There is still digging corpses out of Donetsk's totally destroyed airport under OSCE watch is going on.
At you can read OSCE's report how UA military is trying to mislead them by not withdrawing their heavy military armament from the agreed upon areas. There are still
shellings going on very close to residential areas of Donbass.
At reports says that first $5Billion (out of $17 Billion promised) was given to Kiev by IMF already.
Does any of your tax $s are in it pile?
At MID of RF accusing UA for its anti-humanitarian stand against the people in eastern parts of its country and asking the world to pressure Kiev to pay those people their pensions, stipends, salaries and social services.
Also transportation routes are closed for essential food and other deliveries from western parts for a long time.
You started your show talking how race card is played the hardest under this administration.
Yes, race baiting is a big business and it will continue as long as media, lawyers, pharmaceuticals and medical industry are all cashing in on it.
Racism against white people started blooming from 1960's and going strong since then. After a man who is the King now got there basically for that reason, why would he stop there?
"Exploit it as much as you can and do it in full force" is his motto. Look who are behind him and making money on the industry called "victimhood." Give us their names.
In the second hour you were about naming some people, but I've got busy and couldn't listen further.
About shot cops; it's going to get only worse, it's going to make streets more unsafe. Look at the money is being made one way or the other by media first. Then, look who race-baiter-hustler-pimp is referring the "business" of suing and sharing the taxpayers' money.
I'd do this by myself thoroughly should I have my own program.
Actually I wonder if any media outlet would like to have someone who'd be able and willing to do that type of social-revolutionary work. When I hear reference to so called "civil society" in here, I automatically look at my monkey's behind. My stuffed animal's tale has more freedom of speech than we, the white people, do. Unless I own my own network and just basically, simply show a daily life of average American, it won't work anyways.
It's one of those things which are simple, but not easy. Talking specifically about the artificially prompted-up "race relations," it's impossible to show that's the racism now in USA is a business against majority, not the other way around as it started a looong time before. It's in everyday life all over the place and you can't talk about it because of social and media taboo.
Fear of being hurt in more ways than one is the other thing which makes everyone in their right mind, who don't want to lose their life, livelihood or at least be sued, to stay away from it all together.
That's why we have a silent and stupid audiences.
If you're not stupid and silent, nobody would give you a job, promote your business and/or hang around with you.
Another thing is the decency factor. If you're a decent person there is a little room for you in this society. If you're not connected on top of it, - forget it. Good luck in next life and happy praying for you in this one, if you still can!
Now, let's go to a problematic place of the world where people are dying from deprivation of basic means of survival, shall we?
Our country's smarty pants in DC and their cohorts are more interested in destroying this area further using the word "helping," rather than they're interested to help us in here to clean the mess of our own house by ourselves.
At you'll see that fire from UA thugs' side is not completyly stopped in Donbass. One of the privately owned and operated military groups, which is not obeying the commands of central government in Kiev, named Azov (they're not paid by government), announced that they disagree with gov. decision to stop the war and will continue to fight.
Should they'll be stopped now and here, they'll start again soon with more of a ultra-nazi flavor, said one of its commanders to the our newspaper - USA Today. Got that?
On Foxnews yesterday, on Lou Dobbs program at prime time, their military commentator maj. gen. Robert Scales said that the only way to effect on the situation in Ukraine is to kill more Russians.
Kill and kill, more and more and all of them, so much so that they all will go back in body bags.
It's at 2:45 min. He said he's sorry that his "expert" solutions is not feasible. Lou Dobbs didn't even blink an eye on his vile thought process. Like they were talking about donuts in coffee shop.
To counteract, Alexander Lukashevich, special rep. of MID of Russia said that anti-Russian sentiment and propaganda comes from DC.
At official rep. of Ministry of Defence of RF Igor Konashenkov said that in Russia they're used to all sorts of rumors spreaded by DC and Pentagon about so called presence of RF forces in UA. Even though minister of defense of UA gen. Victor Muzhenko don't see them in there, journalists working in Donbass don't see them there, only Washington sees.
Yesterday I was watching one of UA's political talk show where one of their guest generals said that only 3 industries are functioning with profit in that country; prostitution, arms' sells and drug dealing. The rest are broke or bankrupt.
Good job, America; print more banknotes and send there, see what happens.
I said yesterday and I'm saying now again; anyone who reads this blog, please listen to March 10th podcast of Dr. S. F. Cohen's interview on Also read his books and articles published at "The Nation."
He's one of the rare ones who really knows what's going on, is objective and not paid to keep his mouth shut. He just returned from Europe and Russia and I believe has much more to say that he could in less than an hour.
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