Tuesday, December 29, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 29th, Tuesday (stryabdds*)


Yesterday I listened to your show's first 2 hours. You were live, unlike most of other talk show hosts.
It was very good, especially the first hour. When you fake a laugh to mimic someone who said a ridiculous thing, it's so funny that I laugh out loud.
You said that according to polls majority of American public thinks that we're losing the war against t.r.r. Then mentioned the monster, "money-exchanger-in-the-temple" - Soros and tried to worn against his "crafty" ways of destroying currencies of nations. He's not only a money-monster, he's a self-hating lowlife. If someone hate himself or his own, what he can wish or do to others?
"Open society?" - my donkey's behind!
He is a dangerous and reckless creature who works against civilized western world. For real.

In Russian media there are wide ranging discussions about the results of passing year.
That can be a theme of a separate book for me. ****************************************
One thing overall sits firmly in my mind about Russia; such a huge country can not be run by weak, inept or stupid people. Just the opposite; this year Russia showed that the world is not an uni-polar place like American politicians feel and portray as such to us.
My hope is that our foreign policy makers will grow up, get wiser and understand that we have more in common than not and try to make the best out of it against the real enemy, which is growing like a multi-headed monster in Middle East.
Did you know that in soviet times, in 50's-90's educational system was the best in Europe? That's what studies say. No wonder, after almost quarter of century living in here, I'm still surprised on inefficiency of the educational system (including in Ivy colleges) that I thank God that I grew up and studied there.
This problem is not only not being solved, but turning from problematic to tragic by every passing year. Bending over for every scary idea and person in order to survive, has been a motto and mantra
for educational institutions' mission statements.
Just today I saw a peculiar thing; a name of a research center working on specific health problems of a very small group of people. To me it's a double discrimination and a waste of taxpayer money against general public.
Democracy suppose to work for majority's will, isn't it? Let's look up and check the definition.
Of course, it should not left out the rest in a ditch. That's a given and I agree with that. But...
minorities not only have the same rights, but using and abusing those and stepping on majority in every level. They're coming up with more pressure by the day imposing their own ways.
I call it "soft totalitarianism" so far, but to me it's on its way to becoming a "fascism."
I hope I'll be wrong on this. It will take a mighty man with guts, means and virtue to get this hot mess of today's society into sensible realm where common sense can do the basic job.

Having said that, the soft bigotry of low expectations from one group of people to another inside the same society, grows and spreads around the world. For example, let's go to the religious aspect of it in the world. The way Assad is blamed for everything by American government and its spokes-mouths - vermin in the media, don't apply to Saudis. WHY?
The way one scary criminal who was born as a damage good or successfully became one is put on pedestal in this society, the same approach is being taken toward those types of groups in the world in the sphere of Int'l relations.
What bothers anyone to see and feel that that country is the head of the snake? What stops anyone's to understand and admit that we can not play a game with different rules. One of them should be; if we're not allowed into their "holy" places, they MUST not allowed them into ours. I can go on and on, but that's a big chapter. Why give tools to those who can't make their own, to have something that you don't have or don't have enough and pay for getting it? On top, that money is only coming back to finish with everything you have and stand for.          ***********************************************************
The biggest downfall of the political ruling class of this country is not knowing the history, thus not being able to come to terms with reality.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not a person who thinks that everything written in history books are correct, meaning they happened exactly the described ways. Just looking at the highlights of historic human events starting with reasons, occasions, developments and finales of those, and using common sense to analyze them through today's possibilities and conditions, will take as to the most productive and safest direction.
Today I listened to Kadlow a little (who was substituting for Heraldo), he was saying most sensible thing that you and I agree; - close the border and stop the immigration all together, until new rules are in place. System called "broken" by those who work in it, by those who went through it like myself.
When and which administration is going to start the general cleaning job to fix it?
Do you know how people like I feel when seeing this "liberal-progressive" lawlessness toward others? I went through long and scrupulous process to be here legally and become a citizen.
Why others are not required to do so? Are those who are decent and law abiding should finally understand that they were chopped lever? Is the whole thing a joke or a show? What else if phony too? Should I become bad to compensate for trouble and humiliation I was put through being "checked" and waiting for years on line?
Immigration's reason is not "help" others first, it's helping Americans and their society first. This scale is never used. Everywhere you look in the press and the media the talk of the town is "how much others don't have, how much they need and how we can give it ti them." Interesting. What about us? Anyone in the world gives a damn about us?
My answer is simple; "categorically - NO!" No one! None whatsoever.
Most of the rest of the world is busy having unprotected sex and multiplying rapidly. The rest is the others' problem. Somehow, in some sick, mentally distorted way, media tries to make us believe it should be our problem. What about women who know how to reproduce start thinking before how they're going to take care of those they create?
China rose because it stopped unruly breeding of its citizens. India is not doing it, Indonesia and Africa either. So, where we're going to go with this.
Civilized world has lots of garbage and backwards world has human as trash. When child dies, mother forgets it the next day, because she has so many more at home and keeps making them using her uterus as a factory.
Oh, tell me I'm cruel, how can i say this type of thing, right? NO. I don't need to say those "un-nice" things, I can show their results. I didn't have children thinking that G-d is stupid, he is going to work for me and drop manana from sky all my life. I did my calculations all my life. Why others do not do it? 5 times a day do meditation by bending over and ask Him to make others work for me? Nice...
They know that's so embarrassing that they cover their bodies, heads and in some places even faces. That isolates them from questioning, engaging in conversation, telling her to think before getting laid that night, etc, etc, Who wants to hear that?
That's why all the wars happen; - all for territory and resources.
Look at the scale of human reproduction and military conflicts on the map. You'll see the clusters.
With Islam, which promises more sex afterlife's heaven, the death looks like a most enticing bargain to be grabbed as fast as possible.

After 3pm. You started the show with a local crime story in San-Fran. You say that media is not publishing the name of the suspect, because it's probable is not a white-male. That's true. They don't even say "black" or "African-American" anymore. They just don't mention the full description of the person if it looks like a minority member.
You're calling O a "maniac-doctor in WH" who tells us to look the other way, because "the reality is not good for us." That's true on his part. Reality is one way, but lies can be in million ways.
Of course, it's easier to avoid a one way street where you can face unpredictable difficulties.
Some are born with genetic code of finding and using the screwy-dewey paths in life. You'll be surprise to know how many "functional" ones I have met personally in my life. They have jobs and careers, houses, cars, some are lawyers and doctors, including my dentist for 20 years. I always had a low opinion about him as a human and had a gut feeling that he can not be trusted as a person.
The man is 70, lived a life of a cunning-cheap-sh.t. many years ago, before dying his mother asked me to pay attention to him. I felt she knew that the son had a problem. I'd assumed that was only a character/personality issue, because he wasn't settling down. I wasn't interested anyway. Couldn't care less, forgot about it and saw him when I needed a dentist in his office looking at my teeth, instead of the face and behind. If you ask me, he can not be trusted as a dentist also. Why? Because he says "I couldn't find the hole, I opened my own hole" for root canal job. He says it jokingly. After he makes you laugh, in a week or so, you realize that he was not joking after-all and needs to pull your inflamated tooth out. Couple of days ago I saw him for Christmas. He said something about himself that shell shocked even myself. I asked him such an innocent Q as "what is your favorite food/dish."
My imagination couldn't go so low about anyone that I knew personally in my life. All the suspicions i had about him were the only the light surface of a dark ditch of his personal life. But... no one can suspect it. He's one of those who lived every minute of his life trying very hard to fit into every situation with every one at every minute of the day. Actually his "flexibility" (which to me always looked like condescending/cunning/lying behavior) to fit-in the moment, was a turn off rather than appealing. He never got married, had children, never wanted or belived in such "stupid" things which will cost money, wearing ties (which I believe were made in ottoman empire) that he brought himself to this country at least 40-45 years ago, living in a house all alone with couple of street cats (making them work, such as catch mice in his old, rotten house), that he never takes to a doctor and when they die he throws them in the garbage.
He and his "married-but-still-wh.ring, semi-literate, middle-school-drop-out receptionist" laugh after everyone who calls and goes there.
Once he said "smart people don't come here," of course believing that he's the smartest one there is.
He wanted to complement me that I was the second smartest one in there, that's why he could only tell me that.  See how smart I am to tear his cover? Oh, yeah, he shouldn't think that about me. And, I believe he never did, he was 'clever" enough to guess that, otherwise he wouldn't introduce me to his mother, cousins and some. It's just one of those genetic things; no matter how much, how long how good one covers up his perversion, it will come out eventually.
These things happen to me. I discover things about people when I wasn't even looking for it. Now that I wasted this time talking about this low-life, I have to finish my story. For Christmas I took gifts for both of them - pervert-n-ho. Just a good will, a gesture with holiday spirit. I wouldn't do it if it wouldn't be Christmas. Why would I? The ho took hers, liked it, said 'thank you, sister,' but when she saw his gifts which was a tie and a phone (to update his atrocious. old and ugly ones) she got so berserk that almost jumped me and beat the sh.t out of him. He was so amazed by the phone, he was glowing, in a receptive-gracious mode turning it around, examining, rubbing against his chest, smiling, checking the rest in the box, when the strike came down on him. How ugly, fat, short, crooked feet, semi-literate ho-receptionist can beat her boss up for being happy of receiving a gift on Christmas from a family friend? How? I was lucky she only came on to me with all her teeth widely showing with lips opened and stretched back as much as possible, like an enraged animal.
I was so shocked, I wasn't in protective mode, so I didn't take a step toward her, I just backed off in calm disbelieve and she turned right to him. Thank God!
He didn't try to protect me or himself. What if I would? Would I get in fight, end up in hospital and/or in police custody? What would happen then? I know lots of people who would get back to her and anyone who'd come on to them and strike immediately. Rightfully. Under the penal law if someone is violating your private space (which is a foot) in an hostile and dangerous manner, you're entitled to protect yourself by striking first, which  called "self-defense."
But, what bothers me is the thought "what if it would happen?" What if we'd get on each other psychically? What would he do? Would he get in between, which one he'd protect in front of law enforcement? What is it that that she controls him so badly that scares the heck out of him?
Pervert who used to "be" with his own uncle (sorry, but true) living in his house (while the old man had his own house and a married son and a grandchild, but don't want to be there), can go to group-men parties and do his receptionist for a full time at the same time?
How much Viagra is needed for that for someone 70? Can dentist prescribe it for himself? The old man is dead now. He was like a s.tan; paranoid up to hell, stingy, nasty, made his (dentist's mother, who was his sister) cry last time I saw her when she was leaving for hospital. He literally said to her in front of me; "go, die and don't come back. I have to live my life, I don't want to take care of you." She cried, the poor thing. I respected her. I was so shacked what happened in front of me. I was speechless from shamelessness of him for saying it in front of a guest. Even if he could think that, he never should dare to say out loud. Plus, he wasn't pressed to help. He had his own place, his own house to go and live his stinking life. Her, in his late 50's son (the dentist), at that time could help and provide. She could also have a home-attendant for free. No wonder, that was the last time I saw her. Imagine that you have one son, a medical doctor, forever single, don't like to spend penny on nothing, have a 2 story house with a basement and a backyard and your own pervert-old-brother screams "go die" at you?
After her funeral I told the son (the "doctor") what the old man said to his mother, how he treated her badly. Disgusted by the whole thing. I said "he made her cry in front of me, your uncle hated your mother and by doing so expedited her demise. How can he love you or care for you? What is he doing in your house anyway? He has a bad spirit and probably will hate you too." He wasn't surprised, he didn't express doubt, like he expected it, but shrug his one shoulder and continued to wash whatever it was in the kitchen. Should it be anyone in this world, who would insult my mother with a death wish, scream at her not to get back to her own house from hospital, including her own brother or brother's God, things would turn way much different in my house. As they should for everyone who is sane.
But not him, not my dentist. He's a different product. His lopsided mentality has many levels of weirdness. Split personality disorder is the foundation for receptors of his brain sells, which suffer from shortages of electricity going through nerve-wires. The man can change his mind and behavior in split second.
Imagine, just imagine, if I'd be arrested and/or injured, my explanation would be "I was giving my doctor a holiday gift, which he wanted, needed and was excited about, and unexpectedly was jumped by his ho-ho-ho-receptionist. In the process of defending myself got in fight and here I am." Would it make sense on the news? There is no camera in that office. Who would believe that?
She took her gift, why was she berserk about him getting something he wanted and liked?  Why?
This Q I'm asking to readers. I'll leave the comments open at the bottom of this entry;
"how much of a wh.ring one should do to hold a receptionist job in a pathetic, old fashion, one doctor office for 25 years?"
I'd like a reader(s) of this blog characterize or diagnose the condition of these type. Psychiatrists, psychologists and related to those fields' professional opinions are greatly appreciated.

Savage, now you're talking about some actors, Loui-somebody criticizing Trump, Sam Jackson jr. being raciest, etc. What do you expect from actors in general anyway? Why are you wasting your breath on them? Very few of them are in their right mind to start with. No one checks the level of illegal drags in their system at any given time.

I watched CharlieRose's interview with Assad. Looked at pictures of devastated streets of Aleppo.
I heard on Russian media that Assad said he's not going to act like Yanukovich (the ousted Ukrainian ex-president), meaning he's not going to go away easily, he will stay put and fight. He believes that the US and the west like puppets, he is not the one, but he is legitimate and has the support of Syrian people in general.
When our media says that Assad's troops bombed Aleppo, it's hard for me to believe. Why should I believe that? Why would Assad want his country destroyed? I don't see the logic and the motive.
Extremist are all men, they have some sort of specific clothing and heavily armed. They're the ones coming toward cities in northern and western areas in Syria. Why would Assad want the people in their homes be killed? It would not help his reputation, his power and his standing.
.S.L is the one on the move encroaching territories. He says there is no "moderate" opposition. "Anyone who is fighting with weapon and kills people is a a t.r.r.st," he says.

Watch this documentary film called "World Order" and historic interview with Putin in it, at youtube.com/watch?v=ZNhYzYUo42g. At 37th min. hear what head of captic church in Egypt says; 100 churches are burnt in Egypt. Christians were kidnapped and beheaded in Lybia on camera on the shore of Mediterranean where the vermin is pointing the knife toward Europe saying "we're coming for you."   
At 47min into the tape, in an interview at March 9th, 2011 Qaddafi says that they're preventing the invasion of Europe by Africans. If Libya's stability is compromised, Europe will follow.
He was right. I thought that man was crazy the way he talked at UN assembly, but apparently he was one of the smart ones in his country.
Be careful what you ask for, you might as well get it.

 Oh, well, my personal deep conviction why world has been, is and will be full of fights, because the man in charge don't know what's going on and underneath is acting on his basic primal instincts.
Only a few women in the world like me know, but don't have the power even to talk about it.
This blog is the only power I've got so far.

So long.

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