Thursday, April 23, 2015

To Michael Savage April 23, 2015, Thursday


Before yesterday I turned your show on at the end of the second for a few minutes and it killed the enthusiasm of listening further.
You were ranting about how Hilly-n-Billy (my words) are getting away with foreign contributions, which are illegal due to conflict of interest to the country. Oh, well, you tell me! I know one thing - by only talking about it is not going to stop it.
There need be one lawyer in this country with courage of 'growing a pair' to take action and stop it.
None has the cojones that I know of so far. Do you know anyone?
Suggestion;  why don't you put a competition with scholarship/prize for one who would dare to grow and take on this issue?

Yesterday I turned your show sometimes on in the middle of it. You were reading from your new fiction book called "Countdown to M...." I do not read fiction books and don't think that it's a good idea for your own safety to use the word M for any reason; - good, bad and in between, even if it's a fiction.
There is no justice in America as American "propaganda" is still continuing to tell the world.
You were banned from Britain for talking against those to give a darn damn about them and want them all dead. What you think can happen if some people or organization want to use it against you? They don't even need to read it. Their approach is very simple; "don't talk about a person or things that I'm sensitive, mind your own infidel/gavur business." You understand this?
In France, after the shootings in that stupid-clowning publication people who were asked to comment in the street said "Why are you talking about our MAN?  Don't you have anything else to do? You're asking for trouble? We'll give you a trouble! We'll give you a civil war if you continue to do it."
I believe that they believe what they believe in and they'll do something about it.
Who am i to judge? Can I tell anybody how much they have to love their religion?
If you worry about your own religion and about Christianity (I believe you do, because you always talk about Christians being slaughtered in Middle east and Africa), so you have to help them in practicality. Talking against those who discriminate and harm them is not going to help them in reality. You definitely are informing your listeners about what's going on, which is fine.
But personally I and many others can find out news without your program.
Now, you can say that your job is not to give the news, but to comment on it, which is again, very fine. What I'm trying to say is without an extra effort to do something about things you're ranting about, you, your program, your network and your listeners can not do anything to protect themselves. And, as you know, we're all in this together. At least most of us.
When last time you .....   I'll have suggestion later for you **********************************
To show you that I have a just very fresh proof about the things I'm talking about look at your own website and read that potus didn't dare to call the first genocide of 20th century by its name.
A crime against humanity can be called genocide if it's "convenient" for geopolitical game.
I'm not surprised. I didn't think had the cojones for that type of thing from the get go.
He's scared of those who can scare him. That's all. He got scared and most of the congress caved in.
You know who he's not scared of? Putin. Yope!
So, give me a break about "beacon of truth and freedom in guardian of human rights and justice in the world - USA" crap. I know it, you know it, now anybody knows it around the world.
Do you know why he is intimidating, "meddling," fanning the flames of war in Eastern Europe, which is Putin's backyard populated with his extended family members? Because he knows Putin is not scary, not crazy and he don't what war.
Believe me, if you know that you're a "bye-bye-Charlie" because of your actions, you'd think twice. Not only he's not afraid of Putin, he's pushing his luck against him and his country, which can turn against us in here at any day.

So long.


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