Sunday, April 5, 2015

To Michael Savage April 3-4-5, Passover/Easter Weekend

Friday the 3rd.
Thursday I didn't listen to you.
Had no patience to hear about everything else but the most important thing - war in Ukraine.
Today I pushed myself to check what you were talking about. I listened a little bit only. You were talking about Iran deal and putting a little part from Handel's Messiah. In between also talking about Easter and Passover, their meanings and massages for today's life.
You're right, everybody should have their own spiritual Passover and Resurrection from their sins and sufferings of the past. This is the time of renovation and reconstitution of souls.
What's the difference between spirit and soul?
Why there is no such a thing like "healthy soul?" I know negative adjectives for soul, such as "dark soul," "violent soul," etc.
There is a science of "mental health" along with psychical health, right? Why not "soul health?"          *************************************************
To me there are people who are born with dark and violent souls and nothing can change that.
That's all about this topic for now.

Coming back to Easter I have to remind you that Orthodox Easter is at April 12th.
I'll be celebrating both. There are not enough chocolate covered marshmallow eggs for me.
For the second one I get them cheaper. It's a beautiful thing.

I used to be regular in Avery Fisher Hall for many years and would go to Handel's Messiah concert every year.
Friday you said that founding fathers were Christian and this country is built on Judea-Christian values. That's right, but "thanks" to drug-addict libs. we're being flooded with those who're not only not-Christian and don't care what it stands for, but outright hostile and destructive to it and to people who believe in it.
You heard of the arrest of 2 young women in Jamaica, Queens couple of days ago for contemplating act right?
It's not going to calm down, I'm afraid, simply because nobody is doing anything about it.
And churches, as you mentioned, are the ones on the front-lines of bringing more people who hate them.
See what's happening in Europe?

See what's going on in Yemen now? All the refugees going to come here.
I wonder if O would like all of them to settle in his neighborhood in Chicago before he moves back.

We can have a flood of people from Middle East, Asia and Africa. I'd not be mind if there would be reasonable, affordable places to stay and jobs for those who want to settle down and take care of themselves.
But... Where are those conditions?
Look at this; more than 300 people had been evacuated to Moscow from Yemen's war zone by 2 Russian MES (Ministry of Emergency Situations like our FEMA) air plains.
It's at  Among those 80 were Russian citizens, the rest are international. Another wave is being organized now. Some of those rescued people have families left behind in there.
A man in the clip says that all sides are firing at each other; one of the sides is the "coalition" consist of 10 countries - the US, Saudis and their allies who are bombing to kill those "rebels" who already took control over the power in that country's second biggest city - Aden.

This is just another tragicomic chapter in American foreign policy; they are against "rebels" in Yemen, who took over the central power structure in its capital, but just at the contrary are on the side of armed coup in Kiev. Not only agree with it, but sponsoring it, organizing, overseeing its activities which helps to kill those law-abiding, hardiest working citizens of Donbass who dared to disagree with it.
Looking at Yemen now, what you think Putin is thinking about the actions of the US and EU?
I'd be him, I'll think that I'm dealing with completely unpredictable and aggressive nuts who have too much of dangerous heavy arms and can become threat to survival of humanity.

Coming back to US and thinking only about us in here, let me ask another Q;  do you think some who will come here will be thankful even for the fact that they had survived?
I don't think so. They'll hold a resentment, grudge and hostility for generations to come.
Church was pro-life for not only spiritual, but also financial reason. Now this "all-human-life-loving" doctrine will become suicidal for them.
I can go on and on with this in detail, but I'm not a preacher or talk show host and don't sell my thoughts by writing books.

Saturday, April 4th, 70 years ago Red Army liberated Bratislava from Nazis. There is a monument with 6 845 names of dead on it.
Of course the number of fallen for entire Czechoslovakia's freedom is much higher.
Sergei Lavrov visited, report is at  

Leaders of DNR and LNR addressed Hollande and Merkel to pressure Kiev to comply with Minsk2 agreement and start paying Donbass people pensions, stipends, salaries and other social subsidies.
It's at also at
After getting more than $5B from EU just recently, Kiev has no excuse not to abide by its own court's decision.

Sunday, April 5th, Western Easter.
The news; at you'll see what is the mood about current situation and the events in UA. Also at www. you'll read right-sector's-head-thug-dmitry-yarosh's words about president PP.
A group of people are forming so called "clandestine" opposition in Ukraine which consist of Council of Ministers to come up with laws alternate to government. At 3:30min. Boris Kolesnikov says "if autonomy of Donass is the only road to peace, we must let it happen. Matter of fact all 25 regions in Ukraine should be autonomous."
All 3 political commentators in this clip are saying that Washington and US Embassy in Kiev are running the political show in UA.

That's true; the only way to have the ceasefire held and peace resumed, UA should get rid of a sponsor like USA, who is ready to send 100's solders and officers to "train" not only official gov. forces, but also so called 'Nat'l Guard,' which consist of privately owned and independently ran battalions like Iydar,Azov,Dnepr,etc. Those are the ones who do not obey any rules of engagement and do whatever they want; - killing, torturing, kidnapping, robberies, rapes, - you name it, - they're proud of it!

Soon will be a year that conflict in Southeastern Ukraine broke loose, at
You must watch this to see how many real people in real time are talking and showing what's going on in their lives for last year.
Some lost their entire families. One man is walking around with 2 bullets still inside his body.
Their homes, backyards, neighborhoods and towns have become burial grounds.
At 7:30min people say they're Ukrainians who mostly speak Russian and their own government is killing them.
I can't analyze the whole clip, don't have patience for it.
Heroic Evgeny Lyamin is reporting from Donbass. God bless those guys and their crews.
I couldn't do it.
In the meantime Kiev thugs were firing around the Donetsk's airport again, at
That's all for now.

So long.


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