Tuesday, December 1, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 1st, Tuesday

Dreary day in NYC.
Bomb went off by a subway station in Istanbul, at 1tv.ru/news/world/297339. 
[For all I care! Oh, I'm not a good humanitarian for writing that? I'm a humanitarian enough. I don't need to be good on everything and for everybody. Neither I charge readers of this blog, nor I ask donations. Remind you; neither I'm applying for sainthood, nor running for Pope's position. :)]

This is the real news for me. Lieutenant colonel Igor Anatolevich Peshkov was awarded highest military honor - Hero of Russian Federation.
Medal was given to her widow, at 1tv.ru/news/social/297341. 
[I don't know why such a little coverage on this. I think they don't have a special reporter in that area.
But still, I don't like it. Remind you that he was killed Nov. 24th and it took a week for TR to give him back. ??? To me, the whole thing, from today from his funeral ceremony, should be in the center of Russian media's attention. ]

3:11pm after a little Cuban music you are saying that respondents to the Q on your Facebook page "who do they trust more, - P or O?" answered P.
"Syrian refugees can not be properly vetted," somebody "important" in gov. said. I didn't catch the last name correctly; James something? DUH? Who doesn't know that?
Yesterday local news was periodically heralding; "Syria family of 5 arrived to Paterson, NJ, despite the that state's decision not to take them!!!" Every 10 minute! They weren't just reading in normal voice, the reporter was screaming with owe on higher volume. Like foxnews use to do it, that's why i don't watch it. As soon as commercial comes up, they blast the volume to the level of insanity. That not only will wake anybody who was snoozing, but scare them out of their homes.
The tone, intonation, the joy, the sound of heralding a victory of some sort was the essence of that "news" report.
I don't know why? How someone from here can say "we have no law, we're being invaded by our enemies who wants us dead, and, they're already here, in Peterson, NJ! Rejoice!!!"  ? ? ?
No wonder pot is being legalized. Those who do this to us need it badly.
Do you know how it feels to someone like me, who came legally with education, single, able and eager to work in any job, decent, dreaming to became a citizen and join American people who are smart, powerful, successful and are the best problem solvers of the world?
It feel like the whole thing was a joke about this country and its legal system on anything and I was a chopped-liver who belived in BS and wasted a lifetime. That's all.
When I came, nobody was heralding me. Everybody was there to be an opportunistic bastard to take advantage of my "financially challenged" situation and make do more for less. That's all. I always worked for people who had less education, because they were from here or they were considered "minority." Only one employer on very part-time job was honest to me from the beginning, considerate and appreciative. She is a psychologist with PHD with an absolutely wonderful family.  

3:38pm; you're talking about P and O's picture in Paris saying that O is standing overbearingly looking at top of P's head, but P is looking at O's left shoulder. P is a black belt in Judo and looked like he had a good grip on O's elbow. I haven't seen that picture. I'm going to go by you.
Put it on your website, not everyone uses "facehook" as I call it. I do not. I do not even like the idea of it.
[Of course tall people can be intimidating if they use that feature to their advantage. Usually they do, they get more attention, they get a job faster and they get more pay. Research wasn't done by me.
The article about it even mention that in all of the US average CEO's height is 6'4". In China they do operations on their feet to grow taller, because it makes them more employable. ]

After 4pm you're talking to a scientist who disagree that carbon dioxide being a "killer" of nature, because simply it's a plant food. There are conflicting theories about that, questioning "who much of it and were," etc.
I'm not an expert, so I just listen and learn what makes sense to me.
The end of second hour you're calling yourself a commentator, not a journalist, calling journalists "practitioners of world's oldest profession."
Well, I'm a journalist and I guess I'm an exception, that's why I don't work for masses. Maybe also because I'm exceptional and extraordinary?
See, I'm getting a little narcissism from you. Is it infectious? Just kidding. I'll tell you what I believe;
between ordinary and extraordinary there is that little "extra." That's all. A little extra decency and integrity will go a long way. What I can't take is lying. Liar can do anything out of scope of decent.
That's when the good stuff goes down the hill. To me morality comes first.
Unfortunately it's a word hardly practiced these days.

You got couple of good cartoons on your web site; one is a human chain connecting head and behinds starting from soros and ending..... well you know it. The other one is that lazy-eye-french President showing a 'climate summit' placard to threaten .S.L.
It's just a world-class-BS for huge money to change hands while "organizers" are running the show.

Today Turkish airplane encroached Greek airspace, at 1tv.ru/news/world/297363. 
At RT.com/usa/324135-syria-us-isis-force; US will send special ground forces to Syria to fight .S.L.
[I hope they'll fight who are they looking for. This is a very dangerous thing. O is doing it on purpose.
He doesn't mind to scarifies some of them to have excuse to get on with P. he won't rest, he won't stop, he won't give up until it happens. I hope I'm wrong on this.
This is why I'm pessimistic; P said that he gave the location of their troops and the schedule and routes they fly in Syria to America. Who can figure out if "commander-in-chief" didn't subversively situate our men and women under the fire by Russians areas?  Who? You, me, any "
journalist? None whatsoever. These are classified things. next thing we'll hear is that Russians "knowingly" killing Americans. There is also another very dangerous thing can be organized on the sea (as it was done in the air) to provoke Russians, who are already on the edge. Next thing our "journalists" will cream is "Russians are killing us."
How would I stop the slaughter of our forces, young men and women who have so much in to live for, the best of the best among us, should I be the decision maker?
That's simple; I'd make a law like this; any soldier dies, 3 higher ranking officer in his/her commend get to be killed and buried with that soldier. Is this too complicated? Why? If some people got into job of killing (yes, war is a "killing and destroying things" business), was able to advance, but couldn't perform their job, thus causing death of others, should give his/her life too.
How about that? How about putting down a number of dead before it should get to el-jefe?
10 generals, 15, 100? How many would be "fear?" ***********************************
Do you think any general will give such a "recommendation" to commander-in-chief easily anymore? Look how many 1000s got killed in Iraq. It's a slaughter! How "most powerful military" can do this to itself?
Also, sometimes older men want younger men dead, so they can get more.....fun....... It's human "factor."
Let me stop here for now.


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