At you'll see the commemoration of battle on Seelow Heights in Germany, which happened 70 years ago. People, whose relatives died there went there from Russia, the rest were Germans; simple people and even a few high ranking ex-officers who fought there.
They all paid respect to memory of fallen in those days. One of vehrmacht's ex-officers says that he respect those who fought against them, because they helped to clean Germany from its dark past.
Yes, they are still some righteous people who put their past behind, reevaluated their history and pay respect to those who won over them. (my words)
"They were the bravest soldiers I've ever seen. I come here every year and will continue as long as I have strength,' he says.
Some surviving family members along with candles and flowers also brought the copies of letters sent back home to them from this exact place 70 years ago and read them to others.
Here was decided the fate of attack on Berlin. This was a bloody battle. It's belived that 5 000 Polish and 33 000 Soviet RedArmy soldiers died on this height. may they all R.I.P.
Americans were coming from West at that time. I don't know where exactly they were in those day.
In less than a mouth ally forces all met in Berlin and dance Kochari and Berd under Duduk music. Yes one of Red Army soldiers had a musical instrument called duduk (looks like a pipe with holes and it's made mostly from wood).
How possibly Americans today can forget about Russians (and people of then Soviet Union in general), and their mutual bloody sacrifice? They gave their lives for each other, rap-up each others' wounds and buried each other.
Where else and in which circumstances blood can connect one human to another?
Those who forget these type of things condemned to repeat it. No wonder now, after exactly 70 years later America is getting involved in sad and tragic conflict between 2 Slavic brethren and moreover just sent troops to encourage and train one side to kill the other.
Those fallen people in their graves, spread all the way from Europe to Asia, are turning over and cursing those who reject them today.
Yes, any conflict between then allies's descendants' today it's a rejection of their ancestors' lives, their sacrifice and their memory. That's all.
In the meantime, today in Kiev people continue to bring flowers and candles and pay their respect to a wonderful intellectual and a talented man, a REAL patriot of his country, Sacrificial Lamb of freedom of speech (invented by USA) and murdered in broad daylight by neo-nazi elements (sponsored by US) in today's Ukraine, - writer, poet, publicist and journalist - Ales Buzina.
It's at
In the meantime, in bloody civil-war zone in southeastern Ukraine between the rebels and UA military forces there is a 3rd party called "azov" brigade (privetly owned), which do not "agree" with Minsk2 ceasefire agreement, don't obey to Kiev and continue to fire and bombard around Donetsk airport and in village of Shirokono which is close to Mariupol, - OSCE observers reported,
Fascism is not dead, it's left-overs are sneaking up-n-around, going places where they lost their fight before.
Check parallel photos of 70-some years a part. Then in western UA, especially in nazi-nest-city Lvov, local sympathizers of nazis greet them with flowers.
I do not put photos or videos in this blog, because should I change it's format, they will be lost and I have to do it again.
There is another picture taken today - in the same areas in western UA where some people giving flowers to US military men. At this time whose came to help neo-nazi side in this conflict.
Is this a nightmare or what?
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