Can't believe November is gone.
I love Russian politics. You should see how some members of Parliament can passionately fistfight and use mighty folklore of Russian language at the same time.
I have my favorite person in it. I love to see him fight. He don't hold back and he's always right.
Over-educated, over-sized, clever, full of energy, sometimes funny and provocative, but 99.9% right on every issue for last 20 years in high level politics.
Parliamentary system looks a little better to me. But, I don't want to go into it now.
You should read book called "Strategic depth" by Ahmet Davutoglu. In that he heralds that Christianity is finished and Islam is going everywhere on autopilot. He is the "mastermind" of strategy to fill up Crimea with Tatars and other Muslims while closely working former Soviet Republics of Central Asia; Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.
Do not underestimate power of spermatozoons supplied by violently-hungry, blood-thirsty and death-worshiping humanoids.
Today I heard part of your show. You "explained" a caller correlation between fuel and electricity - alright.
Science is a changing thing. Kamchatka is not getting warmer. If some of those hot-air-heads want to chill they should go there,
Did you hear who Bloomberg badmouthed Carson saying that he was a doctor, but doesn't believe in science?
Today in Paris big shots got together. At Putin is answering to Qs from Int'l Media and Press representatives. Just listen to those Qs, hear the stupidity.
US and NATO "pressured" erdogan-boy to make up with Putin before he went to Paris. But at 9:40min. P says that they didn't meet. ???
Do you know that 78% of NATO budget is paid by the US. That's too much.
Look what happened; after P put out the ban list of imported products from Turkey, Qatar and Saudi announced that they'll compensate Turkey all the loses, they will buy all those products and (as if, at least that's what they say) will send to poor countries (of course Muslim ones) in Africa.
[That's what will come around when 'stupid' Christians giving pump to Arabs to pump the oil and paying for it too. I'm not sure even if Arabs are working in engineering and labor jobs. maybe very few. I guess all the westerners are running the dirty thing.
T.r.r.sts and their sponsors are sticking their ugly heads out of black dirt at the same time.
O washed his hands out of the mess in result of Russian Military plane ambush; said that it's a Russian-Turkish problem. O said to turkey to close that area. Meaning to create a buffer zone.
Turkey has an eye on some pieces of land. Who is going to check if it's done, Susan Rice?
Turkey has its plans; after Assad it wants to get into Iraq and more. That's all planned.
Russian presence in the region messed up their plans.
After the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" incident between Turkish ship and Israeli forces in 2010, Erdogan threatened Israel; "Do not try the patience of Turkey. I'm going to be on the next one, see how you 'll dare to touch it," he announced. Israel said "com'on boy, welcome, we're going to drown it!"
So... he forgot about it.
As one famous Russian Jewish historian said on TV yesterday, "the man is impudent, but cowardly."
For many decades Turkey paid money to Tatars and other ethnically Muslim group in Crimea to multiply?
Here is the example; $800 for each Tatar or other Muslim newborn. Not for Russian or other Christians. Stupid Ukraine government was in charge.
So Turkey now playing with 2 hands; also it's on the side of those extremist-nazi-remnants in Kiev who are killing their own in the Southeast of their own country and harming people in Crimea as much as they can.
To me, to cut electricity to 2 million people is an act of Who know how much suffering, financial and emotional, how many accident and death accured in the result of it.
Even Merkel told Kiev to stop the Genocide of Crimeans and immediately restore the energy supply. Yes, she used word "genocide." I cut her some slack on this.
Do you know that there is a biggest lion sanctuary in Crimea and those animals can die from hunger and cold if the owner is not able to provide for them? At this time should be few visitors there.
What can happens if it's dark, cols and no money is coming in?
That's in my mind these last days.
Why those geniuses in Paris are not talking about this? I know why. Because Putin is soft.
This is a big world-scale scam. Do I want pollution, exhaustion, poisons in the soil we all live on?
Of course not. I'm doing my conscientious part in it in daily bases. I want clean rivers, fertile soil, fresh air, you name it.
I can write a list of measures I;d impose should I be in power.
1. I'd closed down all cigarette growing farms, factories, anything connected to it and prohibit the import of any tobacco products. ***************************************************
I can go on with the list, but maybe later.
NATO is trying to provide cover for Turkey's mistake saying that is their fault, at
In the meantime Erdogan said that he'll resign if there is a proof that .S.L oil goes thought Turkey or he's buying oil from them, at and also
At; Today in Syria Russian Su-24 took off not only with bombs they usually carry, but also with "air-to-air" missiles for more protection.
In Paris they gave every big shot 4 minutes to talk, O talked for 14 minutes, bending over and taking responsibility for the troubles of entire world.
In my opinion he wants to throw money around to those he likes better than Americans. Who knows what can happen anywhere? After jumping off of sinking ship he will have "friends" in far away places to go to. Just saying.
Putin and Bibi Nat. meet and decided to coordinate their efforts against vermin.
In the meantime plane carrying body of perished commander of Su-24 Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov arrived in military airport in Moscow region. The flight was escorted by fighter jets.
At Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, Aerospace forces commander-in-chief, lieutenant colonel Viktor Bondarev and other highest ranking military men meet the plane. He will be buried in Lipetsk where he was last stationed before leaving for the assignment in Syria.
Here is a good news; - Prosecutor general of RF (same as our Attorney general) banned Soros's "Open Society Iinstitute," its affiliate "Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation" and other such groups naming them "undesirable."
AG Yury Chaika said that those groups were a treat to foundation of Russia's Constitutional order and national security. Also he launched a probe in activities of those organizations.
What a brilliant man, what a brilliant idea! Russia's immune system gave a little kick in the .ss to a world known "societal infection," as far as I'm concerned. ('societal infection' -my words).
The ban list includes the National Endowment for Democracy; the International Republican Institute; the National Democratic Institute; the MacArthur Foundation and Freedom House.
In late July, the Russian Justice Ministry recognized the US National Endowment for Democracy as an undesirable group after prosecutors discovered the US NGO had spent millions on attempts to question the legitimacy of Russian elections and tarnish the prestige of national military service.
The Law on Undesirable Foreign Organizations came into force in early June this year. It requires the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Foreign Ministry to draw up an official list of undesirable foreign organizations and outlaw their activities. Once a group is recognized as undesirable, its assets in Russia must be frozen, its offices closed and the distribution of any of its materials must be banned.
If the ban is violated, the personnel of the outlawed group and any Russian citizens who cooperate with them could face heavy fines, or even prison terms in the case of repeated or aggravated offences.
The Soros Foundation started working in Russia in the mid-1990s, but wrapped up its active operations in 2003.
[Good job Mr. Chaika. God bless you! Chaika is a bird, English Seagull. ]
Can you find mission statements of this "organizations" and read for us on radio, please? So long.