I turned your show on from the beginning; Hindu holiday in WH for multiculturalism.
You were talking about human civilization and advancement of it by Europeans and Caucasians in general, which is now under constant verbal attack and even falsification of its historic facts. Somebody said that all the inventions were created by black man and as if white man stole them, or something like that.
Well, you know, I know and 99.999% of the people in this country know that that's not true.
But, once majority, which is still white in this country, stopped retaliating and fighting back when the lies and harassment started in 60's, it just escalated and is going down the hill from then on.
Nothing you can say about blacks or minorities in general that might not or will not be used against you. That shut the mouths up. After that line was passed, the perpetrators' mission become worse and worse. You don't need to say anything to be accused, you're automatically accused because of the color of your skin and simply because you still exist. Now we're on that point. We walk in our toes on egg shells, put up with every harassment, discrimination and crime committed against us because of our skin color. This became such a scary topic that no one dares to talk about it anymore. Even many whites (as you rightfully mentioned before) will be against another white person, just to be on the safe side. Not on the right side, but on the "safe" side, meaning "saving" your job, you character, your reputation, your career and finally your life.
What was planned to accomplish as human right and civil right was to stop discrimination because of the color of someone's skin. It did, it stopped one way and went directly 180 degrees the other way.
When MLK was saying he had a dream, he didn't say "we want to be like you." Listen carefully what he says. He says that he wanted his children to go to school mixed with others, that a person shouldn't be judged by the color of his/her skin, but by the content of his/hers character. Fine. Agree. But it didn't stop there. he didn't say we'll stop there, did he. Nosir. He said "we should have 10 children each, so we'll take this country over." Listen what he says. Write down and read it. After he gets his wish, such as equality in a form of putting kids on the buses and taking them to school in another district, he doesn't say "we won't beat you up, disturb your classes, make fun of your skin color, make fun of your heritage and do everything worse that it's ever done to whomever before us." Did he? No. After leveling the field, they pushed and pushed, asked and demanded, got one thing after another and WILL be pushing unless someone with real power comes along and says "enough is enough."
I have met blacks who are not into this "mission against American and white people," clearly see what's beyond so called "race relations" and think that's embarrassing for them, Unfortunately those are extremely few and they would not talk out loud because of the fear of retaliation from their own. Overwhelming majority of them will do what they're taught and instructed to do to get more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and..... it never will end.
Hollywood and the media are behind all of this - a BIG time. Many black comedians are making fun of white people, saying that they brought bad things upon themselves, because they told them about bad things done to them. White comedians do the same thing like psychopathic masochists. White people won't attack them and blacks will be happy, so why not?
The time of O's election we saw that for minorities of this country skin color is the most determining factor. So they play both ways and they're getting things and getting away with that.
After O, all the phony-baloney, gov. paid none producing anything agencies should be shut down. Instead "race relations" just got worse.
Ben Carson said that 4.1 million people are working in 650 government agencies are getting paid by federal government. Leave alone the states, cities and private ones who are in "social services" business.
Am I against providing social services for people who really needs them. Hell no! I need them myself. The fact is that I don't have the same rights that others with different skin color to get them or to get them as much as I need. The harassment, discrimination, outright refusal to provide services for me is a daily thing in my life. Unless it's shown on video which would be ONLY streamed LIVE, nobody would pay attention, nobody will change anything and no one can sue them to protect their "right" if they're white. If any portion of my life (not the whole thing, the whole thing would be a long movie) would be on video and be admissible in court, I'd be a very rich woman, enjoying life in "fair, equal and democratic country of USA, - my home, sweet home."
Until I find someone who will get my back, provide me with security, technology and lawyers watching, I can just handle sh.t as much as my psyche and emotional strength can take and suffer emotional and psychological consequences of that reality of USA today.
Schools are horror places of noise and emotionally violent stupidity, colleges are cesspools of poisoning history and harming the souls of white kids making them feel bad about themselves and forcing them to act on it, media, which thrives on controversy and Hollywood that makes money on destroying the mind and image of this country inside and out.
Everybody in the world, person or government who hates America, is pointing their fingers toward movie industry saying "you said it, you show it, you're like that, that's who you are, you're immoral, you're irresponsible, you're violent, you're obnoxious, you're dark-soul-psychotic, you're perverted, you're infected, you're addicted and you're proud of it and want to export if to the rest of humanity under the name of "equality, fairness, democracy, what-ever."
No wonder why muslin-radicals show all of these to recruit millions to fight the fight of getting rid of the "haram-infidels." God word is against morality and irresponsibility. God has punishment for sins. God is not all-loving-all-the-time-enjoying-being-fooled entity. Nosir. God punishes. It can punish so bad, that boggles my mind when I read the Bible. Especially the Old Testament. It's not a soft reading of "groovy" stories, noosir.
So, m-radicals say "we're the Go'd warriors, we'll carry on God's will, do the "housekeeping" work for him by eradicating infected and crazy. And, of course, they'll get the "reword." They have their plan of action. they're not without catchy ideology and plan of its execution. look how successful they have been in recruiting millions of young, managing to get them out of their homes and away from their family and loved ones telling them "the best is yet to come." Nobody writes about what they say and how they say it. No journalist, no writer, no politician, nobody.
What would I do? How would I fix it? Should I have a program streamed live and show things in real life and organize like-minded people to get together and do something about it, I'd definitely accomplish lots of things. No doubt about my mind. I need money, protection and means of putting my work out in the open all around the world. that's all.
Our media is so low-class, built on nothing industry, that I, alone can bring it down. just to watch any program at any time of the day and tell what's wrong with it, make fun of it and sue them.
Sue, sue and sue more and put the process on TV. It's time that NY State make it legal to show courtroom actions live on TV like it is in CA. Sue the judge too if he/she is not impartial. If there are no cameras, there is always a covered up fraud, partiality and incompetency.
I will have judges sued and convicted. I can't swallow the fact that judge can tell any American citizen that he/she has "no standing" to question anyone else's legality, especially of that person who is being "elected" by the "people" themselves to rule not only them but the rest of the world.
Hello??? What was that about for so many years? Only Trump got on his face and demanded answer and that answer was put on internet? I can put my neighbor's rat's behind on internet and it'll look like an angel's face. I wanted to see written release in every paper in town with a name of the judge and the stamp of the court that it was authentic. Also the same I'd need to saw from the hospital which released it. None of them I saw. So...
The only person who can help me to realize what I'm talking about is Trump, because he has the means and he's independent. I'm going to ask him. Why i didn't ask him before. I wanted to when he mentioned of running 2011, I opened the blog " then, but he stopped.
I'm happy he's back. I'm praying that he can read this and respond.
There are others with lots of money in this country, such as Bloomberg, but he is not in politics.
I'm not sure that he or others like him would be interested in cleaning up this mass without any personal gain. Life should be different for them. Less scary, more predictable. They can live where they want and associate with those they choose.
I don't have that freedom because of money. Not the money for food, cloths and roof over my head
(I have those), but money which can open doors, close and far, and can allow me to do fundamentally important things that this society needs to be done for its own survival.
Only I'm capable of organizing and managing of doing things that I have personally visioned.
Only my way of analyzing, comparing, asking Qs will show the real story behind the story. It will empower decent and capable citizens of this country. They don't need to be smart, clever, have different degrees that I have. Just common sense and good will toward themselves and fellow Americans can do the job. there are no naive people in this planet. Do not exist. Even the bum in the street can fool me. At least will definitely try. I can learn somethings from them that I still don't know about NYC. I like to talk to everyone. I mean from kids to the oldest person. I never stop learning.
I learnt something last night watching CUNY-TV. I'm trying to figure out what was that about and how things work in reality. It wasn't a social or political program.
It was much more complicated and people were talking without showing papers to explain. It got to do with Int'l business and complicated lawsuits following them which are being paid by the taxpayers of those countries involved in trading and doing business. Those lawsuits are blooming like mushrooms like fungi on those societies.
We can find out everything going on in the world. But what know and can, at least about our country, today we're obligated do something about it.
Come to think of it; Trump has more obligation in this. Why? Because he has children and grandchildren. He should preserve this country for them. I don't. When I'm gone, I'm gone. That will be the end of the story. BUT, if my wishes and dreams come true, I still can have all the goodies that others have. And, enjoy them too, I hope and wait.
I believe in His timing. I'll wait.
Before finishing this paragraph I want to remind Mr. Trump of The Bible, from Proverbs 29:2; - "When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice. When the wicked rule, the people groan."
In Proverbs 29-12; "If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked."
Proverbs 29:18 says; "When there is no vision, people perish, but happy he who keeps the law."
In another version, - "When there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint, but blessed he who keeps the law."
Think about your grandchildren's children. Imagine their possible faces. What would they ask you?
Do not hesitate to throw the book at mockers and liars.
You have unique place in history, unique possibility to be independent. After the support and blessing for your decision from your family, you need 3 things.
1. General Patton's fire for victory in your heart, (America loves a winner and won't tolerate a loser)
2. Guidance of wisdom of ages in your mind, (you know who you honor, for what and how much),
3. Me, as your consultant on foreign policy, - particularly on Europe and specifically with Russia.
See Dr. Savage, how I can go from one thing to another fast like you do. But they're all connected.
Now, let's see what's going on in one of the hot-spots in the world - Syria, shall we?
Russia is cooking a hot-mess diner for .s.l and distributing it from the sky like manna in desert.
It's at
Look how ordinary citizens, especially students are celebrating and thanking Russian people and its government for helping them to survive.
Today Syrian gov. forces took over the city of Al-Khader, south of Aleppo, stronghold of vermin.
It will help to clean up and secure southbound main highway to Homs and Damascus.
In Tartous, where one of Russia's military bases is located, people were rejoicing from the news and happiness that vermin won't get to them. They came out to streets and rallied in support of the operation carrying both counties' flags, their leaders' pictures and chanting "thank you Russia" none-stop. From this year in schools and Universities of Syria Russian language is part of curriculum.
For now the youth only knows limited words, but the members of their older generation, who studied in Russia, comes to their rescue. At 1:05min. Mr. Ali says in Russian "Thank you our friends, you're helping us, you're supporting us, we are grateful and thank you very much. Syria and Russia are brothers, only brother can do what Russia is doing for us. Then Mr. Arus says "Friends are those who come at difficult time, we are very thankful that you're supporting us, all out nation from heart saying "thank you Russia."
War didn't reach Tartous yet, but real fear did, because right now 1/3rd of the city are refugees from other parts of the country. So those who took them in lived in fear of becoming refugees themselves.
Some of them were thinking to leave their homes and country all together to survive, but now they're trying to forget those thoughts. Those who ran from death and live in Tartous now will have hope to get back to their homes.
[Imagine how it should feel? It's like second lease on life. Power of those emotions must be overwhelming.]
The demonstrators wanted to honor Russian pilots, thank each of them personally, asked them to be present in their rally, but those were busy doing their assignments.
These type of joyful gathering is very rare in Syria, says heroic reporter Mikhail Akinchenko. People here lived in fear that relative peace can end at any time as it happened in October in Damascus, where people who came out for something like this, were shelled at by mortar from vermin. Mikhail says as soon as someone finds out that they're from Russia, they ask for photo together and say 'thank you' in both languages.
[It should feel so special to have someone who come to your rescue in time of life and death, - risking their own lives, their son's lives, sacrificing that type of money and energy. WOW.
It's a nice weather in there, see that? Beautiful. Also I looooove palm trees. I love them so much.... they boost my mood when I see them and always bring my desire to climb on it like a monkey. When I was a kid climbing was one of my favorite activity. I'd climb on the roofs of garages, on trees, wherever I could just to look down from above.]
In the meantime, Great Britain put Russia on the top of the list of things threatening its security.
They always have been acting so sickly toward Russia. They attacked it many time. Even last Tsar's wife, who was one of grandchildren of fat-queen-Victoria, didn't like Russians. Just lived there and produced children. That's why I think it was alright that Tsar had to go. Revolution had to happen, there was no other choice. He had to go. point. What happen later was an human experiment which lasted for about years. Still Russia has socialistic things in its social system. What? America doesn't?
America has socialistic and communistic things in its system of governance.
So, give me a break on this now. It's a theme of another book. *****************************
So long.
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