Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday when I've got the disturbing news, the whole day I could not look at the screen of computer. I didn't want to see the pictures. No matter how much we get used to it through media,
it still gets to me.
I listened 2 hours of your show, though. Yes, you're right, those who forget the lesson of history are condemned to repeat it. O's grandfather was WWII veteran, look what came out of 50's-60's cookie-hippy-hanging-with-everybody-who-comes-close daughter of his.
You know and I know that O's grudge against P is deeply personal and can not be cured by any medication.
After the G20 "interfaith" summit in turkey, at press-conference, P says that some sponsors of .S.L
are members of G20. I linked that report, where reporters says "without saying the names everyone knew that they were turkey,qatar&saudi.
Don't you think that caught up with turks? You better believe it.
Downing of Russian SY-24 was carefully planned; at Just listen to the voices rejoicing-in-the-name-of-all.h- when they realize the man is a Russian pilot. Even starving wolves don't make such noses when they find a lame to eat.
P has been soft, in my opinion he's a liberal, he played carefully with Ukraine (8000 people dead in there), with US, with NATO retards (letting them come close to his borders) and this is how he's being treated. Not too long ago he signed a big dead to build the pipeline through turkey with that low-life. That's what he got. He never, ever should do anything friendly with Turks. They can not be trusted. With them, it's genetic. Look at the history. What changed? They say sorry for 1915 genocide? NO. They want to get out of Cyprus, which they invaded in 1974 and already took most of the island, because of their "rapidly multiplying" habit? NO. Look what happened to civilizations around them which existed 6000 years, before the name of the group like that. Read how they ran their harems, how they used women like uterus providers/breeding object. Well, in civilized western world only Americans don't know that the name"turk"for everyone sounds like an insult.
Are they good people among them who say "let's clean out past, let's admit, say sorry and change?" Yes, there are. Many educated people among them. There are some good, righteous people everywhere, but I'm talking about the facts of history and today's majority's mentality and actions.
Those are the force running the mock today in there. They always were and still are big-time back-stabbers. Ask everyone next to them; start with any Arab country. They don't like them either.
You know, there is a famous painting, depicting turkish-Russian war, where on the boat kazakhs are writing a letter to sultan. You should look at that and see what they wrote to him. And, kazakhs were right, they won and they're still right. That's why the sea called "black," turks name it; - Black Sea, I love it.
In Syria they're still searching for the Russian pilot; at &
I don't want to go to cuckoo cnn or other site i don't like. I'll wait until something reliable comes out from trusted by me source.
One of pilots was saved by Syrian army, at
Russian helicopter was shut down by weapons provided by the US, at
Russian MID said that it did not expect that NATO can not be objective in this incident,
Nato thinks that after this "dialog" between R and T is important, at
[Oh, boo-hoo! Seriously.]
Also look at
1:30am, I'm sick of this.
Afternoon in NYC. Evening news from Russia is in. A good one, finally, thank GOD!
Navigator of Russian bomber CY-24 was found alive and safe and was brought to Russian military base in Syria, at
Journalists had a chance to ask him how is he feeling, what happened, etc. He say that he's OK and Russian medics can perform miracles. Also adds that there was no encroachment into Turkish airspace whatsoever and there was no warning from Turkish side either. He wants to stay in service in Russian air-force in Syria.
You should hear him word to word explaining how things operate in general in the air, how he knows the area like 5 fingers in his hand, that they weren't the first time in the same area, how things were going and how it went down. He is adamant that there was NO warning whatsoever and how the warning should to conducted, should there was any. The racket came at the plane so suddenly that it couldn't be detected on time. He is still in recovery. Afterwords he going to ask to stay in the same base.
Pay attention what he say the warning should look like. Turkish F-16 should fly parallel and give a signal/make contact. None of them was done.
At Putin said that the captain of the crew, Oleg Peshkov, will be awarded with the medal of Hero of RF posthumously. Ministry of Defense will do everything in their power to use every means to protect safety of Russian forces. S-400s defense missile system "Triumf" (triumph) will be deployed to the base in Khmeimim.
Konstantin Myrahktin, the surviving navigator of the crew, is awarded with "Order of Courage."
The same was also posthumously given to the sailor Alexander Pozinich, who perished in rescue operation. Same topic is also at About beefing up security Putin talks at
[I think they should give those 2 Star of Hero too.]
Prime Minister D. Medvedev said that Ankara defends .S.L for oil trade.
Russia considers Turkish action against his force as an open act of aggression.
Defense Ministry of RF opened its gen. staff meeting with minute of silence.
Minister Sergei Shoigu discussed the future methods of protection against possible future aggression against Russian military, what P previously called "stab in the beck," at
At 2:45min. Shoigu said that they're stopping all military contact with turkish side.
At 3;26min. Sergei Lavrov says; "I spoke with my Turkish counterpart and he said they didn't know that was a Russian air craft, that Syria air-force is also flying in there. I want to mention that also NATO forces fly in that area, should they were shooting down without knowing who their were, they would hit one of their own. I asked if they coordinated their actions with leading force of NATO - the US, but he had no answer. The whole thing looks like a carefully organized provocation."
Russian politicians expressed harsh criticism toward the incident; Chairman of Duma, Sergei Narishkin, said that they considered it a crime and direct sponsorship to t.r.r.sts. "This crime has persons who're responsible, they have to be found and brought to justice,"he said.
All Russian Parlamentarian, heads of major parties expressed their outraged and called for new measures for safety of their military men.
At 6:38min. you'll see the photos of perished 2 Russian military service men;
Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Anatolievich Peshkov and Alexander Mikhailovich Pozinoch.
[Look at those, their families, their education, their work and those who kill them. You'll get the picture.]
Russia also asked Turkey about why are they covering up, hiding and protecting those who came out of Russia or from territory of former soviet union and are fighting on the side of t.r.r.sts.
No answer to that also.
9 facts about SU-24 downed by turkish thugs, at
[You do the math; 17 seconds only close to "suspicious" area, while thugs on the ground had their cameras pointed watching and filming it? Then running to the downed man screaming ""?]
Evening in NYC; I listened part of your show talking about religions, especially "religion of peace," asking how killing mentality comes mostly from it. Gave tribute to those who had families with children despite of horrible times throughout human history. Said O wants to bring as many M-As as the DC population is, asked why would he do that?
Every psychiatrist, who's mind is still working, can tell you if you're their close friend and will sign a gag order. I'll tell you without gag order, should we meet. Teddy can be there too.
Then you were explained why being cautious and using common sense is not xenophobia, as libs call it, but a simple survival judgment. Called on the people to say "Merry Christmas" and wear crosses if they're Christian. You brought example of you growing up in melting pot of NYC, going to China town or a German bar in UES and not being spooked by seeing all the signs in their languages only.
Well, well, Dr. Savage. The sad part of you explaining those things is the fact itself. It should be understood all by itself for every adult. The scary part of that those who work against interests and safety to their own are not only adults, but were able to get so far ahead to become decision makers with power and influence for millions. In O's case, more than 300 million. That's one scary stuff.
Doesn't he think about the future of his daughters? - you asked. My answer is - no, not the way you and I think he should. That's the problem. The tragedy is that most of people in this country think like you and I, but he still has more power. So much so for "democracy." This is a Democracy for small groups of people like him and his mentality, not for oppressed and silenced majority who makes this country function.
If you want to see racism against white person practiced everyday in NYC, give me a hidden camera, keep me on live-stream connected to your website and any other site of the world. Make sure lawyers are watching, because what they will see, will not go to court, it will be settled very quickly.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, we're doing cookout in our building, where I have 1 person threatening and stalking me always, everywhere, permanently, another 2, whenever they get a chance.
And, if I'd had a streaming video of me shopping in Rite-aid yesterday evening, today that video might go viral and that company would settle the lawsuit immediately.
I stopped believing 99% what a media says. 1% if I see a proof; picture, video and that has to makes sense to me. 99% reports are deceitful, 1% - doubtful, that's my theory.
If you think this is just happening. just like another tide in history, like natural evolution of life in America, - I say NO!
This is carefully planed and organized demise of this country's internal enemies first, external enemies, second. That's all. Trump is the only hope. Cruz can be a vice-president, perhaps?
So long.
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