Monday, April 20, 2015

To Michael Savage April 20th, Monday


You had a substitute today.
News from Eastern Europe;
so called "Sky Soldiers" -- 300 instructors  from US Army Airborne 173 Brigade support battalion, (recently landed close city of Lvov), today started to train Ukrainian soldiers whose job will be to use their new and improved skills to kill their own brethren in Southeastern regions of their own country.
Good job, USA Congress!  Owe Trillions of $s to foreign governments and spending more on civil wars in too far shores in another continent?  Is this what's important now for all of us?
Is this going, in any kind of minuscule way, to help any American in any aspect of their lives today or tomorrow? What that would be? I want anyone to have an answer. Just one, only one person who was participated in decision making about this to answer with one sentence that would make common sense to any normal human living in this country?
Is this what should be allowed for this government to even consider thinking about these day?
Much less coming to terms of ordering and actually from today on starting to execute such mission?
Mission of training those who agree with neo-nazi ideology? many of them are already openly carrying those insignia?
The first time in my life I felt I'd not be on the side of US soldier, should anything bad happen to them. I'd not feel sorry about them. I know it's terrible to say or feel. But... the feelings are what they are. I do not consider those wearing American Army Uniform, who are on West Ukrainian soil today, are doing any good to anybody; -  not to those who they're training, definitely not to those who'd be killed in the result of those trainings and to all of us in here. First and foremost, should something happens to them their families and then the American taxpayer will suffer. For what? This is my Q!

I'm surprised that Putin is asleep and didn't bring down US military plane full of those soldiers before they even landed in his already bloody, war-torn backyard called Ukraine.
Anyone can say that Ukraine is a "separate and sovereign country" as long as they want, but they'd be intellectually dishonest for intellectual people and will be lying bastards to those who don't know nothing about the history of less then 100 years in that area. There wouldn't be country called Ukraine as it is today, shouldn't be Lenin's decision to put some territories together, followed by Stalin and then Khrushchev, which happened between 1921-1954. It was and still consist of ethnic populations of several nations located and still congregated in certain territories inside it. Khrushchev being an ethnic Ukrainian decided that inside USSR "transferring" one part of land or enclave is just not a big deal. It was one country anyway. In 1954 he transferred Crimea, which was part of Russian Empire from 1783, won over with bloody wars with musilm ottoman empire and here and there also french and english. That is a VITAL security water gate to Russia. It can NOT be compromised. NO WAY!
Besides its strategic importance of past and as will as today it has a historic value to East European and Slavic Orthodox Christianity, which can NOT be changed and/or compromised!
Imagine telling Jewish people to give "a little land" under the control of others (which behave like enemy trying to destroy you), which includes the West Wall? Or, try the Studies; tell them to give "a little land" to their muslin brethren Palestinians or Yemenis or any others, which will include their holy sites M and M?   Watch your mouth before you ran it loose!
Crimea is that Holy Land for all three Slavic nations who are brethren and today there is no better entity than Russian federation can be its guardian. That's all. In terms of southeastern ukraine, historically/ethnically it always and still is Russian land still overwhelmingly populated by ethnic Russians. After the break-up of Soviet Union whose territories and its people should NOT be left in separated parts, which became "separate and sovereign." as if that was a God given thing from Genesis. Not at all. Especially as we witnessing today, people who were left under control of other ethnic groups' rule inside their artificial "borders" have been abuses by overworking, neglected, humiliated and now killed. Killed by left overs of nazi-sympathizers-n-supporters' descendants and their ideology. That vermin started nesting, cocooning and hatching new poisonous generation from the day USSR broke a part. Southeastern parts of today's Ukraine have been Russian and still populated with mostly Russians and never should give away and be killed by neo-nazi vermin coming from western parts of UA, which was partially on the nazi-side.
This is not just another problem which will consume more resources and more lives from US citizens, but this is shockingly embarrassing for all of us.
How can we forget those US soldiers who fought and died on western fronts against nazis and hold hands with Russians in Berlin May of 9th, 70 years ago? O's own grandfather fought in that war, how he can forget? How embarrassing it is to us all, while we, allowing this thing to happen today in Ukraine, spiting on the graves of those who perished and desecrate their memory.
I want that the mothers and wives of those who are conducting those "trainings" in Ukraine today to go and loudly shout to say to those graves "we don't give a damn about you being here, we need some "little money to be paid and are ready to give our men' lives and see them maimed for life."
I want to see the faces of those who's sons are in Ukraine today. I want to ask them Qs.
How can I do it?
All I know now is that should they die, it would be in vain - thought and through. This is the pain I'm going through.
Should I be a mother or wife of an US soldier who was being deployed to ukraine, I'd stop them with the words "or prison under the court marshal where you'll still be in this country or I'll forget your name and being like it never happened to me." Yes, I'd do that. I'd draw the line.
There are lines in life that should Not be crossed, no matter what agreement, contract and obligation you're signed under, that later can make you directly and indirectly kill other innocent people, who are actually your friends and allies. Soldier shouldn't forced under any law to loose his/hers decision making right when it comes to their common sense of using their humanity and conscious for what their mission is. They're humans just the rest of us who're suppose to do it in daily bases.
So, getting around this unexpected burst of anger by me, I want to say; I'd not feel sorry for those and their families who went from here to Ukraine to train today's neo-nazi sympathizing government's soldiers against their own brethren, which by the way can start World War III and kill us all in here.
I actually feel, that it would be safer for our own future that Russian Federation would have already done "preemptive" strike before that plane landed. There would be only 300 dead.
After today, all the "trainings" of those innocent/brainwashed/not-thinking-twice men and women in US uniform are going to do, also other intrusions and invasions going to follow them, we're going to be much more vulnerable and lose much more than only money and lives that our government is hoping for or believing in.
I pray almighty to work every miracle that can proof my feelings wrong on this with facts. Right now, following the news, I have hope, but not faith on this, unfortunately.
So, from tonight I'll be keeping the little hope i have left in me, a candle and prayers for miracle lit anytime I can.
Prayer for those US soldiers sudden deployment back home under the miraculous "abort the mission" commend from DC.
I still believe in miracles though, although I haven't seen one yet, or didn't realized if there even was one in my life, I still believe they can happen. Who am I to reject that?
I prey that this one - "coming back of US soldiers from UA starting tomorrow" would be the first one I witness. So help me GOD!
Help extremely, unbelievably hard working people in the world - the people of southeastern Ukraine, who become poor and neglected just starting last year from their own government, from being further killed and/or starved to death, please Lord, I'm begging you!..........
Do NOT let my countrymen and fellow citizens to be directly or indirectly contribute to deaths and suffering of people of Donbass, who already experienced the injustice of human race on their burning skins and their homes.

EU headed by Germany today and the US seem not going to give up on their plans of ruining the 70th Anniversary parade of Victory over nazism. may GOD help my president have a change of heart and go for celebrations, where he'll be personally honoring his own grandfather's memory.
What's wrong in this picture? Why he decided not to be to Moscow on May 9th? That's most secret secular holiday in that country. How this can be a divisive issue today? Why is this a not doable gesture of respect and honor to his own?
I have simple but not easy answered that i have no time to contemplate on further.
It's physically exhausting, intellectually painful and emotionally depressing to me.
I wish i could do anything more than this.

So long.

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