Today is one year anniversary of reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with mother Russia.
For people who live there it means safety/survival first, better quality of life - second, and preservation and enjoyment of their mutual history, culture, language, ethnic togetherness and other moral values.
This was a redemption of historic fairness and human fairness at the same time.
There were massive celebrations all over the country and a big one in Moscow, where President Putin came out into the heart of crowds and addressed the nation.
It's at, beautiful to watch.
You can see the difference of mentality and behavior between RF and UA by looking to the streets of their capitals and talking to simple people. Russians are joyous to be together, want their nation to be together and speak their language and UA is divided between good and evil and evil, which mostly now rules their parliament is saying "kill Russians, kills ukrainians and others who agree with them, as long as Eu and US can give us money."
Sad, but true. Those people's fathers and grandfathers are buried in the same graves fighting for the same value - to protect their identity and moral values from German nazi lampshade making machine. Now, the minority in western UA, who was agree were on nazi side, is again infected with the same vermin and successfully is executing its commands.
Last year more than 5 000 people died from bombs and hunger in southeastern UA, called Donbass.
Most of them are ethnic Russians. About 1 Million displaced, who knows how many 100 000's injured and homeless.
Fires are still continuing in there, but because of the "good" job Kiev did in killing its own to please the western neo-nazis (and very extremely sadly also the American government), they've just got
$5Billion "reward" for killing their own brethren and countrymen. So many among them are children, women and elderly.
Another $12 Billion should be followed as agreed upon. See what EU and US are going to ask for that.
Kiev continues asking more things including lethal weapons from the West.
There was a panic being spreaded by our media why Russian forces are doing exercising/drills?
Duh? Why wouldn't they? Should they ask us? Do we ask them?
American tanks are at RF's border in Baltic Republics, Nato's big scary boats are sailing close to Crimea at Black Sea, they call Putin every low name possible and even organized a witch-hunt-gossip-war on the level of mainstream media last week.
They don't like him, but can't live without pulling and shaking down his pants to get his attention.
Why would they even worry where was he and what was he doing?
Maybe he was lying in his bed, relaxing, and getting l..d too? Maybe at the same time enjoying western yenta media's nudnick attitude? Whose schmucky foreign business is that?
To me he looks good for his age, works hard for his country, talks without a "teleprompter" unlike our-el-jefe. He should get married and have babies. That's what i'm saying.
At 2:50min into this report he speaks of the meaning of that reunification.
He says "it's not just a land, which he have plenty, it's not just a strategic point for our safety, it's more than that. It's a reunification of our people, it's the root of our spirituality and statehood what makes us a unified country and one nation."
At 3:30min. he says "today there are differences of opinions between governments of RF and UA, but those we'd hopefully be overcomed soon. We believed that Russians and Ukrainians are one people and I still believe that it's the case." Etc. etc, he is right.
There are more things we can talk about in here. But the real thing is in the air and in people's hearts.
Putin had a guest - president of Kyrgyzstan, whom he drove around himself, which shows that he is still kicking alright.
There is a film about this historic event. I didn't watch it yet, the name is "Crimea. The way home." You have to see the real people natural-live-time to understand the real meaning of this event.
How to integrate Crimea's economy into Russian structures, rehabilitate for decades run down infrastructure and communications, spoke president Putin at his official meeting, which is at The goal is to make that part of the country function as good as the rest of RF. Planned a construction of a bridge connecting the mainland with Crimea, which will be stretch 7.5 km (4.6 mi.) and should be finished by the end of 2018.
This year Crimea was announced as a free market economy zone, 700 Billion rubles put into the projects favoring small and middle size businesses development and management until 2020.
"Crimea can become financially independent and prosperous. It has a great potential in it," he said.
Look at the joyous celebrations in Crimea at; meetings, concerts, fireworks. Match 18th is established as an official day-off holiday. In the square of Nakhimov people talking about their feelings at the time of referendum and now.
You should see it and hear it to believe it.
Why are we, the Americans, are against these people and their wish how and with who they want to live? Unless they're asking for our money for doing so, why is it suppose to be our consideration?
Look at those people, hear them. Are they dangerous for us? In which capacity?
Russia is our natural ally in the war against and we're going to lose by alienating it.
At 1:10min. a couple (Andrei and Tatyana Bochkovs) say that they are originally from Sevastopol, but after breaking of USSR they didn't want to live in UA and left for Kaliningrad region. Now they're back and last half a year enjoyings their new life in their hometown.
"It's such a joy, we can't describe it. It's such a wonderful atmosphere in here. It's like starting a new chapter in life. This is the beginning of our new life," Andrei says.
Check and /27990. Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shaigu said that Crimea's reunification was a historic justice.
In the meantime, psychos in Kiev, instead of working to make the peace permanent, called republics in Donbass - the DNR and LNR as "occupied territories." It's at Look at the face of UA's PM Yattse-nu-k-patsy. Look like a poisonous lizard dripping saliva to poison creatures around, OMG!
Leader of republics of Donbass protested the actions by Kiev and Lavrov talked to his German counterpart. He said that signed by Pres. PP agreement in Minsk is being turned upside down.
You have to read it. I don't have patience for this.
In the meantime Biden happily announcing that US will start training Ukrainian military soon.
It's at What a p.nk! We'll see more bloodshed and we'll pay for it, while his son is getting paid by UA government. He got a job there, remember?
What a SHAME on us!
So long.
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