Sunday, November 15, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 15th, Sunday


Wee hours of the morning.
At; former commander of US and NATO in Europe James Stavridis says that Russia should be invited to join the Western coalition forces against the fight with IG.  
DUH? Somebody in military still has his half brain working in western hemisphere.
I'm shell shocked.
Somebody can tell those people in western military industrial complex that Russia is already fighting against IG? For couple of weeks already dropping the fiery hell on their heads, 24/7 and alone? Somebody, please?
This is a men who is retired, but his half brain is still working. He doesn't know what's going on exactly, but he has a right take on the situation. Should he know, he should say "let's join Russian forces in this fight, let's help them, let's ask them to take us under their commend." Right? Right!
Why I say "under their command?" Because usually big men don't want to obey each other. Each of them thinks he is more superior and the other should listen to him. This will be the case dealing with US and NATO. Don't they think they're more powerful and know better. Yes. of course. just look how they're coming closer and closer invading Russia's backyard, trying to whistle under the nose of the BEAR. The bear is slow, but be careful when it come close and smacks.
Let's give honors to Admiral Stavridis for writing an article with this proposal in Foreign Policy magazine, shall we? He expressed common sense in wilderness of stupidity.
that NATO is such a huge bureaucratic apparatus employing so many people that's the way of keeping or growing it is a war. At least tension. At least tension against a scary opponent like RF, so the scare would be enough to pay.

Look how Russian Navy blasted this baby-bomb and let it fly 6000 km away. Fly-baby-fly.....up-up to the sky....hmmm-hmmmm.
From nuclear submarine Vladimir Monomakh. Sir, yessir! Look at
It was a beauuuuuutiful thing seen by space station.
Do you know where Kamchatka is? You should check it out. If you want to chill, you should go there. Pay a visit to new lands. I have a warm coat for you. You'll eat real good, fresh caviar, have a feel of different side of mother nature. "Subarctic climate," that's what in there. In the summer you'll be happy, but in the winter, you'll pray and cry for global warming - big time. For real.
That's why I don't mind global warming. I like global warming. Why is global warming doesn't show its cute-head-with-rosy-chicks in Kamchatka? There is no warming in temperature felt in there whatsoever.
I think rich-old-man-Papa-of-Rome should visit there before praying against global warming. Somebody drop him there, will you, people? Anybody?
I like global warming. There are so many clean, beautiful, untouched places on this planet we can move to, if they'll warm up. Real hygienic places; healthful, peaceful, no infections, no bacteria, nothing bad in there.
I'm explorer in nature, at least I have been, but if Kamchatka warms up I'll continue to follow the calls of my adventurous spirit. Who knows what future hold for each of us. I always like to be flexible. Of course as time passes, I stay home most of the time. I'm a home body, but if there is a place not explored, I'm next - take me with you to snow ball game.
Now at 3am I'll let my romantic spirit to soar to far away places and try to go to sleep in NYC.
Channel Escape usually keeps me up so baaaaad. I can't resist watching it, though. 3am.

At 4pm the world news is still dominated by the headlines of massacre in Paris. More clips full of horror scenes are coming out.
I'm not going to link them. Everyone can find them themselves.
President of France wants to change the clause in Constitution presently allowing only for 12 days of national morning. He wants to extend it to 3 months.
Good idea? I don't know. What does it change? People who want to mourn, they can mourn all their lives. If it changes the schedules of the schools and other public organizations, it will be too bad, in my opinion. Why? Because french don't work too much to start with. Schools have kids only 4 days a week and half a year is a holiday. So, what he's going to do? Close them for 3 months? Nice...

In one of reports from Friday night I heard that gov. order to have schools (among other organizations) closed on Saturday. Fine. But living there I haven't seen or heard that schools were open on Saturday anyway. ??? Either reporter is just saying words, or Pres. didn't know how things work in his own country. Both of those would not surprise me.
The problem is that they don't know when and where the other attack can come from and how to prevent it.
Liberal-immoral-laziness-promoting ideology they were lead by and were living with so far took them to this point in time and is not going to protect them tomorrow whatsoever.
Look at the President talking, what is he saying, look at so called General Prosecutor of Republic, look at that thing. What does he say? What does he promise to public? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He is just another man suffering with mental illness called "liberalism." Might be even a progressive.
Who knows?
Now; what bothers me that in couple of weeks, from Nov.30th - Dec. 11th UNCCC is scheduled to be held in Paris. Leaders of 80 countries are going to attend. O said that he WILL attend. Fine with me. He can go and feel good about himself believing that he can "curb global climate change." (Before it was warming, than was proved that was actually chilling, now it's just "changing" -
to be on "safer" side of "game of words" and continue to cash in.)
He was "curbing" all the humans on this planet (giving pieces of his mind how to live their lives), now he will be "curbing" the climate they live in. Thus, the existence of human race is depend in his decisions. After humans are gone, his concern will be saving the around mass hanging in Universe, previously called planet Earth, From everything bad, - cold, heat or whatever it might be.
His legacy is for only God himself, because he was the second-coming, that many of us didn't realized and made a continuous mistake showering with warm water, which brought us to our universal demise.
That's not even a global thing, it's bigger than that. It's universal, such as effecting the universe with all the planets, planetary systems and stars discovered and not yet discovered. His plan will work for another civilization after ours to be able to discover those, so they'll enjoy the better universe than we did.
Look who is organizing the events; - the UN. headed by a man who can't speak English. Who don't care about "humanity" of hardest working people on this planet, people who live in southeastern Ukraine, in Donbass region, and being bombed and destroyed broad day light by their own government, sponsored by the WEST. That old, cuckoo man could do something to save those lives, lives of white Christian people, mostly ethnically Russian, living on the own historic land, while going to work in coal mines and hazardous factories to make a living. There are no humans in this planet who are so literate, normal and hard working that the people who live there. they have done through absolute hell throughout history just to survive. I don't have no mercy for those who victimize them today. I'm sorry, but I don't! S.tan should be punished if confronted. S.tan is running loose on that land and West is sponsoring the dev.l itself.

Let me digress from that and come back to Paris.
If I'd be O's speech writer I write the following for his teleprompter Parisian teleprompter.
"Dear world leaders of 80 most important countries on this planet who can change things. Thank you for being my base, understanding my mission in this world, on this particular planet today and readiness to follow my heavenly vision of controlling, or should I say "curbing" the climate we live in, because simply it comes from allah/god himself, and, as you know, i'm his humble representative
sent to this particular planet to do this. Now that you have a heavenly privileged to be in my presence, hear my voice, look at my skin color and realized that I'm really standing in front of you (and wasting my life talking to you, because I could do this sh.t all by myself, duh?) you have no excuse for not doing what I'm saying and sliding from my "chosen" course just ever slightly. (Don't anger me, you bozos, I'll tell HIM to make frogs and I'll send my drone to pick you up and throw you in fires of hell, while I'm watching from serene place of my highness.)

I'd be Putin's adviser. I'd NOT advise him to go.
That city is full of dog sh.t (you can get sick from bacteria, man), not safe now, and people he's going to hang around are mostly stupid, corrupt, big criminals of their own countries who are using this occasion to get into that city to get laid. (How you say it otherwise. As you see my English is limited, so...) That's what called "romance" in France. Yessir. Romance is not platonic in that culture as it was in mine, romance there is to get getting laid as much as you can with as many people as you can. Hmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmm.....
Not all of them, of course, don't try put wards in my blog, but that's my knowledge about french literature and culture through my education and experience seeing it with my eyes while living there. I believe there is a small, very small minority, which still believes in morality, decency, institution of marriage and responsibility toward their descendants and their county's survival for their sake.
It's a minority, very small group and getting smaller and smaller by the day.
They don't and can't do anything to stop the erosion of their culture and turn the clock back. It's spoiled so bad, it can NOT be rehabilitated anymore.

In the meantime, i have a gut feeling that America still can do something about this.
America has more decent people percapita, than Europe. We don't need that type of garbage to be transferred here. It's coming though, it can't be stopped with masseurs we have in place now.
From DHS to entertainment industry, holes are too big, doors are wide open and it's the matter of time for erosion to permanently reach to out shores and take on the land.
If America is gone, I believe beside Russia, everything will follow. Europe is in a deep, dirty, infected ditch. I don't know with how many and what kind of words I can stress this enough.
I'll try, I'll not stop trying. I know my assignment in this world. I know what I can do that others can't or won't. I'm ready. I need a place, the tools and protecting for doing this.
1.We, concerned citizens, should be getting together, helping each other to point out the 5th column in our society.
We need to show. Only show. We don't need to talk. Talk is cheap. Seeing is believing.
We need people to start carrying their viseo cameras all over all the time - 24/7, - streamed - live!!!
We don't need the judges, who's psyches' are corrupt by the fear caused by "political correctness" to tell as they don't want to "see" the prove!!!
Do you know that actually it's under their discrepancy to decide what can be admitted as evidence?
YOU-stupid-YOU-Your-"honor!" YOU- should-kiss-my-dog's-buddy-hole, if he'd allow you!
YOU - damn - bastards that let every criminal back, right out to streets, as soon as you see them in front of you. Your stupidity and laziness corrupted the police department with their laziness and not willingness for doing their job aking a criminals off the streets.
YOU- bastards - YOU! I mean it. I suffered from it! I can go and say this on any Live network TV right on Times Square. You, most of you are bastards and do not deserve the "title" to carry.
It should become Halloween title for you. "Your honor?" Whaaaaaaat? How many of you bought that bench you're sitting on? How much did you pay?
When I'll be there where I suppose to be doing my job which is digging and showing the dirt in this society, I'll will be asking some "nice" questions about your jobs, your elections, appointments, etc.
Is there is mental health check up for those?
I'll try to have NY courts open up to public with TV cameras rolling live. Only that one thing can expose most of your cuckooishness (my word, just made it up) to general population, which uses common sense in daily life.

I know Mr. Trump's sister was and/or still is a judge, not in NY though. I guess I read it in one of his books.
I like and respect Donald J Trump. I admire his accomplishment. I love his family as an example.
In a way that it's big, healthy, beautiful and happy. Who'd not want to have that type of happiness?
Only jealous bastards. And, they would be lying.
I wish he can be my mentor in real estate business. I started, did for couple of years and stopped.
I dream that he can sponsor my projects in creating new type of media.
His sister, as a judge, can help answer to my purely technical Qs about law and how it applies. She might be the best one out there who would help an average person to learn things they can't learn anywhere else.
I don't know. I hope. I'm talking in general and I'm coming from my own personal life experiences living in NYC.
We can find out who is good, bad, or in between. You think we can't? Yes, we can! Yes, and we will, if Mr, Trump will lift a finger.
Creating new type of "FACT_BASED_MEDIA" shouldn't not be difficult for a person with my gift and logic in communication. All I know that there should be some people in every trade, profession, occupation willing to answer to my Qs by showing the facts.
I'll be asking basic, daily, technical Qs, don't you worry. I promise, you'll get answers that will save you a lifetime to find out yourselves.
We, decent people of this nation have obligation to do something. We need to believe in something better, higher and nicer and try to have it around us.

Now I have to watch 3 hour political high-end program on Russian TV now, before my Sunday is over.
Please anyone reading this blog send a letter to Mr. Trump to read also. You too, Dr. Savage. THX!

So long.
P.S. Finally, lazy French lift a finger and started bombing vermin in Syria.


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