Sunday, December 27, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 25-26-27 (Fr. Sat. Sun.) holiday weekend edition

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate today.

I celebrate Christmas 2 times; one today, and another one in Jan.6th, which is on Orthodox calendar.
This one for me is more of a commercial/entertaining one, the other is purely religious. That's when I go to Church.
Because I was born and grew up in former Soviet Union, where the biggest and longest holiday (because of the winter break) was the New Year, still 1st of January is the height of my emotional state of the season.
So, I'm all over the place until the 13th of January. I use every little joy I can get out of small things in life, because I don't have big things and don't know when and if I will get those. But, neither I chasing anything nor I'm even concerned. I take every day as a gift and try to make the best out of it. Can I try harder and do better job on it? Yes, of course.
I could, and still can, have most of material things that anybody has most of others have should I do 3 things; compromise 2 values I was raised on, and be very persistent at that.
In terms of holding on to spiritual virtues, I am on the very top line with some very rare people who possess and live by them. It's not an easy life, though,  I assure you. I can show it too.
Today I watched very little TV. Turned on Savage Nation (just to give him a business, which readers of this blog should do too), but it was "the best of," which I already heard.
On Int'l front the news is not too bad and not too good either.
Russian military service choir sang the "Rudolf the red-nose reindeer," which usually they do in New Year eve, bringing Russians into festive mood. It was in English and they did the heck of a good job. At  

Today Putin met with a big group of high ranking people in art and entertainment business, headed by Minister of Culture Medinskiy, and discussed preservation of UNESCO and other nationally recognized sites, their state funded projects in passing and in upcoming year, etc.

Defense Ministry of RF released updated numbers of operation in Syria, at So far there were 5240 combat flights, majority of which targeted oil reserves and transportation means of t.r.r.sts.
Their are more numbers in this report. ***************************

In the meantime, Ministry of Finance and Rada of Ukraine cooking an idea how tot to pay the loan of more than $3 Billion to Russia, at
Deadline was 5 days ago, another deadline is at Dec. 31st, another one should be in 6 months.
But bozos in Rada today were talking about indefinite "moratorium" on payments.

[Should miracle happen and I meet Putin in person my first Q to him will be "don't you think it's time to take Kiev?
I feel that further escalation of events, which gives Kiev and its western trouble-making-sponsors phony feeling that Russia can be corners until it's ruined and on its knees, is a dead-end and escalate to a devastating war.
Western powers today are acting like nuts. Putin should feel that. How much he is going to tolerate and how long can he wait?
After 4 years and 300 000 lives in Syria, half country is devastated, middle east and western world is messed up with huge population shifts, finally America got a hint to join Russia on its course. Yee-haa! Stupid unawareness of American main stream media, money-pushing-lobbying-business, special interests and other "things" called "human factors" are a huge filter for reality and truth to surface.
Is there a way to change and improving it? Yes, still there is. Only I have the vision, the project and the plan, just need a very wealthy and independent person's sponsorship to realize it.
You will not believe how fast the entire house of cards called "main stream media" can come down.
Who believed that soviet Union could collapse? Nobody, including my own father. Who belived their own eyes seeing twin towers coming down in broad daylight in NYC? Nobody, including myself.
There are huge changes for the worse in world's stability and most of Americans don't even know about it. It's OK for today, but tomorrow, we shall talk again.
It's about 11:30pm on Friday, Merry Christmas again and good night! ]

Saturday, Dec. 26th.
Last Monday EU extended sanctions against Russia for another 6 months, despite admitting that it hurts them back. Despite growing protests from their local industries (industrial and agricultural alike) they were able to reach a consensus.

This method is wildly used by US foreign relations policy makers to get their way without direct military intervention.
The process is; insight discontent of public from within, encourage protest, then use $$$ to entice to organize a revolution, or civil war. From social unrest to political destabilization the goal is to overthrow existing governments and putting their own cronies instead.
Change the course of political events and
Actually I don't mind them to do it, should they differentiate good from bad. Lots of times what they have considered good, ended up being bad and coming back and hurting us all. The reason is; - no knowledge of history and sometimes recklessness driven by greed on the part of some individual decision makers in power.
Remember how they warmed up a snake in Afghanistan? Trained and armed him and his "soldiers?" Did we see them coming back and raining hell on American people or not?
Any lesson learnt? What are we doing in that nasty place now? Can we devastate all of that crappy crap and bring American young men and women home?

In the meantime, US decided to strengthen its military presence in Europe. For the year of 2016 it allocated $780 Millions of taxpayer money for that project.
[Nice. I wonder which monkey sits on the neck of that underwriter. ]

Trump called himself the "Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters." I agree. he should use every possibility of social media in every way possible to its perfection. O's campaign was very well organized by young people who know how to use Internet to its max.
He should find and hire those. No need to be over-confident. It's still too early in the race.
Things are changing daily in the world. He has to keep up, be able to sort things out and stay on top. He has to see currents, waves and tides on time and react to them fast.
Vermin in the media is out to get his character down.
He needs a counter-force; more educated, more knowledgeable, more experienced, more enlightened, totally and completely, drastically and dramatically independent.
It should be tough to be so high up there. Be surrounded with the same people most of the time, who basically are "yes-men," can cause confusion without suspecting it.
People who can manage to get around rich, famous and powerful (unless they're born inside those clans) are aggressive and charismatic with all sorts of compromising traits.
I can go on and on telling how things turned around most rich and powerful during the history very many time, but that is an another whole post. ****************************************
We all know about Trojan horse, heard about traitors of their own countries, duel-agents, corrupted judges, crooked lawyers, shyster doctors, - you name it. Look at the sewage system of entertainment industry. I mean, the list is endless.
How is he going to have really honest, decent, loyal and really knowledgeable people around him is yet to be seen. I didn't check who is advising him on foreign affairs now. Is anyone even there? Who?
Look what G.W. had - Candy Rice. he had her PHD about cold war with USSR. She was working hard to bring that cold war back. Now look at O; another Rice, who is not qualified either for that type of sensitive position. What does she know? How much? from where? She graduated from collage? So what? O took her with him while meeting Putin as his "foreign policy adviser."
Oh, I'm so touched; - boo-hoo!
I'm still trying to guess (because it's nowhere can be found) what she might advised him to do.
So far things are stale between those 2 superpowers or even gone a little more down the hill. Sanctions against RF as extended, as of today in Syria Americans giving weapons to whomever they find more appealing to their taste while flying their drones to watch the fights from above, etc.
Russian defense said that at the time of downing of Russian SU-24 military jet there were about 50 American unman air-crafts/drones hovering around. Don't you believe that US has seen the pictures?
Hello? Who are they kidding? Putin? The ex-head of kgb? Com'on now, it's unbecoming of a head of state to undermine his worthy adversary. Putin always refers to Americans as "partners," as he is a diplomat and a true statesman. In his press-conference he said "turkey liked US's behind" and cnn went berserk calling him a "potty-mouth." So what? Sometimes one has have to be to get the real flavor out. I don't care when people swear. I live in NYC. I want to hear the point and care if its true.
Trump also used F-word when he was in one of his casinos talking to selected group of people. He wasn't running at that time. Media went after him calling him a "foul mouth." Boo-hoo to that too!
Only preachers and teachers at work should be held to high standards of speech. Politicians don't know what they're reading anyway. So, what's better; - soft lie or harsh truth? F-word is not a word in NYC, it's considered a space between them. It's a ventilator of true emotions. Go check the entry in Wikipedia about Ivanka Trump. See what quote they put from her in the Business section of entry.
Did she say that? I don't know and I don't care. When I read it, it just made me smile.
One thing I know for sure; if it's even true, whoever put it out there meant to cast her character in a lower standing than average reader used to or expects. If I'd interview her and she used the f. word I'd laugh and will leave it there. Why would I put it out?
Honorable profession called "journalism" is a some kind of dirty business in this country.
I just found out that a few years ago one of the Holly-woody-weirdo clowns by name bill-maher. That's one weird mix looking like a rat to me.
You call those types "Government jesters," which sounds appropriate. This particular one could play a nasty-rat character on Halloween without mask or costume. Campare to this jesters had wisdom, they were smart, their impute was crucial. This one is an ugly-big-mouth who doesn't even have 1% of skills that professional clown has.
He compared Trump's hair color to one type of monkey's who has reddish color. At first Trump sued, but it didn't go anywhere. ???? Did he withdraw the lawsuit or it was dismissed, I'm not sure. Wiki is not a source I can trust to quote. Was it dismissed or settled out of court with agreement not to publicize the result, i don't know and I can't find in any source that I trust? Wiki is not of them.
Did Mr. Trump dropped it? ??? If yes, I wonder why?
There is another ways to win in those type of dirty games besides going to court. While responding to gutter-rat like that one must use the same rules with the same tools.
I'm so eager to know the answer to how that ugly episode ended. If Trump didn't get compensated and felt satisfied and thus dropped that lawsuit, I'm ready to get close to gutters of Hollywood and start making fun of that rat's existence until cows come home.
That's why I need to talk to Mr. Trump personally. There is nobody can give my massage the way I can. I can't write my plans in here. The only way is the miracle that he'll pay attention to this blog and arrange a meeting.
Even, if even he didn't not become the next commander-in-chief, with my concepts of engaging with
the rest of the world, especially with only another super power of the world - Russia, he can do more than anyone. I promise. There is a lot can be done than anyone out there realizes.

Now Int'l news; at report reflects of major Int'l affairs in passing year.

At commentary is about the biggest events in the world and Russia's place in them.

At - main events in Russia; exchange rate of ruble, price of oil, import substitutions, energy bridge to Crimea.


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