Now turkmen-ergogan from "no-apology"stand switched to "regret" for downing of Russian fighter jet. No apology yet from that imbecile. At
[You have to understand some cultures, know their history to see their behavior today through and through. They don't apologize for atrocities committed 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, etc.
In 2 world wars they were nazi allies. Nazi germany apologized for its atrocities, compensated (although to me human life can not be measured by money), put on their textbooks condemning themselves by saying "although entire nation wasn't involved in it, but its responsible for its rulers' acts."
By saying and doing so at least germans make you believe (at least hope) that today we're dealing with new generation witch has different mentality and approach to human value and life itself.
In both horror wars those "allies" were defeated. Int'l court went back and forth in the process of prosecuting Turkish organizers. One of the papers sand to trial says "we have the general count, but don't have names of individuals." DUH?
Do you think when murderers with guns came to neighborhoods to order people to get out of their homes, they were taking notes? DUH? Most of them couldn't even read and write. What do they care who are they killing? They considered them a human moving flesh to be destroyed. There were no electricity, no telephone and not even car in those areas. The elite and the group of people who considered the leaders of their people were already killed in bulk in April 24th, 1915. How did that happen? Turkish government call them to a big meeting as if to discuss the war and kill all of them right there. They beheaded the elite, the intellectuals, of the nation first. Then, men of fighting age were taken to military service and shot dead behind their becks. Those left home were only women, children and elderly who had no means of protecting themselves whatsoever. They were taken like a lame by a wolf. They were told that they're going to "evacuate" because the war was coming close to them. They were instructed to take their money and jewels, anything valuable that they could carry on themselves - on foot. On the way to nowhere they were robbed, perished from exhaustion while walking, then whoever reached "somewhere" it happen to be their mass grave.
Many groups weren't even killed at first. It was lots of "work" to use yatagan or waste a bullet on so many "individually." Still alive were pushed in mass graves with dead and half dead, poured a gasoline and set on fire. One of them woke up with his mother's and brother's dead bodies on top of him - Solomon Tehlerian. He crawled out and by some miracle survived, started living in Berlin when by accident in movie theater heard men talking Turkish and calling one of them "pasha."
He heard the name. He was surprised. He know who that might be; - one of 3 main organizers, interior minister of ottoman empire - "talaat-pasha"-may-he-burn-in-hell!
He followed to make sure. He observed and followed him again to be certain. Then got a gun.
Then one day coming out of movie theater where bastard was conducted his secret meetings, Solomon gun the bastard down on one of the street. He called his name first - "talaat pasha?" He latter turned around. Got shot! Wait, that's not all. Why the bastard was hiding and having meetings in a dark movie theater? Because in turkey he was already convicted of crimes against humanity and
and condemned to death penalty. he was a fugitive living in Germany under an assumed name.
Solomon was vindicated by court.
There were scores of them convicted and condemned to death and were running around the world loose. Americans decided to have an assassination campaign and take the matter into their hand.
One of those bastards were gun down in UN building in NYC.
When you have seen justice to be on the side of those who lost everything and have nothing to protect themselves?
Wait, it's not all. My grandfather's mother died from exhaustion from walking. Don't forget they didn't have asphalt streets, sneakers, bottled water and the hellish place they were being taken to was a desert called Deir al-Zor on Syrian border.
There is a city built in there now. It's 7th biggest in today's Syria. There is an Armenian Genocide Memorial Church, at,_Der_Zor.
Opened 1990 it contained the interment of victims' remains found in one of mass graves close to that site. It was a beautiful Church. But wait, why am I talking about it in past tense?
This is why; In Sep 21st, 2014 it was blown up by .S.L sponsored by none other than the same turks.
Look at the pictures before and after at
But wait; why Sep. 21st? This is why; In 1991 Sep. 21st Armenia became an independent Republic and subsequently member of UN. It was its 13th anniversary. Do you see the correlation between 13s? Nov. 13th - attacked in Paris. France was one of the first republics in Europe to acknowledge massacres as Genocide and pressure turkey to admit it and pay for their atrocities. It has been one of those who hold the red sign from admitting turks into EU, because the latter didn't change its mind until today. How you can treat someone differently when he/she doesn't admit fault?
Doesn't' pay the price, doesn't teach their generations that it was wrong and not to do it anymore?
They're doing it right now. Nothing changed. More than 100 years gone by and the genome, the mentality, the behavior is mainly the same. At least for "rulers" of today.
There are more things I can write about how different turks have been in their atrocities.
Some of things that turks came up with, (i don't have appropriate name for it yet), are these;
they took young women (Armenians, Greeks, others who were more civilized and better looking than themselves) into their harems to provide uterus for them. Primal sex and breeding uncontrollably has been the goal and the mission of their nomadic lives throughout history. There is nothing better to achieve in life than creating eating mouths dependant on you, so you can have the stimulus to kill others and take what they have. That was the practice of survival in their mentality. Even to this day. Look at the rate of birth they still have. In that country most women are still sitting home to be breed. A little food will do. What voting right for women have anything to do with it?
In harems they kept Eunuchs, who were castrated black man from Africa to "watch the girls," so they would not run away from their "breeders." Why descendants of those black men don't have grievances against turkey today? You do the math. That's another discussion.
Then, they took orphaned male kids and boys of minor age (who they hoped won't remember what happened to their families) and made them "yenicheries" of new time, in continuation of 13th century military tradition. But in 20th century it was worse than in 13th century. Those kids who had no one and nothing were used only as soldiers to fight and die. Guess who they were fighting against? Their own blood. They didn't even know they were Armenians or Greeks or others by birth.
This is as low as human mind can get. You tell me what kind of medication can bring a nation of almost 80 million to publicly admit that it was a bad idea and they're not into it anymore?
Wait, I'll be finish soon. You came to NYC, I'm going to show you (I'd not treat you in there though)
Turkish restaurant called "yatagan." To Armenian it sounds the same if the Jews would see a German night club called "gas chamber." Or, for Americans - "anthrax cafe."
But wait; if you'd be a turk and say something against gov. you'd be thrown in jail. Their government today puts its own people, members of intelligentsia, who say "let's get rid of the dirt in our past and join the league of civilized nations." Europeans know history. They don't want those type of violent people who didn't change yet sit down around the same table and be equal decision makers. Look what they did in Vienna to Austrian King's palace in 17th century. Look at history of Polish, Bulgarian, Albanian and other European nations' wars against Turkish invasions.
For Europe and Middle east truks have been the same or similar like Japanese have been for Asia - ruthless, pervasive aggressors. Now, even Japanese has changed. But not turks, nosir.
Wait, I found it; Article 301 of turkish penal code (implemented as recently as June 1st, 2005) prohibits to insult turkishness/turkish nation and has punishment of 6 mouth in jail.
Under that umbrella it covers people who rules it, who work for it, government institutions and organization, criticizers of its history, etc. You name it, they'll cover it. It has lots leeway.
Look what they did to Orhan Pamuk, who is the most known turk in modern literature, a Columbia University proffesor. A few years ago, when he opened his moth just a little bit, not much (didn't even dared to call the ottoman killing "Genocide") they sued him, make him pay for it and who knows under what kind of threats this man lives on daily bases.
He is in this clip; He calls artile 301 a "secret gun" toward civilized world.
My Q is; how came my country, good young US of A, that thinks that its mission is to promote democracy around the world, specifically puts aside enormous amount taxpayer money (most of them don't know what's going on in the rest of the world and couldn't care less in this moment in time as I type this), to insight "orange revolutions" and topple governments in the name of "democracy." How only this country in entire planet of ours has become friend of Turks, gave them nuclear weapon, brought them into NATO and even today doesn't see that this "friend" gave and will give a FINGER about anything it "promotes" or stands for?
I know the history; the US did it just to use it against Russia in the time of cold war. Put nukes in there and now got caught by its tail. But now, after iraq war, when Turkey showed a FINGER to America and didn't let US troops to go through its teritory, knowing very well that entire Europeans continent doesn't like mentality of Turks as of today, is still keeping that "friendship" and actually paying for it?
Now US is against .S.L? Seriously. Oh good. I don't mind. But, how it don't see that turkish policy is pro .S.L?
How it don't see that that nation instead of becoming "democratic" is going backwards? Where are the retarded running the show in American media. Is this too much to find out and contemplate on for vermin graduated from institutions of lower learning and "working" for media?
They should be working for my rate's .ss and pay for it too, should I'd had one. maybe I should get one. To make fun of those who are running after Trump's behind trying to defame his character with every gesture he makes. Sure they have time and energy for that type of "professionalism."
Aren't air waves owned by public? Isn't that why O wants to bring the "fairness doctrine?"
My point is that there is no accountability of any type in any level or standard of professionalism in journalism in this country. I'm sure that "mission statements" of networks and others smaller channels' are looking so fair and humane that can bring a tear or two in anyone's eyes.
But look at the grim reality.
Vermin in the media and the press-titutes are in cloud of their own thick smoke (whatever they're smoking) and in the smog imposed on them called "political correctness."
To function, get ahead and make big money (which they call "successful" by mistake too) in that
"industry" is to survive intellectual toxicity for so long that most of them don't even know they range from incredibly stupid to utter insane.
Don't get me wrong. Some of them didn't lose. They were born snakes. That's their calling.
They have a genome running on poison called LF; - lair and fraud. (just made that up).
These didn't lose their minds, they're operating on their natural juices in their perfect environment.
I have known people who lie in every step they make every day of their lives, no mater what it is. Imagine one of them will work for CNN?
Now, let get back to today's news.
Yesterday's WSJ said that O's told Turkey to deploy troops to the border with Syria to combat .S.L.
[Yah, right! Like they think he's "somebody?"]
At; Putin signed list of sanctions against Turkey.
1. To stop no-visa zone for Turkish citizens, beside those who have place of residency in Russia and diplomats and their families.
2. Interacted tour companies to stop selling packages to visit Turkey.
3. Limiting the charter flights back and forth and imposing rigid inspections on the freight from Turkey, etc.
[I think this gift will keep on giving in coming days and months.]
Look at this at Big-turk "regrets" but not apologizes. Turkish public is divided on this issue. There were demonstrations on both sides of this issue in Anakara.
Heroic Eygeniy Lyamin is reporting from Anakara.
Watch this clip, hear what their own people are saying; border with the area controlled by .S.L is totally open and many from both side, including Turkish law enforcement, even members of intelligence agencies are doing business - alright.
[His son is running a cartel in there - his own son! He has his proud pictures taken by members of vermin. What do you expect?
Now that the nasty thing became obvious and hit the fan, will see what coming days will bring.]
Watch in the above clip showing a prominent Kurdish attorney Tahir Elci, The President of Bar Association of that province, being shut to death in the street of southeastern city called Diyarbakir while giving an interview to a TV crew, because he was "critical" of Turkey's policies. at 2:30min
People came out to streets to protest and police opened teargas and water-cannons on them.
2 journalists have been arrested so far, police disbursed demonstrations of protest against those arrests held in Istanbul and Ankara.
[Hear this; Turkey was supplying .S.L "stuff" by convoys stretching up to gazoo. Apparently they were calling it "a humanitarian aid." After news given out and showing of the the pictures from satellite by Puitn, just recently they were stopped and checked. I don't know by who, though. It's not in this report. Happen to be instead of crackers and cheese there were weapons and ammunition. As Russia was thinking. At 5:25min. Syrian General speaker for Syrian Military says that Turkey is
crossing Syrian borders constantly and continuously while helping t.r.r.sts.
Oh, good news; Washington expressed "concern" towards arrests of 2 journalists. Ooh, la, la.
Look here; Russians found 2 of criminals (husband and wife) who blow up transmitters of electricity supplying Crimean peninsula and cause total blackout for several days.
Look what people who live there went through. Count how much damaged it caused.
Look at Tatars who live there and help the criminals.
Most of Tatars are the inside enemy to Crimeans. A musilm minority thuging and victimizing the christian majority in their own country.
"Liberalism is a mental disorder" come to mind.
Shouldn't criminals of that caliber be punish by death? Those are sworn t.r.r.sts. They have nothing better to do but kill and destroy. That's their livelihood. They're in breeding business every night all night long. Doing it worse than animals. Why worse. I'll tell you. Animals have mostly instinct. Some of them are very advanced though. They generally don't have the emotional will power and/or intellect to totally control their body functions. Not all of them, some of them in general terms. Look at the birds. They put a nest before laying eggs.
Some humans having so many children they can not possible feed and cloth them and come up with any theory in their minds to justify taking what others have.
Who is going to pay for food and shelter of all those backwards nations who do not think how to create things, how to provide services and products for themselves and others, but know how to lay with their first cousin when they're minors? Not me. I don't want to do that. God, nature or both gave human a conscious, free will and judgement. Whoever chooses not to use those highest gifts, should be treated less than an animal. That's what I'm saying.
You might think I'm cruel and just came up with this. Hell, no. I was thought my my parents and grandparents. I was thought that as a human belong to human society I am obligated to conduct myself in certain manners. I can not do everything come to my mind or my body wants or need.
They both worked decades for full time and told us; get education first, it's your most valuable investment. Have a trade, a skill, master in it, be the best. To think about grown up think like sex and relashonship, at first you have to be a grown up. You study, you work, get established, find someone like you that you can trust with a life time commitment like marriage, have a decent place to live before you have children. have as many as you'll be able to possibly provide with the best, so they want feel they don't have a good life. Give, don't take. When you give, you feel good. When you take you feel bad.
Are this things complected, unheard of, created by some special geniuses? No.
I'd say the 95% of society I lived in in former soviet union lived by these norms. My parents and grandparents didn't need to tell us this thing word by word. They showed us example with their own lives with their own behavior. My grandmother didn't tell me the whole scientific thing about birds. She wasn't a zoologist. When I was a little child, ones she just showed me birds putting their nests on trees in the garden and said: "Look how smart the little birds are. Look how small their heads are. They should have little tiny bids of brain and they're building a home for their off-springs, before those come out. Look how much bigger and powerful the human and his mind is and how much more he should do and can do with it." That picture got stuck in my mind and froze in time. I still remember that. I din't need to learn those things from church and/or school. Those are basic.
Also where I grew up there was such thing like "shame, embarrassment, humiliation," and some such." To get out, get kn.cked up and come home pregnant? What are you talking about?
It was a no-no not because your family would kill you, but because you'd stain their name, ashamed them, embarrass and humiliate their humanity in front of society with your behavior. Why is that so deep? I'll tell you. That's not deep at all. It's simple; it would mean that they raised someone who could not exercise her mind to control her body. What does that suppose to mean;
1. you were born a damaged good, you're mentally challenged and can be ever taken seriously.
2. They fail to educate you, guide you, train you, give you advice, finally guard your behavior to prevent it.
3. They did everything right, you know better and you did it consciously to spit on everyone.
So what one who want to choose? I can take essence of these 3 together and open a preaching center in NYC. Actually years ago one of my neighbors (a liberal man) in UWS, who I told the same thing, came up with that idea for me. Even preaching can't be straight forward in this country. No way.
Now that I sidetracked, I have to add one more little thing; food sharing was a MUST in the culture I grew up. Doors were unlocked, most of the time, and there was always food for anybody who come in. A lots of people would play an instrument, because music school was free. I played piano.
So there was always a little joyous thing to bring out to quell tiredness and stress of the working day.
Many years ago Russia banned death penalty under the pressure of Europe to be able
"to join the more civilized world." Oh, boo-hoo!
Now, when capitalistic greed messed up that place, there are discussions to bring it back.
I have a Q; how came Europe don't dare to put pressure on my love of life, my country, my good young US of A?
Because nobody let them before I arrive here 24 years ago and I would NOT let them from now on.
That's why! It's so simple. It's primitive. Russians shouldn't either. That's all.
Where I grew up I don't recall anyone who could possibly be on the side of a criminal; a little thief or a serial killer. Even if that would be their own son. They were the ones who should share the burden of failure to prevent or stop the person. So, they were the ones to condemn most to clean themselves up. Family was responsible for each other. They shared an honor and a shame. That, as I see in USA and compare, is much better deterrent, judge and jury than any other.
@Kosarev_RT and you'll see the vemin are using TOW (anti-tank) missiles shooting at the van carrying RT crew in Latakia region. To RT correspondent Gayane Chichikian's Q "how US made TOW missiles ended up in t.r.r.sts' hands," Mark Toner from DOS answers "in any number of ways."
One American expert says that US weapons were going to arm "good" opposition and can end up anywhere. As you can see in that clip a "moderate/good opposition is giving it to vermin and getting "thanks" and big hugs for it. Maybe the "good" ones are even selling them. Who know?
8:30pm. Now that I ruined my Saturday night doing this at home, I need to put some lyrical music and get something to eat.
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