Wee hours of the morning. Yesterday I couldn't listen to your show.
The most worrisome news of last week to me was "master" Biden's visit to Kiev. Why?
Look at the results of it. He went to say them "we're behind you (as long as you're against Putin), keep doing what you were doing," which means an encouragement to increase the number of deaths, injured and more distraction of cities, towns and villages in Donbass.
IMF is not going to help pay the gas bill owed to Russian in the amount of 3.3Billion. Biden's son is in gas business in Kiev, although in DOS they say one got nothing to do with another. Yes, I agree, besides they are a family - father and son. Hello?
Big portion of the money given to UA is being heavily invested in military - sure sign if preparation of bigger war.
In one hand, Biden said that they should abide by Minsk agreements, in another he said that they're doing everything right. ???
Although he mentioned that United States became a country because it adopted federalism.
The media translators in Kiev left that part out the context.
In southeastern Ukraine people were killed because the Kiev's opposition to federalization. That's all.
Now, "the master" from WH shows up and talks from both sides of his mouth. Go figure.
Don't forget when went to Kiev, the first stop from airport was the building of FSB (like our FBI).
In the result of blowing lines carrying electricity to Crimea which created a black-out for a week rare animals in the zoo died from cold and hunger. I heard about this couple of days ago and will check the facts and get back to it later. *************************************
The time (before, during and after) of uncle-biden's visit to Ukraine, Kiev gave an order to its thugs to open fire in buffer zone, establish at the time of seas-fire, and to advance into residential settlements in Donbass. That dude is like a match to a fire with his stupid face and idiotic mind, especially when he appears in person. All he said in rada he could say over the phone or write in an email. Why he goes there in person? This is happening every time. His physical appearance is more of a sign of a trouble making than anything else. He has nothing to do at work in DC?
Do you think America gives 'kwams' about Ukraine? America couldn't give a damn. It's all to keep intimidating Putin personally and persistently. At this time he was there thugs took "Uragans" and started marching through the center of Odessa demonstrating their "might". Why Odessa? There is no war there. Just to show off and scare mostly and historically Russian city in southern Ukraine. Remember May 2nd massacre by fire last year? Dozens of people were burned alive and nobody is found and punished yet? Why Biden don't take couple of experienced retired law enforcement men for a trip with him and ask him to teach the locals how to "investigate." In this day and age of every phone having a camera, there should be hundreds of pictures of perpetrators available.
After Biden's last spring's visit to Kiev the air assault started on the city of Donetsk, which was a beautiful, blooming, European city with 30 big public parks with fountains and music. maybe you can see the pictures on internet before from that city's website. Why don't any American journalist goes there and shows us today's pictures? What happened to the city, what happened to the people who were living and working and raising their families on their historic land?
It's so disgraceful for this nation (of more than 300 Million) to have those types to represent us.
In the meantime verminic members of dark and dirty media industrial complex are busy selling their special brand of snake oil to us.
See how they treat trump? They never show the crowds. He said out loud to the media in one of his stops; "why don't you show all this big crowd in here?" They still didn't turn around just to prove him wrong. That's how obnoxious they've gone.
Is that true that Biden's son was thrown out of military reserve because of his use of cocaine? Yessir. At
Check it out. The man is a drag addict. But wait.... Who ever checked the father? Who checks those bozos in congress?
How you call his boss? - "The thin, smoking man?" That's true and funny at the same time.
Today European Commission should give an answer yes or no to none-visa regime for Ukraine with EU.
It's like a tragicomedy to me. The whole "tashkhala" of maidan was about "dignity" and "integrity" to be "Independent" from.... who? They didn't even know that.
Those who organized street thuggery were streets thugs with no jobs and mostly coming from other towns of that country to hang in the middle of the beautiful capital city, get free food, money, who knows what else, get attention of cameras, meet and be cheered by drag-addict visitors from the West (like foaming-mouth-McCain and scary-eyes-nuland), who went there to offer them free money and western life. On big placard in maidan dominating pictures were of laced women panties with euro and dollar signs. Some also were in pursuit of going to Bavaria and drinking beer for total happiness. Just in case, while screaming, they threw in couple of more overused words such as "anti-corruption," "revolution of 'dignity'" and some such.
Nobody stopped them on time, including then president Yanukovich.
This is the deepest part of this tragedy. pay attention now;
In the result of street thuggery (which never ever would be allowed in America) civil war, brother-killing conflict broke out. Scores of dead, regions ruined in eastern side of that country which asked for federalization. Under the careful instruction of western powers (such as federally run USA and Germany), their sack-puppets in Kiev decided to call 't.r.r.sts' those other citizens of the same country who were asking for federalization. Killing of their own people they didn't call war, but ATO - anti-terrorist operation. Newly elected president is an oligarch, much, much richer than the previous one.
That was one of the "huge" achievements. Why they called ATO instead of civil war? Because according to UN convention people in war can go to another country and ask for asylum.
From ATO, when bombs coming down on their homes, they can't. So they trapped them in there or the best in Russia. Which is in my view wasn't the bad outcome. Those who don't know Russian people and its survival spirit might not get it fully. It they'd be forced to flee to turkey, then it would be very bad outcome in my view.
Today, I assume, majority in Kiev are waiting for decision of European Commission granting them "no-visa" status and are ready to flood Western Europe. Maybe in the middle of next year when going will get easy, will see half Ukraine empty. Oligarchs will divide the abundant land in between themselves, then sell for bargain prices to their "westerners" puppeteers and jet between continents.
One of them has 3 citizenships. That what people know. How much more they do not know?
Actually they all have their OWN TV networks. Can travel and be fully entertained for their hearts' desires. Uncle PP's house looks like WH in DC, maybe even better inside. He has more money than potus and comes here and asks for more. I wonder why nobody in that country tells that low-life to pay for their gas bill? He has the dough. What seems to be the problem?
Ironically those in southeastern parts of Ukraine (who are being killed as "t.r.r.sts") might end up being the only Ukrainians left on ruined and abandoned Ukraine.
Well, for those "laced-pantie-n-German-beer-lovers" i wish many, many dirty Euro- floors to clean for living.
In Russia they called Biden's son "cocainest." Maybe it should be "cocainist?" I'm not sure.
I'm thinking; in America bank comes and take your house if you don;t pay your mortgage right? Government can out you in jail if you don't pay your taxes. So, if Russia is not getting paid $3.3 billion owed to it, why not taking Kiev in sit there? Just for fun. that would be more of force, reason and excuse for everyone to run to Europe and hopefully get a better life.
Common now, everybody knows it's difficult to build a ruined and bankrupt country ran by cocaine-addicts who is showing a fiction play called "democracy." How much more water it can take?
I agree, it's easier to run away get on welfare and/or wash toilets. Especially if you have a push behind your behind that you created in your own mind. What can be the problem. It's no-brainer.
Now it's 2:30am and raining in NYC.
Evening; you had a substitute today and I didn't listen. All schools were closed in Los Angeles area today because of some sort of treat.
At potato-face-catchup-kerry meeting with Lavrov and Putin.
[Look at his face. What's wrong with it. Look how Putin is forthcoming and smiley and look at him looking like stoned. Can he be in physical pain? And, what our ambassador is grazing on? Just asking.]
At 4:40min look at another disturbed face. can't bring her hostile and aggressive eyebrows down. She looks like a violent-pig.
Who would like to sit in front of that nasty face? What is she trying to express with that type of body language?
I'd not be comfortable to sit around that create and tolerate that nasty attitude by pretending that I don't see it. I'd confront her by asking if she'd like to relieve herself from her own posions, such as to go to bathroom and come back when her eyebrows will be in the right place. Yes I'd would!
If I'd be in Putin's place I'd not take any nasty attitude and disrespectful body language from nobody and nowhere.
Yes, I would not. That's just me.
One thing really bothers me about publicizing this type of sensitive dialogue on this level; - the presence of the media, especially in that quantity. Do you hear the noise of those cameras. People around the table couldn't hear each other. What is that?
I don't think anyone needs a specific source to find out the factual news. Vermin in the main stream media are there not to "show" the news, but to put it their way.
To me there should be close circuit cameras with audio transmitted live or later by showing the time on the tape. When people are discussing global issues concerning safety, security and survival, they should be left alone to talk without being surrounded by so many no-goodniks with their electronics.
They could't hear each other for God's sakes! What kind of serious meeting can be held in that ambush like situation?
My day was made by the news from Ukraine though; Avakov and Saakashvily almost got on each other's neck.
So long.
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