Thursday, April 30, 2015

To Michael Savage April 30th, Thursday


Yesterday I listen only a part of your second hour. You were talking about homosexualmarriage and it's consequences.
Well, the problem is that this is a thing that only starts here, but never ends anywhere.
With a concept of "liberty" and "progressivism" you can get wherever "devil is in the detail" logic will take you.
The problem is no matter what psychiatrists or psychologists will tell you. it's about them being able to make more money. That's all, end of the story. More problems and more disease in society - they make more money. Anymore explanation you want?
OK, maybe I'll continue to explain my side on this topic later.
Right now, a little after 3pm in NYC, you just started your show by putting a clip from H. saying that dinkins was a "great" mayor. Yes, I agree, he totally cleaned up white race from working for the city of NY.
If you see couple of them left, please put them in red book of disappearing species. If that was his mission, he accomplished it alright. If that what she meant, she's right too. They go together perfect.
I don't want to hear about riots. Liberals pushed this society to the level of lawlessness we witness and as long as vermanic main stream media working for them, I see they're going to succeed more.
You see, clowns in entertainment business will lose money if they take sides, especially if they take side against the crowds who not only financially but physically can harm them. In the result - don't have an opinion on politics, religion, sexual orientation and other "controversial" issues, or better yet, be one the side who will not fight back. Entire business is bases on advertisement. Who buys the product being sold or who can harm its sales? Plus the most colleges are oriented to screw up the young minds as much as they can, so the teachers won't have a competition and won't loose their pathetic salaries.
Well, I get into this later with more stuff.   **********************************************
In the issue of first topic, I'd suggest you check what I heard on radio from FatherChristoph and his co-host (forgot the other name) about a pamphlet published in 1987 called "gayrevolutionary."
Here, check this out; How do you like it? How does this working for you? Does this look like an "innocent cteatures' game?"
To be completely and totally cynical and having a habit of looking good everything in the world. I might say - "i don't mind" Why? Because of my childhood dream finally might come true.
I'll tell you what is was and what that can allow to me later.

Now, let's go to one of the troubled parts of the world.
At and reports are about founded map of locations of Ukrainian army bombers - BUK in June of last year, by DNR authorities.

At this, in less than 3min. report, you'll hear how Putin's parents survived in WWII. He told the story and it was published yesterday in "Russian Pioneer" magazine.
His father was a sailor in submarine in Sevastopol. His older brother died from infectious disease and mother miraculously survived the famine caused by nazi blockade of Leningrad.

This is a good news; at you'll see that Russian bikers on their "memorial tour for victory" ride are in western europe now. MID (State Department) of RF demanded explanation from polish authorities who stopped and prevented them from passing through poland.
Poland had a stupid, unrelated to this project "excuse" before, which then didn't satisfy Moscow.

Victory military parade for celebrating 70th anniversary in May 9th will be held in 26 cities throughout Russian Federation, - at 
Rehearsals are being held successfully.

In the other hand, Kiev announced that there will be NO parade, plus warned people not to come out in groups for that. I guess in today's "democracy aspiring" Ukraine walking around with signs remembering their murdered grandfathers is a crime. Good job EU and the US!
Nazis in their graves will rejoice while at least 95% of fallen and buried in Ukrainian soil will turn in their graves.
It's an insult on injury and may those in their graves curse their descendants who're crawling this low. That's all.

Last news of the day after 11pm.
Today uncle PP conformed that Victory Day celerations' flags in May 8-9 festivities in UA will be carried out under red-n-black flags, which has been the symbol of then nazi collaborationist army. He said "for the memory of veterans" but didn't specify which one; the Red Army or banderovshchina?
Marazm at its best! That's what I say.

So long.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

To Michael Savage April 29th, Wednesday


Wee hours of morning in NYC.
I just found something interesting, which can directly relate to today's world politicians' conditions. Check this out; See dear-leader-fuhrer's secrets.
No wonder medical and academic records are "confidential" in America.
Before we'll find out what they were smoking, drinking and what type of meds they were on, they'd be "bye-bye-Charlie" by then.
Remember you were talking about making members of congress and other officials, who're in position of making decisions, medical check-ups mandatory and results open to public?
Also, in my opinion, it should be spontaneous, like it's for bus drivers. They can stop any bus in the middle of the road and check him on alcohol and/or send to get checked. Even smoking pot can be found from a hair on the arm. Why not have medical professional sitting in congress and deciding any time of his/her choice to sand any of them for a check up. Moreover, the procedure should be on live streamed. To stop the possible fraud cameras should follow their "bodily fluids" to the lab and take the result from there. Possible falsification of facts by doctors or labs should be punished by death penalty executed publicly.
Can you tell me that I'm not absolutely right?
Also people who present news, - those too should be checked!
How many Theodor-Gilbert-Moralls we have in the US now? How pharmaceuticals of today making Billions of $s a year? How many like Moralls are out there practicing medicine in our neighborhoods?

Later I'll talk about;
 - poland getting crazier by the day against their own.
 - 2 films made in russia 1) about Crimea and 2) about Putin's 15 years anniversary in power
 - 2 writers wrote about US - RF politics, one in WP, another somewhere else, - both interesting.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

To Michael Savage April 28th, Tuesday


Kiev's government, slowly but surly, is drowning that country in its own insanity. Marasmus is taking over of their mental faculties. For example; last week rada came out with a law so called "against Russian aggression" and banned Putin from entering Ukraine. ???
Wait, this made to sneeze like from a nasty dust, - ha-ptchy! God bless me and Putin!
When the last time Putin asked to go there and for what reason? Is it a nicer place than where he's at? Hell-no! So what is it then? Maybe to offer them more money and gas for free to extend their neo-nazi lifestyles? What would you say, doc?
In streets of Kievs feels like 1937 in germany, except that they don't have a sh.t what germans had then. Their aged and infirm are dying from hunger, they're in a huge, never-payable-doo-doo-debt up to their throats and are still running their moral and psychical viciocity wild-n-loose day after day.
After 2 agreements signed in Minsk with participation of "Europeans" who sponsor them, they don't give a damn about stooping the bloodshed conducted by them, let alone go towards peace.
Kiev's 'excuse' for the chaos in country called "war situation." It's motto openly pushed down to everyone's throat is "Ukraine is higher than all."
War that they started, continuing today and planning to escalate in the future.
If they don't plan to spend 6 times more this year than in 1914 on military and will stop sending armed killers to another part of their own country to kill their own people, guess what? - there will NOT be "war" in Ukraine. Surprise, surprise!
Also, after starting a civil war, just last week Kiev officially announced that "Ukraine is capable of fighting against Russia." When did they become so powerful? And, if it's true, why they still need western "sponsors?" Maybe thinking "just take as much as you can, because the stupid is willingly giving anyway?
I wonder; do they really believe that whole world is stupider than themselves?
I wonder, when the time of those criminals' actions comes to halt and they face justice, can they afford to hire some shyster lawyers from Sheepshead Bay to play "insanity" game?
That's the only plea will be left to save their pathetic psychical existence. Uncle PP can afford it. He's a multi-billionaire in $s, not hrivnas. What about the rest? many, but not all can.
Will he sponsor his "colleagues" on this? I'm feel he'll not.

I heard a part of second hour of your show. You were fuming about Baltimore riots and talking about your experience working in NY public schools where majority of students were black.
Of course who are causing the distraction of property and attacking officers of law enforcement know what they're doing. One man on the camera says "we were slaves for 400 years and we're going to do this." What book was he reading? Who told his that? Did he come out with that idea all by himself?
I don't think so.
There is a black comedian (pretty famous and one of my favorites) who makes fun of white people, saying "if you'd not tell us, we wouldn't know we were slaves, because none of us now have been one."
Do you know who is behind this artificially created hatred, resentment and unending grievance, which is a reason for most crimes committed in this country? Follow the money. See which industry(s)  benefits from it and who runs them. Check their background, see where their financial, moral and ethnic profits lie.

Now let's go to Europe. There was a some economic (or whatnot) conference between EU and UA, where uncle PP was asking for more money. Cuckoo looking, talking and acting PM Y.ts.nyuk said;
"I don't want to compare, but you gave Greece more than you gave us and it's not enough."
Because Washington invited him and treated him like a "big deal," he actually believed in it.
He things that he can talk both sides of his big-fat-ugly-stupid mouth and listeners won't understand that he just smoked an illegal substance, the least to say.
While he is saying "I don't want to compare," he IS comparing, then making believe that hes country already is member of EU. He didn't realized it's NOT because of illegal drugs in his system affecting his mind, or he's just a little high, but still believe he's the "clever" one in that stupid crowd who listen to his BS? If they would not be stupid they'd not be in the same room with him, much less listen to his BS. He's acting like a cuckooing conman trying his tricks on Europeans.
I'd suggest all of you who are reading this check "cuckooing" in dictionary.
He's trying it alright! I give it to him!
I'm going to be fair to this idiot and say that in my estimation half of his brain is running on a high-dose-cocktail-illegal-n-addictive drugs and the other half on conmanship-n-bullshitartistry.

EU rep. said that their agreement of help can work only when UA will comply with conditions of their side of the bargain, such as fighting against corruption, to do "democratic" reforms, etc.

There was a request put out to Kiev's City Hall to allow a parade of 20,000 people at May 9th - Victory day. All the answer they've got was "there will not be a military parade." People were not asking for "military parade. Mayor of Kiev, - the thick-neck-n-muscle-head-boxer was in WH and was being hosted by none other than our fake-hair-always-putting-his-shoes-in-his-mouth-Biden, who's son got a "job" in Kiev. He was touching him and shaking his upper arm, where the big muscles are, mouth opened with almost saliva dripping out of it, like he hasn't seen a human like that. It was like a most precious creature he ever came close to and couldn't have enough of touchy-feely satisfaction from it. He had to make sure that it actually happened in his life.
I want to see his wedding pictures, see if he looked as glowing-amazed-memorized-n-hypnotized on those, as he was on yesterday's with the "boss"-of-Kiev.
If you wouldn't know who is who and have the voice muted on that clip, you'd absolutely think that
the latter came to save no less than his life. because he couldn't let go of his "lifesaving-n-precious" hands.
It looked so sleazy and unusual, that makes me  a little doubtful of  his orientation. Yes!
You should watch it and then tell me what you think!
I'm more than sure that if even I'd commit an heroic act, he would NOT greet-n-grove me like that.
Neither he'd want to talk to you as MS, a fellow-American, an intellectual, an American talk-show-host and best-selling-author, let alone be groovy with you.
Go figure.
This crazy "love" of Washington toward Kiev stinks to high heavens to me. It's so phone, so perverted, so disgusting, so unusual and sleazy, that makes me sick. What is behind and under the crazy word "help" which is used every time to numb down American people's judgment and victimize the taxpayers, is still beyond me. I know one part for sure; it's against Putin and it's completely personal for el-jefe of ours. But, I suspect that that's not all.
And thus, also, it's not what it is as verminic-main-stream-media presents us either.
Can't believe that in the home of "free press" in entire world (as they claim) the factual information can be not 50%, not even 90%, but 100% off reality.
Sometimes our media's masterful craft of "deceitful-misinformation" hits the moon with its news coverage of 180 degrees opposite from reality. It's not when moon is shinning though, may I add, it's when moon is dark, very dark.

Dr. S.F. Cohen today, describing the situation in Ukraine, used words that made me laught out loud.
He said "14 mo. ago it was a basket case, today it's an economic cemetery."
You should listen to him on and please, invite him to your show again.
He is one of very few who is in his right mind and is truthful on the realities of tragic UA of today.

So long.
P.S. Here, I've got it for you;

Monday, April 27, 2015

To Michael Savage April 27th, Monday


I couldn't listen to your show today. I see if I'll get a chance to hear the podcast.
Yesterday channels 2 and 4 showed what was going on in Times Square each for a minute only.
Representatives of 60 countries from around the world were in Armenia to participate in ceremonies of commemoration of 100 years old tragedy of human kind, which has not seen a closure so far.
Turkey's-big-fat-mouth-president barked at Putin and compared his grandfathers' crimes with recent savings of lives of people of Crimea by Russian Federation, which shows psychosis mixed with schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder topped with bipolar-maniac- depressive infected with mad-cow-disease. There is no rehabilitation for that nation, until their government will be ran by genetic-crazy-thugs who don't even listen to their own intellectuals.
I was upset to see that Russia gave a contract to have gas transit through turkey. They're going to be screwed on this deal as america is screwed right now, because it made a mistake for befriending those and putting their bases in there. Now they hold potus by its tail; 43 states saying one thing, but he says another. Go figure. Unless he's happy that Christians died, I don't see any other reason. Is he ignorant or stupid or plays like one? I don't think so.
Kudos to Pope for speaking his mind and being righteous on this issue. Do you know what happen? The thugs called their hateful spy (whatever it called - ambassador or representative) back from Vatican. Thank God! This was no less than a divine intervention from Almighty; there will be less attempts to kill the Holy Father again.
To find out about the people/nation's characteristics, you just look at their behavior in history and ask if they're "proud" of it. Nation who's proud of its chronic, persistent and pervasive atrocities and still thinks that not only there is nothing wrong with it, but they should be proud of it, can NOT and will NOT be rehabilitated. And, should NOT have a place in the family of civilized nations in 21st century.
In both World Wars nazis and turks were allies. The former provided the weapons that latter used.
How come Germans came to the point of regret, remorse, taking responsibility by admitting that whole nation is responsible for its government's actions, but their ally is still pretending to be innocent. ???
Look how that bloody "friendship" backfired on Germany today.
Look how many million t.rks live in there today, how fast they multiply and do not assimilate, what they do to them now and what they WILL do when they become a majority.

At you'll see a clip from ceremonies in Armenia. Delegations of 60 countries from around the world were in attendance. Did CNN noticed any of that?
In 1915-16, then Russian Army General Nikolai Nikolayevich Udenich, who was in commend of saving the survivors in those bloody regions, became a mutual hero for both nations. May he R.I.P. !

There is also one hero Turk on the list of victims of the dark times in human history. He was then a governor of one of the regions and refused to abide by the commend of his gov. "officials" to organize mass deportations and killings of people in his region. He was killed for that and was replaced by another one who was "complaint." There were, of course, simple people, neighbors or relatives who were ethnic Turks who saved some lives by hiding Armenians in their homes.
When Hitler was killing Jews in WWII he was warned that things will surface and one day the world will find out what was going on. "Who remembers Armenians now," he asked. This is a famously documented fact.  Look what Henry Morgenthau, Sr., who was the US ambassador in turkey at that time, was telegramming back to Washington constantly. He was witnessing things personally.
There was a film made which had premiered on NTV called "Genocide; the beginning."

My point again is this; genocide of Armenians wasn't "one shot deal" against Christians or against more civilized Europeans. It continues its verminic work until today. Just not as open and not in the same ways and size at once, but in slow, organized, covered ways using out "political correctness" right against us. To me "Political correctness" of today is a against "Freedom of speech"  perpetrated by violent people themselves. Should we give in to it in future, as we did so far, we'll also become victim of cultural and psychical genocide.
Armenian democracy and liberalism let their haters took over their land, their lives and their 6 000 years of civilization by nomads. Just look at the history; century after century look at the map of the world. Go to any library of your choice anywhere in the world. Just look at the picture changing in front of your eyes and ask "why" and "how"? And, most importantly, see if it's going to happen in here now. That's all.

Now see what's happening with the WWII victory celebrations in Europe.
There are groups of bikers in every country. From time to time those groups get together nationally and internationally, ride together for different causes, etc.
There is a such group in Russia called "Nochniye Volki" means "Night Wolves," which decided to celebrate the victory over nazism by riding from Russia, connecting to their brethren from other countries in Europe and riding together into Berlin. Just to follow the road where their ancestors crawled on the ground, got injured, died and were buried on their way to victory. It's a homage to all the historic sites where bloody battles took place and where are many monuments stand in heroes' honor. It wasn't a project that those bikers just wanted to ride around and have fun. Their route was
drown by connecting those memorial sites with stops to pay tribute to lost lives of fallen in there.
You might think this is a good deed, right? Honoring the memory of 40 Million fallen, uplifting the survivors of today, teaching a good example of patriotism to young generation, etc, etc. But...
The government of gone-cuckoo-Poland-of-today, apparently don't think so.  ???
Why? What happened? How come?
What kind of mental sever illnesses effect its "leaders" minds and causes a "block-out" in the memory lane? How they became an .ss-kisser to their victimizers (who still despise them in their souls) and are putting down the sons of their allies and Slavic brethren who gave their lives to save them?
If there wouldn't not be Russia with its military to push nazies all the way back to their snake-pit, polish will be lampshade (as you call it correctly) or, if any left, would be barking in german.

You'll be the judge by watching this report at
Every official government of EU knew their itinerary; when they're going to be at their border, how many are they, what route they're going to take and their visas were ready according to requirements. Cuckoo-polish-athorities stopped the bikers at their border for hours, check them out like criminals, didn't find anything on them and in their motorcycles, but steal found a way to prevent them entering the country. The "excuse" was that the head of the group was on the side of Crimea getting together with mother Russia and they didn't want him in there country. W-h-a-t ???????????
If this is a shorter of massive social-psychosis reached to the level of government members' minds and successfully infected and clouded it, you'll be the judge.
Their peers - Polish bikers, who were waiting for their arrivals to ride the "Roads of Victory" project together, were very upset with their authorities and told everybody that they'll do the same program by themselves throughout Poland and will meet Russians in the next point of contact out of its territory.
It's unbelievable. I wander if those who're in power in poland today are polish descent whose fathers and grandfathers died by the hands of nazis or they're all nazi remnants and cronies?  Go figure.
God, please give Putin more patience! He needs unlimited quantity of that "tranquilizer" to tolerate what's going on with his people today. Good news for polish government of today is that I'm not his political adviser. Should I be his doctor, what would I do? I'd NOT give him a pill called "patience" for sure. That's not only is not going to help from now on, but will even hurt, if applied.
Everything has its time limit, medications have their expiration date and "patience" and "tolerance" are not exempt.

So long.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

To Michael Savage April 25-26, weekend edition


April 25th.
Yesterday you were ranting about Hilly-Billy-bunch, saying that under her position as SoS strategically very important industrial contract was given to Russia, etc. There was on article in the NYTimes about it. I heard it as soon as it came out - the first thing in the morning on the radio. I don't know nothing about it and it seems that nobody knew either.
What's in between the lines in that agreement, we don't know. What they asked instead, what was in writing and what was not. What favor they've got from Russia, because of that, who knows?
What NYT is writing doesn't affect on me anymore. I have seen stupidity coming out of it for decades. Always something very important is missing in the serious story, the least to say.
You were talking that among other things H-n-B have done, one was still back in Arkansas during the investigation when documents were stolen from Roselaw firm that she was managing.
It made me laugh. I remember Jacky Mason saying something about it years ago at one of his Broadway shows. He said 3 Jewish lawyers from NY went to AR and got caught doing it. When investigators asked them what are they doing in Arkansas, they said "we're on vocation."
J.M says "have you seen 3 Jews talking where to go for vocation; - Paris or London? Then decided "naaa, let's to go to Arkansas for hag feeding festival, we missed the fertilizing festival, this can be 2 in a row."
That show of his is hilarious. In there he also talks about Billy-the-loose-willy (my words).
When hours of s.x types with JFlowers came out, he said "it's my voice, but it's not me" and...  got away with it. He's like a cat with 9 lives. These 2 can make a magic. I give it to them, it's a match made in heaven
Jacky says; "I heard those types, I couldn't walk for a year and a half!" He is so funny, I love his talent. He is not a cheap-shot-leftest like the most of them, he's a conservative.
At the time when CD of that concert came out, my neighbor gave me as a gift. I played it so many times, I could recite it by heart. I met him once in Wendy's in  midtown NYC several years ago and we chit-chat. He came  sat next to my table and I threw some of his jokes on him. He found me funny, we talked politics. I was trilled. If I'm not mistaken I mentioned about this encounter between us in this blog, but don't remember when.

Now about the rest of the world; at - Putin went to Armenia to take part in commemoration of 100th years of first Genocide of 20th century. There also was Hollande, world famous Charles Aznavour, other world dignitaries.
Also check, UK DailyMail, Al-Jazerra, LATimes, all over on Internet, you name it.
I saw in LA there was bad traffic because of the demonstrations. I'll write more about those later on.
Too much to write about this topic.    ***************************************************

In the meantime, things in Ukraine are getting worse. It seems that country is diving nose down into
deep chaos. Not only crazy-uncle-PP is not doing what was agreed upon in Minsk, but watching and enjoying killing of his own; from members of intelligentsia in Kiev to hopeless and helpless people in Donbass.
Cuckoo EU blaming Russia for different gas prices for different countries. Apparently Germany is paying less than Bulgaria, but those contracts are separate from each other, signed in different times and have different clauses. Besides they all those countries have different levels of economic involvement in Russia. For example Germany was pr maybe still is paying for some economic projects, etc. It's all depend on different situations on market in a given time, isn't it? Now they want everybody pay the same price? Then, why everybody should pay the highest price, instead of the lowest that they want to? Gazprom answered just like that; why don't you all pay the highest price?
EU is running psychotic. Just wants to sue Russia, just wants to keep it down by trying to take what it has for free. That's all.
Does USA sells its pharmaceutical products for the same price to everybody in the world?
What kind of BS is this? This is not a double or quadruple standard, this is psychosis at its best.

Sunday, April 26. 
At you can see and hear about how uncle PP is running the country. He's apparently is a head of U-ianmob, even brighten beach street-smarts know.
See how UA oligarchs are running loose all over the world. The tape is about 40 minutes.
You like these types of stories. They're intriguing and mind boggling when you forget that our official gov. is wheeling and dealing with those.

Today from 1:30pm people will meet in Times Square for centennial commemoration of the first genocide of 20th century. Weather is going to be beautiful, wear comfortable shoes and listen to testimonials of survivors and be a part of living history. There you'll meet high ranking clergy, local and Int'l politicians, writers, world known scholars, professors, - you name it.
Even my favorite comedian touched on this topic in his show recently.
43 states of US already recognized the atrocities committed against Armenians in O empire before and during the WWI as Genocide, but our Federal Government has a hang on it. Can't make up its mind, can't look its definition in dictionary and put the numbers together. I'm not saying to follow what Armenians and all European countries are saying, I'm saying to look up, compute and decide independently. That's all. But no... WH is busy supporting another one in southeastern Ukraine today. This particular event in human history is significant with its nature of horror no matter where, when and against whom it was committed. Why? Because the same handwriting, the blue print, the road map used 100 years ago in different size and forms have been used in all over the Middle East since and believe it or not is being used today. Today Middle East is burning again, Christians all over there and elsewhere in the world are still being discriminated and killed and there is no real end to it. Africa is another big continent which today is also exposed to the same vermin. Should we not do daily sort-out for hostile elements to our organisms, it will threaten our existence as a country and culture for sure. Story of Tower of Babel is one of the first examples of a smallest caliber to show a distraction of order in human society. Let alone the deep, uncompromising hatred which gives birth to urge to kill you by not using their own brains and human conscious, but G-d as unquestionable and only commander-in-chief.
What happened before and why? The answers of those Qs should guide us to think about the possibilities and probability of why and how it can happen now and even here - in USA.
Never believe that Oceans will protect us from it. When our awareness and alertness will be down compromising our immune system from within, that vermin, which is already here in small forms, will bloom and blossom very fast and will take over the garden killing all the others as it also happens in the nature with flora.
This should be on the top of our lists of topics of discussion.
"If it's not broken - don't fix it" theory does not appeal to me. I believe in being conscientiously oriented on prevention, rather than taking action after the fact. The latter is more work the best and impossibility to replace or correct, the worst, - like lost human lives.  From little things in daily life to world politics I believe in prevention, rather than a chance.
What happened 100 years ago it's not over at all, that's my point. I can write a book with diagrams, patterns and numbers showing the same vermin going throughout the world and slowly trying to stick its ugly head across the Atlantic Ocean and right into our backyard.
Genocide or any other take over of the property of those who has more is not only done by knifes and guns, there are other many "peaceful" ways of doing it.
Potus like the second type "approach" to it. It looks innocent to those who don't know geography and history. No wonder those 2 subjects are almost eliminated in American schools' curriculum, - middle and high and also throughout college courses. Do you think this is just accidental?
To find out look who are heading the educational system, what's their background and affiliations are and where their and their peers' geopolitical and economic interests lie. Top it of with human "nature" with its nasty sides and then you might get the hint. Europeans know this and now they feel what succumbing of American influence in political trends did to them and their societies. Before they were fighting in between each other and somehow they all still were surviving. Now, the genocide of totally different elements, who can't stand the existence of all of them together, will finish them all.
I hope I'm wrong on this. But, I know geography and history much better then most of Americans.

Let's go to the place in the world that I'm interested in the most these days and what you're not covering.
At you'll see the coal miners in Ukraine from west, middle and east are all protesting against the Kiev government. In this there is no left and right in politics or geography, they're all together.
At 1:45min. a UA soldier from Lvov, which is the hot-bath of right wing no-nazi gov. in there, saying that Kiev gov. is criminal because it makes people poorer and poorer.
Protesters in Kiev in front of USA embassy are carrying placards reading "USA - thanks for poverty," "we're not a cattle" and others. Police arrested 20 people right from the start (2:30min), the rest were banging their constriction helmets to make noise to get attention of the government.
These workers did not get paid for 6 months already. They want their salaries paid, they want to meet with their president. "We don't have money for any medicine or medical care," - another man says (2:53min).
Uncle PP called protest of those workers "organized by oligarchs to put pressure on government."
At 3;36min he says that miners have "right" to demonstrate or protest, but not in Ukraine and not today.
At 4:28min. Ukrainian journalist Uriy Molchanov says; "Ukraine became a seen of illusions trying to impersonate Harry Houdini. Like Houdini said "it's not important what you are doing, it's important what people believe in their minds what you are doing."
mw - from now on will mean "my words" and I'll put them inside [].
 [That's absolutely true! Today's Ukraine is living in a parallel reality, calling those living in Eastern regions (who attempted to stop the tanks invading their territory with their bare hands) - ter.r.sts, brother Russia who spent 10's of Billions of dollars to sustain and make Ukraine survive during last 20 years, - an aggressor, etc.
Kiev's new government rulers (who came to power through "revolution") not publicly, but privately calling USA and EU "sugar daddies," etc.
Sugar daddy might help you with something, but not without screwing you alright! Don't we all know that? Do you know what these 2 sugar daddies want today from UA? I know, but I'm not a talk show host or politician to talk about it for hours. You are and you should talk about it. Why don't you? ]

At 5:38min. you'll see an ethnic Ukraine retiree and veteran of WWII Valery Tseptok talking about how it became impossible to live on pension in Ukraine today. He says "Kiev is ordering to destroy veterans, canceling all sorts of holidays, prohibiting the Ribbon of Saint George, stopping all the talk about P.r.shenko's actions, etc."
In Kiev, instead of May 9th, by the order of uncle PP they want to celebrate another event, which happened 100 years ago on the mountain of Makovka, which is now in Lvov region.
Then Austro-Hungarian army with Ukrainian radical-right-wing-nationalists on their side was fighting against Russian Empire. Russia and Ukraine were the same country then and they won.
It's not clear what are they going to celebrate, a defeat?

mw [Austria and Hungary didn't stick together since then, foreign .ss kissing nationalist ukrs lost and calmed down. Now their left overs are sticking their ugly heads out. What is it they want to tell and teach to their young generation right now? They want to make them believe that they're closer to A and H now than their own Slavic brethren i n their mix and next door? Unless they give them illegal drugs to cloud their judgement, to check the situation out, all it will take is to ask A and H if they give a any sort of darn damn about any Ukrainian whatsoever, no matter dead or alive. ]

Coordinator of movement "Mothers of Ukraine" Galina Zaporozhtseva at 7:15min. is saying;
"People are waiting to hear that Adam and Eve were Ukrainian. This government's members today in their declarations are not relying on any historic facts. Those are big fantasy makers and fantasy disconnected from reality is often schizophrenia. Society is sick, we tried to heal it before they took arms and started killing us."
Only in one week 4 famous Ukrainian politicians and intellectuals were shot to death in cold blood;
journalists Olga Moroz and Sergei Sukhobok, member of Rada Oleg Kalashnikov and famous Oles Buzina. Now his works are taken off the shelves. "By the special order from the top" explained the clerks in bookstores.
People are leaving Ukraine in droves. Many are moving to Russia such as ethnic Ukrainian journalist and blogger living in Kiev Mixim Robreba with his family. To the last minute he didn't want to leave his country, but his name ended up on the website which lists names, addresses and other data about so called "people's enemies" published under the name "peacemaker." (8:10min.)
So called Ant.n G.rashch.nko (a big-thick-neck-member-of-rada-n-"adviser"-to-minister-of-internal-affairs of UA) on his social media site openly threatened journalist Anatoliy Shariy to leave the country, otherwise he will be charged none less than "financing of terrorism."
At 9:22min you'll hear what Anatoliy is saying about the situation.
In the place of no law is head to sort out what's right and what's wrong, so basically for powerful everything goes.

At you'll see that the US soldiers are training those neo-nazi left-overs how to conduct an urban warfare and how to liquidate its result.
In Donbass some people were instructed to leave their homes as if "for their own safety" because until the May 9th escalation of conflict is anticipated.
mw [Just earlier I wrote about the genocide happening even today. This trick is one of those for organizing deportation; to push people out of their homes under pretense that's for their own good.
This has been widely used in from 1896 - 1923 against Armenians. ]
Heroic Yevgeny Baranov is reporting from Donbass.
Privately owned battalion Ayar is openly refusing to obey Kiev's orders. At 1:57min. you'll see uncle PP is using the word "attack" for the near future actions by Kiev in southeastern regions of UA.
Compare to last years, UA's military budget of  2015 is 6 times over.  PP also said that fighting is the way to bring economic rise, that tanks and hamwees are solving the problem of unemployment.
At 5:18min. you'll see the clip from Lou Dobbs program on TV when US Army retired Maj. Gen.
Robert Scales was calling to kill as many Russians as possible. I wrote about it before.
Another retired-gone-cuckoo of ours - Wesley Clark was even predicting the "time" of escalation of war in Donbass (5:48min). Wasn't he double talking and subliminally giving a hint for Americans to act before May 9th?
I think so. They want to spoil the pride-holiday for P. They can't stand to see him smile, feel good or enjoy something. It's a shame that USA who was an ally of Soviets in WWII today can take on such disgracefulness.
Talking of prevention, there is something P should do no later than tomorrow. Should I be his adviser I'd tell him what that should be.

So long.
P.S. Check out this epic song and try to sing along.  See how your spirit will be uplifted.
This song allows your voice to go as high as it possibly can. Choir is being conservative here.
It can be sung like in opera. I play this on piano and sing along, I love it!


Thursday, April 23, 2015

To Michael Savage April 23, 2015, Thursday


Before yesterday I turned your show on at the end of the second for a few minutes and it killed the enthusiasm of listening further.
You were ranting about how Hilly-n-Billy (my words) are getting away with foreign contributions, which are illegal due to conflict of interest to the country. Oh, well, you tell me! I know one thing - by only talking about it is not going to stop it.
There need be one lawyer in this country with courage of 'growing a pair' to take action and stop it.
None has the cojones that I know of so far. Do you know anyone?
Suggestion;  why don't you put a competition with scholarship/prize for one who would dare to grow and take on this issue?

Yesterday I turned your show sometimes on in the middle of it. You were reading from your new fiction book called "Countdown to M...." I do not read fiction books and don't think that it's a good idea for your own safety to use the word M for any reason; - good, bad and in between, even if it's a fiction.
There is no justice in America as American "propaganda" is still continuing to tell the world.
You were banned from Britain for talking against those to give a darn damn about them and want them all dead. What you think can happen if some people or organization want to use it against you? They don't even need to read it. Their approach is very simple; "don't talk about a person or things that I'm sensitive, mind your own infidel/gavur business." You understand this?
In France, after the shootings in that stupid-clowning publication people who were asked to comment in the street said "Why are you talking about our MAN?  Don't you have anything else to do? You're asking for trouble? We'll give you a trouble! We'll give you a civil war if you continue to do it."
I believe that they believe what they believe in and they'll do something about it.
Who am i to judge? Can I tell anybody how much they have to love their religion?
If you worry about your own religion and about Christianity (I believe you do, because you always talk about Christians being slaughtered in Middle east and Africa), so you have to help them in practicality. Talking against those who discriminate and harm them is not going to help them in reality. You definitely are informing your listeners about what's going on, which is fine.
But personally I and many others can find out news without your program.
Now, you can say that your job is not to give the news, but to comment on it, which is again, very fine. What I'm trying to say is without an extra effort to do something about things you're ranting about, you, your program, your network and your listeners can not do anything to protect themselves. And, as you know, we're all in this together. At least most of us.
When last time you .....   I'll have suggestion later for you **********************************
To show you that I have a just very fresh proof about the things I'm talking about look at your own website and read that potus didn't dare to call the first genocide of 20th century by its name.
A crime against humanity can be called genocide if it's "convenient" for geopolitical game.
I'm not surprised. I didn't think had the cojones for that type of thing from the get go.
He's scared of those who can scare him. That's all. He got scared and most of the congress caved in.
You know who he's not scared of? Putin. Yope!
So, give me a break about "beacon of truth and freedom in guardian of human rights and justice in the world - USA" crap. I know it, you know it, now anybody knows it around the world.
Do you know why he is intimidating, "meddling," fanning the flames of war in Eastern Europe, which is Putin's backyard populated with his extended family members? Because he knows Putin is not scary, not crazy and he don't what war.
Believe me, if you know that you're a "bye-bye-Charlie" because of your actions, you'd think twice. Not only he's not afraid of Putin, he's pushing his luck against him and his country, which can turn against us in here at any day.

So long.

Monday, April 20, 2015

To Michael Savage April 20th, Monday


You had a substitute today.
News from Eastern Europe;
so called "Sky Soldiers" -- 300 instructors  from US Army Airborne 173 Brigade support battalion, (recently landed close city of Lvov), today started to train Ukrainian soldiers whose job will be to use their new and improved skills to kill their own brethren in Southeastern regions of their own country.
Good job, USA Congress!  Owe Trillions of $s to foreign governments and spending more on civil wars in too far shores in another continent?  Is this what's important now for all of us?
Is this going, in any kind of minuscule way, to help any American in any aspect of their lives today or tomorrow? What that would be? I want anyone to have an answer. Just one, only one person who was participated in decision making about this to answer with one sentence that would make common sense to any normal human living in this country?
Is this what should be allowed for this government to even consider thinking about these day?
Much less coming to terms of ordering and actually from today on starting to execute such mission?
Mission of training those who agree with neo-nazi ideology? many of them are already openly carrying those insignia?
The first time in my life I felt I'd not be on the side of US soldier, should anything bad happen to them. I'd not feel sorry about them. I know it's terrible to say or feel. But... the feelings are what they are. I do not consider those wearing American Army Uniform, who are on West Ukrainian soil today, are doing any good to anybody; -  not to those who they're training, definitely not to those who'd be killed in the result of those trainings and to all of us in here. First and foremost, should something happens to them their families and then the American taxpayer will suffer. For what? This is my Q!

I'm surprised that Putin is asleep and didn't bring down US military plane full of those soldiers before they even landed in his already bloody, war-torn backyard called Ukraine.
Anyone can say that Ukraine is a "separate and sovereign country" as long as they want, but they'd be intellectually dishonest for intellectual people and will be lying bastards to those who don't know nothing about the history of less then 100 years in that area. There wouldn't be country called Ukraine as it is today, shouldn't be Lenin's decision to put some territories together, followed by Stalin and then Khrushchev, which happened between 1921-1954. It was and still consist of ethnic populations of several nations located and still congregated in certain territories inside it. Khrushchev being an ethnic Ukrainian decided that inside USSR "transferring" one part of land or enclave is just not a big deal. It was one country anyway. In 1954 he transferred Crimea, which was part of Russian Empire from 1783, won over with bloody wars with musilm ottoman empire and here and there also french and english. That is a VITAL security water gate to Russia. It can NOT be compromised. NO WAY!
Besides its strategic importance of past and as will as today it has a historic value to East European and Slavic Orthodox Christianity, which can NOT be changed and/or compromised!
Imagine telling Jewish people to give "a little land" under the control of others (which behave like enemy trying to destroy you), which includes the West Wall? Or, try the Studies; tell them to give "a little land" to their muslin brethren Palestinians or Yemenis or any others, which will include their holy sites M and M?   Watch your mouth before you ran it loose!
Crimea is that Holy Land for all three Slavic nations who are brethren and today there is no better entity than Russian federation can be its guardian. That's all. In terms of southeastern ukraine, historically/ethnically it always and still is Russian land still overwhelmingly populated by ethnic Russians. After the break-up of Soviet Union whose territories and its people should NOT be left in separated parts, which became "separate and sovereign." as if that was a God given thing from Genesis. Not at all. Especially as we witnessing today, people who were left under control of other ethnic groups' rule inside their artificial "borders" have been abuses by overworking, neglected, humiliated and now killed. Killed by left overs of nazi-sympathizers-n-supporters' descendants and their ideology. That vermin started nesting, cocooning and hatching new poisonous generation from the day USSR broke a part. Southeastern parts of today's Ukraine have been Russian and still populated with mostly Russians and never should give away and be killed by neo-nazi vermin coming from western parts of UA, which was partially on the nazi-side.
This is not just another problem which will consume more resources and more lives from US citizens, but this is shockingly embarrassing for all of us.
How can we forget those US soldiers who fought and died on western fronts against nazis and hold hands with Russians in Berlin May of 9th, 70 years ago? O's own grandfather fought in that war, how he can forget? How embarrassing it is to us all, while we, allowing this thing to happen today in Ukraine, spiting on the graves of those who perished and desecrate their memory.
I want that the mothers and wives of those who are conducting those "trainings" in Ukraine today to go and loudly shout to say to those graves "we don't give a damn about you being here, we need some "little money to be paid and are ready to give our men' lives and see them maimed for life."
I want to see the faces of those who's sons are in Ukraine today. I want to ask them Qs.
How can I do it?
All I know now is that should they die, it would be in vain - thought and through. This is the pain I'm going through.
Should I be a mother or wife of an US soldier who was being deployed to ukraine, I'd stop them with the words "or prison under the court marshal where you'll still be in this country or I'll forget your name and being like it never happened to me." Yes, I'd do that. I'd draw the line.
There are lines in life that should Not be crossed, no matter what agreement, contract and obligation you're signed under, that later can make you directly and indirectly kill other innocent people, who are actually your friends and allies. Soldier shouldn't forced under any law to loose his/hers decision making right when it comes to their common sense of using their humanity and conscious for what their mission is. They're humans just the rest of us who're suppose to do it in daily bases.
So, getting around this unexpected burst of anger by me, I want to say; I'd not feel sorry for those and their families who went from here to Ukraine to train today's neo-nazi sympathizing government's soldiers against their own brethren, which by the way can start World War III and kill us all in here.
I actually feel, that it would be safer for our own future that Russian Federation would have already done "preemptive" strike before that plane landed. There would be only 300 dead.
After today, all the "trainings" of those innocent/brainwashed/not-thinking-twice men and women in US uniform are going to do, also other intrusions and invasions going to follow them, we're going to be much more vulnerable and lose much more than only money and lives that our government is hoping for or believing in.
I pray almighty to work every miracle that can proof my feelings wrong on this with facts. Right now, following the news, I have hope, but not faith on this, unfortunately.
So, from tonight I'll be keeping the little hope i have left in me, a candle and prayers for miracle lit anytime I can.
Prayer for those US soldiers sudden deployment back home under the miraculous "abort the mission" commend from DC.
I still believe in miracles though, although I haven't seen one yet, or didn't realized if there even was one in my life, I still believe they can happen. Who am I to reject that?
I prey that this one - "coming back of US soldiers from UA starting tomorrow" would be the first one I witness. So help me GOD!
Help extremely, unbelievably hard working people in the world - the people of southeastern Ukraine, who become poor and neglected just starting last year from their own government, from being further killed and/or starved to death, please Lord, I'm begging you!..........
Do NOT let my countrymen and fellow citizens to be directly or indirectly contribute to deaths and suffering of people of Donbass, who already experienced the injustice of human race on their burning skins and their homes.

EU headed by Germany today and the US seem not going to give up on their plans of ruining the 70th Anniversary parade of Victory over nazism. may GOD help my president have a change of heart and go for celebrations, where he'll be personally honoring his own grandfather's memory.
What's wrong in this picture? Why he decided not to be to Moscow on May 9th? That's most secret secular holiday in that country. How this can be a divisive issue today? Why is this a not doable gesture of respect and honor to his own?
I have simple but not easy answered that i have no time to contemplate on further.
It's physically exhausting, intellectually painful and emotionally depressing to me.
I wish i could do anything more than this.

So long.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

To Michael Savage April 19th, Sunday


At you'll see the commemoration of battle on Seelow Heights in Germany, which happened 70 years ago. People, whose relatives died there went there from Russia, the rest were Germans; simple people and even a few high ranking ex-officers who fought there.
They all paid respect to memory of fallen in those days. One of vehrmacht's ex-officers says that he respect those who fought against them, because they helped to clean Germany from its dark past.

Yes, they are still some righteous people who put their past behind, reevaluated their history and pay respect to those who won over them. (my words)
"They were the bravest soldiers I've ever seen. I come here every year and will continue as long as I have strength,' he says.
Some surviving family members along with candles and flowers also brought the copies of letters sent back home to them from this exact place 70 years ago and read them to others.
Here was decided the fate of attack on Berlin. This was a bloody battle. It's belived that 5 000 Polish and 33 000 Soviet RedArmy soldiers died on this height. may they all R.I.P.

Americans were coming from West at that time. I don't know where exactly they were in those day.
In less than a mouth ally forces all met in Berlin and dance Kochari and Berd under Duduk music. Yes one of Red Army soldiers had a musical instrument called duduk (looks like a pipe with holes and it's made mostly from wood).
How possibly Americans today can forget about Russians (and people of then Soviet Union in general), and their mutual bloody sacrifice? They gave their lives for each other, rap-up each others' wounds and buried each other.
Where else and in which circumstances blood can connect one human to another?
Those who forget these type of things condemned to repeat it. No wonder now, after exactly 70 years later America is getting involved in sad and tragic conflict between 2 Slavic brethren and moreover just sent troops to encourage and train one side to kill the other.
Those fallen people in their graves, spread all the way from Europe to Asia, are turning over and cursing those who reject them today.
Yes, any conflict between then allies's descendants' today it's a rejection of their ancestors' lives, their sacrifice and their memory. That's all.

In the meantime, today in Kiev people continue to bring flowers and candles and pay their respect to a wonderful intellectual and a talented man, a REAL patriot of his country, Sacrificial Lamb of freedom of speech (invented by USA) and murdered in broad daylight by neo-nazi elements (sponsored by US) in today's Ukraine, - writer, poet, publicist and journalist - Ales Buzina.
It's at 

In the meantime, in bloody civil-war zone in southeastern Ukraine between the rebels and UA military forces there is a 3rd party called "azov" brigade (privetly owned), which do not "agree" with Minsk2 ceasefire agreement, don't obey to Kiev and continue to fire and bombard around Donetsk airport and in village of Shirokono which is close to Mariupol, - OSCE observers reported,

Fascism is not dead, it's left-overs are sneaking up-n-around, going places where they lost their fight before.
Check parallel photos of 70-some years a part. Then in western UA, especially in nazi-nest-city Lvov, local sympathizers of nazis greet them with flowers.
I do not put photos or videos in this blog, because should I change it's format, they will be lost and I have to do it again.
There is another picture taken today - in the same areas in western UA where some people giving flowers to US military men. At this time whose came to help neo-nazi side in this conflict.
Is this a nightmare or what?

Friday, April 17, 2015

To Michael Savage April 17th, Friday


Yesterday Putin was on Russian TV and Radio for 4 hours live and answered to 74 Qs. Of course those Qs sorted out and combined by the topic, so answers generally cover much more.
All together Qs exceeded 3 Million. Those which are not answered/addressed will be directed to appropriate agencies and departments's attention.

The most important part for me is his stands on foreign policy, particularly toward UA, EU and US.  I'll be back on this. ***************************************************

There is a shocking news from Kiev yesterday (although I expect every low-life stuff from its runners) for me; a writer, poet, journalist, publicly outspoken intellectual Oles Buzina, ethnically Ukrainian and resident of Kiev was murdered. This is a tragedy for both - UA and RF. 
Check this for now
Wednesday, just 2 days ago, Oleh Kalashnikov was killed in his apartment in Kiev also. He was
a politician, former PM and current member of parliament of UA from "Party of Regions." He was an open critic of Uncle PP.
Political murders are not new nor shocking in Ukraine, but why kill a writer, a wonderful poet,
who never was against his country, but was for peaceful resolution of two brother-nations' conflict?
He was brave to travel to Moscow and go on Russian TV shows and tell his opinion.
He wasn't pro-Russia, wasn't against his own, who could provoke hatred toward himself. He was a port; objective, often romantic and actually optimistic of future.
He would go to one of the most highly intellectual talk-shows on a Nat'l TV Networks in Moscow and after saying something in prose, he'd verse a poem about it. He was always modest in his behavior, outwear, was constrictive in his every thought. He was wearing casual hoodies, kept his head shaved, never would interrupt others to make his point and never over-talked.
I'm so very much shocked and saddened. I can't even imagine how those who knew him personally going to live through this horrible thing.
In some articles I see he's described as "opposition" to current power in Kiev. To criticize objectively and/or disagree with some policies of the temporary rulers of your country, doesn't make you an "opposition."
If you disagree/criticize O, does it make you an opposition. I don't think so. You're an intellectual, a citizen and should be able to address your concerns or suggestions.
To live and work in Kiev made him a hero already. Now he got the title etched in history of Ukraine.
he could easily live in America. he came here, he spoke English. First time I heard his name and voice and was a few years ago on radio in New York City. He talked about even when he was born and his parents wanted to name him Oles (Ales in Russian), then UA authorities refused to give him a birth certificate with that name, saying that's a girl's name. His parents had to work hard to proof that that's an ethnic and historic Ukrainian name.
It was 45 years ago and until then it got only worse in that country.
After Donbass conflict I saw him at the first time on Russian TV.
He was gun down by drive-by at broad daylight, at 1:20 pm in front of his home.
This was a set up. His address was put out by UA internet portal a day before. Wasn't it a signal with direction? Of course, it was.
What a pity that "pro-european"-kiev-government is! I won't forget that guy.
Actually, happened to be another journalist - Sergei Sukhobok was killed in Kiev on Monday also in front of his house.
Recently members of "Party of Regions" in UA are dropping dead like no tomorrow and somehow gov. is declaring them "suicides" or "provocations."

In the meantime residential areas in Donetsk region are continuously being shelled by Kiev thugs.
It's at

Apparently Ales Buzina was on Ukrainian radio 3 days ago criticizing Kiev gov. for censoring and banning him from the media, because he spoke out against so called "anti-terrorist operation" - ATO unleashed in Donbass. He disagreed with bombings of residential areas and the people.
"When country's ran by thiefs, it's convenient to turn blame on others, such as Putin," - he said.
It's at

No wonder he was killed when Putin was live on TV yesterday. Putin started at noon and in an hour and 20 min. Ales was gun down in Kiev. ???
Putin heard the news while he was on the air and expressed his condolences to his friends and family.
Our own cuckoo-NBC is fast to have a headline; "Pro-Russian journalist gunned down in Kiev."
As soon as somebody puts word "Russia" at the beginning of the sentence, it brings chills down the spines of low-information-viewer/reader/thinker/haters in this country.
Ales Buzina wasn't pro-Russian and against-Ukrainian, he was an intellectual who was caring, wise and humane. Should he be pro-russian, he could simply go and live in Russia. He'd always find a place and work in there, plus better quality of life.
He wanted to see his Ukraine in peace and in better shape.
While writing this, I'm going back and forth with world news to see how they cover Ales's murder. Just saw another cuckoo UA publication calling him "controversial publicist."
What was "controversial" about him?
He was a Philologist (like myself), thus master of a WORD, speech and literature in his language.
Every time I heard him say something it was clear, cool, humane, optimistic, brotherly, moral (as we understand it), modest and honorable.  He always had his head a little tilted, a little down, looked like always was listening and thinking before talking. He was not a combative, aggressive, self-righteous-over-talking-pushy guy. Why kill him? Who would want him dead, even if he disagreed?
This is going to be my Q, before they find out who did it and why?
He rightly believed in historic fact that Ukrainians, Russians and Belorussians are brothers.
In his heart and mind he was part of all of them and wanted to see them coexist in love and peace.
I have no more words.

Oh, who else didn't like him? Street-naked-crowd-cheerer-psychotics, -who else?
Those crowd! In 2009 while ales was at the signing of one of his books, one of those threw a cake on him (pic. on wiki).

Oh, looky, looky, another thing is coming out; just a day before his home address was published on Ukrainian official internet portal. ??? Was it a signal with direction? I believe so. For those who have heart to send a note of sympathy to his family from here, his address is;
58 Degtryaryovska Street, apt 101, Kiev, Ukraine, 04112. 
He was only 45 y.o. and survived by his wife, daughter and elderly mother.
Days ahead I'll find out more info. about the investigation and will put out in here.

In the meantime we, the Americans, are paying for deployment of MORE American booths to oversees.
"They are 300 troops from 173 Airborne brigade who arrived to train 900 UA Guardsmen,"-
our imbecilic-ambassador-jeff-the-giraffe in that country announced today. S.tan should on his face - TUH!
I twitted it  @Starlet737  (#795).
Another imbecile-of-ours, with morbidly-obese-neck is in moscow now, also paid by DC.
Happy paying for you, my lovely American taxpayers!
Internet portal called 'peacemaker' in ukrainian (the one which had Ales's name listed as "separatist"), apparently also has about 2000 of them.
Who is next? Nobody knows.
This is an open "black list" of people who say or do things that neo-fascists in Kiev disagree.
It publishes their personal data including residential addresses.
My Q; How come Western democratic powers, such as EU and US,who're running the show in Kiev, are not demanding to shut down that site and arrest its masterminds and handlers?
Last 2 murders had the same signature; 4 bullets plus 1 in the head in close range.
From January of this year 12 prominent people (members of parliament, writers, journalists, etc) are already murdered and many others are getting bold threats by reg. and electronic mail.
One of them is Irina Bondarenko, a journalist, free speech advocate, former member of Rada. She already went to authorities and made those threats public. She is born in 1974 in Makiyevka, Eastern Ukraine, she is a mother and a wife. Her home town suffered horribly in this war.
She is against civil war in her country and has been on Russian TV several times, like Ales, never talked against UA or the people, just was asking both sides to find a solution for peace, that's all.
Check, Reporters Without Borders' - and
Ales will be buried at historic Berkovetsky ("Baikove" in Ukrainian) cemetery in Kiev on Sunday.
I put a candle and prayed for his soul.

Today in Moscow a few hundred activists gathered in front of UA consulate to remember last 2 victims of political assassinations in Kiev. With post saying "Ukraine Kills" with placards, photos and flowers they protested the killings of Kalashnikov and Buzina and demanded fair investigation.
Yeah, right. Good luck!       It's at 

Those who have been with Ales on media, remember that he knew that every time he appeared on Russian TV he faced a danger upon his arrival home. He told them, but he still bravely went to tell his side.
I'm thinking one more, a small particular detail that WEST didn't like and would encourage to use against him personally and specifically.  It's about his little verses he recited on Russian TV called
"Why we stood on maidan?"
He was one of them who originally agreed and was on maidan, but he also witnessed how it ended.

So long.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

To Michael Savage April 16th, Thursday


Do you know that from 2008 Russian Federation has a law of disclosure/declaration of income and property for government employees/public servants and their spouses?
Yes, once a year it's being published for public.
V. Putin last year made c. 7.6 M rubles, has 2 apt, tells you how big they are, cars, etc.
The rest of the big names follow, some of his subordinates are making much more than him.
For example PM Medvedev made 8 M rubles and the man who is working for them last name Govoruna (I never heard of him, looks like an ethnic Ukrainian) made 114 M rubles. Deputy PM
A. Khloponin made the most - 208.6 M rubles, etc. etc.
From 2013 law requires to declare not only the income, but expenditure of the entire family including children.
Why don't we do it in here? We only know an around number of their salary, are the members of Congress "required" to disclose everything they have?
I remember when mccain/mcshame was running they asked how many houses his family have. He answered "I don't know." I saw it on national TV with my own eyes.  Who checks if they have hidden accounts in other places?

Get people who know this stuff on your show, so we can be informed.
Yesterday was a march in NYC for fair pay. I totally missed it and didn't even watch nightly news.
I can write about it on and on, but what is fair and not fair is a relative thing.
There are so many factors determining the labor market's wages in any given place and time, that it needs diverse and multiple adjustments in political, legal and economic situations in order to come up with a fixed solution and force it on privet employers. It's too complicated.
Our mayor and his wife are on this together with full force. Will see what happens. It doesn't effect me directly, though.
So, I'll talk Int'l politics, the part you're missing out so far.
Today, actually in couple of hours Putin will have a live press conference called "Live with Putin," which will be streamed by Channel One at
he does this every year and he is THE only president of any country that I heard of does such thing.
Last year's lasted about 4 hours and he answered  to 80 Qs.
Call center started working already for a week ago, getting the calls, texts, emails from all over the world. Already more than a million calls are received and sorted out by topic and the organizers guarantee that no Q or request will be lost. Whatever amount won't be answered, will be sent to appropriate authorities or persons in charge.
It's at and the site is He will be surrounded by live audience and a few dozen journalists from all over the world will be presenting the event and commenting on it for their "constituency" simultaneously.

I wish I'd get to ask him a Q or 2. But I didn't even tried this one. He'll get millions of them and most of them will be on domestic issues and will include lots of suffering. I have only on US-RF relations.
Come to think of it; what exactly would I ask and how would i put it?
It's about 3am in NYC and I'll leave this for later today. I have so much to find out.
Let's say if I'd get a chance to ask him 3 or 2 or only 1 Q, what would I ask?
Happy good thinking to me!  *******************************************************

In the meantime in Kiev this is what happening; check

Another convoy consist of 120 tracks with 150 ton humanitarian aid from RF went to Donbass today; at

Also check,
I'll report on highlights of Putin's live press-conference tomorrow.

So long.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

To Michael Savage April 15th, Wednesday


I heard very little of your show yesterday, but was impressed that you reminded about the first Holocaust of 20th century during WWI - the Holocaust of Armenians. It usually called Genocide by them. I don't know the difference between the two and don't what to know. All I can tell you that it's not over even today. It never was. It was continuing in different forms in a slower and more concealed ways. Well, Turkey is a member of NATO, America don't care too much about history or geography, so in this sphere it's behind Europe, I must admit.
The whole mess in the Middle East hurt Armenian diaspora in that part of the world. Among other Christian minorities they suffered, left their homes or still facing uncertainty for their daily survival.
April 24th will be 100 year commemoration in Times Square. Massacres started from 1896, the culmination of extermination took place in 1915 and it subsided about 1923 when basically no one was left in those areas. In major cities some survived, because those were international, but country side was emptied. Even today turks do not admit and do not apologize. Check the letters and telegrams of then US Ambassador Henry Morgenthau who was a witness. There is a thick book which consist of copes of all the official documents gathered from international sources and translated in Russian, which can not be contested. They're all documents. Turks and Germans were allies in both World Wars. They were defeated. Nirenberg trial convicted many war criminals among them ottomancomenders of atrocities to death. One of them was talaatpasha-may-he-burn-in-hell-forever - then the minister of internal affairs, who, while sentenced to death, was hiding in berlin under assumed name. He-got-his-sh.t-together-though!
How 2 can be allies, commit crimes against humanity together, both loose and convicted and one at least apologized and paid the price and the other still going around and rejecting the facts and not being punished by us - the good old USA - beacon of justice for the world?!?

Let's go to what will happen to us now. Thugmease-Hill's campaign has no interest to me whatsoever. Don't want to hear about it at least for another year and a half.
The lowest-class insults that she openly addressed to Putin can bring us to another bloody Int'l disaster, should we survive until then.
I remember how happy I was the day I became an American. I remember every detail of that day, the taste of everything I ate, the weather, the colors around, the smells, the people I met.
I think when you're truly happy, it kind of radiates, it shows, it shines and people react to it.
That was one of those unique days for me and was many years ago. Don't happen often to me at all, especially when i listen to conservative talk shows all the time while walking in the streets.
I was so happy that I could vote and my voice will be heard. You know what happen?
I wrote about this before. When I found out who voting was being done and I was stupid to wait to do it the legal way, I was "disappointed," the least to say. Besides didn't see anyone that I really was "crazy about" to bother with. So, so far I never voted and don't know if i can see one I want to ran to volunteer and vote for. I still wish and dream about it. Wouldn't it be nice and fulfilling of my life?
Well, not to finish my post in a sad and pessimistic note I'd ask myself a Q and answer to it too.
Here; What above mentioned candidate should do to earn your sympathy, empty, thrust and respect?
In writing and in public apologize for his "miscalculated and inappropriate expressions and words" towards the head of another superpower and promise to hire me as her chief consultant/conceptual on foreign affairs. :) What? Why not? Who else is better now? No-body!
It seems from members of US Congress to major generals in this country running out of their minds.
God, save and protect! Bozhe, sposi i sokhrani!

So long.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

To Michael Savage April 14th, Tuesday


Last week rada adopted a law about Martial Law in Ukraine, which will allow its gov. to unleash unlimited power over simple people, especially people of Donbass. Under the pretense of "restoring order" they can finish cleansing of Southeastern Ukraine from its residents.
Marshal Law is a great tool for "legally" establishing dictatorship of the ruling political elite anywhere. It's historically proven.
Where did they get this idea? From the West lead by USA. Our El-Jefe knows everything about it.
You know what governments can do under "emergency situation."
They can build concentration camps, confiscate property, -  house, car, livestock, you name it.
In the case of Uncle PP he was told that by doing things this way he will "legally" take responsibility off of his shoulders and put it on "military's general commend." This way, when he attacks Donbass again, Brussels can play with technicalities and push him under the rug.
The WEST don't want the Parade of May 9th in Moscow to happen. It's going to do anything to ruin it for Putin. They don't want to see Putin enjoying the pride of his nation.
Those on ally side who are EU member now, are under the shadow of Germany, because it's the biggest economy in there.
Who pay orders the music right?
The world turning upside down by the day, as far as I'm concerned.

Reminding that at the end of this mouth US forces have scheduled exercises in Ukraine itself near the Polish border with 290 American paratroopers with 900 Ukrainian Guardsmen (which are not part of the regular UA military and do not obey its rules of engagement, if there is a such thing in there).
This is the info. from our 137 airborne division.
War party of good old UA of A is very busy this days. Can't have enough dead and injured coming back from overseas, maybe even wants all of is dead.
Middle Eastern conflicts all together can NOT kill us all, but this brewing nasty, vicious, malicious one in East UA definitely CAN!
Look who is running for WH; another Bush - a warmonger, another Clinton - a warmonger-Christian-killer's wife who talks totally out of her mind like a street thug-misses, or, maybe, thug-ess? Thug-mizz? Maybe some new kind of "thugmese cat" (like Siamese) for your political zoo?
That's going to be her nickname used by me - "the-hilarious-thugmese" or "thugmese-the-hilly" or "hilly-the-thugmese?"
I give her a credit though; all her adult life she hang around Bill to get where she's now.
You have to have some stamina for that.
She acted crazy when at the time of her last campaign called Putin "without soul" because he worked in K.B. Yes, he did and that's why he knows West. What's wrong with dealing with someone knowledgeable? He never threatened us? We always threaten Russia. Actually he was a church going faithful all his life, even communist time and when he was working there and still is. I want to know when the last time thugmese-Hill went to church, where and which ones and did what in there?
I'll tell you later ***************************************************************
To finish my thought on this, Papa Bush was the head of CIA,remember? We wouldn't let anybody call him a soul-less man, right?

To show how this confrontation is being escalated by USA look at the numbers; only 48 in House of Representatives voted against potential war agenda against Russian Federation. It's like a thug-house.
War party in Congress lead by foaming-mouth-viagra-overdosed-mc-shame plus lost-its-mind-general-Clark are really asking for trouble for all of us. There is a saying "be careful what you ask for" but those don't pay attention to a wisdom. No wonder the latter was talking- stupid-in-Atlantic-council after getting his mind-altering-illegal drugs in Kiev.
This mad-minded-paranoid-schizophrenic even has dates in his mind, which is nothing else but provocation to Russia to.
There is a war party in Kremlin also, naturally, which blames Putin for letting this conflict out of hand. After-all US and EU are coming closer and closer to Russia's border violating its safety zone, while at the same time those are THE ones who are screaming foul, saying that Russia wants to attack others.
Isn't this a live nightmare? These people are talking to people who have connection to Pentagon and NSC and who knows what can come out of it.

Mr. McCarty, - the majority leader in house of Reps, Mr. MacThornberry - head of Armedservices committee were in Kiev, what I'd call "stirring the witch-brew of bloody WW I I I."  
General-Clark-the-confused at AC even laid out how thing "should be done."
He said that we should prepare Pope Air force base in NC with assistance package to airlift all sorts of lethal weapons; Javelin anti-tank weapons, night vision goggles, all manner of drones, as if to defeat Russian T-90 tanks in UA.
Dr. Cohen says "This is a guy who almost got us into WWIII with Russia at the time of conflict in Serbia, until he was called off. He's not a significant now. He's being used. Kiev gov. is literally deteriorating and only thing can save it is war with Russia and they need US for that. The hatred and demonetization of Puitn clouded the analytical thinking of decision makers in Washington. Only 48 members of congress last time voted against war. What's that, less than 5%? Where is senator Rand Paul? He was the only one who saw our warmongers hanging with ultra-nationalists in Kiev, giving them cookies and promises, didn't like it and said "US is overreaching. Why is he silent now?
Where are the peaceniks, where is the opposition in this "most democratic" country?" JBS 3/31/15.
John Bachelor finished the interview by saying "next week we'll turn to the peace party, if we find it."
The state of our affairs with Russia is in grave danger.
Putin is having live Q & A scheduled at April 16th, at noon Moscow time.
Everyone from everywhere can send a Q. Why don't you?

Now on evening news from Moscow you can see how injured journalist Andrei Lunyev suffered,
at He is from Donetsk, works for channel "Star" and got injured by trip-wired explosive left behind by Kiev thugs in town called Shirokino near Mariupol. All happened in front of rep.s from OSCE. His legs and head were severely wounded and after operation they transported him to Moscow for further medical assistance.
This wasn't the first attempt on his life. He survived the previous direct shootings while at work.
Shootings continue daily bases and the locals say those are rightsector thugs who don't obey any rule. A woman says that they drink rain water. Old women are crying their eyes out.
The reporter of this clip is heroic Yevgeniy Lyamin.

In the meantime UN published recent number of casualties in Donbass;
so far 6 108 dead and about 15 500 injured.
It would definitely be more.

So long.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

To Michael Savage April 11-12, Orthodox Easter weekend edition


Saturday, April 11th.
Look at this; meeting with Castro will look like a fairy-tale compare to this story.
At you'll see that despite of his announcement of having a "good faith negotiations" with Iran O is still keeping the hurdle of putting the stupid shield in EU, which is against Russia. Putin says they don't need it. I agree. There is only one way to deal with Iran, if Iran do not comply. Talk is not going to do it. And this is obviously got nothing to do with Iran. This is pure malicious aggression towards RF's vital military points, which is unequivocally will compromise its security and absolutely CON NOT be done. Check @Rogozine.
Everyone at this point knows this very well. But... America like a "snake whose head is itching wants to put it on the rails." It's an old and wise saying. I don't know why O want to do this besides that he despises Putin and this is all deeply personal. He said clearly that no matter what agreement, conditions and contract we have with Iran, we'll still need to do it. What is going on in here?
How Putin can work with this? How much more open and honest he can be in saying that it is impossible, that he CAN NOT afford to compromise his country's security, that it is his job to protect the country and its people?

Look, another adversary close to Russia's western border - Poland is losing its mind.
At report says that it's threatening to block Russian bikers, who wants to ride in EU countries for 70th anniversary of Victory over Nazis, which they planned, announced
the itinerary and asked permissions from those countries on the list.
Every country has those groups. Why not join them and do it together and remember the dead and perished, so the youngsters can remember and cherish their memory too? This can be inspirational, uplifting and educational at the same time. It can bring whose people who suffered the same faith together again.
What wrong by doing it? They should greed them, join them, invite them to their homes, interview them, etc. What's wrong with Polish who says they'll be intimidated thinking that it's a Russian invasion. What? What this people are smoking?

Two days ago Polish government released 200 pages of transcript from failed flight in 2010 from Warsaw to Smolensk. I read all night about that. I regret I wasted a time, because it was the same that I was able to find out 5 years ago.
The people who were in the plane mostly were big shots who intimidated their own overwhelmed pilot (who was doing 2 person's job) and forced him to land despite the air controllers' warnings to go around and reroute for another airport. That flight was qualified as military, in which case it takes orders from its superiors. Superiors they were, and they all were in there - right inside the plane.
Let me find the name of the drunk-superior-cuckoo who was in the cockpit and told the pilot to land otherwise "then we have a problem," he said verbatim. His name is mariusz-kazana-the-drunk-thug.
The president was known by his capriciousness of demanding his way on landings before. He was the ultimate decision maker. Pilot said clearly "it's fogy, we won't be able to land." If he's not left on his own reconnaissance, which he wasn't (because simply the big boss was there), then all falls on the president, as the highest commander.
I know exactly what was the mentality, atmosphere and ambiance on the flight. Look hoe many big shot were in the same place? Why? Don't they have a job? How many people you can have to put flowers. There were only a few relatives of those whose graves they were visiting, the rest were all big shots having fun together, hanging, drinking, going into the cockpit, feeling almighty that the world was left under their feet. Also soon they had to be treated like super-humans by Russian and make them feel guilty, etc. Yes, it was.
Every 200 years or some Russians and Polish were on each other's throat fighting, taking each other's capitals over.
It's sad; both are Slavic nations, Christian, their looks and languages are so close I can't differentiate unless they start talking.
Now, when I'm wiser than I was in my teenage years (also I was ahead of my time even then),
I found out why I never enjoyed studying history. Where I come from it's the sign and a stamp of an intellectual. If you didn't know history, you weren't an intellectual. in my case going to humanities faculty, it was mandatory entree exam and was a huge volume throughout 5 years.
I know, I studied just to know, get an idea and pass the tests. That wasn't my major anyway.
Now I know why it was so emotionally hard for me to study history. That thing is full of wars!
Fight and fight and conflict and war and genocide and holocaust and every unimaginable psychotic violence humans imposed on each other until today.
When i was younger I was thought that the second half of 20th century is THE most civilized time in human history, that all humanity learnt the lessen already, and atrocities can't be committed anymore. Now that I live in 21st, in USA in this day and age of technology, I started wondering that human ever evolved. Maybe intellectually, but not emotionally. There are still people born like s.t.n who live only to do harm other. No matter what they have, how more or less it it compared to others, some can't do anything else, but cause harm. Hate has no motive. Hate is hate. Hate's motive is THE hate itself.
But, oh, boy-oh-boy! Did humans came up with new, cute sounding, nice words to confuse you while doing bad? Yessir! That trend really reached new heights in human's verbal communication.
All the troubles in the world have 2 basic reasons. Always had, always will.    ???
No, I'm not going to tell. Only one out of million in civilized world, when person(s) is totally independent, might not base their actions coming from those 2 sources.
By the way they both controlled by he same center of the brain, may I add.
I was talking about something on Thursday's post, I have more ideas about one of the topics in there.
Just to remind myself to continue.******************************************************

Today is Great Saturday for Orthodox Christians around the world. Churches are getting ready for Easter, at  
Look how majestic is the Cathedral of "Christ the Savior" is in Moscow.
Special light for tomorrow's services will be flown from Jerusalem by special flight today.
Tomorrow fast breaks and people can eat meat and dairy products again.
Once I asked my neighbor if she was fasting, because she had a container with mixed stuff in it, so I wasn't sure.
She opened it, said "yes, I eat fast, see" and got faster and faster shoving the food in her mouth.
I cracked up laughing. I thought that was very funny.
Many years ago I did keep a perfect. That was the only time so far. I can't do it. I don't eat much and can't afford to feel weak. I'm a Certified Nutritionist and I need my nutrients on time. I do very good things to compensate.
I know it has its health, emotional and psychological benefits, know where is comes from, why and I agree that it's a good thing. But, also believe that I'm OK the way I am.
If everybody in the world would act like I, the world would be a wonderful place. Yes, I said that! -:)

Evening news from Russia at shows that faithful gathers in the main Cathedral of Christianity in RF - Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow (which can fit 10 000 people) for morning service from all over the country and even from abroad. At this report food and people are being blessed by the Patriarch of All Russia Kirill I and they're expecting for the holly flame to arrive from Jerusalem soon.

There is Putin - the Church going faithful President of RF at Easter midnight mass;
at By his side are Sergey Sobyanin - the Mayor of Moscow,
Prime Minister Medvedev and his wife Svetlana. They are also very much involved in Church, at least she is.
Bird's view of Cathedral of Christ the Savior is at  

Also people in Donbass are preparing for the celebration of light over dark, life over death, which is the massage of Easter. In Donetsk, people got together in Cultural Center to welcome it; which is at Children are learning how to color eggs and bake Eastern cakes.
For Saturday night only authorities there decided to remove the curfew.
It seems quiet in the city now, but in its neighboring towns of Spartak, Elenovka, Novo-marevka,
Krasniy Partizan and Shirokino still Kiev's thugs are shelling. For last 24 hours about 75 times.

At report says that France's Military Chief Investigator General Christoph Gomar said that Russia never intended or prepared to invade Ukraine. "Americans are confusing their NATO allies, that's why France has to double check the facts," he said.
It's at www.assemblee-nationale-fr.

In the meantime at shows that Russians on their military boat by the name Preazoviye rescued more than 300 people belong to 20 countries from war zone in Yemen. Among them 45 Russians, 159 Yemenis, 18 Americans, etc. From this area rescue can be done only by the sea right now because coalition who is fighting against the local rebels has closed the airspace.
My Qs is; who thanks Russians for this? Among rescued are Americans, British, Arabs, Ukrainians, Cubans, etc. Do you see any report about this on any media outlet?

April 12th, Happy Easter to all Orthodox in the world and especially to suffering people of Donbass.

Evening news from Moscow is in.
At report goes through last weeks events of "witch-hunt" unleashed by Rada in Kiev; equating nazism to communism, prohibiting Russian language films of historic and cultural values, denying and rejecting everything that came from or related to Soviet Union, etc.
Even rejecting and sabotaging the lives and careers of their own if they disagree with them.
Among the persecuted happen to be a famous Canadian pianist of Ukrainian ethnicity Valentina Lisitsa from performing in Orchestra of Toronto (1:45min) because she is not a "fan" of brother killing war in Donbass, confiscated and burned an issue of a Ukrainian paper (with ethnically Ukrainian editor) called "Vesti" (means "News"), Political Commentator ("Politologue" they call it in there) Denis Denisov was being chased by an armed group in Kiev and had to exile himself out of Ukraine (4:20min.). Men who disagree are getting military enlistment orders to go to Donbass and fight against what they're against, otherwise there is a jail time of 2-5 years, which will make them work in cruel work-camps for free. Killing their own people in Donbass Kiev calls ATO - anti-t.rorist-operation. At 5:45min. Peter Simonenko who said that war in Donbass is a civil war and should not be waged, has been forced out of Rada for many mounts now and being prosecuted constantly. He says "in UA is only one authority right now - a Dictatorship."
Alexander Bondarchuk from Labor Party in Rada in his paper wrote 2 articles called "What they brought the country to" kept in jail for 60 days by now and will be prosecuted under the statute of "Tempting on the integrity if UA."   ???
At 6:20, Natalia Vitrenko, the head of Progressive Socialist Party of UA says that she is banned from traveling and talking to people anywhere in ukraine.
Olga Zagulskaya, professor of University of Lvov was an abject of public "embarrassment" by her own students, because she was against the war in Donbass. She said that it was a work of one person who disagreed with her and organized it "event" and the rest of the students were just brainwashed into it.
At 7:36min. you'll see ad on a big billboard with phone number calling for witch-hunt by saying; "saw, heard, - call!" For "separatism" there is 7-12 years of imprisonment and even the number of statute is there.

This is one "democracy" we - the American are supporting in more than 1 way, right? AHA!

Check on your own. Heroic Evgeniy Lyamin is reporting from Donbass, talking to people and asking about their lives and survival in a war zone already for a year.
A man is showing his ruined apartment building, saying that in his 70 years he has seen a lot, but never in this worst dream could imagine that Ukrainian army bombarding its own country's sleeping city. Ruins and graves are all over the place.
Another resident of Donetsk, Tatyana Danilo showing a photo of his 16 y. old son who died from a shrapnel to the head from the bombardment. He was walking around his school.
Kiev's thugs aimed on the schools, hospitals, the beach (where 8 people died including a small child), mines, bread factory, - you name it. She says that her classmate's husband and little daughter got killed in front of the wife and the mother;
"I saw my daughter's head got cut off and dropped," her girlfriend told her.
"How a mother can survive after experiencing such horror? It's impossible! How after this we can live in one country with them?" - she asks Evgeny. It's at 2:50min. into the tape.
In Donetsk only 50 hospitals , more than 100 schools, about 70 day-cares, electric grid, water reservoir, 100s of residential buildings are ruined, 1000s are dead and maimed.  
At 3:46min. Dmitry Kalshnikov, chief of the office of coroners in Donetsk talks about medical examination of killed. Says that more than 70 % were peaceful civilians, among them lots of kids. *********************  Mass graves are being discovered with tortured and dismembered bodies says the head of Russian diaspora in France Andrei Gultsev. "People are buried in mass graves hands tight behind their becks and heads cut off. Those who're responsible for these atrocities should be brought to justice," he says.
Mass graves locals first founded last September. There are more in suspected areas where it's still dangerous to go, because too close to fire lines.
At 5:10min. Murdered by torture Nikita's body was found in one of the mass graves. Don't know what day exactly he died, only know that he was tortured for 13 days. His mother Galina Kalamiytseva crying by his grave site saying that she was out of town when it happened and eyewitnesses told her about the type of torture he was subjected too. If she'd see herself, she'd not survive, she says. Nikita was born in 1993 and was not a solider and never held a gun in his hands.
I'm going to stop now at 6:20min. **************************************************
I can't do this, it's too stressful for me.
You want to see a psychopath with title of the president of a country called Ukraine, check this
at I mentioned this event before, but not in detail. This cuckoo went to Odessa to pay homage to fallen sailors, who perished freeing Odessa from fascists, but he don't mention name called "Soviet Army" or "Red Army." Who did it then? Who killed those fascists? Who ran them out of the country? What military force those soldiers/sailors were belong to? What insignia was on their uniforms.
Maybe in Uncle PP's hallucinations there was a hurricane, a tsunami, a tornado? What was it?
People are chanting "no fascism," "shame on you," "murderer" to him and at his passing entourage, but he pretends he don't hear it.
There is a word in another language that I find appropriate for describing this creature's attitude, but English don't have it.
It's an adjective which is combined of 2 words and means extreme/unlimited shamelessness.
Most of Ukrainian people are against this garbage, though. Check

So long.  


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