Wee hours of the morning in NYC and another storm is coming our way. Last time meteorologists exaggerated the threat, hope at this time they'll right.
I was listening to an interview between Christiane-Aman-poor-headed and RT correspondent, a much younger journalist Anissa Naouai. You know how powerfully C.A. is connected is, but she's questioning the source of funding of RT and "objectivity" of its reports from war zone in Southeastern Ukraine. Mama mia! Look who is talking. Anissa has lots of patience and answering thoroughly to every Q. But that's not what caught my attention to decide to bring this up in here. Something else that American mainstream media is specialized in - the manipulation of the picture and the voice.
Watch it at and hear how in some parts her voice is becoming louder and in some parts her mouth is opened slightly longer than it would be normal.
It subliminally gives an impression that she is getting louder, thus aggressive. It's done professionally.
Naked eye would not see and none-professional won't hear with conscious, but their eyes and ears will give the massage to their subconscious. Subconscious is the one we operate on most of the time.
I'm a predominantly an auditory person (which is minority in human kind), that's why I can hear it.
Not only I just can hear it, but as an independent journalist I pay attention to it and I'm cautious of it.
Why? How I can be sure?
Because I saw in front of me how mainstream media was doing it with those who they wanted to show in demeaning and discrediting light, right here in NYC at OWS movement. Not only CNN and other vermin like it, but even Fox news. I'd see and hear a person in front of my face answering to Qs of those with microphones and bodyguards very willingly and enthusiastically, but those vermin would take out context whatever they wanted, alter the voice and even the look. I don't pay attention to looks naturally, so that wouldn't bother me, but when I was hearing how people sounded on their interviews, I was shocked. How low a powerful network can crowl? How many are those amphibian-low-life-major-networks are out there doing this and how masterful they get by the day?
This is my Q. After their coverage of OWS I stopped watching Fox also. They even alter Mrs. O's speech given to public. They took out a word (simply silenced it), which made a meaning of sentence different. If they can do it to her, what can they do to innocent bystander?
That's why I never give them business. I don't work for them, so the hell with them. I'd go back to Zuccotti Park, find people who talk to those vermin, show exactly what they did to them on the tape.
The next time, when they'd confront the vermin and say somethings out of formal dictionary lines, the vermin would get even happier; they'd put it right out there live to discredit them more.
Now they're using word 'Kremlin' as some kind of scary thing to listeners' subconscious.
They don't say 'government funded,' they say 'Kremlin funded,' like it suppose to be some kind of unusual, different, wrong, bad thing. You want to check what I'm saying?
Let's go to NYC streets and ask millions of people; "what is Kemlin and what does it do?"
I can write the answer before we go and put my last $ on this bet. 100% of them will not know anything, besides that it's maybe a scary place from where bad things come out.
Do you know how gorgeous that place is? You should go visit and take a tour. It's open to public. You'll never forget it, you haven't seen anything like that.
Anissa at 5:30min into the tape A.
I'd like to say that abovementioned journalist from CNN looks like a scary character to me. She'd freak me out in person.
She looks like a tr.ns who got stuck in the middle of the process.
US mainstream media acts like it's on O's payroll. There is much more criticism against P than ever have been against O. Imagine Russians working on something like this; "WH controlled" US media.
Boooooo, it should be scary? How and why Kremlin ended up sounding scary?
A witchcraft gone wild in US media? I guess so. For green $s lots of witches can work full time for devil. Their souls are sold out a long time ago. Look at the amount of disguise put on their faces.
The only scary thing is that they can jeopardize our safety and even the safety of entire country.
God forbid, one of other nuke powered countries get crazy like them and have an "enough is enough" moment.
Before then, to help us to survive, I'll do this. So help me God!
Oh, I forgot, at 5:30min. into the tape Anissa mentioned a reporter from CNN who supposedly was in the war zone in UA and witnessed a helicopter crash by anti-Kiev forces. RT authenticated the tape and found out that it was from Syria. This is another widespread thing in here, - switching the names of the places around the planet Earth. We have famous reporters who lied through their teeth many times by reported huge lies and still are working and cashing on their careers. One big shot on major network got caught recently. He said he was in a crashed military helicopter in overseas, while doing his "duty" and "sacrificing" himself. Boo-hoo! Not his bosses, the military accidentally figured it out and reported. His bosses couldn't care less what you and I are watching.
They put him out of work for a few months only. That's all. So enjoy the news. I can't even get the right prognoses of weather out of it.
In the meantime, UA thugs were putting bombs at the bridge going to Crimea.
It's at NTV.novosti/1351216/video.
Evening in NYC. This afternoon I turned your show on, you were saying that you're in a small town on the East Coast and people are friendlier than in San-Fran. You were going through the news in different newspapers and commenting on their stupidity. I agree, I know, and I turned it off. I'm finishing your last book, so unless you're saying something that I don't know and can't find out by myself, I have other things to do. Such as this one, that not you and nobody else is doing, so it's on me.
At you'll see how Ukrainian side on the border bridge with Russia is puting big boxes of explosives which can kill anybody who would cross it. They're doing it in broad daylight. Report by Vitaly Kadchenko shows the electric wiring under the bridge, which ends up in the village on UA side. Russian side addressed the issue, point out that the most people who are crossing the bridge are actually UA citizens, but didn't get any respond.
One local resident says "from UA side everything is possible to expect."
Should I be on border control from the Russian side, after addressing the issue and not getting respond, I'd go into their territory, into the village where the wire for detonation is ending and will pick their brains up - one by one. Then come back and clean the bridge. Clean the village from its residents all together, like they did and doing right now in Donbass. That area should be empty and serve as a buffer zone for security of all sides. The villagers can decide where to live; those who want to go to Russia, should go there, those who wants UA, should go there. Those houses should be used as barracks for border patrol people. That's it, end of the story.
UA thugs are really out of their psychotic minds and I don't see the end of it.
Another tragedy on the heads of poor, hard working and suffering people of Donbass.
In the mine Zasyadko the body of last victim of the accident was recovered; 33 are dead, 16 injured in the result of gas explosion. Putin promised direct help to their families and Patriarch of all Russia His Holiness Kirill sent his condolences. It's at
At heroic Ivan Prozerov is reporing from Donbass.
There are Europeans who came to help the self-defense forces. Some of them are from France, Poland, Brazil etc. Some are helping in combat, some doing daily chores, some provide medical aid. One of them, professional military man Philip Kophin from northern France, saying that
"in the name of 'democracy, freedom and European values' the West is realizing a geopolitical project with big bets and the coins are on the heads of innocent civilians in here. They're being killed indiscriminately; children, women and elderly alike. That's why I came to help."
At 1:50min, a local man says "I'm a tractorist, I worked in collective farm, we want to live in peace,
I have a family; a son, a daughter, a grandchild, we want to live like before - in peace, just live and work." In the village shown by Ivan humanitarian aid is not reaching. It's too far away. At 3:40min. a retiree woman saying that 7 month they didn't get any money. They're sustaining themselves with anything they possibly can.
In the meantime, Putin met with the new Italian PM, who enthusiastically offered help.
"We can assist federalization of UA with our successful experience of having our own autonomous region Trentino-Alto Adige in Italy," he said. It's at
Yes, many many countries in the world live perfectly happy in federations, among them my love - USA!
So, why Ukraine can't live in federation? My answer;
1st, western powers found something in the ground in southeastern UA and want to clean up people off the face of that land and get their hand on it.
2nd, an old vicious german grudge of defeat in WWII and persistency to get back to RF by any means.
USA and EU are jealous that Putin is independent. They want him to be a club member, where they're the "big shots," so they can can control him thus rule Russia indirectly and possibly directly in the future. That's why they want to get into his backyard, then in his house and into his pants.
Yes, I said it. That's how I see it.
Just look what's going on in Europe all together. They're rotting from uncontrollable immorality, hated, religious and cultural irreconcilable divisions inside their societies, which became already unruly. They don't know what to do about themselves. So, to keep their people's attention distracted from their governments' inability to restore order, which will allow them to survive a little longer, they are taking it into new problems and into news territories.
If they show that they're busy with some "bad guy" their people might stay confused thinking they're still the "good ones."
In the meantime, as soon as a fragile peace comes out of dark deadly hole and tries to survive on the ground, as soon as Italian, Hungarian, Greek and other governments talking of resuming trade and business with RF, WH says 'no' and extends sanctions against RF for another year.
Seriously, looks like no amount of problems are enough for the US. No matter how stretched they are in the world and how much debt it's in, it still sending soldiers out to foreign lands to cause more problems.
Just now, 300 US highly professional military instructors were sent to train UA soldiers.
UA military ran out of all soviet weapons' stockpiles in their teritory, that's why they agreed with so called ceasefire. So, on what kind of weapons Americans are going to train them? Of course on those which they know. How they're going to train if those weapons are not there? Maybe by drawing diagrams on blackboards like in daycares? Of course not. With them there will be lots of contemporary weapons sent to UA. Would you blame Russia if it decides to grab the bull by the horn and do something about it today, before that sh.t gets there? After the facts is not going to be any easier, that's for sure.
If it does, West will scream as if after ceasefire RF attacked UA. That would be their propaganda.
If RF doesn't do anything today and those foreigner fighters start cocooning with their advanced and more dangerous weapons, what should it do later on? Wipe off entire UA from the face of the earth or lay down and let western perverts roll over on it territory?
Is anybody in here talking about this? Anyone investigates where the taxpayer money goes and what we might get in return because of it?
Today cuckoo-coop-rada decided to increase its military with 250 000 more personnel. Whose money they're going to use? They don't have any, they're drowning in debt like a half dead frog in march.
Putin is too soft and too liberal. In the result a low-life who became world chess champion because of soviet union and its educational system, who pretends to live in RF, but his bozo-unprotected-sex-partners and bastard kids live in USA, who pretends that beeing here is a "self-imposed exile" for him, addressed the congress and called Putin a cancer, which should be eliminated. I figure that this idiot was running out of his mind a long time ago, when he just started to get involved in politics.
Mind is a terrible thing to waste, - I thought at that time. But now, this miscarriage of human specie should be put in the place where he deserve to be. Putin should order to cancel his passport and he should be staying here and getting on welfare. Even his mother knows that he lost his mind.
I'd love to see this person on person. I'd tell him things not only in English and Russian, but in another one that he understands. And that, is not going to be pretty, when translated.
Imagine that anyone can have b.lls to come out and openly say that O should be 'eliminated like a cancer,' no matter how much they'd hate him? FBI would be on that person's tail momentarily.
He sent FBI to Dr. Manning's church in Harlem, because he was asking about his birth certificate.
This idiot Garry-the-potter-dope-head-kasparov cames out to streets of Moscow and screams to Putin directly "you're going to cry in front of us" and still continues to live his life and even travel here to cause more of a Int'l bloody havoc. Look at that frog-face-rattle snake.
Just the fact that this low-life can do this, shows how democratic, tolerant and liberal Putin and his administration is.
I should find an animal to equate with the character of this creature. I searched most venomous snake in Russia, but it wasn't as bad as I wanted. I have to go with American rattlesnake, - the brown one. Crotalus cerastes is the scientific name, but the pic. under that name is cuter. He look like the plain brown one. Has no other colors. Even any lowest life female don't want him around. that's why he's gone so berzerk. ***********************
He is a living miscarriage to his ancestry as crazy-foaming-mouth-war-monger-mccain is for his.
The dead miscarriages of both of those low-life-idiots would be a good news for the entire world.
So long.
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