Wee hours of the morning.
You know what bothers me that no one is asking, demanding and getting answers for?
Maybe you asked ones, if I'm not mistaken, but no one including you knows the answer to this;
why are the sites on Internet which are teaching bomb making and recruiting to commit crimes, moreover int'l, are not being shot down?
That's an amazing thing to me. NSA can track everybody, but Internet is running like a lightening in the skies that no one has control over?
If I post an ad on craigslist saying "wsw looking for wsm" do you know what will happen?
I'll tell you; it will be flagged and removed almost immediately. Do you know that "white woman can not meet a white men" in this country? Put an anonymous ad yourself and check it out.
Can you tell me when it became a crime? I don't know, but it certainly is treated as such in broad day light.
Trump's power is in his financial independence. He has resources to hire any amount of lawyers to sue and sue and sue ans sue some more, until the entire lying-verminic-media-industrial-complex comes down like house of card.
I, as a conceptual, would put the list of accusations, and lawyers will file the paperwork. Beauty!
That would be a one big "cleaning the sh.t up" operation, which will help in rehabilitation of the "spine injury of civility" that this society suffers for a long time. I qualify it as a chronic condition right now and it can become lethal at any time.
Let's do this; 1. diagnosis, 2. treatment and 3. prognoses. You see 2 are already mentioned above and the 3rd depends on Trump's agenda, attitude and actions.
Those come with many other things in the package.
One man never can know everything about everything at anywhere and every time, it's impossible.
It takes a wise man with God's given good instinct and common sense to keep good and smart people around himself, get the best out of them and use it with the right perspective in place at any time.
Too much money, too much power, too much glory can spoil a man and take him to the ride from
"confusing" to "jeopardizing." I can write a book about this just relying on my own life experiences.
Look what Proverbs 29:18 says; "where is no vision, people perish."
I also like another one very much; 1 Corinthians 13;13; "Hope, Faith and Love and the greatest of these is LOVE." In some translations it says "charity," but I prefer the "love," because it is a wider concept. Not every charity is done because of 'love,' unfortunately. Harmful plot can be woven under the name of charity and good will. Look what Saudis are doing under the name of charity while supporting and sponsoring hateful ideology and actions towards others all throughout of world.
I know one thing for sure; Trump needs someone to tell or consult him on how to say the same things but be on the safer side. he doesn't need a "image maker," he is authentic in that, but he needs someone who is a professional linguist. Who has the gift and professional training in use of words in the context the right and firm ways, so vermin in the media can not pull a hunt on him and get the satisfaction.
Should he put couple of things differently, he'd avoid being called 'anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican, xenophobe,' you name it. Simply he's not, he can't even be. Look at his own life's choices.
People like him usually are much nicer and better to others `than the ones who pretend they "represent" something.
They represent the 5th column, as far as I'm concerned.
Trump's first battlefield in the war for survival of this country should be the battle against the "enemy within" - the 5th column, - the internal bacteria, virus, bleeding and gangrene all together.
Second step is the fight against "foreign enemy." the simple, primitive step of precaution is to shut the borders down all together for extended period of time. The least to say. Anybody wants to be "reunited" with their family, should go the other side for "reunion" party. All middle Easterners should be eventually go back to their countries and build a better life for themselves. All those refugees should get back to their own homes in their own homelands. That's THE BEST solution for them also by far. Why anybody is not doing research for this? Anybody asked them this Q?
PEW polled them on this? I don't think so.
What I'm saying is not new, unusual or bad. You should see ecstatic faces of those who were rejoicing and saying 'thank you Russia and Russian people' because in the result of Russian actions they were able to get back into their homes. It's just like getting a second chance in life. What can be more joyous than to return to your own home and continue the life you knew.
Let's help those people to build their own society. With their mentality, which we have no control over, they're not going to assimilate and/or be totally happy. Those who know nothing but lay with their first cousins, drop babies, eat, sleep, than do the same thing over and over generations to come
You offered to build a city for them. That might help too. Not a bad idea, I don't mind, but why should WE pay for it? Why not Saudis pay for their food and cloths, instead of paying for building 200 masques throughout Europe. Why those "righteous" in their 7th century desert 'costumes' are not taking all Palestinians to their 'holy' country and give them refuge? WHY?
What seems to be the problem? They don't have money? No place available?
Did you see the picture of airplane cost $280 million, which was belong to one of those ran into a huge wall and crack opened in the middle? This was years ago, but you might be able still to find it.
The entire Internet burst out commenting "that's why God gave them camels."
Did you see 'the big shot' among them sitting next to Putin talking to him barefoot? The rest of 'regular' ones were wearing closed toe shoes,but the "big idiot" was wearing open toe sandals without sacks. I wrote about this the day I saw it. I still can't get over with that ugly picture.
I'd be in Putin's place, would NOT talk to him in that outfit. His staff should stop and tell "we have a code of conduct and you can't walk around in your desert sandals in Kremlin." That's all. If he doesn't want to comply, because he's "rich," then make him poor over night. As simple as that.
No disrespect should be tolerated by a world power like Putin. To me, that was more than disrespect, it's an insult.
We have a dress-code to go to regular restaurant in the city. You can't be served if you're barefoot.
You know what their conservatism reminds me sometimes? You can take every man out of garbage, but you can not take the garbage out of every man. I just alter that my way.
To be fair, I agree on one thing that they announced when lazy-eye french president was elected. Because he's not married to the woman he's shagging up with, Saudis said that they can't visit them as a couple. I agree. I'm not sure they're married now, but don't care to check either.
Lazy-eye ran Paris-DC-Moscow, took pictures, then praised religion of peace and said that he's going to take in more. Go figure.
Evening; today you were talking about implementing a law prohibiting marriages between first cousins which is already on books in 36 states.
Yes, I agree, genetic mutations between close relatives can cause health problems. That's why it's prohibited in scientifically advanced societies. Where I grew up it should be 7 times removed, which generally meant if you could find out that you were related, it was a 'no-no.'
I wrote about this topic extensively in this blog just recently. I said what gun can not do, sperm can.
Sorry, but it's true. Look at map of the world throughout centuries. Look how it changes and why.
Look at last 2000 years, where is Assyria, what's left from huge Armenia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc.
Look what's already going on in Europe at 21st Century. In Serbia just last 20 years, average christian family had 2 and muslim family had 9 children. What do you do when you have all those hungry mouths? How much prayer can bring manana from sky?
To me there is no lower human, meaning lower-life who can't feed hungry mouths, but keep having fun and making them. Then, whose born became a problem for the rest of society.
It's shameful, shameless and very aggressive behavior, which without curbing is going to swell into bigger and more devastation problems for humanity.
It has a precedent of being curbed, such as China's one child policy. What was wrong with that? Nothing, as far as I'm concerned. People there were pushed to think before multiplying like animals.
Isn't 'thinking" and using "judgment" what human should do first before acting like any other creature on the planet.
I have another Q for rigid conservatives; when you talk about the topic of multiplication, do you know ho much money and natural resources one human consumes in its lifetime? No? You should check it out, then we'll talk again. ****************************************************
You want to see what kind of "western" weaponry vermin of .S.L are using, watch this clip;
From where exactly they get it from? That's my Q? According to Amnesty International the ones you see in this clip are made in USA.
At; finally daytime electric supply in Crimea is restored (with some left over shortages) thanks to mainland Russia's efforts.
At Medvedev is furious about IMF's recent "cover up" for UA.
RF says that if they won't get $3Billion (actually it's $3.3Billion) from Ukraine, it will take UA to court. In the history of its existence IMF never have been so lenient acting against its own rules and interests.
"What other member countries who were suject to the rules and regulations all those years will say about this?" Medvedev says.
[Well, everything is done for political reasons, as we see. Anything against RF and Putin goes.]
Newest Russian submarine Rostov-on-Don started targeting .S.L from under Mediterranean sea,
[Looks good to me.]
So long.
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