March 14th, Saturday;
today deadline is over the Ukrainian government didn't keep up with its side of the bargain to withdraw its arms. Administrations of DNR and LNR asked Germany and France to pressure Kiev to do things on time, but apparently to no avail.
Do you think hearing impairment is the real reason? Maybe lack of TV, radio or Internet?
Next session of Rada is on Tuesday, which will be 17th, and if they would do it then.
Now who is the bullsh.tter in here? Uncle PP announced that 11 EU countries are willing to send them arms, including lethal. Watch the report about this at
Report at at says that today another region in Ukraine called Zakarpattya requested autonomy from Kiev. They're offering peaceful way of getting it and they were asking for it from 1991 when they had referendum with 80% resulting in approval of the proposal to be independant. Then no one paid attention. This people are not ethnic Ukrainians, they are Rusyns, which has a recognized minority status from 2007.
Will see what happens with this. See if Kiev is going to ask for more weapons from the WEST to try to kill all Rusyns.
Did you hear what ret. US Army maj. gen. robert scales said on Fox News couple of days ago on Lou Dobbs program?
I'll tell you again, it's at At this time it has a commentary from a listener in NY and report says that angry letters flooded the Fox. Reporter says that this so called gen. - ("genius" my word) is retired from 2000 and just goes on papers and media to mud the waters to hide garbage for foreign policy. They're 75 of them, the geniuses apparently hired all over the US to "talk" to media and press and they get $500-$1000 a mouthpiece each time they go public.
Not a bad side-income for someone who is old, mentally ill and ugly at the same time. What else he's going to talk about that would get any one's attention. A man is a genocidal maniac, has a camera on his face and gets paid for it. What do you expect?
Do you want to see a hero, a real deal? Watch the report at
This young, beautiful, educated and cultured woman - Natalia Poklonskaya is the Prosecutor of Crimea. She has gone through hell to survive doing her job.
This is the first time she's giving an extended interview about the situation in Crimea and her work in it. March 18th is the first anniversary of reunification of Crimea with mainland-mother-Russia.
I wish I'd be there to celebrate.
Jealous s.t.ns will try to spoil it, you'll see. I hope I'm wrong on this.
March 15th, Sunday.
You put some idiot's pic. from TheAssociatedDe-pressed in your site without your own comment. Don't you know they're all sell-out types just to file out the time to get paid. Why do you have a website anyway? I don't learn anything from it and sometimes I see you put disinformation in there. Maybe you should pay more attention to it, or to the people who are doing it.
What am I talking about?
There is a trend in social and political life of Russia and generally around the world to please America, to get something out of it and to take advantage of its expeditionist policies.
Many crooks in other countries, when they get caught, screaming that their prosecutions were politically motivated, because they're in "opposition."
One of that type of crooks was a governor of one of the Far East regions of Russia, who recently got arrested for corruption and bribery charges. He had about a Billion rubles worth of cash in different currencies, 800 pieces of golden jewelry, who knows how much more hidden around the world, etc. As soon as he got arrested, he's lawyer said it was "politically motivated." Pay attention to this: he was a member of the biggest political party, which backs Putin. How it can be politically motivated?
The same thing is automatically said about anyone else who is being brought to justice in Russia.
If Russia government don't have many big shots in jails, the Wests asks "why not?"
"Because of the corruption," - they answer to themselves. When Russian gov. arrests a big shot he/she automatically becomes an "opposition" member before dawn.
Another thing is to throw the race card by US media especially. Even the idiot who recently got shut, (because he couldn't keep his old racket in his pocket and going to screw a set-up h..chy by UA gov.),
was called "Jewish." I saw reports myself, saying that he was a Jew that might be the reason to be killed. That is done to agitate, get the attention, scare and use the powerful Jewish presence in American media and press.
You talk about it being used in fundraising. "Anti-semitism is on rise, etc." You're right.
But coming back to that idiot who got killed in Moscow, who wasn't anybody besides a once in a while street drugged-up jobless screamer, was buried with a cross on his casket and orthodox christian service by clergy. Should he be Jewish, that would be put into a meat grinder.
No other president or secretary of KP have done so much for Jewish people than President Putin.
Most billionaires in RF are Jewish or mixed. Many of them work for him, work for Duma and/or are his close friends. All of them had and have all and every opportunity to leave that country and come here - the "righteous" America, go to Israel or anyplace else in the world. Am I right? Absolutely!
But they choose to stay there, don't they?
So, how bad you think the life is in there?
So, before you put on your site something stupid publish by others, please check it out. You can ask me, should you need an expert.
This doesn't end here; I recently read that some so called " int'l human rights watch" talking about being suspicious that Russia has a "racism" problem. they had to go there to "check it out."
Racist against who? Every African who went to Russia that I know of has got a free education. Russia is not an "immigrant" county. It's an aborigine country. It's economy is financed differently and its political structure is different too.
But why am I going into this so deep?
To start now and pinpoint and remind you in the future that the racism lucrative business is being imported to Russia in full force and for free.
I'd be in power there I'd put a stop on this by implementing a law saying that
"there can't be any monetary compensations for so called "racism" cases." If even someone wins, the wrongdoer does his/her time under criminal law. It should be criminal. That's it.
This virus they want to import and infect that society with is further going to destroy it by putting everyone against everyone.
The way the vermin of that country, - the 5th column, the sell-outs, the traitors, the s.t.nic creature who no one would like to have anywhere, are swearing at Putin and saying things in meetings, in front of TV cameras, that no one would dare to say against O in here.
I dare you to go to Times square and call him f#&^n like that dead idiot used to call Putin in public.
He was enjoying himself, talking, chit-chatting, laughing and keep repeating. A female reporter got uncomfortable and reminded him that they're on LIVE TV. And, he said it again and rejoiced.
Another idiotic creature who lost his once chess-playing mind and became an imbecile, came to capitol hill and said that P is a cancer for the world and should be eliminated. You try to say it about any public official in this country (let alone the commander-in-chief) and you'll be arrested.
We have a law; you can not harass a public official. That's it. What about, let's say someone from here goes to Russian parliament and tell that our commander-in chief is a cancer?
Imagine the uproar and the punishment on his way back?
But, if it's about tolerant and liberal Putin, they get away with it. Why? How fair that is?
I do not believe in violence and against intellectual and emotional harassment either.
I can say words (I'm a New Yorker after all), but would never put my president, no matter how much I disagree, in front of any other country's power brokers and tell them something criminal to do to him.
Why that idiot is not arrested while back in Russia right now? He has children and ex-wives living in USA. Why he don't want to stay close to them and have a better life in "better" country?
Because he works for s.t.n and wants to get a promotion to be the boss of hell. The hell of his own psychotic mind. His father was Jewish, he died when he was 7 y. old. He got nothing to do with that religion, growing up didn't even had his father's side near to the same country, but should he drop dead for any reason, I'm ready to hear the "jewish" card played out loud first. Then, we'll see him with a cross on his casket, inshallah!
I used to admire that guy, we all did - the whole country. He was a pride of Soviet Union, the republic he was born in, the mother's side and its ethnicity he had, etc. He was the youngest in the world to become a world chess champion. His mother and her parents raised him, treated him like an apple of their eyes and there is no way that those people would teach him to disrespect his country, his authority or be a moral jerk as he has been in his personal life. I had a girlfriend in the old country who went to the same high school with him and was only 2 years younger. She remembered him and told me how his mother couldn't work to earn money with her engineering degree, because she had to be with him, as a miner, to go all around the world on tournaments. So she had to school him on the road, play chess with him (actually he learned how to play from watching mother and father playing together, they were his first teachers). To sleep in hotel rooms and take care of minor going around the world, she had her parents to support them both and the whole country behind her morally.
Even she is unhappy with what he does. She said the he is running "a hell of an opposition." She called it a hell.
When I look at that man's face now, he really looks like s.t.n to me. I'm serious. I'd tell him on his face, should i get a chance. How a genius cute boy can become an evil ugly man?
Looks evil, talks evil, acts demonic, what is it? Where does he work now? He hasn't been working for decades by now. Who is paying his living? That's the Q I want to ask.
I have my own conclusion according how this one felt comfy and cosy like in his bedroom, in DC addressing the congress.
Smell the rotten fish? Me too.
Another Q; why can't I be invited to address "my" congress to help bring tensions down between 2 superpowers and save lives on both sides? Do you think any of "congress members" would be interested to listen in?
At report shows what's going on in Donbass today.
Land mines are all over left by the Ukrainian military thugs, 20 bodies of them are found in ruins of airport. Self-defense asked Kiev to come pick them up, but no response yet.
Another convoy arrived in Donbass with food, construction materials, seeds, etc.
Check also reports from
In recent months bunch of Ukrainian politicians mysteriously committed "suicide," report shows
For a change of mind look at this beauty at
Now, today March 15th for Crimea and Russia is a historic day. A year ago its population had a referendum and with overwhelming majority decided for the favor of reunification with Russian Federation. It's a better for those people in every possible way; economically (because Ruble is a higher valued currency than Hrivna and average standards of life are higher in RF than in UA), historically it's Russian, have been Russian all the time, ethnically, because predominant group living there are Russians, educationally, because the standards of tests have higher requirements (for example by UA standards for 10 mistakes kids would get 3, which is our C, now by RF standards for 5 mistakes they get 2, which is F), entire vessel building and fixing industry in Sevastopol was in shambles and was getting worse, etc, etc. Now, after RF's help those factories started functioning again.
While the whole area's historic shore and sea building industries were out of hands, guess who was happily sailing closer and closer, watching and enjoying the view? Yesyes! NATO fleet, who else?
Strategically its a very important point and always have been for the south west border of that country for coming out to the sea. It shouldn't even ever be with any other republic to start with. After breaking of USSR it should automatically be with RF.
Ukraine as a country today with its borders is artificially created first by Lenin, then Khrushchev, who was ethnically Ukrainian. It has been a collection of the lands historically belong to different ethnic groups. Southeast and Crimea are historic Russian lands still populated by mostly ethnic Russians. Western Ukraine is another story; some parts are historic Romanian, Polish or whatever.
It should be divided in 5-10 independent regions for ethnic and historic reasons and no one would have war. That's my opinion.
Check the clip at to see some highlights from a year ago up to date.
At 9:59min. into the tape the Governor of Sevastopol Sergei Menyailo, an Admiral tells the reporter that the time of reunification there was a big sign saying "Russian Spring" then someone under it wrote "then what?" the answer to that Qs was written; - "let stones come down from sky - we're home."
After that a man holding his grandchild saying that the most important thing is the peace, if he'd be given golden mountains in America or elsewhere, he wouldn't leave his homeland.
At the end of the tape, the leader of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov says "most important thing is the peaceful sky over the head, the rest depends on our hands and minds, no worries, we'll survive.
I can compare the importance of Sevastopol for RF with Golan Heights for State of israel. The difference is that Sevastopol is a sea fortress.
It was there that Russians became Christian. 3 groups; Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians came from all over, got baptized and went their merry ways.
There is a cathedral of ST. Vladimir where those fundamentally historic and religious things took place. There are the graves of the the biggest hero-admirals of Russia who centuries fought against British, French, Turks - you name it, and won! Ekaterina the II won over Turks. Yes, Russians had women rulers and managers of the country. Ekaterina the II was one of the successful ones of her nation's history.
Now, let me put me myself in the place of Putin. Do not forget that man is a faithful believer in his religion and church. He always was. All his life.
If my grand-grand-grandmother would have won a war and left me a land saturated with blood of my countrymen, on top of it there is most revered sacred sites of my religion, on top of it the church where it all happened, more than 1000 years ago, carries my name, on top of it it is still essential for my country's psychical survival as a military fort, what would I do?
Not only I'd do what Putin did, but also would curse out loud anyone in the world who even tries to talk about it. Every time they would say something, my press-secretary would unleash my recorded
street rich Russian folklore with their names attached to it.
They'd calm down pretty fast, don't you think so? And, most importantly, not only wouldn't nato ships be seiling again close to the shore of Sevastopol, sniffing around and intimidating as they're still doing now, but would get their together and go home.
They don't fear Putin, this is the problem. He's cool, calm, liberal in many ways and pays too much attention what west is "saying."
The only thing that I blame Russia for is that having so much intellectual power in that country, so many new organization and institutions of research and think-tanks, programs, etc, still we in here and the rest of the world are not listening what these people are saying. It just don't get here.
It's blockaded from the western audiences, from its media empires controlled by local politics.
How to do it otherwise, I can tell, if I'd have time to put a project together, but want to know who can help me to realize it. It will take lots of money and enormous organization to provide just the exposure of the news from Russia. I haven't seen anywhere, I mean - nowhere whatsoever Putin's interviews fully published in English. Never. Not once. Nobody knows what this man is talking about. Every media outlet writing whatever they want to wrote about him, that's all.
So long.
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