was bombarded today. Those thugs who gave up are being held in humane conditions; from the budget of DNR they get free food, cloths, etc. They sure seem comfy, sleeping in rooms with bunk beds. DNR is ready to exchange them, as agreed, to "all to all" with Kiev, but no word from Kiev yet.

I wonder what psychopath PP was talking about in turkishmaidan today. He said he "won," maybe? Maybe he's a "peace lover" by nature's design? One thing is clear; he's not in a hurry to order to stop firing and getting his hostages back home.

Today Putin gave medals to many veterans (most of them are over 90 years old) of WWII war and said that any external pressure toward Russia, will not go unchallenged. These fought nazis 70 years ago and their sons and grandsons are fighting neo-nazis in Ukrainian territory today. Go figure.

So long.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 19th, Thursday, 2015


You should watch this; at heroic Yevgeniy Golovanov reporting from Debaltsevo area where self-defense is continuing to tighten its grip around left over troops of UA soldiers who don't want to come out peacefully.
Look where those who already retreated left their tanks; - in the streets of residential areas, right in front of people's homes. Knowing very well that self-defense won't fire right back at them from the fear of killing their own people.
This is worse that the similar tactic used in middle east, because both sides are the member of same extended family.
How anyone could divide and light up flame of hostility between Ukrainians and Russians, is still boggling my mind.
The flame under the batch of this 'witch brew' was lighted 70 years ago, after WWII. It just was cooking on low heat. From 1991 that stove of burning hell was running on the high heat. From last year, when 'witchcraft masters' saw that the oil was catching fire, ran fast and furious and started pouring as much as gasoline possible right on it. Fox-Alicia/Deutsche-tran don't want 70th anniversary of victory parade to take place. That's all.
How this horrible war is not covered by the world media, is still beyond my comprehension.
About American media I have clearer understanding. But for European, because they can not possibly have the same "excuse" that it's far away from them. It's in their backyard and their governments were poking The Bear constantly.

Uncle PP is asking for UN peacekeepers. I think it's a good idea. Actually I was surprised, because should they be there already or, better yet, from the beginning, the picture hopefully would be clearer for the world to see and some lives would be saved.

You started your show with .S.L and I turned the radio off. After a half an hour, when I turned it on again, I heard that same name. You were asking why O is not finishing them with full force.
I don't know, you don't know either and none of your listeners will ever know, because none of us know what's going on there.
Since when American foreign policy deciders started figure out who is the good guy and who's the bad one? Look back, let me know.
If you are not able to find out what's going on in "civilized" Eastern Europe right now, where Christians are killing their own Christian brethren, who did you find out who is killing who in violent Middle East? From Youtube, NYT, local news, Fox? How did they found out? which one of them speak the language, know the culture, have been there, what the hell is that?
Their dialects are so far from each other, that most of the time they can't even communicate between themselves. Who did you find out what they say and why? We have nothing to do but start spending on another war? Did we finish with those USA already started?
Understand; - It's a tribal war! Killing is part of the culture and you won't be able to change it. Should you want to change your mind, stop wasting your energy on ranting and air time and start talking or doing things that can help the cause of helping ourselves in here, I'll start listening again.
Most of your listeners are from eastern Europe and former soviet union, - your words, not mine.
It's where the best educated and hardest working people in the world live. Most of your listeners are able to find out information from there. But, you, never took any call on Ukraine issue that I'm aware of. Sorry, if I'm wrong and I missed out something. You know an excellent expert, objective man of dignity, - historian Dr. S.F. Cohen and you invited him only ones. Why?
I can talk about this if you put me on your show, ask me whatever Qs you might have. I'm objective too, because I'm not Slavic and have nobody anywhere near that area. Haven't even been in Ukraine in my life.
About Middle East; yes, I'm very concerned how it can affect us in here and at times even appalled when I hear about cruel killings. But I ask myself; "What can I do about it?" Answer is "nothing, not one thing I can do to change those people minds."
Should I offer to kill them all and get rid of the problem? No, I can offer other solutions.
But, O don't ask me, so why would I care what he does?
I worry about our friend Israel, of course, but I'm confident that they're capable of protecting themselves and should they need to take any type of action, they will not ask me, you and even O!

Now this; at heroic Yevgeniy Yevstigneeyev reporting from city of Debalstevo. Two airplanes from RF arrived with food and other supplies in that area, which is now under control of self-defense forces (/278179).
At 0:32min. an elderly woman is crying from happiness that she is able to stay on line for food. There are people around her and it's relatively quiet. Occasional blasts still can be heard, but at least not too close. Defense guys are giving out packages of food and you can see people rushing to the trucks from all over the hungry and ruined city. In Debaltsevo there is nowhere to buy anything, so those who survived were on some grains and veggie oil that they had saved before. "For a week we didn't have a bread," another woman says. Others are saying that their homes were ruined and whatever was there was robbed by UA soldiers.
New Mayor of Debaltsevo Alexander Afendekov having his first press-conference and saying that the city needs rebuilding and rebuilding. First should be shelters to house and feed people who will be back, then financial help for retirees and poor (I can't translate "low income" because there is no income in there), etc.
Look at 1:52min. you'll see a dog is leading the way to a basement by narrow stairway. It's dark, humid and smells musty and people had no choice but huddled there for months. And you know what?; in this bunker there are almost 400 of them! Look at elderly with children and pets. They didn't get out for a month, because of the constant bombings. One tells that when she asked Kiev's soldiers "what if it would be your mother homeless and wounded with no place to go," the thugs said "go wherever you want to go.""
In the meantime Kiev says that its soldiers are leaving with straight columns, but you could see that they left in panic. Look what they left behind besides their personal stuff.
You must see this at 2:52min; - an old nazi helmet. Is it a part of official military uniform for Ukrainian servicemen? No. How did it get there? Someone wasn't lazy to take the symbol of their ideology and carry it on his head. It's from 1940's a self-defense soldier explains. "We found it in their commander's barracks," he says, "it's from Chernilovskaya 13th battalion, fascists!"
"two days ago we fought for 7.5 hours before pushing them away," the same soldier says showing the ammunition left behind by murderers.
Now they're organizing buses to help those who can't or don't want to stay put anymore to evacuate. Next village called Chernukhina is all in ruins, nothing is standing there, but most people don't want to leave their homes.

So long.  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 18th, Wednesday all day, 2015 AD, Good news!


Finally brave people of Donbass liquidated the last hot spot in their territory.
For 10 months those devastated, blooded, mourning soldiers who left their jobs, homes and families and took arms to protect them in entry points of their cities and villages, today, fortunately, finally, thank God, cleaned up Debaltsevo "katyol" and put their flag up.
At heroic Alexander Yevstigneev is reporting from Debaltsevo. 
Everything is broken in that town, which is a crossroad of important railways. A self-defense soldier is showing an apartment on 9th floor of  the building where Kiev thugs entered (family living there ran away) and were shelling surrounding residential buildings and people in them. Self-defense couldn't risk to respond, from the fear of hurting their own. Thugs were firing from one window, then moving to next apartment and firing from there. A woman who finally return to her home says that they're being killed from July of last year. She can't believe that she waited to see this day. She's showing the basement where people who didn't flee were hiding. There is no heat, no electricity, no water, nothing. People are in dark, cold, humid place holding on to their pets who are the only ones warming them in bed. One elderly lady is wounded; her 2 legs and a rib are broken, face lacerated, there is no way to take her to hospital and her bandages finished 2 days ago. Basically her wounds will start rotting slowly....     I can't continue my thoughts on this.
How any satanic creature, who organized, conducted and still sponsoring this war, would cope with this type of cruelty? I'd love to see it with my eyes. Just put them in the same situation, let them suffer and die a slow painful death. Eye for an eye. That's all. That's what I'm saying.
You still can see fires around the town, it's not 100% cleared, vermin can be hiding here and there.
Those who were firing from that point ran into the depths of katyol. Radio in Ukrainian says that Kiev's forces left the town. A woman who lives in that apt. says was waiting for so long for this good news. She is tearful to see her liberators from neo-nazis.
Vitaly Kicelyov, who is deputy of police commander of LNR saying that Kiev was saying that nobody can take that pole (where the flag of Novorossia is being installed in the clip), because it's the highest point in town. "But we did," - he says.

The happy wind of liberation from neo-nazi occupation and indiscriminate murder is blowing and swirling around Debaltsevo. Clean up of the entire territory is the matter of only a little more time.
It's at 

Kiev thugs are giving up with their armaments. More than 300 of them did so before the following report came out.
At heroic Dennis Davidiv is reporting. 
PP went to pretend that everything is OK in there, but even NYT didn't miss out on this malarky at this time (3:29min). Bloody retreat of UA forces from Debaltsevo PP qualified as "successful ending of the mission in that region."  
What is he smoking? Now he's asking for peacekeepers from UN and U. Good, I agree with that, they should be there.
It's so cold in southeastern ukraine that just watching reports make my hair stand up.

So long.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

To Michael Savage Feb. 17th, Tuesday


Today you were ranting about .S.L again. I turned on couple of times at first and second hour and it was the same. I have my explanations about it, but have no time to get to it.

I have to do something that you are not doing. This is more important to me and to humanity, in my opinion.
Only one man talks about this, which makes him exception, that is historian Dr. S.F. Cohen that you so far invited only ones.  Why???
The rest of the media ran by vicious and stupid creatures, who pretend they're literate and know how to write. Whatever they're writing about will bring only trouble for all of us.  
I'll get back to this topic later, should I get time for it.  *************************************

Now this; at 278002 heroic Alex Yevstigneeyev is reporting from battle ground around Debaltsevo where according to military leaders of Donbass thousands of Kiev's thugs are surrounded. They were saying this for some time, offering them to give up their weapons in exchange for freedom and safe return to their homes, but Kiev wasn't doing anything to free them, neither the thugs (in my opinion) know what's going on.
Kiev so far denied that "katyol" even exists, uncle PP didn't react to it in Minsk, but watch report for yourself.
At 0:48min. into the tape you'll see who 72 of those trapped came out today. Walking with only their personal backpacks and keeping their heads down. Worn out, tired, from grey hair to very young hostages are listening to self-defense commander who is telling them; "You'll be given freedom with dignity and honor, we'll give you food, bath, maybe clothing, nobody would abuse you psychically, - bit or torture you, I guarantee it."
All hostages are from so called "40th battalion of local defense" of Dnepropetrovsk. They're going to Lugansk for now. Their commander told them to continue to fight, but himself ran away.
At 2:50min. commander says that there will be given information about what kind of damage their actions caused to LNR, therapists will work with them, etc.
Look at their weapons left behind. Who paid for those? Desperately financially broke country called Ukraine can pay for this?
NoSir, some was from your tax $s from here.
You don't seem to care even to talk about this? And, even when you get paid for talking about almost anything? Alright then.
I DO and I WILL.
Look at this; at the big Kiev thug, who is in charge of military commend in Eastern Ukraine, telling the media that it's only a propaganda that UA soldiers are giving up.
All Russian information and entertainment channels are blocked in Ukraine, so the people won't see the real situation on the ground. But still some pictures from main evening news went through some cracks and got to people. Kiev maniacs reacted to it like a "no big deal" and those hostage just were doing their job, which is only natural.

Bad news is that yesterday night heroic Alexander Zakharchenko was wounded in the leg and taken to hospital in Lugansk. He should be ok.

See how justice works in heaven sometimes? Not so justly, - I say!
He spared the lives of enemy soldiers yesterday during the day, on cameras, and in the evening got hurt himself.
Rule of Karma can be out of order sometimes, like anything else. That's why when things come to life and death situations, I personally wouldn't rely on that.  Oh, well, let's go next, shall we?

In the meantime, forces of LNR and DNR met and have been consolidated their efforts to stop the bloodshed. Now, while collectively called "Defense forces of Donbass" is offering goodwill in exchange of giving in Debaltsevo, those thugs who still open fire are portrayed as defense forces of Donbass by Kiev, in order to blame them in so called "breaching of the ceasefire agreement."
At heroic Ivan Prozorov preserve is reporting that in return to offer to give up some of the thugs are still trying to come out of katyol with artillery fire.
You should see on the map shown, but apparently that's not what Kiev is showing.
I'm not even sure that this is a good idea to show the real situation on the ground on the side of self-defense. Every 2 hours Basurin in updating info. to  the media. What's the heck!
The other side is watching too. Why would you tell them they're in danger. I don't think kindness should have place in this. They should get rid of them before the Minsk agreement, during the agreement and after the agreement, - Fast and Furious!
Didn't you see how after the agreement was signed and before the time of stopping the fire, within 2 days, the thugs intensified the fire to cause the most damage possible? Does it look like they were "happy" for ceasefire? They tried to use every last bullet and bomb in their possession, like they had to get rid of them by throwing on the people in their towns.
Look at the amount of damage they caused in just only last 2 days to humans and property alike.
Why spare them, it's beyond me.
No amount of therapy can change minds like theirs in couple of days.
Those are all grown people. Their minds and their mothers' minds were getting vicious, poisonous neo-nazy ideology for more than 2 decades, which was none-stop and not challenged. That's some long term "intensive" therapy right there! Put into it the possible drugs, illegal and legal, sent to them by the WEST. Entire generation grew up with drugs, hatred and distortions of historical facts, which made most of them hate their own grandfathers. What do you expect? Now that the whole country is in shambles, WEST comes in and promises money. Isn't it nice.... Money means good life, right? Entire generation of millions of young people in UA never had a job, how giving them free money will make them do anything good with it?
That's by their Western sponsors they're used as "target meat" as they say in in Russian.
Look at them, what kind of sons those idiots could be for their mothers? That's why their mothers don't stop them. Those who didn't want their sons to go kill others in their own country already sent them away or fled with them. That's what I'm saying. These are mostly imbeciles. Look at them, they don't even say "thank you" when the commander says "I'm going to save your life and treat you with dignity."
Well, back on track analyzing the situation.
Before the meeting in Minsk this katyol was there and was constantly reported by Russian news. Uncle PP denied, didn't pay attention, thus nothing about it went on the paper. Now, they're saying that self-defense is attacking, thus breaking the deal.
Those imbeciles are trapped, they have no way out. Some are giving up, some not yet. The latter has no choice but fire and fight its way out. That's why still fires are being heard. Self-defense don't need to fire, they can keep holding them trapped until those thugs start starving.
Vladimir Kononov, minister of defense of DNR says that circle around Debaltsevo is tightening and men trapped there are demoralized. They have to arm and food supply coming to them.
Also OSCE is not being allowed to get there to see the situation by Kiev.
Heroic Anton Stepanenko reporting at around Debalstsevo area.
Look at the devastation of that area. Look at empted towns and villages, which are still dangerous. See how cold is it in there now. But, look at the miracle; those who're protecting their land are in good mood. Most of them lost their families and homes, but they're in winning mood, because their cause is just. They're standing on their own land.
Look how miserable are those who went to attack them and brought this hell with them to those beautiful areas and their rightful owners.
You'll see the difference. You think the WEST didn't know or can't look, see, hear and find out now?
Think again.
America sent and sending arms disguised under name "non-lethal." Sending food in form of prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner plates as well as snacks. Already sent at least 600 professional American military men trainers to train those murderer thugs.
If you want the names of arms US and EU is sending right now, you can find from Russian official media.
Next week Gen. Hedges is going to UA, - for all places. Shouldn't he sober up and go down to southern border of this country and try to see if he can protect us?
He's making US uniform with his high rank an embarrassment for himself, as far as I'm concerned.

After 10pm and I'm listening to Dr. Cohen now.

So long.


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