Kiev's government, slowly but surly, is drowning that country in its own insanity. Marasmus is taking over of their mental faculties. For example; last week rada came out with a law so called "against Russian aggression" and banned Putin from entering Ukraine. ???
Wait, this made to sneeze like from a nasty dust, - ha-ptchy! God bless me and Putin!
When the last time Putin asked to go there and for what reason? Is it a nicer place than where he's at? Hell-no! So what is it then? Maybe to offer them more money and gas for free to extend their neo-nazi lifestyles? What would you say, doc?
In streets of Kievs feels like 1937 in germany, except that they don't have a sh.t what germans had then. Their aged and infirm are dying from hunger, they're in a huge, never-payable-doo-doo-debt up to their throats and are still running their moral and psychical viciocity wild-n-loose day after day.
After 2 agreements signed in Minsk with participation of "Europeans" who sponsor them, they don't give a damn about stooping the bloodshed conducted by them, let alone go towards peace.
Kiev's 'excuse' for the chaos in country called "war situation." It's motto openly pushed down to everyone's throat is "Ukraine is higher than all."
War that they started, continuing today and planning to escalate in the future.
If they don't plan to spend 6 times more this year than in 1914 on military and will stop sending armed killers to another part of their own country to kill their own people, guess what? - there will NOT be "war" in Ukraine. Surprise, surprise!
Also, after starting a civil war, just last week Kiev officially announced that "Ukraine is capable of fighting against Russia." When did they become so powerful? And, if it's true, why they still need western "sponsors?" Maybe thinking "just take as much as you can, because the stupid is willingly giving anyway?
I wonder; do they really believe that whole world is stupider than themselves?
I wonder, when the time of those criminals' actions comes to halt and they face justice, can they afford to hire some shyster lawyers from Sheepshead Bay to play "insanity" game?
That's the only plea will be left to save their pathetic psychical existence. Uncle PP can afford it. He's a multi-billionaire in $s, not hrivnas. What about the rest? many, but not all can.
Will he sponsor his "colleagues" on this? I'm feel he'll not.
I heard a part of second hour of your show. You were fuming about Baltimore riots and talking about your experience working in NY public schools where majority of students were black.
Of course who are causing the distraction of property and attacking officers of law enforcement know what they're doing. One man on the camera says "we were slaves for 400 years and we're going to do this." What book was he reading? Who told his that? Did he come out with that idea all by himself?
I don't think so.
There is a black comedian (pretty famous and one of my favorites) who makes fun of white people, saying "if you'd not tell us, we wouldn't know we were slaves, because none of us now have been one."
Do you know who is behind this artificially created hatred, resentment and unending grievance, which is a reason for most crimes committed in this country? Follow the money. See which industry(s) benefits from it and who runs them. Check their background, see where their financial, moral and ethnic profits lie.
Now let's go to Europe. There was a some economic (or whatnot) conference between EU and UA, where uncle PP was asking for more money. Cuckoo looking, talking and acting PM Y.ts.nyuk said;
"I don't want to compare, but you gave Greece more than you gave us and it's not enough."
Because Washington invited him and treated him like a "big deal," he actually believed in it.
He things that he can talk both sides of his big-fat-ugly-stupid mouth and listeners won't understand that he just smoked an illegal substance, the least to say.
While he is saying "I don't want to compare," he IS comparing, then making believe that hes country already is member of EU. He didn't realized it's NOT because of illegal drugs in his system affecting his mind, or he's just a little high, but still believe he's the "clever" one in that stupid crowd who listen to his BS? If they would not be stupid they'd not be in the same room with him, much less listen to his BS. He's acting like a cuckooing conman trying his tricks on Europeans.
I'd suggest all of you who are reading this check "cuckooing" in dictionary.
He's trying it alright! I give it to him!
I'm going to be fair to this idiot and say that in my estimation half of his brain is running on a high-dose-cocktail-illegal-n-addictive drugs and the other half on conmanship-n-bullshitartistry.
EU rep. said that their agreement of help can work only when UA will comply with conditions of their side of the bargain, such as fighting against corruption, to do "democratic" reforms, etc.
There was a request put out to Kiev's City Hall to allow a parade of 20,000 people at May 9th - Victory day. All the answer they've got was "there will not be a military parade." People were not asking for "military parade. Mayor of Kiev, - the thick-neck-n-muscle-head-boxer was in WH and was being hosted by none other than our fake-hair-always-putting-his-shoes-in-his-mouth-Biden, who's son got a "job" in Kiev. He was touching him and shaking his upper arm, where the big muscles are, mouth opened with almost saliva dripping out of it, like he hasn't seen a human like that. It was like a most precious creature he ever came close to and couldn't have enough of touchy-feely satisfaction from it. He had to make sure that it actually happened in his life.
I want to see his wedding pictures, see if he looked as glowing-amazed-memorized-n-hypnotized on those, as he was on yesterday's with the "boss"-of-Kiev.
If you wouldn't know who is who and have the voice muted on that clip, you'd absolutely think that
the latter came to save no less than his life. because he couldn't let go of his "lifesaving-n-precious" hands.
It looked so sleazy and unusual, that makes me a little doubtful of his orientation. Yes!
You should watch it and then tell me what you think!
I'm more than sure that if even I'd commit an heroic act, he would NOT greet-n-grove me like that.
Neither he'd want to talk to you as MS, a fellow-American, an intellectual, an American talk-show-host and best-selling-author, let alone be groovy with you.
Go figure.
This crazy "love" of Washington toward Kiev stinks to high heavens to me. It's so phone, so perverted, so disgusting, so unusual and sleazy, that makes me sick. What is behind and under the crazy word "help" which is used every time to numb down American people's judgment and victimize the taxpayers, is still beyond me. I know one part for sure; it's against Putin and it's completely personal for el-jefe of ours. But, I suspect that that's not all.
And thus, also, it's not what it is as verminic-main-stream-media presents us either.
Can't believe that in the home of "free press" in entire world (as they claim) the factual information can be not 50%, not even 90%, but 100% off reality.
Sometimes our media's masterful craft of "deceitful-misinformation" hits the moon with its news coverage of 180 degrees opposite from reality. It's not when moon is shinning though, may I add, it's when moon is dark, very dark.
Dr. S.F. Cohen today, describing the situation in Ukraine, used words that made me laught out loud.
He said "14 mo. ago it was a basket case, today it's an economic cemetery."
You should listen to him on and please, invite him to your show again.
He is one of very few who is in his right mind and is truthful on the realities of tragic UA of today.
So long.
P.S. Here, I've got it for you;
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