Tuesday, April 14, 2015

To Michael Savage April 14th, Tuesday


Last week rada adopted a law about Martial Law in Ukraine, which will allow its gov. to unleash unlimited power over simple people, especially people of Donbass. Under the pretense of "restoring order" they can finish cleansing of Southeastern Ukraine from its residents.
Marshal Law is a great tool for "legally" establishing dictatorship of the ruling political elite anywhere. It's historically proven.
Where did they get this idea? From the West lead by USA. Our El-Jefe knows everything about it.
You know what governments can do under "emergency situation."
They can build concentration camps, confiscate property, -  house, car, livestock, you name it.
In the case of Uncle PP he was told that by doing things this way he will "legally" take responsibility off of his shoulders and put it on "military's general commend." This way, when he attacks Donbass again, Brussels can play with technicalities and push him under the rug.
The WEST don't want the Parade of May 9th in Moscow to happen. It's going to do anything to ruin it for Putin. They don't want to see Putin enjoying the pride of his nation.
Those on ally side who are EU member now, are under the shadow of Germany, because it's the biggest economy in there.
Who pay orders the music right?
The world turning upside down by the day, as far as I'm concerned.

Reminding that at the end of this mouth US forces have scheduled exercises in Ukraine itself near the Polish border with 290 American paratroopers with 900 Ukrainian Guardsmen (which are not part of the regular UA military and do not obey its rules of engagement, if there is a such thing in there).
This is the info. from our 137 airborne division.
War party of good old UA of A is very busy this days. Can't have enough dead and injured coming back from overseas, maybe even wants all of is dead.
Middle Eastern conflicts all together can NOT kill us all, but this brewing nasty, vicious, malicious one in East UA definitely CAN!
Look who is running for WH; another Bush - a warmonger, another Clinton - a warmonger-Christian-killer's wife who talks totally out of her mind like a street thug-misses, or, maybe, thug-ess? Thug-mizz? Maybe some new kind of "thugmese cat" (like Siamese) for your political zoo?
That's going to be her nickname used by me - "the-hilarious-thugmese" or "thugmese-the-hilly" or "hilly-the-thugmese?"
I give her a credit though; all her adult life she hang around Bill to get where she's now.
You have to have some stamina for that.
She acted crazy when at the time of her last campaign called Putin "without soul" because he worked in K.B. Yes, he did and that's why he knows West. What's wrong with dealing with someone knowledgeable? He never threatened us? We always threaten Russia. Actually he was a church going faithful all his life, even communist time and when he was working there and still is. I want to know when the last time thugmese-Hill went to church, where and which ones and did what in there?
I'll tell you later ***************************************************************
To finish my thought on this, Papa Bush was the head of CIA,remember? We wouldn't let anybody call him a soul-less man, right?

To show how this confrontation is being escalated by USA look at the numbers; only 48 in House of Representatives voted against potential war agenda against Russian Federation. It's like a thug-house.
War party in Congress lead by foaming-mouth-viagra-overdosed-mc-shame plus lost-its-mind-general-Clark are really asking for trouble for all of us. There is a saying "be careful what you ask for" but those don't pay attention to a wisdom. No wonder the latter was talking- stupid-in-Atlantic-council after getting his mind-altering-illegal drugs in Kiev.
This mad-minded-paranoid-schizophrenic even has dates in his mind, which is nothing else but provocation to Russia to.
There is a war party in Kremlin also, naturally, which blames Putin for letting this conflict out of hand. After-all US and EU are coming closer and closer to Russia's border violating its safety zone, while at the same time those are THE ones who are screaming foul, saying that Russia wants to attack others.
Isn't this a live nightmare? These people are talking to people who have connection to Pentagon and NSC and who knows what can come out of it.

Mr. McCarty, - the majority leader in house of Reps, Mr. MacThornberry - head of Armedservices committee were in Kiev, what I'd call "stirring the witch-brew of bloody WW I I I."  
General-Clark-the-confused at AC even laid out how thing "should be done."
He said that we should prepare Pope Air force base in NC with assistance package to airlift all sorts of lethal weapons; Javelin anti-tank weapons, night vision goggles, all manner of drones, as if to defeat Russian T-90 tanks in UA.
Dr. Cohen says "This is a guy who almost got us into WWIII with Russia at the time of conflict in Serbia, until he was called off. He's not a significant now. He's being used. Kiev gov. is literally deteriorating and only thing can save it is war with Russia and they need US for that. The hatred and demonetization of Puitn clouded the analytical thinking of decision makers in Washington. Only 48 members of congress last time voted against war. What's that, less than 5%? Where is senator Rand Paul? He was the only one who saw our warmongers hanging with ultra-nationalists in Kiev, giving them cookies and promises, didn't like it and said "US is overreaching. Why is he silent now?
Where are the peaceniks, where is the opposition in this "most democratic" country?" JBS 3/31/15.
John Bachelor finished the interview by saying "next week we'll turn to the peace party, if we find it."
The state of our affairs with Russia is in grave danger.
Putin is having live Q & A scheduled at April 16th, at noon Moscow time.
Everyone from everywhere can send a Q. Why don't you?

Now on evening news from Moscow you can see how injured journalist Andrei Lunyev suffered,
at 1tv.ru/news/world/281844. He is from Donetsk, works for channel "Star" and got injured by trip-wired explosive left behind by Kiev thugs in town called Shirokino near Mariupol. All happened in front of rep.s from OSCE. His legs and head were severely wounded and after operation they transported him to Moscow for further medical assistance.
This wasn't the first attempt on his life. He survived the previous direct shootings while at work.
Shootings continue daily bases and the locals say those are rightsector thugs who don't obey any rule. A woman says that they drink rain water. Old women are crying their eyes out.
The reporter of this clip is heroic Yevgeniy Lyamin.

In the meantime UN published recent number of casualties in Donbass;
so far 6 108 dead and about 15 500 injured.
It would definitely be more.

So long.


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