Wee hours of the morning. For me it's still yesterday evening. I was at Trump's book signing.
It was huge. Line was around the block. Took 3 hours to get to signing point. I asked him to hire me. He asked what am i doing. I said I'm an independent journalist and gave him his blog's address, which is www.GoTrumpGo.blogspot.com. Everybody was taking a picture with him besides me. I'm just not into picture taking. Believe it or not I never done even one selfie yet, don't use Facebook at all, sometimes use Twitter (my account is @starlet737) and that's it. I was totally exhausted. Had 3 more of his books with me, including "The Art of the Deal," but was told that he was signing only the new one. Carried them all day with. It was worth it though. maybe miracle can happen and we can talk about Int'l politics and how I can be useful for his future work, particularly with Russia.
Now; at 1tv.ru/news/world/295484 report says that experts are working on recorders.
The controversy surrounding the cause of the demise of the plane is continuing.
Most of the other reports of yesterday are also around this tragedy.
I believe in coming days this would continue to be the domination topic.
First the bodies have to have coroner's autopsy results determining the cause of death. The nature of sustained injuries will help to figure the reason of downing of the plane. Very few are already identified, many have to go through DNA testing, which will be conducted in Federal laboratory in Moscow. Then will be funerals, lots of them. Government is getting together to help all involved in allocating 3 million rubles for each victim (that number can rise) and paying for all expenses for family and relatives to stay in hotels, for their 24/7 medical assistance then will pay for all funerals.
It's just a gruesome state of affairs, if i can put it that way.
This tragedy touched the entire country. It's the biggest in history of Russian civil aviation.
6pm; I listened to first hour of your show only. You said that conservatives won in local elections. You were happy. Had interview with Larry King for RT.
Then you got into talking about beards and stuff. It got uninteresting. In psychology
facial hair is a sign of less relatability. To me it's a dirt, I don't like hair in general and, if on top of it person smokes and stinks, - I don't want to be around no matter who that is and what he does.
I don't know what you talked about to cover 3 hours.
That's why I don't like jobs with fixed hours. I prefer flexible schedules. I can't sit and write at the same hour every day for certain length. It should be when it's needed and how much of it is needed.
Do I want to do it or not should depend only on my muse.
Of course I did jobs with certain hours. At some of them I also had to produce certain results.
But those I had to do it for a living.
I love doing this although I takes lots of time from me and I do not benefit from it. So far this only have been done for my heart, mind and soul.
I haven't check your book yet. I was so exhausted standing on line for 3 hours for Trump's book signing yesterday, I feel grounded today. It really was "huuuuuuuge" as he likes to say.
Now, let's go to the news.
The reason of the breaking down of Russian plane in mid air over Egypt is still not determined.
Today is the anniversary of freeing Kremlin from Polish invaders in 1612. Kozma Minin and Dmitri Pozharsky were the organizers and heroes of that guerrilla war.
Putin and others laid flowers on their monument in Red square, at 1tv.ru/news/social/295522.
It's an impressive monument in a very important place for Russia, Russians and myself.
Also today is "National Unity Day" in Russia and was celebrated in some region,
at 1tv.ru/news/social/295521.
[To me the wound of tragedy is still too fresh though. I'd not go to any celebrations, should I be there, but it's just me. That country is the biggest in the world and has 150 million people living there, so ... not everyone is the same. ]
At 1tv.ru/news/social/295523 Putin gives awards to 9 foreigners for their merits in the sphere of preserving and promoting Russian language and culture abroad. The ceremony is in Kremlin's Georgievsky Hall.
[That place is so gorgeous, you have to see it to appreciate it. Pictures won't show it. It's named after St. George order.]
In memory of events in 1612 celebrated the feast of our Lady of Kazan Icon, which was sent to hero-liberators of those days Minin and Pozharsky before they stormed the Kremlin palace and then ran the invaders out of their land.
In the meantime Grate Britain stops all the flights to Sharm el-Sheikh, at ntv.ru/novosti/1561957.
Another crush in Southern Sudan with Russian victims, at ntv.ru/novosti/1561957.
From 18 on board 12 were passengers and 6 crew members, from which 5 were Armenians and one was Russian. Only 3 survived, all of them citizens of Sudan. This is preliminary though.
Reports on the cause of this crush are conflicting with different numbers of victims (adding some on the ground) and various versions of the cause of the crush.
This was a cargo plane carrying out a humanitarian mission in that country.
[My beef with this is; why the hell you're helping anybody anywhere, especially somewhere so far away from your own friends? Let them to do it themselves, will you?]
By Forbes' Putin is this year's most influential man of the world.
[To me he'd be more than "influential" should he take Kiev by now. He let 1000s of people die in Donbass without help because of intimidation from nato-bozos. Not doing so didn't help the rest of Ukraine either. Now it's at worst economic and political condition on the same line with the worst countries in Africa, at ntv.ru/novosti/1561698.]
8:30pm, after supper I'm going to read Trump's book. Check GoTrumpGo.blogspot.com.
That's all.
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