Sunday, April 12, 2015

To Michael Savage April 11-12, Orthodox Easter weekend edition


Saturday, April 11th.
Look at this; meeting with Castro will look like a fairy-tale compare to this story.
At you'll see that despite of his announcement of having a "good faith negotiations" with Iran O is still keeping the hurdle of putting the stupid shield in EU, which is against Russia. Putin says they don't need it. I agree. There is only one way to deal with Iran, if Iran do not comply. Talk is not going to do it. And this is obviously got nothing to do with Iran. This is pure malicious aggression towards RF's vital military points, which is unequivocally will compromise its security and absolutely CON NOT be done. Check @Rogozine.
Everyone at this point knows this very well. But... America like a "snake whose head is itching wants to put it on the rails." It's an old and wise saying. I don't know why O want to do this besides that he despises Putin and this is all deeply personal. He said clearly that no matter what agreement, conditions and contract we have with Iran, we'll still need to do it. What is going on in here?
How Putin can work with this? How much more open and honest he can be in saying that it is impossible, that he CAN NOT afford to compromise his country's security, that it is his job to protect the country and its people?

Look, another adversary close to Russia's western border - Poland is losing its mind.
At report says that it's threatening to block Russian bikers, who wants to ride in EU countries for 70th anniversary of Victory over Nazis, which they planned, announced
the itinerary and asked permissions from those countries on the list.
Every country has those groups. Why not join them and do it together and remember the dead and perished, so the youngsters can remember and cherish their memory too? This can be inspirational, uplifting and educational at the same time. It can bring whose people who suffered the same faith together again.
What wrong by doing it? They should greed them, join them, invite them to their homes, interview them, etc. What's wrong with Polish who says they'll be intimidated thinking that it's a Russian invasion. What? What this people are smoking?

Two days ago Polish government released 200 pages of transcript from failed flight in 2010 from Warsaw to Smolensk. I read all night about that. I regret I wasted a time, because it was the same that I was able to find out 5 years ago.
The people who were in the plane mostly were big shots who intimidated their own overwhelmed pilot (who was doing 2 person's job) and forced him to land despite the air controllers' warnings to go around and reroute for another airport. That flight was qualified as military, in which case it takes orders from its superiors. Superiors they were, and they all were in there - right inside the plane.
Let me find the name of the drunk-superior-cuckoo who was in the cockpit and told the pilot to land otherwise "then we have a problem," he said verbatim. His name is mariusz-kazana-the-drunk-thug.
The president was known by his capriciousness of demanding his way on landings before. He was the ultimate decision maker. Pilot said clearly "it's fogy, we won't be able to land." If he's not left on his own reconnaissance, which he wasn't (because simply the big boss was there), then all falls on the president, as the highest commander.
I know exactly what was the mentality, atmosphere and ambiance on the flight. Look hoe many big shot were in the same place? Why? Don't they have a job? How many people you can have to put flowers. There were only a few relatives of those whose graves they were visiting, the rest were all big shots having fun together, hanging, drinking, going into the cockpit, feeling almighty that the world was left under their feet. Also soon they had to be treated like super-humans by Russian and make them feel guilty, etc. Yes, it was.
Every 200 years or some Russians and Polish were on each other's throat fighting, taking each other's capitals over.
It's sad; both are Slavic nations, Christian, their looks and languages are so close I can't differentiate unless they start talking.
Now, when I'm wiser than I was in my teenage years (also I was ahead of my time even then),
I found out why I never enjoyed studying history. Where I come from it's the sign and a stamp of an intellectual. If you didn't know history, you weren't an intellectual. in my case going to humanities faculty, it was mandatory entree exam and was a huge volume throughout 5 years.
I know, I studied just to know, get an idea and pass the tests. That wasn't my major anyway.
Now I know why it was so emotionally hard for me to study history. That thing is full of wars!
Fight and fight and conflict and war and genocide and holocaust and every unimaginable psychotic violence humans imposed on each other until today.
When i was younger I was thought that the second half of 20th century is THE most civilized time in human history, that all humanity learnt the lessen already, and atrocities can't be committed anymore. Now that I live in 21st, in USA in this day and age of technology, I started wondering that human ever evolved. Maybe intellectually, but not emotionally. There are still people born like s.t.n who live only to do harm other. No matter what they have, how more or less it it compared to others, some can't do anything else, but cause harm. Hate has no motive. Hate is hate. Hate's motive is THE hate itself.
But, oh, boy-oh-boy! Did humans came up with new, cute sounding, nice words to confuse you while doing bad? Yessir! That trend really reached new heights in human's verbal communication.
All the troubles in the world have 2 basic reasons. Always had, always will.    ???
No, I'm not going to tell. Only one out of million in civilized world, when person(s) is totally independent, might not base their actions coming from those 2 sources.
By the way they both controlled by he same center of the brain, may I add.
I was talking about something on Thursday's post, I have more ideas about one of the topics in there.
Just to remind myself to continue.******************************************************

Today is Great Saturday for Orthodox Christians around the world. Churches are getting ready for Easter, at  
Look how majestic is the Cathedral of "Christ the Savior" is in Moscow.
Special light for tomorrow's services will be flown from Jerusalem by special flight today.
Tomorrow fast breaks and people can eat meat and dairy products again.
Once I asked my neighbor if she was fasting, because she had a container with mixed stuff in it, so I wasn't sure.
She opened it, said "yes, I eat fast, see" and got faster and faster shoving the food in her mouth.
I cracked up laughing. I thought that was very funny.
Many years ago I did keep a perfect. That was the only time so far. I can't do it. I don't eat much and can't afford to feel weak. I'm a Certified Nutritionist and I need my nutrients on time. I do very good things to compensate.
I know it has its health, emotional and psychological benefits, know where is comes from, why and I agree that it's a good thing. But, also believe that I'm OK the way I am.
If everybody in the world would act like I, the world would be a wonderful place. Yes, I said that! -:)

Evening news from Russia at shows that faithful gathers in the main Cathedral of Christianity in RF - Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow (which can fit 10 000 people) for morning service from all over the country and even from abroad. At this report food and people are being blessed by the Patriarch of All Russia Kirill I and they're expecting for the holly flame to arrive from Jerusalem soon.

There is Putin - the Church going faithful President of RF at Easter midnight mass;
at By his side are Sergey Sobyanin - the Mayor of Moscow,
Prime Minister Medvedev and his wife Svetlana. They are also very much involved in Church, at least she is.
Bird's view of Cathedral of Christ the Savior is at  

Also people in Donbass are preparing for the celebration of light over dark, life over death, which is the massage of Easter. In Donetsk, people got together in Cultural Center to welcome it; which is at Children are learning how to color eggs and bake Eastern cakes.
For Saturday night only authorities there decided to remove the curfew.
It seems quiet in the city now, but in its neighboring towns of Spartak, Elenovka, Novo-marevka,
Krasniy Partizan and Shirokino still Kiev's thugs are shelling. For last 24 hours about 75 times.

At report says that France's Military Chief Investigator General Christoph Gomar said that Russia never intended or prepared to invade Ukraine. "Americans are confusing their NATO allies, that's why France has to double check the facts," he said.
It's at www.assemblee-nationale-fr.

In the meantime at shows that Russians on their military boat by the name Preazoviye rescued more than 300 people belong to 20 countries from war zone in Yemen. Among them 45 Russians, 159 Yemenis, 18 Americans, etc. From this area rescue can be done only by the sea right now because coalition who is fighting against the local rebels has closed the airspace.
My Qs is; who thanks Russians for this? Among rescued are Americans, British, Arabs, Ukrainians, Cubans, etc. Do you see any report about this on any media outlet?

April 12th, Happy Easter to all Orthodox in the world and especially to suffering people of Donbass.

Evening news from Moscow is in.
At report goes through last weeks events of "witch-hunt" unleashed by Rada in Kiev; equating nazism to communism, prohibiting Russian language films of historic and cultural values, denying and rejecting everything that came from or related to Soviet Union, etc.
Even rejecting and sabotaging the lives and careers of their own if they disagree with them.
Among the persecuted happen to be a famous Canadian pianist of Ukrainian ethnicity Valentina Lisitsa from performing in Orchestra of Toronto (1:45min) because she is not a "fan" of brother killing war in Donbass, confiscated and burned an issue of a Ukrainian paper (with ethnically Ukrainian editor) called "Vesti" (means "News"), Political Commentator ("Politologue" they call it in there) Denis Denisov was being chased by an armed group in Kiev and had to exile himself out of Ukraine (4:20min.). Men who disagree are getting military enlistment orders to go to Donbass and fight against what they're against, otherwise there is a jail time of 2-5 years, which will make them work in cruel work-camps for free. Killing their own people in Donbass Kiev calls ATO - anti-t.rorist-operation. At 5:45min. Peter Simonenko who said that war in Donbass is a civil war and should not be waged, has been forced out of Rada for many mounts now and being prosecuted constantly. He says "in UA is only one authority right now - a Dictatorship."
Alexander Bondarchuk from Labor Party in Rada in his paper wrote 2 articles called "What they brought the country to" kept in jail for 60 days by now and will be prosecuted under the statute of "Tempting on the integrity if UA."   ???
At 6:20, Natalia Vitrenko, the head of Progressive Socialist Party of UA says that she is banned from traveling and talking to people anywhere in ukraine.
Olga Zagulskaya, professor of University of Lvov was an abject of public "embarrassment" by her own students, because she was against the war in Donbass. She said that it was a work of one person who disagreed with her and organized it "event" and the rest of the students were just brainwashed into it.
At 7:36min. you'll see ad on a big billboard with phone number calling for witch-hunt by saying; "saw, heard, - call!" For "separatism" there is 7-12 years of imprisonment and even the number of statute is there.

This is one "democracy" we - the American are supporting in more than 1 way, right? AHA!

Check on your own. Heroic Evgeniy Lyamin is reporting from Donbass, talking to people and asking about their lives and survival in a war zone already for a year.
A man is showing his ruined apartment building, saying that in his 70 years he has seen a lot, but never in this worst dream could imagine that Ukrainian army bombarding its own country's sleeping city. Ruins and graves are all over the place.
Another resident of Donetsk, Tatyana Danilo showing a photo of his 16 y. old son who died from a shrapnel to the head from the bombardment. He was walking around his school.
Kiev's thugs aimed on the schools, hospitals, the beach (where 8 people died including a small child), mines, bread factory, - you name it. She says that her classmate's husband and little daughter got killed in front of the wife and the mother;
"I saw my daughter's head got cut off and dropped," her girlfriend told her.
"How a mother can survive after experiencing such horror? It's impossible! How after this we can live in one country with them?" - she asks Evgeny. It's at 2:50min. into the tape.
In Donetsk only 50 hospitals , more than 100 schools, about 70 day-cares, electric grid, water reservoir, 100s of residential buildings are ruined, 1000s are dead and maimed.  
At 3:46min. Dmitry Kalshnikov, chief of the office of coroners in Donetsk talks about medical examination of killed. Says that more than 70 % were peaceful civilians, among them lots of kids. *********************  Mass graves are being discovered with tortured and dismembered bodies says the head of Russian diaspora in France Andrei Gultsev. "People are buried in mass graves hands tight behind their becks and heads cut off. Those who're responsible for these atrocities should be brought to justice," he says.
Mass graves locals first founded last September. There are more in suspected areas where it's still dangerous to go, because too close to fire lines.
At 5:10min. Murdered by torture Nikita's body was found in one of the mass graves. Don't know what day exactly he died, only know that he was tortured for 13 days. His mother Galina Kalamiytseva crying by his grave site saying that she was out of town when it happened and eyewitnesses told her about the type of torture he was subjected too. If she'd see herself, she'd not survive, she says. Nikita was born in 1993 and was not a solider and never held a gun in his hands.
I'm going to stop now at 6:20min. **************************************************
I can't do this, it's too stressful for me.
You want to see a psychopath with title of the president of a country called Ukraine, check this
at I mentioned this event before, but not in detail. This cuckoo went to Odessa to pay homage to fallen sailors, who perished freeing Odessa from fascists, but he don't mention name called "Soviet Army" or "Red Army." Who did it then? Who killed those fascists? Who ran them out of the country? What military force those soldiers/sailors were belong to? What insignia was on their uniforms.
Maybe in Uncle PP's hallucinations there was a hurricane, a tsunami, a tornado? What was it?
People are chanting "no fascism," "shame on you," "murderer" to him and at his passing entourage, but he pretends he don't hear it.
There is a word in another language that I find appropriate for describing this creature's attitude, but English don't have it.
It's an adjective which is combined of 2 words and means extreme/unlimited shamelessness.
Most of Ukrainian people are against this garbage, though. Check

So long.  


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